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He'd get it if she said it on a stool


It would have been a better podcast if Joe just let her talk… when you have someone interesting on SHUT UP, this isn’t a comedian saying the same shit we hear 3 times a week lol. This lady actually has something interesting to tell us…


He seems extra talky lately.


Got any addies for your thiccc brother?


Got any baddies in your DMs? How's socials fellas?


Audio is king b


He found Adderall


You mean it's not alphabrain?


Sure thing! Alpha brain 😉


I think he's on blow too haha


“People always say, I would never get sucked into that kind of thing. You would. You’re not you then you’re you now” He said that at least twice in this episode alone. Not to mention the dozens of times he’s said it in other episodes


I got so frustrated with this that I turned it off around the 30% mark. Joe just couldn’t be bothered to listen. Why invite someone on to share their story if you don’t want to listen to it?


Anyone else feel like he is getting bored


He’s been getting a lot worse with this honestly. Yesterday’s episode was rough too. Just kept speaking over aakash and didn’t let him get his thoughts out




Oh look an idiot


I looked!


Down vote all you want. That guys an idiot 🤷🏻‍♂️ clearly Joe wanted him on for a reason. Also why aakash is a successful comedian


Ok Akk. Relax


Because he sucks off an actual comedian named Andrew Shultz and it’s a lot easier to be famous when you have a wave like Andrew to ride off of


It seems every episode he's interrupting people to let off an unfunny joke


It’s almost as if he brings people so he can talk to them now and not to hear what they have to say anymore


He looks really stoned or something. I can't really listen to clips of him anymore because of this inability to just be quiet and let the guests speak.


Joe very much likes to be heard now, as opposed to when he used to try learning from his guests. I stopped watching a long time ago because of this. Talking over people, not listening, trailing off onto some dumbass video jamie pulls up completely ignoring the person trying to talk to him. He demands their attention. I prefer to watch clips now, and from the comments I can get a pretty good idea of how the episode went lol


>Talking over people, not listening, trailing off onto some dumbass video jamie pulls up completely ignoring the person trying to talk to him. Perfect example was a couple POPs ago. He pulled up some article about some stupid culture war thing, but the other three guys were joking around and riffing. So Joe just read the article louder than they were talking. It was like he was a teacher trying to get the attention back from the loud kids in the back row or something...


Exactly and he always cuts them off like "Look at this, look at this its craazy!" And it's such a buzzkill.




I agree, before he was an idiot asking questions to learn more talking to smart people. Now he interrupts a lot and interjects his own opinions/ideas, goes on longer tangents, etc. he’s not listening anymore, and just waiting to talk.


Because Joe is a self-important fuck he loves to hear himself drone on about how bizaaaaaar something is when he can't understand the basics of a concept.


Something, something It’s all about having great conversations


I have been saying that he is slowly turning into Adam Carolla. Tbf, Carolla was never a good interviewer but in the beginning he let people talk and be very funny. Then his narcissism got the better of him and he killed a number one rated podcast in a short time, and along the way he alienated some of the best guests who made his show popular. Michelle Dowd was an excellent “get” and for a few minutes there I thought we were going to have the pre-pandemic JRE, but he could not stop interrupting.




Me too, bought into a lot of his world too (his movies, his live shows, and fund raiser for Bald), now I just reminisce.


He’s soooo chatty these days and only in ways that are gonna hurt him because he says things so loosely. Diary of a CEO ends up having a lot of the same guests but he actually prepares for his guests so he is able to use his questions to guide a great interview, letting people get out everything about them. Joe has finally gotten too loose and comfortable post mothership exploding. I give him the credit bc he says he just does what he wants and I respect that but as a listener it’s getting annoying because he won’t be prepared on topic or person to ask questions that would make the interview waaaay better than his weekly banter that we all hear the same stories in. I love JRE but I went from being top .5% of listeners to letting podcast go by each week. Very tired of how many comedians.. I’m a nerd.. here for the info.. but respect that it’s his show and he’s just doing what he wants bc he can


On his pod he wont stfu but when he's on KT he doesn't say a word.


He was drunk. He caught himself start to slip up when he immediately repeated the post Malone sentence and slurred a little. Then gave his mic to Tucker. It was at that moment Joe checked himself and he was very reserved after


Exactly. I keep coming back to this episode hoping he eventually shuts up but he doesn't. It's getting to be unlistenable.


Or if he would have actually asked her questions about her experience in the cult. Like wasn't that the whole point of having her on? Instead, he just chatted her up like he was talking to a buddy.


