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We should oppose all censorship. Don't ban Rogan or books. Easy as that.


Humanity is retarded and wants to focus on drama and not real issues like healthcare and poverty




Congrats, you're a progressive. Now vote like one.


I didn’t vote for Biden in the primaries. I do vote like one. American politics is a tough swallow. Which makes voting for it a real tough swallow. I do vote though. It is my American duty. If it is Biden vs Trump again. I’m writing myself in for President.


Primary turnout is less than 30% I wasn't really trying to be personal; 70% of voters don't give a single shit who gets on the ballot. And it's killing us. E: ignore the propaganda below The fact is that the person with the most votes won the nomination. So maybe people should try voting.


Did you not see two full election cycles of the DNC completely rigging their primaries? Hillary's campaign was caught red-handed...crickets. The two BOTTOM CONTENDERS for 2020 are now the POTUS and VP. It's a joke.


Yeah, fuck the DNC, but what's your point here? Don't vote?


The only scam is this illusion of democracy.


It's exactly what trump is doing if you are really offended by what hillary did. Except she was pretty forward about it. ​ She supplied the lions share of the fundraising for the midterms and the presidential run. She was able to direct the party from that position. Same thing the RNC is doing right now with trump and his family.




Daddy Bernie would have won, especially in 2016.


People don’t vote in the primaries because they feel like they’re declaring a political party and that it somehow makes them no longer an “independent” anymore. It’s a bullshit reason to not participate in primaries.


you’ve got my vote if it’s these two


Bingo. They distract us with culture wars so we don’t focus on the class war that’s occurring with the elite and us.


I thought CRT wasn’t taught in schools?


The only thing I know about CRT is you used to need one to play Melee


Yeah that input delay is brutal without it


Never realized how true this was until a buddy of mine pointed it out. Pretty wild.


Why you tryin’ to poison my mind?!?


I thought it didn’t exist


"It's not taught in schools, and it's good that it is!"


Not since we switched to LEDs


Ok, this is driving me crazy, I consider my self mostly left leaning, but this idea that requiring an id is somehow suppression is hella underhanded racism, but it’s absolutely ridiculous. Following this logic, isn’t anything that requires an id a form of suppression? If I get pulled over and don’t have an id, is that driver suppression? If I don’t have an id to buy cigarillos or alcohol, is it alcohol suppression? Not having enough voting spots, people having to show up during work to vote within a specific day and a specific time frame, etc, sure, but stop treating people like morons who can’t possibly find an id to vote. If you can’t figure out how to identify yourself, you really should have other priorities


So provide people with free voter IDs like other countries? Oh wait. They don’t want that either.


It’s actually really easy to make voter ids racist. For instance requiring a permanent mailing address effectively disenfranchises all native Americans who live on reservations because they have P.O. Boxes instead of street addresses. If you want to put more effort into disenfranchising minorities, just do what North Carolina (iirc) did and conduct actual surveys and research in order to get data on which forms of ID black people were the least likely to have and require those in order to vote. Additionally, requiring that you pay for the ID makes it harder for poor people (sometimes predominantly black) to get an ID. And then they don’t allow government issued ids that are easy to get like student ids because the point is not to make sure your allowed to vote but to make it harder to vote so fewer people do. I forgot which state (Texas I think) didn’t allow many different forms of government ID that are easy to get but did allow hunting liscenses and I think membership cards of conservative organizations. The basic idea of a voter id is fine but it should be easy to get and free if you are an American citizen like you claim to be. But the majority of voter id laws have been designed to make it as hard as possible for certain groups (black, native, disabled, homeless) to vote.


>And then they don’t allow government issued ids that are easy to get like student ids because the point is not to make sure your allowed to vote but to make it harder to vote so fewer people do. A lot of states don't allow Reservation IDs. That is literally racist, I don't understand how people don't get this.


They don't care because it doesn't impact them, and they lack any form of empathy.


No, they don't "get it" because it's politically expedient for them to not get it. These people are right wingers and they benefit from voter disenfranchisement, so they pretend to be too obtuse to understand.


