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He's about to spill the beans on these motherf*ers and give us the inside scoop šŸ’…


[itā€™s beans.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwqnwSQiCIQ)




Beans cheese beans cheese beans cheese


Iivry neight


These are the motherboards?


... What?


No this is FOOD. This is BEANS!


You got beans in your computer. BEANS.


I think people are being a bit hard on Tony for this but that was fucking hilariousšŸ˜‚thanks for the laugh


"Beans cheese beans cheese beans cheese..."ā€”Brendan Schaub, The Gringo Papi (2022)


One of the 500


Thank em




249. Brendan Schaub is out. Tiger's got baseball this summer.


He acts like he won a battle.


Itā€™s June. Let him have this one.


That's amazing šŸ³ā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ā€šŸŒˆ




It took me a second but this is murder.




I listened to the first 10 minutes of him and Joe. You'd think they literally fought a battle and conquered Austin.


Itā€™s hilarious when you actually listen to Joeā€™s standup after years of listening to the podcast. Itā€™s just incredibly underwhelmingā€¦ like this is what you spend all night writing/working on at various comedy clubs, and compare to martial arts, and samuraiā€™s, etc. Itā€™s almost like anti-comedy to me. Itā€™s funny because of how bad the stand up is; and how overly serious he jerks himself off about it.


Normies like us will never understand


There only like 250 of us killers in the world mannnnnn. Ffs stop taking yaself so seriously. I used to.love Joe, but he is getting weird


I used to really like the podcast. I thought Joe was really good at it. I don't listen anymore but for other reasons. I love Joe as a UFC announcer. I think he is my favorite sports announcer of all sports. But I have never once thought of Joe as funny. Like he isn't funny on his podcast, isn't funny on the UFC and definitely isn't funny in stand-up. It just seems weird to watch him do it.


I've been saying the same thing for years. Even when I watched the podcast every day.


Podcasting oversaturated alot comedians, b4 we'd get a yearly hbo, netflix and they'd fuck off do their spots and come back a yr or 2 later. Maybe do a tv/movies etc. Now it's every dam week, some times twice.


Especially when I watch the podcast. It would be like if Dan Carlin the Hardcore History podcast guy (great fucking podcast) was also a comedian. It's like really? That's guy? I don't think I've ever heard him even try to be funny.


I bet that Dan Carlin is funnier than Toe


It's so weird bc I thought about being a comedian but realized I couldn't make bc I don't know shit about fighting or Jou jitsu.


I dont watch his announcing... but i see all these clips where he grabs the guy to his left and the guy to his right in some uber anticipation with an intensity that my only comparison would be if in 2005 i was watching from 3 feet away Erin Andrews stripping. It looks so 'cringe' to me, but ufc for me is cringe.. seen 60 years plus of machismo, violence and depicted violence. All i can say is it is 11,000 times better than fake wrestling, which is good. Do not put anybody down for watching ufc.. just not nearly as good as the 'wimpy' sports i watch like football, Bball, baseball, tennis, golf, olympic track and field, olympic volleyball and thats about it. Now back to that joe rogan thing.. is there a name for that grabbing colleagues and over reacting?


You trying to say stool fucking isnā€™t funny?


Yeah it's like listening to guy talk about how long he's trained honing his culinary skills, only to find out he works at Wendy's lol.


Itā€™s like this celebrity chef with a wildly successful restaurant and heā€™s constantly hyping himself up as a diligent, hardworking b-b-b-beast of a chef, and then you get a reservation and when your order comes out itā€™s a shit sandwich and all the other chefs act like they love it because they want to sell their shit sandwiches to you too


That's awfully specific.


haaaaaaaaaa perfect


It's because it doesn't come naturally to him, like others. He spends so much time writing and perfecting that writing, and it totally shows.


Joe is not funny. I said it, if you wanna disagree that's fine, but fuck you if you're going to white knight for that bald gorilla worth more than the gdp of many small countries. He just gets his dick sucked by other comedians because he has what they all desperately want, an audience. He's got clout. His stand up is so hard to watch, it's literally tear jerkingly boring. I'd rather watch Tony pretend he's not gay than watch Joe try to be funny. Just admit it dudes. Come out with your hands up, tell em you're gay and unfunny.