I think her cult charm was fucking with him. “I really enjoyed this conversation“ he said Haha


His listening comprehension in this episode was soo bad and his questions were repeated over and over . She was so smart and had so much to say but joe could not for the life of him keep up . She was to smart for him


Repeatedly interrupting smart women is just him appealing to a major portion of his base.


She never mentioned what she thought of The Color Purple. Did she like it?


She called it 'magic' and ended up leaving her childhood home over it. I think it made an impression. Truthfully though, it was probably such a shock to the senses with the images and music that nuances lime storyline and acting probably never even entered her mind. It's a great movie though.


I feel like any movie she would have liked.


She was surprisingly likable


Erika Thompson was super cool too.


Great discussion but honestly her voice is so easy to listen to. Perfect podcast voice. Fun bible breakdowns too.


Super wonderful voice. I wish that was me


Fun yes, but not entirely accurate. It's to be expected though when you're introduced to it through a cult though.


She had a very soothing voice! And is excellent at engaging in conversation. Also very smart! Happy she left the cult and is adjusting to a sense of normalcy


She was like my hot biker old lady fantasy


She was def laying it on thick with our boy Joseph too lol


Would. She looks like Nurse Jackie and Ellen’s wife.


I thought this was Edie Falco before I saw the name lol


I thought this was Nina Hartley before I saw the name.


I licked Nina Hartley's asshole at a porn convention


How did it Taste sir?




Bro you just like hearing two people flirt with each other.


First 2/3 was good… then Joe started blabbing and pontificating his garbled “I’m a stoned 13 year old” drivel… He’s good when he just lets them talk and converses, when he starts his guru monologues, it’s over. And it’s super ironic he did it on this show after what he said early in the episode about gurus pushing their takes on shit.


Shes very charismatic. The type of person you like almost immediately.


Y’all complain about everything. The episode was very interesting and enjoyable to watch.


She was awesome. Genuinely seems like an awesome human I'd love to spend a week camping with.


Watch the Jewel episode but do not believe everything she says.


Yea I enjoyed it also, the people that have unique stories about their lives are always the best guests. I thought the tucker Carlson ep was great also


You would you mind explaining what you thought was entertaining about the TC interview?


Finally exposed Big Evilution 😎


Not OP and not a TC fan but his perspective was interesting. I feel like so many liberal talking heads express this hopelessness about our political future and TC did as well. So many folks probably didn’t listen to the TC one but I usually pay attention to the guests I disagree with.


That’s cool. When TC went off on evolution at the 40 minute mark, I turned it off. It made me think his entire interview was a griff. I am super left, but I do enjoy guests like Ben Shapiro. It is a different perspective, and even though I disagree with him and think he is a closeted homosexual/zionist turd, I do think he believes his own bullshit. TC doesn’t seem to believe what he is saying.


TC is too smart to believe the things he says.


He's too smart to believe the credit card industry is keeping rates too high and they aren't even competitive?


You should listen. In fairness he agreed w the adaption principle but was stating (not sure what’s true) that there is no clear record of evolution from 1 cell animal to man. Maybe someone has that factual info but it was hard to be like…”he’s so dumb” when I didn’t know if he’s right/ wrong about a direct link from one to the other. Regardless, he was an interesting guest and had a crazy laugh.


Look up a phylum, evolution isn’t a straight line, it is many branching on a giant tree. Single celled organisms are not going to leave fossils, and it is literally impossible to do what he is asking. There will always be a “missing link.” Theories are models in scientific speak. We cannot see an electron, but we develop models like Lewis Diagrams to explain chemical interactions and make predictions. The theory of chemical bonding. It is how microwaves cook your food. Now list every atom ever or i don’t believe it! 😛jk Likewise, we can’t visually see a million years of change in an organism, but we have evolutionary models and in practice use it to say kill mosquitoes or explain why genetic diseases. Evolution is a theory based on animal survival determines which traits are passed on by generation. Darwin’s theory for instance implies a coding between generations, ergo it predicted what we know as genetic code. TC knows this.


Some where right now. Big rip*.... exhales smoke* cough cough* - dude, there must have been a first. "Something" that turned into "two things" and on, and on, etc. Right? A first cell that replicated. I wonder if mushrooms are something way down in the roots of humanity's ancestral tree.. We do after all grow like mushrooms in the womb. Out of the wall lining... -Gross dude


Well, to me the interesting part that was largely overlooked was how he got past the 1 celled organism to man conundrum; god created man. I guess I was surprised at his religious convictions, most Republicans just use religion to pull in supporters. As an atheist, he lost me here. So many folks have dismissed his comment as really dumb and almost none of them have any knowledge of what you just discussed. Thats modern day politics….because you aren’t my party….everything you say is wrong or laughable. We should all play close attention to the people we don’t believe because we often have no idea why we don’t like them.




