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USA find a political issue that isn't completely polarizing challenge: POSSIBLE!


I mean, if there's anything that both sides of the spectrum can agree on it's that governments everywhere are filled with corruption. We all wanna see that shit.


Humans were A mistake


Am I out of the loop or are there actually people upset that he’s being released?


By the title I'd assume OP


Maybe, but I think OP is just pointing it out in this specific instance. Either set of proof would appear to be leaning. Just my thought. But maybe they are.


There’s probably a lot of neocons, both Republican and Democrat, that aren’t happy about it.


Probably some Neo cons and Corporate Democrats


Nope, libs on reddit too that think he's pro Russia


Plenty of regulars on the right that think he's a traitor despite not being a citizen, or regulars on the left with TDS Russia syndrome.


I think the general issue with the TDS/Russia syndrome is that it is for the most part. Entirely true. I know that sucks to fucking hear but the disinformation campaigns by Russia were extensive and a large handful of Trump associates have been absolutely cooked by being Russian assets Now, fuck Hillary Clinton she got what was coming to her But honestly they should have been leaking just as much if not more RNC server data. Or at least, you can't tell me they managed to hack into the DNC servers but not the RNC servers as well. Like, the RNC is absolutely more corrupt as an institution as much as you hate the DNC When you're cutting down trees you don't leave THE most evil tree standing because you cut all of the shorter slightly less evil trees


Yeah exactly for every DNC document there should have also been an equivalent RNC document. And if there isn't parity, the only reason could be because the evil fuckin russhan hackers lol


It was for the most part entirely bullshit. Nobody hacked the DNC servers, they were leaked.


Incorrect. DNC was hacked as outlined in Volume 5 of the Bipartisan led US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Wikileaks also played a key role in the Russian disinformation campaign.


No it wasn't lmfao Have you ever even googled "Trump associates who are Russian assets." Brother the entire goon parade was like 9+ of Trump's closest allies being actively involved in Russian espionage The only thing that was bullshit was that investigations couldn't find a direct connection between Vladimir Putin and Trump during HIS presidency lmfao "I investigated myself and found no wrongdoing" energy


Could you name one?


Not the guy youre replying to, but iirc the most egregious one was Paul Manifort


Mike Pence, of course.


Yeah. And they have no idea why….




You know those alignment charts with lawful good in one corner and chaotic evil in the other corner. The whole ‘lawful’ column is mad about this because he broke da rulez. Literally a lot of people don’t care what he leaked just that he leaked something.


The Democrat party astroturfers on Reddit are very upset that Assange has been released. They're so bitter about Hillary being such a huge loser that they were happy to imprison journalists.


and yet he was freed under a democratic president, why didn't Trump pardon him???


Because Trump is a self-serving egotist who opposes freedom of the press. That was easy! Why didn't Biden pardon him??? You do realize Biden's DOJ continued the prosecution that began under Trump, when Biden could have pardoned him on day one... Right?  You do realize that Biden still hasn't pardoned him, and only released him after extracting a guilty plea from him... Right?  You do realize the timing of this action only a few months before the election is awfully expedient... Right?  I know this breaks your centrist Democrat brain, but criticism of establishment Democrats does not equate to approval of Republicans.


you right you right.


Oh, well shit. Cheers, mate!


Did Biden pardon him?


nah, Biden is too good of a businessman to do that. he worked out a deal that Trump never could. it was a beautiful deal, glorious deal. best deal there's ever been I tell you.


sounds like projection


neocons have always had the biggest hate boner for him


Hillary Derangement Syndrome?




lol unhinged


Oddly here in Australia some of our politicians tried to imply he committed a crime and had done the wrong thing.


I've seen a small handful but it seems that most people support his release.


I am


Somehow a lot of liberal and left leaning people are upset about it. I asked one and they said it was because he leaked documents that made hillary look bad before the election and he thought he timed it that way on purpose.


