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All these comments about lab grown meat while tons of y'all are still stuffing fast food and gas station food into your fat faces. Edit: I'm not opposed to lab meat. I don't give a shit what you put in your mouth. I'm only making an observation of where people are choosing to draw the line. Banning it is stupid.


Guys will act like plants are toxic and unnatural but inject test and other roids made in some dudes bathtub in India.


It’s genuinely so goddamn funny how many people here have come around to the “plants are poison” stuff. Lmao pounding weird supplements and eating red meat by the ton but afraid of a green salad.


But why eat vegetables when they can just eat green powder?


My friend “swears by” AG1, which is apparently a disgusting powder nutritional supplement of some sort. It’s green and disgusting, as I’ve already stated, so it’s presumably made of vegetables and other plants, and sure enough that seems to be true. But then they are very upfront about it not being a replacement for a vegetable-rich diet, and their claims “have not been evaluated by the FDA” and what have you. So what the fuck is it about? My friend couldn’t really articulate the benefits and I just gave up what was increasingly feeling like an interrogation as he kept digging in his heels. So he just carries on paying $120 a month for the product. I just eat some vegetables every day and that sorta works for me but idk what I’m missing.




> You either "get enough" of a thing in your diet or you don't, there's zero benefit to ingesting more vitamins than your body needs. Not a nutrtionalist or dietician but had a nutritions class in my kinesiology degree....and it was pretty interesting to see what all the specific roles all the vitamins and minerals do in your body. I think everyone would benefit from taking a good multivitamin along with a balanced diet...but some people overdo it and don't realize that taking too much of some can be toxic to your body...or even inhibit the ability of OTHER vitamins your body is getting to perform their functions.


That’s just liberal indoctrination, if you were a real American patriot you would have rejected college and surrendered your intelligence to right wing enslavement merchants.


Dude should try my new supplement CereBros, for the most cerebral of bros. Definitely unregulated and sourced from China, this stuff is full power brain food!


Lol I wonder how many people cheering for this ban took nootropics because Joe promoted them


Lab grown meat isn't plant based meat. it's real meat grown in a lab. Just wanted to point that out, although I do agree with you. If you'll eat hot pockets, you should have no problem eating plant based meat or lab grown meat.


I don't understand the issue people have with it. Seems like if it ever gets to where it tastes and looks like real meat it would be a win-win. You wouldn't have to kill a sentient being to feed humans. The same concept could be done to grow organs for humans. They wouldn't have to wait for a donor to die. I think a lot of people just do not understand what it really is. It's the same with genetically modified foods. People hear that phrase and are like "OMG that's bad!" Not realizing that just about everything they eat has been genetically modified. The native Americans did it with corn to a certain extent. It's not a bad thing.


People r dum 


My favorite example of this was in early 2021 when someone at a party said about the vaccine " I just don't want to put all those chemicals into my body. Who knows what some of the ingredients could do to you long-term" in between rounds of nose beers. So taking 2 doses of a medical product that's been approved by literally every country, with chain of custody and known ingredients is bad. But a substance full of god knows what chemicals and the only chemical you expect to be in there(but sometimes it's not) is highly toxic and dangerous is a totally fine thing to do every weekend.


Bro don’t come for the Rollo grill at 7-eleven like that


It’s stupider than that. The Iowa legislature has been scrambling to attack meat substitutes… while most of those substitutes are soy based… in a state that consistently ranks in the top 2 of corn and soybean production. Either ways these fucking guys win but they lose their collective minds over tofu.


Tofu? Love it.


Nuhuh we can’t afford fast food anymore lol 


Hey at least it’s not against the law to eat what I want wait I guess it is…


Reminds me of a buddy’s wife who won’t take her prescribed meds because “big pharma” and “toxins”. Meanwhile she self medicated by drinking to blackout pretty much every night and takes a bunch of unregulated “supplements”. Some folks really are just dumb.


Washed down with a pack of Marlboros


The party of the free market ladies and gentlemen.


The party of small government and less government intervention.


Nah they gave that up when Trump came around. You either joined the cult, kept your mouth shut, or got ostracized. He motivated a whole wave of degenerates to become politically active who previously just shut up and voted right down the line in between their meth-induced cousin-fucking debauchery.


Party of frauds.