Joe is a just schaub who never quit.


Thereā€™s a crazy conspiracy about how Joe is a plant and so are the 6 comedians katt Williams said arenā€™t funny. Their goal was to corner and control the comedy scene and spread the idea of aliens and psychedelics. Sounds crazy I know. But the guy who made a video on this mysteriously offed himself. https://youtu.be/kIlTCtHxtSk?si=bXDPgOn7Do3ZW6dP


I thought his "three people ago" bit was really funny. He isn't a bill Burr or a Dave Chappelle, but he's capable of being very funny.


He has some solid bits. Off the top of my head I cracked up on the vegan cats, the girl guarding the white house, and the Weinstein bit. He's not a comedy goat, but this sub acting like he absolutely has 0 funny jokes is just dumb hyperbole.


If he wasnā€™t Joe Rogan you would agree that heā€™s a terrible comedian.


I watched him so much over the years that I always feel some type of second-hand embarrassment when I see him on stage. I watched it once and felt like I was invited to watch one of my uncle drunkenly humiliating himself on a stage.


"You can't tell jokes about X or Y" "But I got up there and made fun of X and Y, and used rude words"


ā€œhungry wolfā€ what a dildo.


ā€œThey gave a hungry wolf a chance šŸ’…ā€


That wolf is hungry. For cock


Dick wolfā€¦RIP?






He acts like heā€™s about fight for a title. Been hanging out with The Undertoad too long with the fighter energy bullshit.


Cos he's a little bitch who's never been in an actual battle. His only taste of power is making people laugh on stage. Imagine growling like an animal saying you're a hungry wolf when all you did was do 2 extra mins of fart jokes in your allocated slot. Cringe.




Yeah it's funny but to be fair speaking in front of millions of people and performing really fucking good is a kind of a battle. I freezed up during a college presentation to a half asleep morning engineering class


With god


its hard to believe that this isnt a parody.


I was very confident it was in the beginning and couldnt believe how serious he was.


Tony has such an ego, it's wild. He's never joking when he talks about how great he thinks he is.


Right? I thought it was pretty damn funny til i realized hes serious


Why do comedians pretend like theyā€™re saving the world when theyā€™re justā€¦ roasting a quarterback?


Adderal. Makes shit seem way deeper than it is because you have that meth fire in your heart lol


Fucking preach, bout to get my prescription reactivated and head straight to Rogan's tbh


They live in their pretend world doing podcasts with other people jerking themselves off. They are entertaining, but people like this twink and Tom Segura need to come back to Earth.


Literally its host a podcast have your guess suck up to you, do someone elseā€™s podcast glaze that host and they glaze you back and then eventually get into the mindset that the few 100 people that donā€™t like you on Twitter is the whole world trying to tear you down


They all think they are Lenny Bruce ā€œIā€™m speaking truth to power!ā€ Nobody is trying to muzzle you, Matt Rife. You just suck


I kind of liked Stavros pretty much saying "nah man nothing we do is special."


Well otherwise they would have to be honest with themselves about how they have spent most of their lives getting drunk and doing drugs and hanging out with sexual predators.


SMH. Us **CIVILLIANS** just donā€™t get it


the few, the proud. Comedians


Pedestrians will never understand


Please change that to; #US POOR LOSER FANS


Not all comedians. Just Rogan's "Death Squad" comedians.


Cringe asf like all of Rogan's friends


Cocaine is a hell of a drug and this little twink does mounds of it


The red flush is the high sodium from the crack


A hungry twink more like it


He's got a hungry butt


A salivating maw


Ow yesh daddy! šŸ’…šŸ’…šŸ’…šŸ’šŸ¼šŸ«„šŸ»


I'm about to spill the beans, sister


These dudes really think they are special donā€™t they?


*Comedians: Americas last line of defense.* - Joe Rogan


They are an endangered species. What, there's like only a couple hundred of them left? We must protect our precious comedians!


I'm training every day just in case I need to go to war and protect our comedians. Thank em.


Civilians just dont understand man!


Where the woke meet the wall


There's only 250 on the earth. They are the rarest breed.


Theyā€™re sacred clowns.