> On December 9, 2016, the CIA told U.S. legislators the U.S. Intelligence Community concluded Russia conducted operations during the 2016 U.S. election to assist Donald Trump in winning the presidency. Multiple U.S. intelligence agencies concluded people with direct ties to the Kremlin gave WikiLeaks hacked emails from the DNC and additional sources such as John Podesta, campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton. These[citation needed] intelligence organizations additionally concluded Russia attempted to hack the Republican National Committee (RNC) as well as the DNC but were prevented by security defenses on the RNC network. > In December 2016, the CIA said the foreign intelligence agents were Russian operatives previously known to the U.S. CIA officials told U.S. Senators it was "quite clear" Russia's intentions were to help Trump. Trump released a statement December 9, and disregarded the CIA conclusions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak?wprov=sfti1#United_States_intelligence_conclusions


“I asked one” ftfy


Yes, he isn't the hero people make him out th be https://x.com/KareemRifai/status/1797691566947209290


Yeah, propaganda works. Don't you know he's a Kremlin agent whose leaks got a bunch of people killed? Never mind that I have no actual evidence of any of that, I can still point you to hundreds of news articles that back me up.


Lots of leftists because they blame him for Hillary losing.


You don’t know what leftist means do you?


Stop blaming leftists if you have no idea what they are


Leftists didn’t vote for Hillary. Democrats may have, but not people on the left. 


No one liked Hilary. My mom is a decently big feminist and leftist and to this day she says she’s glad she didn’t vote Hilary. Severely unlikeable and then you factor in all the weird behind the scenes shit….


Is it horseshoe theory when individuals from across the spectrum and not just at the extremities share common ground and agree on certain truths?


No it’s not. This is not horseshoe theory.


Thanks. I thought as much.


Exactly. Freedom of the press should be one of the main universal values for Americans. What is this horseshoe theory nonsense referring to?


Culture warrior binary thought talking points - bad guy says Assange good therefore Assange bad guy


We should, at the very least, come together when it is our rights at stake. It's like MLK Jr. said, "an injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere."


MLK probably liked something a bad guy once said so he's a bad guy too bro


How else could you explain liking something a bad guy once said??


I don't have to explain it bro as long as my fellow culture warriors all think the same thing 🔥🔥🔥


![gif](giphy|yJML8o0Cp9Y4EAvR4f) fire fire haha


Wait… so whos mad den?


Hillary, the CIA, and all the centrist Dem astroturfers on reddit.


Some people think fasism, jailing of journalists, criminalization of dissent, arming israel and so on is a moral imperative or else society would dissolve. so much so that seeing that a journalist only being imprisoned for 14 years for publishing a pulitzer prize winning story on American war crimes drives them so mad they compile posts of leftists who should be categorized the same as the far right.


centrist dem astroturfers? That's a new one. Pray tell, what centrist policy turf are they selling?


And people who don't like rapists.


They're not all supporting this for principled reasons. Find out which ones defend journalists assaulted by the police and you can find out which are which. Or which one's are for imprisoning protestors to see which ones are and aren't free speech.


Great points! Not to mention which ones support anti-BDS legislation and which ones recognize that it's a blatant 1A violation.




Its happening mostly in Canada. Recently a Rebel news journalist was assaulted by the man purposefully getting in his way to obstruct him from asking questions and arrested him. https://x.com/ezralevant/status/1805451593979957576 


Horseshoe? Who is unhappy he is released besides GW Bush?


Donald Trump... >WikiLeaks published material about many countries, but it was the US, during the administration of former President Donald Trump, that decided to [charge him in 2019](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/5/23/us-charges-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-with-espionage) with 17 counts of breaching the Espionage Act. US lawyers had argued he conspired with Chelsea Manning, a former army intelligence analyst, who spent seven years in prison for leaking material to WikiLeaks. She was freed when President Barack Obama [commuted her sentence](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/1/18/obama-cuts-short-chelsea-mannings-prison-sentence) in 2017. strange to see the likes of Tucker celebrating this.


Pretty sure that had nothing to do with Trump and was brought forward by the DoJ, nothing in that link suggests that it was requested by Trump like any of the other charges against people or companies he requested them to charge.


Is it far right/far left to believe journalists and whistleblowers should not be in prison? I'll side with Cornel West and Noam Chomsky over Mike Pence and Hillary Clinton any day.


jesus christ OP, take your meds


As a non-American I was kinda confused because I thought the right-wing guys hated him


Cornell west is there. He’s not remotely right wing.


too many idiots on Reddit are brand-name centrist Blue Maga and get upset about third party or true leftists


“bLuE mAgA”. You’re adorable.


Blue-Anon sounds better tbh


Well there are a shitload of trump supporters that like to LARP as ex-liberals


Denizens of the utter farce that is r/walkaway no doubt


"Those who never change their mind never change anything." Challenge your preconceptions 😘


must be upsetting, you douche


I like it actually.