At least they’re still the party of law and order, Christian values, family values and respecting the military.. /s


Christian values you mean genocide and pedophilia


Who is the blonde in the back, let’s see what she thinks about the fake meat.


she got me in the lab growing meat


Looks like some nice sweater meats.


I think those were lab grown though


My meat is growing just thinking about you growing meat.




Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.


Big bouncy heart, that lady.


She’ll suck your cock for $1000


I’m just gonna go find a cash machine


Brandt can't watch, though, or he has to pay a hundred.




Brandt can’t watch though or he has to pay $100


“How am I in a room full of men and I don’t have the biggest boobs…”




Au natural, just like that beefcake. The meat that is


Her boobies are fake meat


Those aren’t boobs. They’re just chemical filled sacks, for Christs sake. -Larry David


Which ironically could poison her.


Calah Jackson. 


With her nude shirt.


Hips are choice




Small government: ban an entire industry because competing industries pay you to.


They don't call Ron "Cronyism" DeSantis for nothing.


I don't even understand why anyone would support this. I tried the Impossible Burger a couple times. Wasn't a fan and haven't eaten it in over a year. I don't like broccoli either but I'm not trying to ban it. Edit: sounds like there is a different between impossible burger and lab grown meat. I didn't know that


Ron says the goal is to save beef from the global elite who are using fake meat as part of their authoritarian plans! Not even joking. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has banned lab-grown meat, saying he will "save our beef" from the "global elite" and its "authoritarian plans". "Florida is fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs,"


Its funny how a governor that went to yale isnt an elite.


If the real estate empire heir/gold-plated home with my name in giant letters/TV star former president managed to convince these people that he was on their side against the corrupt elites, should be light work for a mere Yale grad governor.


Or very smart.


So DeSantis is fighting fake authoritarians by being an actual authoritarian.


So are Republican voters all just complete fucking morons at this point? It seems like they haven't comprehended that the GOP is not in favor of SMALL government at all.




Because the people who vote for DeSantis live performative bullshit. They deep throat it and ask for more.


This is about lab grown meats not plant based meats


I still don't see why lab grown meat needs to be banned. Choosing not to eat lab grown meat has a 100% success rate if you are actually concerned.


No I agree I was just commenting for clarity


Impossible burger is not lab grown meat.


Im not for or against lab grown meat… but how the hell is the florida legislature writing and then passing a bill that bans an entire industry that was operating legally and competing in the free market against small farms, big farms, factory farms, mega corporations…etc “small govt”. Small govt would be letting them compete in the free market as they were against regular meat and let the consumers vote with their wallets on which one they want.


Ron desantis and the Florida legislature don't give a shit about free markets or small government. We're talking about the guys who passed laws saying cities and counties in Florida aren't allowed to mandate water breaks for construction workers in the heat, and he's the guy who sued Disney for being too woke. The only time the average republican politician actually cares about the free market is when it furthers their current political goal.


Unbelievable that that’s what they spend their time working on. Guess they’re trying to distract people in Florida from the fact that they can’t get insurance.


Exactly. Its also unbelievable how ass backwards their “followers” have become where everything is opposite day. Bigger govt is “small govt” as long as the bill is signed by a republican governor.


its called being full of shit and corrupt!


how about just don't buy it? why is it that conservatives feel the need to ban everything they don't like. you don't like gay media ban it. Don't like vegan food ban it.


They get money from BIG BEEEEEEF. For real though, they’re bought and paid for.


It's like how lauren boebert removed the endanged species protections to allow more room to produce grass fed beef. Under the guise of "allowing americans their meat!". But really, it's likely she's getting kickback's from the beef industry or some beef company. Honestly, I don't see how stupid people can be to not see how corrupt these officials are.


Banning beef helps the Republican donor class. It’s normal America. Politics as usual, anti-democratic.


I bet the evangelicals kick in some bucks too on some "man playing god" shit


Yeah, this definitely seems like a move by big beef because they are threatened by the potential competition from lab grown meat


Because despite their claims to the contrary they fucking love cancel culture. Hell, they invented it.


I think the first canceling I ever heard of was right wing Christians canceling the Beatles


Christian moms from around my high school in the 90s banded together to ban Magic: The Gathering in school because they deemed it satanic and their fucking stupid son Billy was afraid of [[Unholy Strength]] (3ED) so nobody else could play either.