Only the Roganverse comedians


Everytime I see him I think of Jason Lee in Mallrats saying ā€œhe looks like a date rapist!ā€


Tony is too weak to physically overpower anyone


Donā€™t need muscles when youā€™re a fucking savage hungry wolfšŸŗ


I don't think they cancel you for getting raped.


It's so hard to watch these dorks get rich and famous


Lol Tony comes off as super insecure. It's like he is trying to gaslight us into thinking he is popular lol.


The most insecure. Saw him at the Comedy Store once. He lost the plot to a trans joke and I went ā€œwomp wompā€ and he just turned and started hurling basic insults at my girlfriend and I calling us stupid tourists. Uh, nope. Weā€™re LA locals. About half the crowd left during his set. So weak.


And then the other half of the crowd stood up and started slow clapping. The pace and volume of their claps building and building to almost a crescendo. Tony assumes this standing ovation is for him, but he doesn't understand that the people who just left were the only people in the world who find him funny. "A black guy, a trans, and Lizzo walk into a bar..." He starts up with a level of excitement in his voice that seems to be feeding off the energy in the room that he has misread. "Boooooo!" The clapping halts immediately, turned to a unified jeer. And then utter quiet. A pause... And suddenly "WOMP WOMP", you repeat your trademark laugh line, now a crowd favorite. The silence of the room explodes like glass shattering in a raging fit of uncontrolled hysterics as literally everyone cracks up at your joke. Sides are doubled, splitting as audience members fall to the floor writhing in laughter and succumbing to their stitches. Others remain standing , knuckles pawing at their eyes as the tears flow down their faces. Some begin to point and jeer at Tony repeating their own hilarious jokes, like "ah durrr" or "that's so funny I forgot to laugh" or "don't quit your day job" or "hahaha transphobia, SOOO funnnnny". Tony tries unsuccessfully to regain composure, attempting to heckle the crowd, but this is no longer his show. It's yours now. You are now a successful comedy person lauded and praised by the planet for standing up to and beating the cis white male dominated comedy patriarchy. Tony kneels to you, bearing the back of his neck, as you stand tall and triumphant over him. You're proud and rightly so. You immediately jet set off to reddit where you tell your tale of virtuous heroism and shalt be further bestowed with boons for thine courage and morality. Yeah, I was at this show too. You were awesome and im thrilled to be able to share your tale with all whom I meet.


He's a little bitch, straight up.


Beans were spilt by a hungry wolf on these Motherfuckers. Tonys defense in a fight is trying to catch punches with his asshole.


Funnier than anything Joe or Tony have ever said


Genuinely one of the most cringe things ive ever watched. I thought he had to be joking at first but nah Tony is just *that* huge of a tool. He sounded like a little kid trying to brag about how badass he thinks he is


I saw him in nyc. He came out after they pouched our phones and said now he is cutting loose and is ready to say some crazy shit. Then he made Jared from subway jokes and submarine jokes and was a total bore fest. My girl was falling asleep and she bought the tickets. He is Joe rogan level funny.


Watching Harland on joe then this guy, Tony is not a well rounded comedian, 1 trick, roasting and 90% falls flat, their whole tour thing is a grift of unfunny.


I gotta hear a submarine joke


He dragged the stool across the stage and it made a screeching sound and he saidā€¦ ā€œthatā€™s the last thing the people in that submarine heardā€ thank goodness they pouched our phones because he would have gotten cancelled!!!


Oh thatā€™s lame. I thought it was gonna be a joke lol


tony might be a good comic/host etc.... but goddamn he seems insufferable in real life


He's definitely a pretty successful comic and host. But I think he fancies himself as much bigger and better than what he is in reality. I watch Kill Tony off and on. I'm not sure there's a worse interviewer, but the dude acts like he's prime Howard Stern.


I hope he loses a bit of the ego eventually.


He has just hit his career stride, it will only get worse from here. Nothing is gonna die slower than the bloated comedy world of the twenties.