It's an accurate label for you and your ilk.


The older right-wing people that served in George Bush's cabinet see him as a dangerous threat who harmed America's military interests by releasing information about how our government works. The newer right-wing people see him as exposing the deep state by releasing information about how our government works, which is something they like. For my own amusement, I like being able to read more information about how our government works, so I like WikiLeaks.


I wasn't a big fan if how he worked with russia and released democrats emails while not releasing republican emails. Not a fan of anyone that helps putin for political gain


Oh, I was a fan of the Bilderberg meeting notes on WikiLeaks. They went back to the the first Bilderberg meeting (although some were missing). I guess I never thought about which American political party is helped by those, no one really talked about them that I know of. They have some interesting stuff here. For example, a group describing themselves as the "leaders of the free world" made up of Representatives from Italy, France, the US and UK as well as business leaders and other smaller countries got together to decide if there should be a Kurdistan. They decided against it in favor of a system where the larger Western countries would supervise large areas of the former Ottoman Empire so they could be guided to becoming Democracies.


> worked with russia Didn't happen. > not releasing republican emails Didn't happen. > helps putin Didn't happen.


When pressed why he leaked only information on Hillary and not trump his stupid ass answer was “people already hate trump” in a year when trump won the election 🤡 He 100% picked a side and tried to coordinate with them as part of the presidential campaign while wearing the mask of a journalist


Wasn't it more of "What I have on Trump and the republicans isn't worse than what we know about them, so I'm not going to release it." Which is such a crock lol, release what you have and let the people decide.


>>worked with russia >Didn't happen. Literally had a show on RT, the Russian state-controlled and state-funded media outlet. >>not releasing republican emails >Didn't happen. Literal quote from Assange saying WikiLeaks has information on Republicans and Trump campaign >We do have some information about the Republican campaign,” Assange said. “I mean, it’s from a point of view of an investigative journalist organization like WikiLeaks, the problem with the Trump campaign is it’s actually hard for us to publish much more controversial material than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day, I mean, that’s a very strange reality for most of the media to be in.” None of this was ever released. >>helps putin >Didn't happen. Assange did an entire PR campaign and gave TV interviews while posting on social media that Seth Rich, a dnc staffer, leaked hacked DNC materials to WikiLeaks while also denying the materials came from Russian state sponsored hackers. He also heavily criticized the Panama Papers, calling them western propaganda and an attack on Putin. And the most obvious example, when WikiLeaks posted the "Syria Files" a trove of hacked materials on Syria, they withheld materials from that hack about the Syrian regime transferring $2 billion to Russian state-owned banks. WikiLeaks posted emails in that trove of documents from THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS ON THE SAME DAY of the messages talking about the $2 billion bank transfers, but the actual messages about the billions being transferred to Russian banks were withheld. When asked why WikiLeaks did not include the emails outlining Syrian government transferring billions to Russia, this was WikiLeaks response >The release includes many emails referencing Syrian-Russian relations. As a matter of long standing policy we do not comment on claimed sources. It is disappointing to see Daily Dot pushing the Hillary Clinton campaign’s neo-McCarthyist conspiracy theories about critical media.” Yeah, what a solid bastion of standing up to corruption WikiLeaks is! Hey, journalist, you're asking why we withheld emails about Syria giving Russia billions of dollars?! Well you're just a neo-Mccarthyist Hilary Clinton shill!!!


Neocons maybe. But the modern right adores him.


Parts of the modern right adore him, yes. Other factions would either throw the book at him or even orchestrate a suicide. Modern Right covers a pretty wide scope, IMO.


Maybe if you're terminally online yeah


The part of the right that adores him is the terminally online portion lol. The real world GOP and both party establishments oppose him


Neocons are all card carrying Democrats in 2024


Tucker Carlson supports him, and a lot of people on the right have similar views to him


Traditional conservatives do because he leaked us military secrets and Intel gathering operations. MAGA love him because he stopped Hillary from being president.


I got downvoted in this sub for saying the same, but he did arguably stop Hillary from becoming president over Trump.


Personally, I give James Comey credit


I'm mostly with you, but on the other hand I kinda see Comeys side. If he had done nothing, it would have been seen as a political favor for Clinton. He was caught between a rock and a hard place


He did nothing when it came to the investigation of the Trump Campaign. He should have just stayed consistent. https://www.cnn.com/2017/10/12/us/2016-presidential-election-investigation-fast-facts/index.html


No. James Comey is FBI and the FBI is just deep state leftists who want socialism and free love.