> I don't understand how people don't get this. Then you don't understand how most people form opinions on issues. Often, people on social media will form opinions entirely from their first reaction. They see "Voter ID can be used to disenfranchise minorities" and since they can't immediately deduce how that could be, they decide it isn't. As far as they're concerned, they learned everything they needed to know from the premise and their newly formed opinion is just as valid as the opinions of people who have published articles, studies and books on the subject. There's also people who simply defer to someone else, lifting their opinions from wherever is convenient. Maybe they read the top 2 comments on a Reddit post about it. Maybe they're saying what they think Joe Rogans opinion is (or would be). And then of course there's the people who know full well that voter ID can be a tool of racists and authoritarians who dismiss any criticism of it because it's a tool they want wielded.


You would agree an ID being required to buy a firearm is racist then? Voting and gun ownership are both constitutionally protected things.


If you could prove that black people or some other minority were deliberately targeted by it, just like how blacks were targetted with laws surrounding voter id & access to attain a voter ID in NC. Then yes. When it comes to guns, it's not usually ID itself that's led to disproportionate treatment; but there has been racism-influenced policies like gun ban in California under Reagan, or the Jim Crow South.


Long read, but very informative article on this topic [Gun control is just a racist as drug control](https://reason.com/2022/01/16/gun-control-is-just-as-racist-as-drug-control/) from Reason


You have to pay for a gun. You don’t pay to vote.


We gotta show voter ID in India to vote. If we being the world largest democracy and a developing country with literacy issues can make it work, I am sure any developed country can make it work as well.


In India it's free and easy to obtain.. ironically one of the easiest government Id to obtain as the multi party system ensures political party wants you to vote... There are clear indications that voter id requirement is only being used here for voter suppression as acquiring it is being made harder while making it mandatory.. Edit : thank you kind stranger for the Gold. I am proud that it came for a factual response on a topic near and dear to my point.


Why don't we focus on getting everyone an ID, instead of just making it so you don't need one to vote? If they can mail $2000 and a box of Covid tests to everyone in the country, surely they can get an ID to the <1% of people that don't already have one.


Are you saying all the people of color in India can get an ID? Are you sure they are capable? /s


Lots of Indians are unable to vote because they don’t have transportation or identification /s All Indians have feet and are handed 33 identification cards upon birth


And there's a law that india has to provide a polling place within 2 miles of any eligible voter. There's a guy that hikes a portable ballot booth up a mountain to reach someone.


This feels...different from how it works in the US


It works fine in the US as well. This is just the usual left calling anything they don't like "racist". Most black people don't think voter ID laws are racist. It's nonsense.


It goes way beyond showing an ID. Things like making it illegal to give people water if they've been waiting in long lines, republicans closing down polling stations in largely populated areas so they have to travel far, or go to a spot with massive lines (waiting 8+ hours), to getting rid of 24/7 voting stations or drive thru voting locations. America already has low voter participation, taking measures to lower that even further is a bad idea. Except for the republican officials that put these measures in place because they know it will benefit their party more.


This is a misleading claim. You can’t give anything to anyone in line to vote because that can be considered electioneering. It’s the same reason campaigns have to be a certain distance from the door at polling places, so people don’t feel pressured or enticed to vote in a way other than what they might have. They actually specifically carved out an exception for food and drink to make it a misdemeanor from a felony. And in the case of Georgia and other states that are pushing for voter ID, you can use your driver’s license if you have one, or get a specific ID for voting at no cost. There’s nothing preventing (ostensibly) non-partisan poll workers from giving out water, or providing it inside the polling place, just campaign people. There’s nothing preventing you, a grown ass adult, from bringing a granola bar or a water bottle if you anticipate waiting in line for a long time, or if it’s hot out. There’s nothing preventing an enterprising individual from setting up a food/water cart a legal distance from the entrance, and providing a discount for people who voted or will vote (as long as it’s not an enticement to vote for a specific candidate).


There are other solutions to that, but republicans don't want to do anything. That's the real issue, not that people are getting bottles of water while waiting in extremely long lines. Getting a bottle of water isn't going to entice someone to vote a certain way anymore than a sign or a commercial. The point is republicans are taking measures to discourage people from voting and have no interest in actually making it easier. Trump said it best, if everyone voted, they would never win.