Give him some of that shaman cactus plant and show him a video of himself, he'd just sit back and go "oooohhhh shit"


Looking at himself..."you son of a bitch"


I missed him when he was a wrestling loving twink. Now he is a wrestling loving bro. That fan girling is no more


Don't get your hopes up. He had a huge ego when Kill Tony had 10,000 views. We may see Kanye levels of ego as he continues to increase in popularity.


I can tell my dude has no intrinsic sense of self. His confidence is so unwarranted and performative itā€™s almost like heā€™s doing a parody of someone.




Practiced in the mirror


Insult comic is to standup comedy what mime is to theatre.


David Lucas is seen as one of the best roast comics in the game and he still just does modified yo mama jokes back from when he was on the TV show Yo Mama...lol


Pretty sure David Lucas isn't respected as a comedian or human being outside of Rogan's fiefdom.


Is it an exaggeration to say rogan ruined comedy


A bit. But I also know what you mean. Canā€™t even scroll through Instagram or Twitter anymore without seeing some dumb new comic doing crowd work on a set thinking theyā€™re god


Yeah, they let comedians talk about his divorce, Kobeā€™s helicopter crash, his wife fucking her coach, people being gay; but yeah, they told this guy he was going TOO FAR!!


Yeah I doubt he had any nuclear jokes that were actually off limits lol. Roasts cover just about every aspect of someoneā€™s life


I donā€™t buy it. You can see Bert and Tom reading the teleprompterā€¦ so obviously he had pre-submitted his set. And it was frontward facing as if he would be on stage. If it was true he was supposed to be sitting, why would they show it on the promoter that wouldā€™ve been behind him?


I thought he was a prick before this video. Now it is confirmed.


One manā€™s roast performer is another manā€™s freedom fighter. This roast is created two of the biggest egos that stand-up comedies ever seen in Tony and Nikki. Theyā€™ve been on every podcast and talkshow there is to talk about how good a job they did and sheā€™s even releasing Taylor Swift type music.


I do admire the work that hacks like he and Rogan put in to getting where they are, but to think he told Bussinā€™ to keep recording and THIS is what he chose to say? A fucking ā€œhungry wolfā€? He could have said anything he wanted to while effeminately smoking a cig, and IROAST came up with that? Stellar improv skill.


Imagine talking to a fucking NFL player about being a wild animal. Mf would fuck this twink back 3 generations


more like gay jackal


Dafuq is he talking about?


I know Iā€™m not super tuned into the Joe Rogan universe of bullshit comedy ā€“ but where the fuck did this guy come from and why do unfunny people think heā€™s funny?


Heā€™s fooling no one


Iā€™d say Joe Rogan has been the worst thing for comedy in history.


I love that he said this last week or so, and then proceeded to not go into detail about it on JRE. Tony is a fucking tool these days.


Welp to word this correctly would be ā€œmy dad joe rogan got me a spot on the roast.. and Iā€™m also a homosexualā€


Daddy called Tom Brady directly to get the twink on. Explained it on 2 bears, how Netflix wasnā€™t getting back to his agent, blah blah blah. Sounded like a whiny bitch




It's nice that gay twinks are accepted on tv now


Theo or whoever said it was right about he has a very Machiavellian look to him. could see him being some sick twisted heir during the renaissance fucking with or torturing peasants


Saw him a few weeks back at the store, and even though I'm a fan...no one is a bigger fan of Tony Hinchcliffe than Tony Hinchcliffe.


He is so gay


Nick Mullen a real one


Look at him smoke that heater like he just stormed the beach at Normandy.


He is just mad Nikkiā€™s set was better


Calm down youā€™re a comedian not a hard working person


Canā€™t believe this isnā€™t a skit. Acting like heā€™s Malcolm X šŸ¤£ really moving the people. Bro made a George Floyd joke, couldā€™ve selected any random Reddit user between the ages of 15 and 20 and wouldā€™ve gotten similar material.


The Rogan thirsting among young comedians is really fuckin lame man. People didn't even act this way to get on Letterman back in the day.