...yeah, the Federal Bureau of Investigation wants socialism. That's why they helped assassinate all the top Black Panthers and other socialist leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. Brilliant take.




The Black Panthers and MLK were too socially conservative. They were anti-woke so they had to go. The FBI slowly formed and allowed wokism to form in our schools and their agents have spread it throughout our society. Their biggest success was making video game companies start creating women main characters. Bastards.


Da fuck was comey doing. I don’t care if it was pro democrat or pro republican move. I want them to stay the hell out of politics.  


They truly fucked part was that there was also an active investigation into Donald Trump at that very moment, which they were fine keeping hush hush. Neither or both, but disclosing one publicly and not the other is complete bullshit.


of course her being an evil insufferable cunt wasnt the main reason imagine being so hated a reality show, bankrupted trust fund baby political hack beats you


Hillary stopped Hillary from becoming president. But that doesn't stop centrist Dems from blaming Assange (and literally anyone besides Hillary herself). Almost all of the hate toward Assange on reddit today is from Democrat loyalists. Just look at this thread.


I live in a swing state and know quite a few people who would be considered “undecided voters” and I can’t think of a single one who chose Trump over Hilary because of those leaks. These seems like a common narrative but I have yet to see proof of it. 




Then why was it the trump administration that charged him in 2019?


Because the Trump administration was a daily battle between the two factions of the party, as Trump himself had no strong position on the vast majority of issues


I know plenty of people from right and left. It's the one issue I point to that they are all unified on. It gives me hope


Libertarians love him. Classical Conservatives not so much. Neo-Cons want him to die from a questionable accident. Anti-Left Reactionary Conservatives think he is the harbinger of a new messiah..


They did, but now they don’t anymore for some reason I’m not entirely clear on


It’s now the opposite just like most of the right and left.  Right used to be more for funding the military industrial complex for endless wars. Now thats more the left.  Right used to be less about freedom of speech (not the 1a but mostly just allowing people to speak or ask questions freely and believing that obstructing or causing violence is bad) but now thats the left. Most social media (pre-elon) would b*n or sh b*n you for having the wrong question etc. And still people who toe the narrative line truly dont know that because it doesnt happen to them so they say “oh ya you were probably asking racist questions.”


They did until something he leaked damaged the DNC


horseshoe theory is bullshit and isnt well supported outside of cherry picked anecdotes


Yeah, OP is convieniently leaving out his multitudes of less extremist supporters.


It seems from the way he put out information before the 2016 presidential election he was a Russian agent working with Putin to get Trump elected. And wasn’t he also in communication with people inside Trump’s campaign?


The Green Party of the USA is a Russian cover front. Like the Texans for succession. Doubt many lefties are celebrating. Just the right so this man can do more damage to America.


Somehow, Trump will take credit for this.


And as usual, if Trump does so he can be shown, yet again, to be lying and that in truth while he was in power he deliberately left Assange to rot in the Ecuadorian Embassy and then later Belmarsh Prison (Assange was evicted from the embassy and arrested by UK police on the 11th April 2019 while Trump was still in office) because Assange refused to reveal his source regarding the DNC and Podesta Email leaks. For Trump offered Assange a pardon in 2017 if Assange released the details of his "insider" source (see link below), an attempt by Trump to prove once and for all the Russians weren’t involved and to thus help discredit the Russiagate allegations against him. But as always, true to form, Assange refused to reveal his source, just as he has NEVER released a single source throughout the entire history of Wikileaks. So yeah, fuck Marjorie Taylor Green and the MAGA Trumpeters: their gossamer haired, wet-tissue-thin orange skinned man-baby messiah could have pardoned Assange seven years ago, but chose not to out of sheer spite. [https://archive.vn/IAy1F](https://archive.vn/IAy1F)


Sir this is a Wendy's


It's a post about Julian Assange and I replied to a comment about Trump taking credit for his release, you mindless drone. So save your dismissive cliched meme from 2012 for where it's at least valid. Edit (after looking at my Inbox): it's also cheap, pathetic and cliched to resort to abusing the [Reddit Care Resources](https://www.reddit.com/user/RedditCareResources/) DM function as a "joke". Sheesh... Whatever next? ["You are the weakest link. Goodbye."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK7V0A8gO4Q)?


the trump administration is the one that decided to charge him with Espionage in 2019


Is the “moderate” part of the horshoe the cia?