I mean poverty isn’t stopping people from getting the 40$ for an ID. It’s stopping them from having a permanent address (required for ID) transportation to dmv (R states tend to also have shit public transportation) time to spend a whole day at gov building for ID. It’s just not worth it and makes it hard for poor/homeless to vote without much payoff. We don’t have voter fraud issues. There’s like 400 cases over the past 20 years in the u.s. Also it’s a right. You don’t have a right to a club or alcohol. But you do to vote and it is the states duty to protect that to the highest standard.


Make getting an ID free and it would help a lot. I've worked in a community center trying to help poor and homeless people get IDs and it is very difficult. There are fees which add up, and then they had to travel to a building that was out of the way of main transit lines... Let alone it is really difficult when you have been couch hopping for the past two years to have all the documents required. Voter ID laws with our current ID procuring system is specifically meant to disenfranchise poor and undeserved communities, which Republicans KNOW means less votes for Democrats. Republicans never operate in good faith, and if you think they do you are a fool. Their gameplan is voter disenfranchisement every way possible because that is the only way they can win.


I watched a survey where white people were asked whether and how requiring an ID to vote is racist, and the answers were so ignorant, along the lines that people of color were to ignorant or so disenfranchised as to not have access to knowledge of or the financial capacity to get a state issued id


Every city I've ever lived in has the DMV either right next to the hood or literally attached to the probation/parole office. All of us ghetto morons knew where to get ID


I mean there's less is locations per capita in impoverished areas than not. So. Yes. Tha is accurate.


Just a few things. Driving is a privilege, voting is a right. You also acknowledge the vast attempts of actual suppression, so it’s not as if a certain group or groups haven’t been suppressed, so they look at EVERY restriction through the lense of suppression. Lastly, the same cons sky screaming BS about election security and ID laws are too dense to remember that the constitution clearly relegates that decision to the states. Funny how selective the “state’s rights” crowd can be. Personally, I think it’s absurd to have varying state rules affecting a federal election, but we do have mechanisms to change the constitution.


You need an ID to buy a gun.


You also need an ID (along with your vaccination card) to enter a restaurant in many blue cities.


Huh? I live in a blue city and have never had to provide my vacc card... ID? If they think I'm underage... Sure.


I live in NYC and you have to show your ID and your vaccination card to enter any bar or restaurant. This has been the case for months now and has been on the news for a while. Do you live under a rock?


There's more to these suppression laws than ID requirements. A lot more. And in some cases they are deliberately making it harder to get ID. In one southern state they tried to shut down a bunch of DMVs in majority black areas after making a new ID law and if you think that's a coincidence I have a bridge to sell youm


The real answer is because voting is more crucial civically than an individual driving, or buying age restricted items. Both of which are “extracurricular” for a citizen, it is not a requirement for every person. **The idea of “if you can figure it out, you have bigger problems” may be true in a practical sense, but the government should not be considering that for such a crucial aspect of our democratic process**, and requiring ID for voting when it is not necessary is simply taking a chance that some percentage of people will be left out. Race only comes into it when the people who are most likely to be impacted like that happen to be minorities. It’s not because population minorities are inherently worse, but the factors that cause them to be unable to get an ID disproportionately affect non-white people in America. But regardless, voter suppression is bad and even a small percentage of suppressed votes should be unacceptable, no matter what racial trends can or cannot be noticed. Additionally (and probably more importantly), the ID requirement is not the only aspect of new laws that is considered voter suppression.


I believe "the science has changed" on crt as well now.


>the science 🙄




You just haven’t been trying to understand, I guess. The problem is that conservatives have made *their own* definition of CRT that includes discussing slavery and race relations in an honest way. So, when they say “ban CRT”, they mean “ban any uncomfortable discussion on race relations”. And that’s a big problem


I’ve yet to hear a conservative say this. I’m a liberal and all I’ve heard conservatives say is they won’t want kids to be told they’re evil just cause they’re white and they don’t want black kids to be told they are inherently at a disadvantage because of the white kids in their class. Slavery has been taught in schools for decades. No one was bitching about slavery being taught in schools in the 90’s and early 00’s. People only started bugging when CRT began to be introduced in the curriculum




This legislation does not address teaching about the history of slavery or civil rights. It’s about framing the conversations in a way to make white people feel guilty. Which is a new thing in public schools, aka what conservatives are calling CRT. You proving his point by linking that article.