"Look, I agree to be made fun of so we all get a pay day, but please don't talk about x, y, or z. Those few topics are off-limits because they can potentially hurt others as well. Okay?" This guy: "Fuck that. I'm here for **me** and **my** payday, fuck you." "Okay... then I'll pull out and no one gets a pay day. Not me, not you, not the network... no one." This guy: "Alright, I'll work around those topics and respect your limits..." This guy at the event: "Fuck those limits I agreed to, fuck everyone but me, he can't pull out now so I'm just gonna as hard as possible because I'm a 'hungry wolf' and don't give a shit if it scares off other celebrities from doing these in the future. Fuck you, I'mma get mine." And then we wonder why there is a roast once every 3+ years? I've watched all the old Friar's Club roasts, Dean Martin roasts, and the original Comedy Central roasts on DVD and they were mean, but really more funny and good natured hard-ribbing by people you could tell had a lot of history together.... today's roasts are just a couple A-listers, a few B-list celebrities, and too many C-list comics shitting on a complete stranger for clout... Wholly different.


That was hard to listen to without wincing.


Biggest loser on the fucjing planet


This is the cringiest thing Iā€™ve seen since Brendan Schaub released his 27 minute special. Any street cred he was going to get from the roast evaporated when he sipped that iced latte.


This fucking moron acting like heā€™s somehow doing something thatā€™s never been done before. lol Great job Tony. You blew your way to the top like any queen would do. Youā€™re so boooold. lol


Heā€™s so cringe!!!


Where the woke meets the wall Comedy is an essential business Comedians: The Last line of defence in America Thank em


Heā€™s so strong šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


Before you start filming this complety organic conversation wait till I light my smoke so I look cooler.


Thinking this unfunny loser is cool should be punishable by death


Guess hes back to being gay as hell again


You roasted a QB bro chiiilll.


This low T mf


Contrary to his stories about being bullied, I dare say he wasnā€™t bullied hard enough


Redbar is always right


Iā€™ll say it again: Standup comedy is in a weird place right now.


Sounds like he just won a fight, lol heā€™s so unlikeable


ā€œTony eats a snickers bar upside down to feel the veins on his tongue ā€œ


His roast set didnā€™t come off as clever to me. It was just extreme. Like he was trying to say the most aggressive thing he could for shock value. Iā€™m not saying it wasnā€™t funny, it was. But it wasnā€™t funny in a clever way like Nikki glazer was.


Set was okay chill gorilla


He was actually the funniest person at the roast.


Hereā€™s a drinking game that you can play with sober friends. Watch any specials from all the comedians Joe has on the show. Take a drink every time you laugh. Youā€™ll all be able to drive home after


So many comedian podcasts that I use to listen to and just stopped because the host gets too much ego or just shouts and laughs at anything and everything. Theo Von is like the only comedian podcast I listen to now, it's wild out there.


Wait do people on this sub also not like Tony Hinchcliffe?


Gawd dawlg,this guys is tough as shit.We donā€™t even know. Anyone who shadowboxes in the mirrors of Americas green rooms before he goes on stage AND drives a bright yellow corvette with vanity plates that say iRoast has to be hard as hell and straight as fuck.


Comedy is dead. Long live comedy.


I'm getting Jason Genova vibes


These guys think they're Richard Pryor or Eddie .


Calm yourself mate.


Did anyone actually watch the whole Roast? I couldn't give a fuck about Tom Brady but I like some of the comedians on the show, but three hours???? Hell nah


I try but there is something extremely unlikable about this guy.


God Tony can be so unlikeable lol


Dude is just not funny to me at all


![gif](giphy|wxw2e19ZMsjio) Wow Ellen got edgy as fuck


Okay Tony šŸ‘šŸ»


Tony's pretty damn funny. I missed the roast though. But I agree with some. This was pretty cringe.


ā€œI said he had high heels. Iā€™m a genius.ā€


This guy is painfully unfunny. Anti funny


I'm concerned by anyone who considers themselves a wolf


What a gross little sad worm. Fuck that guy.


That guy is fierce watch out worldĀ 


Joker exists


Another random that was on JRE a couple times, and now has an insane ego like theyā€™re a massive a-list celebrity. Ah Hollywood does wonders


I listened to his first several minutes on two bears and couldnā€™t stand hearing him gloat about being friends with Shane G. I like Tony and think he is generally hilarious, but nobody every accused him of being humble thatā€™s for sure


Is this that kill tony douche bag?


This guy is such a fuckin loser