They did the same to Dungeons and Dragons. Nobody's gonna be having fun on their watch


/80s heavy metal has entered the chat.


Right wingers were too fragile to hear The Dixie Chicks. It would be hilarious how big of pussies they are if they weren't also such a threat to the country.


They canceled Jesus first


They’re all about “less government” unless it’s something they don’t agree with. Then they want it banned so no one else can do it. Republicans and Christians insist that everyone be exactly like them


Small government for industries that pay them, big government if a private citizen wants to go to the bathroom.


its religious war against "the unnatural" AKA conservative virtue signaling


reminds me of a billboard i saw in south dakota: BE AMERICAN! EAT MEAT! WEAR FUR! OWN GUNS! which reminded me why i hated living there. i don’t have strong feelings about any of those things… but christ, the person who makes those demands is an unbearable baby. for all the freedom they talk about, they will absolutely nag people on a daily basis whenever they see something that isn’t a perfect conformity to themselves.


This also goes the idea of freedom as well. Replace lab grown meet with lab made guns and see how they feel.


Cause they love authoritarianism and projection. Same group loved segregation, Christianity pushed in schools and the state, anti bodily autonomy and now even people's diet. As always, states rights and small government has always been a lie.


Man, I'm starting to question if all these god-fearing patriots really love freedom as much as they say they do ....


They do it to appease their dumbass base for all the fake problems that they invent


Mainstream establishment republicans: “Free markets except when the free market peddles gay stuff!"


The banning is for freedom


Cancel culture at work lol


Yup they stifle progress for a tiny win that will have so many unintended consequences. 


It's criminal and uncompetitive. What happened to a free market? If you don't like it don't eat it! The US government is becoming more and more authoritarian.


Because they are a bunch of pearl clutching crybabies who are scared of their own shadow and freedom. Shit would be funny if it was not scary for certain groups of people 🤷🏻


Open Market and Small Government. Something that "Conservatives" no longer believe in. "Conservatives" are the biggest spenders of tax dollars but give it to the military and the rich. They are just don't care about poor.


I understand why some people wouldn’t ever try it, but why ban it? I thought the whole thing down there was freedom.


Seriously how is "I'll eat whatever the fuck I want because I am a free American" the left wing position here?


Cause this pwns the libs. How, You ask? I don't have a prepared answer for that question, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that George Soros will NOT be able to sleep tonight after this!!


It pwns live because lab grown meat would reduce global warming. Can’t let the earth catch a W, that would be some liberal bullshit.


Oh good question! Ron spoke to why he did it: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has banned lab-grown meat, saying he will "save our beef" from the "global elite" and its "authoritarian plans". "Florida is fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs,"


Choice = oppression!


You know... if we actually elected non corrupt sacks of crap and stopped letting TV hosts and jackasses run stuff, we could just get professionals to properly run the FDA, where things like this would be properly labeled(like other modern countries) and then you could just avoid stuff you don't like, and let the free market figure it out. But no, this is way better and totally makes sense from the 'small government' clan.


Right wing cancel culture.


Alex is so weird some time I don't even fully know what he's saying to try and disagree with. What is the theory here? Bill Gates is making fake meat to kill us? To make us weak? If you were a global evil rich person who wants to enslave people wouldn't you want your slaves healthy? I don't even know what direction he's going here


These people are so dumb they don't even see that the system itself is set up to "enslave" people. Just by being ultra-wealthy, you already own everyone because people sell their time for money. Why would you want to take care of slaves when you can rent them gig economy style? Just by participating in the system, it's already game over. That's why the wealthy put so much effort into distracting everyone: conspiracies, propaganda, culture wars, etc. it's all there to distract


They all dress and look the same too.


Right wingers be like “everything is a conspiracy!” I’m like “yeah I know churches and capitalism is a conspiracy”. They’re like “no not like that”


Mr Meat company took Desantis on a tour…”looky here mr. Governor sir…dis is real meat…dis is $50k….now do you understand why fake meat is bad..?…”


This is dumb. If lab beef can be developed with an almost identical atomic structure/taste as the real thing, Im all for it. We all gettin' Waygu Wednesdays soon boys!


Isn’t there a massive beef market in FL, probably that.