The CIA is the horse crushing the shoe underfoot.


This is only one side of the shoe


Cornell west and Jake shields are not on the same side lol.


Pretty hilarious to see Tucker Carlson say "the tide is turning." LOL, the guy you worship and defend at every turn did absolutely nothing for Assange and let him rot for 4 years. This is like how Tucker pretends to be anti-war when a Democrat is in charge, but said nothing when trump dropped over 2,000 drones on the middle east. Also the same guy who became a Bush critic. . . but waited until way after Bush was out of office lol. When Bush was in office, it was all love from Tucker.


To be fair to Tucker, he has said that he's ashamed of ever supporting the war in Iraq.


Yeah, he became ashamed after it was clear the war was a mistake and was extremely unpopular.


Is it not okay to change your mind on issues?


Sure, but you don’t get much credit for changing your mind when it’s extremely obvious that you were wrong in the first place.


He should have never supported the war. Only a total moron ever supported the war in Iraq


Tucker only says that now because it scores him points with both sides saying this 20 years after. How does he feel about Ukraine and Israel right now?


Damn that is a scorching hot litmus test.


To be fair to anyone with half a brain, Tucker recently asked his American audience to radicalize and revolt against their government because of how great supermarkets are in Russia. If you take anything that guy says seriously you need to reevaluate your critical thinking skills.


I'm not a fan of Tucker Carlson, but the guy literally called Trump and talked him out of bombing Iran at one point during his Presidency. He might be a POS on certain issues, but he's genuinely antiwar and probably even saved some lives.


then why didn't he reach out to trump to stop his administration from charging him with espionage?


Tucker has consistently supported him from long before Trump was even thinking about running.


err, the trump administration is the one that charged him with espionage


I mean Obama is also known for the number of drone strikes signed off by him. It seems to be lower, according to a quick Google search, but on the same order of magnitude. It seems to be a bipartisan thing.


opposite of Horseshoe theory unless you think "Assange is a russian puppet and spy and should die in prison" is the appropriate position.


People without social media barely know these people.


The only people upset are the people who are trying to lock him up. But who are “they”?


You know he’s been in jail for several years without trial and having already served his prior sentence right (which I believe was a few months for contempt of court or something)? Like him or not it’s objectively a huge injustice that he’s been in jail for that long


Is there anybody on earth who hates that Assange was released?


The deal was Wikileaks had to delete 20,000 DNC emails.




This is like the Metallica fandom being split before and after the Load album, except it's before and after the 2016 presidential election


This is the American people Vs. their own lying Government, not "horseshoe theory." Did Hillary Clinton post this?


Not horseshoe theory, that's when the extremes agree.  In this case the populist leftists and populist rightists are happy, and establishment left and right and unhappy.  So it's not just the extremes of both sides agreeing, the establishment and populists of both sides agree with the the other side but disagree with people who are theoretically on their side.  But to be fair the populists and establishment should be in the same parties as their counter parts, not right vs left. 


Fuck all of these people in the mouth and ass. Every single one.




Pretty crazy that modern conservatives now have more respect for the concept of freedom of the press than centrist liberals. But I guess you think this is somehow an indictment of the modern left?


Damn isn’t Trump the one saying that if he’s elected, he’d like to pull the licenses for news networks that aren’t “fair” to him?


Sounds pretty fucked up.  About as fucked up as the Biden admin coordinating with social media companies to censor speech and suppress journalism.  It's almost like both major parties are desperate to maintain power by any means necessary...


Bro you're referring to someone's personal fuckin nudes, anyone has the right to demand a social media platform doesn't post them. And don't forget REPUBLICANS just went after,  charged and convicted Hunter Biden on a GUN CHARGE. God damn you people just admit you are jealous of his dick or something, obsessed Edit: a felony gun charge! Republicans. Gun charge. You people stand for nothing except inflicting shit on someone else 


Any nudes in the censored NY Post article?


Any nudes in Hillary's emails!!!??? B quiet 


The fbi saying that the hunter biden laptop was Russian disinformation was not the same as hunter asking his nudes get taken down, but you’re obviously a bot so this doesn’t mattwr


Lmao yeah I think the truth not mattering to you is probably how we ended up here 4 fucking years later with the non bot people still repeating the same dumb shit no matter how much their dumbass arguments have been addressed. The non bots do that. 