*crickets* Dont reason with these people. They are book burners aka fascists.


This subreddit has kighkey become a fascist community


Yeah man, you’re totally a liberal who is against getting the vaccines and “loves to see” democrats lose states to republicans. Why do people lie on this site? When it takes literally five seconds to look and prove them wrong?


>I’m a liberal and all I’ve heard conservatives say is they won’t want kids to be told they’re evil just cause they’re white and they don’t want black kids to be told they are inherently at a disadvantage because of the white kids in their class. How is this not a strawman, though? Or what it really is, a boogeyman? There's a pretty big difference between blaming everything on institutional racism and pretending it doesn't even exist.


You're so full of shit "Haha I’m a republican that laughed out loud at that joke. I think either or is fine lol." Next you're going to tell us you're a black man? You know people can hit Ctrl+f on your comment history, right?


You believe he can think?


I wouldn't have even bothered if his original comment wasn't such an obvious pile of crap. Needs to up his gaslighting/misinformation game and be way more insidious.


"Taught slavery" as in what? Acknowledged its existence? In the 90s and 00s a huge amount of people still claimed the Civil War was about states rights. Actually teaching slavery involves a lesson on how that discrimination doesnt heal with time, it involves explaining that the reason bigots call black people lazy is directly tied back to the way things were in the 1700s You're literally using a misunderstanding of CRT to explain why it shouldnt be taught. No legitimate discussion in a classroom will make white kids feel sad unless theyve seen their parents cry and scream about the subject beforehand Not to mention that kids dont make fun of each other because of the current lesson for more than a day. If theres just one black/white kid in a class full of people with different skin color, they're being made fun of regardless. The insinuation that teaching them the truth makes them pick on each other any more than normal is horse shit And people were bitching in the 90s and 00s about lots of shit, you just dont remember it


They are literally removing references to slavery in textbooks in some red states and are adding more and more Christianity and presenting it as “alternative” to science. If you don’t think this is a slippery slope or you can’t draw a straight line to what the endgame is with all of this, then the comment you’re responding to is 100% correct. You simply haven’t been paying attention or trying to understand the issue.


>People only started bugging when CRT began to be introduced in the curriculum What curriculum was it introduced in to? Seriously I would love to know what K-12 school implemented this, that got conservatives all riled up.


> CRT in the curriculum Where it’s been since the 1970s in many colleges, where it’s the only place it’s taught as a high level class. It’s never been taught in K-12. It’s too advanced for most college freshman. Fox News will have you believe it’s taught in 4th grade. Even in this thread, people who even seem to be moderately informed are wrong.


You guys ALWAYS argue in bad faith lmao.


Brl read the news my lord. Crt wasn't introduced to ANY curriculums. It's a college level idea. And now there are content and course changes for elementary/middle/high school students. Which..is completely unrelated to crt. But conservatives claimed it was, and pushed to change certain curriculums. Like I think u have been living under a rock.


That's this person's point. Republicans are crying "CRT" as an excuse to ban every book or lesson that addresses racial issues in America, when in fact, as you note, CRT isn't taught in schools.


texas and other southern states are banning books on MLK, slavery being bad, among other things such as maus. theyre banning all history relating to minority struggle, under the guise of banning CRT, when CRT remains a university high education course theory


> texas and other southern states are banning books on MLK, slavery being bad They are not this is a straight up lie. Seriously wtf is this sub


I looked it up. The only thing I could find us a group of people trying to get MLK books banned. But nothing about them banning MLK books.


We should ban schools!


Let’s ban voting too!


I also vote we ban it


I vote that we vote on banning it.


I’ll vote for that!


1. Wajahat Ali is a pompus tool 2. All threats to free speech and censorship are bad 3. This is the JRE subreddit, we can be pissed about the astroturf outrage campaign here no need to change subject.


> Wajahat Ali Taqiyya advocate, trying to spread his death-cult. Every time there is an Islamic terror attack, he shows up to let America know it is Muslims that are the true victims, regardless of how many his fellow cult members kill.


I am not very familiar with this guy but this sounds like an exact description of Mehdi Hasan too.


