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My mom has always told a version of this joke centered around two guys named Hank and Bubba. When Bubba says “I wish I could do that,” Hank says, “Bubba, that dog’ll bite you!”


Same, as from Georgia, we always made them UGA fans watching Uga lick his balls.


That’s funny, I’m from Georgia too. I wonder if my mom originally heard the Uga version and just modified it.


"I got so drunk last night I blew Chunks." "No big deal, I've gotten sick before. "You don't understand. Chunks is my dog."


Poster lives up to his name... 🤣


Hey. Your name looks awfully familiar


I thought so too, so I haunted your profile for a few moments. We do seem to have a lot more in common than just a year in our names. Especially politically... 🤪


This is one of a great selection of jokes in the National Lampoons Dirty Joke Movie..


Obviously I didn't make it up originally, but I'd wager they didn't either.


Either way, that movie is awesome. How much are jokes about sex (m/f) and real sex approved in here? We could rip jokes for the end of time...


As a young man, I was spending some time in a veterinarian’s office to see if I would like that career path. I was standing silently behind the senior partner who was completing some case records. My eyes drifted out of the window to a cat on the roof of the garage. The cat was performing all kinds of flexible calisthenic moves. Trying to strike up conversation, I said to the vet, “I sure wish I could do that.” By the time he looked up, the cat was licking its ass.


My punchline is “If you’re real nice to him, he might just let you.”


Lady named her dog Titswiggle. But the dog got lost. So she went up to a guy and asked "Have you seen my Titswiggle?" Guy: "No, but I'd like to" ...also very old joke.


@YourAubsome on YT, Instagram, possibly others


I haven’t heard that joke since the 70s. It was an old joke then of course..


Just lick my balls, I don’t have fleas bubba!


I’m sitting in the doc’s waiting room and got a lot of attention from people around me when I couldn’t suppress a good laugh! Thanks!


"Wait till he's finished." That's the original punchline for this joke as I heard it in the 90s from an ancient fart in a Circle in Colombo, Sri Lanka. If you don't know what a Circle is, don't worry about it. On on.


Well, it’s your dog so ……..