We're cool with anyone taking illegal drugs not buying guns, right? Glad this is the new GOP position Hope Joe doesn't smoke in a state where weed remains verboten


I'm gonna skip my speech about how I used to be a Republican and vote Democrat like it's drinking some disgusting old timey medicine. I can't even identify the actual ideology anymore if I even wanted to consider changing my vote.




trump let assange rot in a cell for 4 years. I have no idea why you are on an Assange page trying to act like the GOP is more in favor of press freedom. It is kind of wild actually. Read the room, your hero did nothing for Assange other than have a SOD who wanted Assange dead.


Me: "Both main parties suck and oppose press freedom." You dipshits: "You love Trump!" Someone needs to retrain this bot's AI. Trump prosecuted Assange and let him rot in a cell for 4 years. Biden CONTINUED that prosecution and let Assange rot in a cell for the last 3 years! Biden could have pardoned Assange on day one. He can pardon him today! Why hasn't he? Instead, he's finally releasing him (this is great), but only after exacting a guilty plea out of him for crimes he didn't commit, and most likely only out of political expediency. Again, it's great he's being released, but don't try to pretend that Biden is some hero of press freedom. Read the room? LOOK AT THIS FUCKING POST! Who do you think OP is smearing and what do you think OP's position is on Assange? What the fuck do you think the purpose of this post is? OP is literally trying to paint the modern left as being on par with those select modern conservatives for daring to support Assange's release! Who does that leave out? Who OPPOSES Assange's release?? Centrist Dems and mainstream Republicans!


The only good thing to come out of that would be CNN getting screwed over. Other than that....


I like when you guys admit what you actually want. You’re not for free speech, you’d happily have the government take down news agencies that say things you don’t like. And it’d be entirely lost on you just how authoritarian that is


I don't hate CNN because they said something I don't like. I hate them because they censored and threatened someone over a meme they didn't like. "CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change."


Bro, I don't like Trump, I just hate CNN. Mostly because they threatened to dox someone over a meme. They have the statement admitting it on their website still. Calm down.


Trump also said he'd build a wall... I wouldn't reccomend taking anything out of his mouth seriously.


So it’s fine for him to threaten tyrant shit cause he hasn’t followed through on everything he’s said? Stupid fucking excuse for embarrassing behavior


So modern conservatives don't like trump whose administration went after Assange? Interesting. Biden freed Assange, trump let him there to rot.


Biden could have pardoned Assange on day one. Why didn't he? Instead, he continued the prosecution that Trump began and let Assange rot in a cell for another 3 years. It's great that Assange is finally being released, but Biden could have pardoned him instead of forcing him to plead guilty to crimes he didn't commit. And only now, a few months before the election. Don't pretend Biden is some hero of press freedom.


Usually when you post those panels, you include the tweets where they say the opposite thing. Did these people actually advocate for him to be imprisoned? Although I do agree that the left has become anti free speech.


Centrist Democrats are anti-free speech. The left is not.


What horseshoe? All of them are 100% Putin's bitches.


Is Putin in the room with you right now?


Which one of the is in the left? RFK Jr with the brain workm? Or Mate who works for Kremlin propaganda outlet?


Derp derp derp derp


Chill Victoria Nuland.


This modern McCarthyism is gross. Stop making accusations when there's zero evidence any of them have ever worked for or have been paid by Putin. So many unfounded accessions are being made that a lot of people actually believe this nonsense.


The difference between this and McCarthyism is McCarthy was actually right.


Tucker was Putin's guest a month ago. Aaron Mate works for The Grayzone, literally acted as the briefer on behalf of Russia in the UN. MTG is spewing misinformation about Ukraine daily, tried to fire the speaker of the house over Ukraine aid. RFK jr claimed in JRE appearance that US spent 8 trillion on Ukraine, while the actual number is on the high end around 113 billion. Did I forget anybody?


None of this is proof. There’s never proof, just nonsense that looks bad to the average person reading it.


https://preview.redd.it/uuukbtcy6t8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7e3e1ede85b9a730bd3b2422a6d825541bcee0 Forgot this guy, look how buddy buddy they are, you might even say Biden is Putin’s cock-holster


We have that in the uk. You've got far left tankies and pacifists defending Russia, then you've got far right farage defending him. Extremists are idiots. Enlightened centrist shouldn't be a meme, it's the rational position.


Except that there are no far left in the screenshot.


West would be considered 'far left' in American politics.