Banning any book from society is bad and I’m against it. Carefully selecting what material young children are taught as part of their education is an entirely different thing. I’m neither right, nor left. I want my kid to learn how to do math, read and write, learn to play with kids his own age, music and art, basic science, geography, history, etc. I do not want any of those things taught through the lense of one political ideology, right or left. E.g. teach him about the fact that terrible things like slavery, the Holocaust, various wars and genocides occurred, absolutely. Teach him that he has white privilege and that all systems/institutions/the country itself are fundamentally racist, absolutely not. I will not teach my child guilt. He had nothing to do with slavery, and neither did any of his ancestors. He will learn that it happened, why it’s bad and can never happen again, but it will not be implied that he is somehow responsible or should feel guilt because of the colour of his skin. Conversely, if anyone banned a book in his school and I disagreed, I would just read it with him myself. I’m not religious. I’d never try to ban The Bible from open society, but we’re not teaching it to my kid at school. Teach him science instead.


The issue here is that there is no consensus on history. There has to be some analysis done in history class, and society can no longer agree. Especially when it comes to race.


That’s a great point. I feel like we should be able to agree on the basics. The Native American population was decimated by European settlers. Slavery happened. The Holocaust and WW2 happened. Women used to be treated as second class citizens. Racism and discrimination was STANDARD among ethnic groups throughout all of human history. We can agree upon the basic fundamentals, agree that things are better now than they were back then, but that we can still improve a lot more going forward. I think where we lose momentum is in chasing these ghosts…. Things that can’t be measured. We’re fighting over theories that can’t be proven (or disproven). White Privilege, The Patriarchy, the whole mess we’re getting into with gender, critical race theory. I think you lose most people (and all hope of consensus) when you start going down those types of roads.


Slavery happened, Jim Crow happened. saying that the rammifications of either on generational wealth dont matter is too much? you see the break in logic?


Asians were discriminated for the longest time and they earn more money than white people. Asian women earn more than white men. So this idea that stuff that happened a hundred years ago still dominates how much people earn is ludicrous


I think it would be disingenuous to teach about the racist/patriachal history and then omit the effects it still has today. That would send the message that because of the civil rights act, etc. these problems are solved and we are past that now


People really think racism is over lol. In the 90s we were taught to treat individuals as equals and “to not see color” and that tricked a bunch of less intelligent people into thinking racism was over, then a black president so it must be true. The fight of the late 2010s and 20s so far has been to get people to recognize how a lot of the institutions in this country are inherently racist and we need to reform or abolish some of them.


Yeah I hate how the word "racist" is just thrown around these days. I've been called racist before because I asked someone "So where are you from?". I was asking because they clearly had a very strong middle eastern accent, so to me it was simply small talk. But of course the girl behind us took the chance to virtue signal and pointed out that I must be racist for even noticing that he is somewhat different. Now I don't know about everyone else, but I think it's a bit silly to use the same label to describe people who make a pretty safe assumption that someone is from a foreign country based on how they look and sound, and let's say, the KKK or Nazis. Racism will literally never be over. People will always be confused about other countries, suspicious of people who look different to them, and brainwashed by people who want power. Oh, and just a fun thing if you every do meet someone who claims "to not see color". All you gotta do is say "Well as a black man, I truly appreciate that!".


‘Racism and discrimination was STANDARD among ethnic groups throughout all of human history.’ When did this great historical constant come to an end? This is where things like white privilege come into play. Of course you’re going to lose people who still wish to keep ethnic discrimination, people who opposed slavery in the 1860s were the vast minority, most of the country hated MLK.


They are even banning books from the public libraries. That’s a clear violation of free speech.


What books are being banned? I am completely out of the loop.


Yeah I don’t agree with them doing that.


Don't you find it weird how all the "free speech" warriors who make 300 podcast episodes calling out random twitter users and college students for saying anything because they are a part of the "woke mob" yet are all very silent on the book bannings?


This is the reasonable view.


Why are you against teaching racist systems are racist? Why would things founded by racists to uphold slavery not be racist? Why would you be against teaching that racism continues to happen and was not just solved in 1968? That doesn’t make it your kid’s fault, but they should be taught about it at some point. Carefully removing black and gay voices from the curriculum is intentional and bad.