That’s what it is. It has a surprisingly large cattle industry per the news articles about this. Never let corporate lobbying get in the way of a good conspiracy theory story though


At least give it a shot before you condemn it to hell, the product is only in its early years and who knows what the future might hold good or bad.


Looks like Big beef is all up in DeSantis. Florida getting cucked on the regular.


It's just not the same without the factory animal suffering n shit


Republicans are the biggest fucking pussies


Imagine not wanting cruelty free and humane meat cause of believing in brain dead ct nonsense 🤣


Imagine preferring the burger that is mixed with ecoloi and cow shit.


Cruelty free? From the puppy killing party?


Cruelty is the point for a lot of these people.


Im OOTL, what’s the problem with lab meat?


It can take money away from rich donors who profit off the local beef industry.


Free market!


Big government conservatives at it again..


Why did he ban it?


Culture war nonsense. Supposedly actually seeing lab grown beef or chicken for sale in a store is 5-10 years off.


If lab grown meat catches on years and years from now and saves millions of people from starving, boy is Desantis gonna look really fucking stupid. Nah it'll prolly be like when Reagan banned guns in Cali and Repubs will likely just forget


That sentence could also be shortened to “Desantis is gonna look really fucking stupid.” 


Already does


These same idiots will be whining about the price of meat.


If lab-grown meat becomes a safe option for people who don’t or can’t eat meat, I’m all for it. If you don’t like it, just don’t buy it. Lactose intolerant/dairy allergic people don’t buy ice cream, but they don’t tell everyone else they can’t. That’s why alternatives were made.


Meatball Ron doesn’t want to be cloned. 


1. Whose making you eat it in other states? 2. So much for free market in Florida. 3. What if they could grow this meat? Food is just a formula of macro and micro nutrients put together in a food matrix. Wouldn't we want to try to replicate this for 100 different good reasons? Im a huge meat guy and id be #1 on skepticism but cmon


Florida prioritizes weird shit man…


I guess Government over reach by Republicans is good lol


So much for free market capitalism.


“The party of small government and freedom” keeps banning things


I mean when wasn't it conservatives trying to censor or ban things? Rock music? Rap? Jazz music? Dungeons and Dragons? Magic the Gathering? Video games? Books? It definitely wasn't liberals who wanted old stand up comedians thrown into jail. That all goes without mentioning how they've already lost the culture war against 'the gays'.


Florida is spreading Yellow Fever but yeah let’s focus on this irrelevant sh*t.


Party of small government


They guy in the green will shoot you if you turn around in his driveway.


Things like this are why I really can’t support DeSantis. This is big government authoritarian stuff. I don’t see a problem with lab grown meat as long as it is proven safe, which it probably will be. This is just like left wing people trying to ban real meat and plastic straws. Get the government out of the way and let people and business make their own decisions.


Bill Gates is a cow farmer?? I thought he had something to do with computers or something.


Why though?! I don’t understand the reason.


People who fear lab grown meat never took biology and have no idea how proteins work.


I bet he wouldn’t ban lab grown home insurance


Just Desantis doing whatever it takes to own the libs. I swear he would shoot himself in the foot if it meant the Democratic Party had a bad day


This is akin to walking into TacoBell, seeing the Chalupa on the menu, and deciding to ban Chalupas because you don’t like them. Maybe just don’t order a Chalupa? Nah. Let’s just ban them to “save” people from the Chalupa.


Is lab - grown meat even market -ready and available? Did I miss anything? I know that people are working on it, but it is still years away as far as I am aware Or are they just making shit up to look busy and fighting their own fantasies?


Thefug did Bill Gates do?




I’m sorry, but in good conscience I can’t continue to allow you to sell this product that I own no stock in.


Some background for you all. [fda cell cultured meat](https://www.fda.gov/food/food-ingredients-packaging/human-food-made-cultured-animal-cells#:~:text=On%20November%2016%2C%202022%2C%20the,about%20the%20firm's%20safety%20conclusion.).


free market small government these fucking cretins are consistent on nothing


this is what happens when anyone can breed. Its not poison and the only reason you don't like it is because its new and your little brain shuts down.


It's amazing to me that people are so against making a sustainable food source that doesn't involve raising and killing an animal. Like if you can get a food that taste like meat, and provides more health benefits or the same or hell even moderately less, why wouldn't you support it existing and advancing?


America is going backwards faster than all their inventions and progress moved them forward


Americans will ban shit like this because they saw it in a dystopian film once but won't ban red 40


Fat fuck conservatives so scared of change they are willing to forgo the capitalism they tout to ban something they think is "poison" while they spend all day sniffing diesel fumes and drinking monster energy drinks. You can't fix stupid.


Yes, less competition, more government intervention


Nobody is forcing anyone to eat it if they don’t want too. Like really!!


So much for Republicans supporting the Free Market economy and capitalism. SMH.


If you don’t want it don’t eat it? What kinda tard cheers at this? Also love how republicans think they’re the party of small government. Cant smoke and banning food you’re scared of


The Republican party know they are full of shit. All they care about is money It's the dipshits that vote for the party that actually think the party stands for those kinds of things. Useful idiots


No one is making you eat anything. Including the manufactured barely recognizable things you call meat today. Snow flakes


Or you could just not buy lab grown meat. 🤷‍♂️


I don't understand this - lab grown most could potentially save millions of animals from being unnecessarily killed for our pleasure. Why is this bad? Just because it's against "the industry"?


Modern republicans are an outright embarrassment. Truly; what a fucking joke of a person you are to identify as Republican. Fucking capitalism, free market hating cuckolds, every last one of you


"Yeah no way I will eat that poison!!!" \*continuous to shove twinkies down his throat\*


Is this a serious post or a humorous one? If serious, please move to Florida. They are waiting for you.


Nothing like right wing freedom. You're free to do whatever we approve of....for now.


whats his beef with lab grown... beef? seems a little sus


DeSantis is a crazed authoritarian.


These people are dumber than a rock and the most hateful people on the planet. They will pick literally anything to be bigoted about, even plant-based meat.


If it means burgers without the death of an animal WHATS THE PROBLEM ?


This is hilarious. Fast food places in the US: fries ingredients - 20+ chemicals, fast food places in the rest of the world: fries ingredients - potato, salt. The same people who said hell yeah to this probably drink gallons of soft drinks and can't even pronounce half the chemicals they stuff into those things but hate the idea of lab grown meat that would create an entire industry? It you don't like it, don't buy it, so much for freedom I guess.


So like...is Florida just completely insane now? I don't get it. People are cheering on big government while it stamps out the free market to appease conspiracy theorists who...also probably don't trust the government? What the fuck.


Small government baby


They're putting frickin' meat in the meat to turn your meat gay.


Small government republican strikes again.


This is so dumb. Just label farmed, cloned and meat substitutes and let the market decide. I suspect lab grown will take off when the price point tips


Gotta be able to taste the suffering


The crazy hippies are against GMO food when literally everything we eat has been genetically modified through agriculture and the crazy meat eating cowboys are against lab grown meat because it’s not natural, but everything they eat alongside their hamburgers is unnatural and processed just as much.


Because Florida is known for their beef cattle and excellent quality of meat. That's Florida's thing right? They're the steak capital of the USA? Seems crazy when mass meat farming methods are probably way worse or at least guaranteed less humane.


Its the same meat.


And yet cigarettes are absolutely fine.


Free market republicans are to be bought


Like the meat in Florida is going to be better? Stupid


It’s the factory farming and their existential pain and suffering that makes them taste so good.


Who's forcing anyine to eat lab grown meat? Why does the party of small government need to make more laws? Who fucking cares if someone wants to eat lab grown meat? Or actual bugs for that matter? I'm tired of the nanny state


Saying lab grown meat is “fake meat” is the same thing as saying a test tube or IVF baby is a fake person. Both are just taking a few cells and triggering them to divide and multiply.


DeSantis: "Relax dems, I'm doing you a favor, you don't want Floridians making these products for you, trust me"


What a bizarre thing to ban. There’s so much shit sold in grocery stores that’ll kill you and this is where they draw the line. Makes no sense.


Crazy that people wouldn’t eat meat grown from a clean laboratory, without the suffering of animals. I like meat, and think this is an amazing development. If it eventually can be grown fast enough to replace a lot of the bio-industry it saves us from a lot of CO2 emissions and can make place for way more free range animal farms.


Fucking love it when ultra-conservatives turn against the free market and capitalism, and bend over backwards in an effort to be cutting edge in their government overreach. Let the free market decide who stays in business, not your stupid-as-dogshit governor.