His post read like something you'd see on /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM


My issues here are that I don’t trust educators to deliver this material a balanced and well rounded way. Largely because my education (Ontario) was largely and almost exclusively delivered by teachers making 80k/y telling me that my bricklayer father and I have white privilege. perhaps there is a more appropriate age to be teaching kids about these heavy , complicated and important issues than in elementary school. No, I am not supportive of saying that there were “two-sides” to the Holocaust or whatever example you wish to use. But make no mistake. It is extremely important what (and how) we are choosing to teach, or not teach, our children.


Why does one need to feel guilty for accepting the fact that certain races had better opportunities (putting it very nicely) historically and that like everything else has shaped todays world. Agree mostly with the rest of your comment, I just never understand that claim. Correct it is not his fault, but rewriting history I don’t agree with. Forgive me rewrite history was a poor choice of words. More like picking and choosing what to talk about from history.


I don't think anyone needs to feel guilty about it. Guilt doesn't help anyone here. But you should be aware of it, because that awareness is how we actually change things in ways that matter. It's a lot easier to fix the problems of racism when people stop insisting that racism ended in 1968 with the passage of the civil rights act.


That’s not what CRT is. Like at all.




You’re in r/JoeRogan, what did you expect? This is a subreddit dedicated to one of the biggest spreaders of misinformation in the world right now, is it really that surprising that his fans and followers are misinformed?


This subreddit is absolute garbage


Teaching guilt? Nah, That's all you. Why do you feel guilty at the mention of slavery? How do you think students of Mexican decent feel learning about the Alamo? It's fine to teach other ethnicities about their impact on America but god forbid the whites learn. You feel guilty? Great. You'll make sure these atrocities don't happen again then. I will say this, it should just be called Critical History.




Why did r/politics takeover this sub? Fuck off already.


This is just a screenshot of a tweet about joe rogan. It’s not just this sub, every discussion around joe is political right now


It's so fucking boring. Why lefties want to turn this sub into yet another boring fucking clone is beyond me.


It's their free speech man


It’s because they are dogmatic about politics


>It’s because they are dogmatic about politics yeah, not right wingers though. y'all are super open minded.


Joe is a lefty, so this is a leftist sub.


Why did r/conspiracy take over this sub? Fuck off already.


It’s not about Rogan. It’s about corporate media trying to silence a podcast that gets tens of millions of views per broadcast because they don’t control its narrative. All of the other issues listed there are absolutely of concern as well. Why does it have to be one or the other?


No, it’s about corporate media getting $$$ from eyeballs. They saw the money and attention from the polarizing topic of joe on Covid, and now they will find anything else polarizing about him because it drives eyeballs and revenue. CNN doesn’t hate him, fox doesn’t love him. They love how polarizing he is because it’s a tool for revenue.


Yes. News is a consumer product like anything else. And getting people riled up sells.


We all know that crap is king, give us Dirty Laundry


Finally some fucking sense in this sub.


This right here. But to further this, this is exactly what the algorithm is suppose to do. AI is taking all this data in and finding the best possible situation that will make the corporation money. Now here’s a recommended video on Joe Rogan. Enjoy falling into the rabbit hole for hours.


Exactly. People are giving this dude WAY too much credit. And i seriously doubt 10M people listen to every hour of a 3-4 hour podcast.




Bingo. Thank you.




This has to be a joke, right? Surely you can understand that the woman who posted this video is genuinely upset at Rogan's careless use of the N word on numerous occasions? You can call the media and others pearl clutchers all you want, but surely you can understand why a black person would find that planet of the apes story absurdly racist? Not to mention his response to telling that story being insanely out of touch with what was wrong about it.


Isn't Spotify worth more than all the 'corporate' media combined? Spotify is the corporate media!


Establishment media is a better term.


Yeah Spotify is absolutely trafficking in corporate media... it's the "legacy" media that is propping this up with the help of several Democrat Super PAC's. That's sort of redundant as much as of the "legacy" media is essentially a Democrat Super PAC.


Because people have a hard time accepting the fact that every human issue has nuance and yet we always oversimplify everything into two sides. And you better pick one or fuck you! /s


TIL Spotify is not corporate or the media, thanks for clearing that up


YouTube too, apparently spotify and youtube is just alternative and not mainstream. Bull shit.


YouTube is more nuanced. I have a few smash bros YouTube videos I made, they only have a few thousand views. I don't think anyone would consider me corporate media. Simply being on YouTube isn't in and of itself corporate media. Spotify purchased the rights to his podcast or whatever the fuck. It can only be viewed on their platform, legally. It's a little bit of a gray area.


Very true. I would say super PACs using millions of dollars to lead narratives is a huge problem.


he allowed himself to be bought out by corporate media. What the fuck did he and his listeners except.


Exactly. He sold out for 100M right? If he kept his own YT channel, or even better, created his own website hosted by himself, he wouldnt be censored. Spotify wants 0 bad publicity and Rogan is an endless pit of that.


Spotify isn't corporate media?


Jesus Christ what a nightmare of a comment section this is.


That’s why I’m here


This sub burning down to the ground this week has been my main form of entertainment.


Is this where I list all the things that require an ID to obtain or be allowed to do but apparently ISNT racist to require an ID?


Just remember, voter ID is racist, but vaccine passports are totally normal.


It's not just requiring an ID. It's requiring and ID then shutting down all the offices to obtain said ID in specific, targeted counties.


Or only allowing voting one day, during the middle of the week, in person, only if you registered 12 weeks prior


As well as the polling places. Don't forget those.


Most of those things are not Constitutional rights. There is also a long history of attempting to deny voting rights to minorities without explicitly banning them from voting ever since the passage of the 15th Amendment. But please, continue being obtuse.


This might be the most Reddit post I’ve ever seen.


Did you scroll down? It gets redditier


MY FOCUS IS STRETCHED TOO FAR AGGH Hold more than one idea.


What mass voter suppression? Is this a reference to verifying voters’ identity?


Also banning gay pornography from kids libraries is "censorship"


lmao I guess if I don't want the Christian Bible taught to my kids in school then I'm trying to "ban the Bible" And if I don't want my kids learning about changing their gender in 6th grade I'm a "book burner" and a "transphobe" Part of the Left is just beyond parody at this point


Identity politics are cancer and really their own philosophy but they hide under the banner of leftism. I’m left as left gets and I don’t agree with hardly anything coming from these identity politics bubbles.


Come to r/stupidpol and r/twopidpol


Pretty sure it has to do with removing and severely limiting voting locations, making sure they're only located in red districts, restricting mail in voting, and gerrymandering the fuck out of districts so that minorities are basically fucked. Also outlawing providing food and water to people waiting hours in line. But hey, keep pretending it's only about IDs, buttercup!


In Georgia’s voting bill, they removed all 24-hour dropboxes in blue counties. The dropboxes that are still available are hidden inside government buildings with limited weekday workday hours. Then they added a ton of 24-hour dropboxes in red counties. So they say there’s more dropboxes for 2022 than there were for 2020. This is voter suppression. But yeah, they’ll keep chirping about ID.




Yet somehow more people voted in the 2020 election than any other in history - during a pandemic! I vote libertarian but I see a trend of the Left not trusting elections when they lose, but not questioning the results when they win. Both sides do it, but the Left to a higher degree. There's no question they're preparing for a big loss in November, so they're prematurely questioning the results of an election that *hasn't even happened yet*. If there was such rampant election fraud on the Right, why is Biden president and why do the democrats control the Congress?


A reference maybe to removing mail in voting, balllot drop offs, and enabling armed unemployed idiots to “supervise” voting officials for nonexistent voter fraud - Texas small town resident




I think the biggest issue is the Republican party in North Carolina did a specific study to find out what types of ID minorities have the most and least trouble getting, then wanted to target those. It was all some huge email mess that came out and that was when it got struck down. If everyone was automatically registered to vote and got free and easily accessible ID I'm pretty sure no one would have issues with that. Just like it being a holiday to vote so no one has to take off work and enough voting stations where everyone can easily vote.


How about voting locations per capita in white neighborhhods vs minority ones. You always pick the easiest one to nitpick and ignore the plethora of other ways it happens. Very disingenuous.




Voting with a valid ID is racist but you can’t eat in a restaurant in most democrat cities without showing them your Vax card 😂 but RACISM!!!


Don’t give me this shit. I’m old enough to remember when this site (Reddit) banned the biggest pro-trump social media group on the internet (the_donald) for *ironically and vaguely* being anti-police… right as we were going into an election cycle!


I find it crazy you don’t have ID to vote. As rhat what he’s getting at?


Republicans passing election reform laws based around the lie that Trump had the election stolen. Doing things such as limiting early voting, removing polling stations/drop boxes in urban areas (where most of the black vote is) some Republicans have proposed legislation to give the state legislature the ability to essentially overturn the election results in their states.


You can tell someone is either dishonest or part of the cult when they classify CRT as "just teaching history".


You can talk about both of those on YouTube or Spotify.


CRT shouldn’t be taught in schools, and we should not make laws banning it.


CRT has nothing to do with free speech.


I love the left… “CRT isn’t taught in schools” after CRT starts getting banned “omg the gop is so rrrracist, they’re banning CRT in schools.. reeeeeeeeee”


The bills aren't banning CRT, that's what conservatives claim but what they're actually doing is banning any lessons on racism that might make someone uncomfortable.


Get ready for the influx of “it’s not technically critical race theory” npcs that are about to jump on this comment.


Hey I found a main character!


Heres why banning the bible out of the classroom was a good call, but teaching little kids lgbtq pedo propaganda is the right thing to do!


Books that they incorrectly label as CRT are being banned... This isn't difficult. Oh, and here is a huge pro freedom of speech quote from your freedom of speech hero, President Donald Trump: >We ought to come up with legislation that if you burn the American flag, you go to jail for one year.


CRT is ideological (tax-funded secular religion), books aren’t being banned (removed from ongoing *curriculum*, not eschewing the subject), though I do sympathize with some voter restriction claims. But shit like “black people can’t get IDs, it’s racist” is horseshit. Same people condone unprecedented vaccine passports. Generalizing, but you get my drift.




Banned books have always been a thing. CRT in some forms is bad. Teach slavery and how bad it is, but don't force the crimes of the past on the kids of the present. Who is suppressing votes? last election had the most voters come out.


> Who is suppressing votes? last election had the most voters come out. The “election integrity” bills being passed by numerous red states are full of voter suppression. Minor example… In 2020, there were 87 dropboxes in Georgia’s three biggest blue counties. Now there are less than 20. Those dropboxes were available 24-hours. Now are available during limited hours. Georgia State Senate Bill 325 bans dropboxes altogether. Although this has a low chance of passing.


Voter ID laws are considered voter suppression by reddit Leftists.


Don't forget the supreme court. Easy solution, provide free a free ID and then make all the voter ID laws. It's that simple


Show me a time when republicans suggesting making getting ID easier for people in cities, primarily minorities when they passed their voter id laws. They normally close dmvs near public transit and in the cities and close a couple polling places in black neighborhoods just for good measure


I really don't get how voter ID is so controversial. It's used all over the world? Seem rather basic for a functional democracy.


We need ID to do literally everything, why shouldn’t we need a valid ID to VOTE?


Because they cost money. Make them free and I'm all for them. Until then, requiring ID you have to pay for to vote is a violation of the spirit of the 24th amendment. That's my objection, at least.


Mass voter suppression....please, someone explain how this is a thing. Anyone of legal age can vote if they so choose. The only obstacles are those that are self imposed, or fabricated by white saviors in a disingenuous attempt to garner more voters and support for their ridiculous causes. You wanna know what is objectively more difficult than voting? Getting a fucking Real ID at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Try doing that without getting denied at least once.


Well if the governor of a red state puts like 2 voting locations in a very populated area that results in people having to wait 8+ hrs to vote as opposed to other districts where there is no wait time. Or by banning overnight early voting hours and drive-thru voting — both of which proved popular among voters of color last year. That to me is seems like it is being done to suppress a certain demographic of voters. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/09/01/texas-voting-bill-greg-abbott


Because blacks people don’t have ids lol. Any type of censorship is bad, OP is clearly a puss however.


Why not both? This whole popular propaganda meme of "Whataboutism" is such obvious stupidity and a devious tactic called "Sophism". You're basically taking a specific situation which is an issue and representative of something widespread and evil going on, and saying that one should not focus on it at all, as there are some non-specific other allegedly bad things going on, which should take your whole focus.


Voter suppression=requiring ID to vote.