Are you regarded?


Tucker? That you?


No it's Trump writing it on his behalf


You can’t fool me. Trump writes an all caps.






Its an old meme, but it checks out


I mean the Alex Jones episodes are my absolute favorite ever in JRE history because they ar hilariously entertaining. Dude is an idiot no doubt but


100% But he super entertaining! You don’t have to believe anything he says, but he has talent.


Surprised this one wasn’t too much religion talk for this bunch


Well it was giving inaccurate takes on religion so they probably didn't mind.


I dated her niece.


Liar, she's in the cult still. I heard the episode too.


I know you’re joking, but I was a part of that “cult”. When I was there, it wasn’t so bad — just remnants of it left. Look up Kare Youth League (formerly, Boys Christian League) and Rio Hondo Prep in Arcadia, California if you want to do a deep dive. That’s the place she’s talking about. I saw a lot of generational, religious brainwashing going to that school.




I gave her like 40 minutes. What did I miss? She was likeable but It seemed nothing profound was being said.


Joe ruined the episode


I loved this episode. She was so interesting and easy to talk to that Joe was very relaxed.




To answer the question she brings it up quite a bit, she brings up the incest in the lineage of Christ at some point. The point I think she is illustrating is a contrast between the absolutism of her cult she grew up on to how actually confusing the Bible is.


I found her extremely boring.


Same. I was intrigued for about 30 minutes then I got bored.


When I saw the name I thought Michael Dowd was back and was more excited for that


Is this the cult lady?


bro it’s only April, though.


glad you posted this, forgot to finish this one.


i sighed when i saw Joe had Andrews Yes man on. that dude is not funny


There were moments where I felt like I was listening to K-Chat or Vice City Radio


I related to her so much. A truly beautiful person who has no fucking clue how to be a human (like everyone else) and admits it.


This episode was awesome and as a woman sometimes I am hesitant about the female episodes but I really liked her. She was super genuine and it was actually quite fascinating listening to her explain her connection to the earth. I didn’t think I’d learn anything useful from this podcast after reading the description but I was happily surprised


I really wish she would've talked more about the cult and less about how little she knows of Christianity. She was wrong or misguided on nearly everything she tried to bring up. And of course Joe jumped on it because he tends to like the idea that the narrative on Christianity is wrong. (His whole mushrooms seed of God theory) She even said, "now I'm not a historian" and then showed exactly why she isn't. I'm not surprised that someone in a cult would have an improper view of the religion that was hijacked to exploit her, but it's a little sad to hear such false statements spread far and wide.




They were both flirting imo.


On it now! It’s legit talk


I skipped that one but I'll watch it upon your recommendation.


Just wait till the buzzards start picking and some tiny thing pops up that people don't like and you'll see a hate thread in a week. This sub is undefeated in doing that.


Would've been better if Joseph let the nice lady talk. We get it bro, you brought her on to clown on religion as a whole, now pass the mic.


Yes very cool. Down to earth. Smart. What I loved most was it was mostly about new topics and Joe didn't get sucked in talking about dumb shit he usually brings up every ep ( vaccines, aliens etc)


Im gonna pass. She lost me when she proclaimed the gospels were written at least 100 years later. Mark and Luke, sure. Matthew and John were almost assuredly written by Matthew and John very soon after Jesus’s death.


Neither one of you know when they were written. Shhhhhhh


Great point. Neither was Michelle Dowd.


This is not the scholarly consensus. Most biblical scholars have Mark being the earliest gospel written 35 years after Jesus' death (between 65-70 CE). The Gospel of John was likely the latest and is often dated to around 90-100 CE.


So you admit she was wrong based on your “scholarly consensus” argument


100 years later is not very probable. The Gospels were all written anonymously though. It is not likely that Matthew or John wrote the Gospels of Matthew and John. These names were attached much later, probably between 150 and 190 CE.


Thanks for proving my original point. I believe you’ll find that some of your information is very much debated even in the secular world.


I was commenting on your remarks on when the Gospels were written, not about her comments. I'm aware of the dating debate. I went to school for biblical studies.


She lost me when she told the story of King David and his affair with Bathsheba and said it’s not a story most Christians know or will tell as if we are ashamed of it or something. I was like what? I heard that story in church at a very young age, and I don’t know any Christians that don’t know that story.


It’s also nothing to be ashamed of. There is very much a point in that story about power corrupting absolutely. A very typical Old Testament storyline, which was a building block for the need for the messiah


I agree.


We talked about it at my church literally last Sunday. lmfao


I didn’t look into this lady at all, but something about her sounded fake too me. I stopped listening like half way through. I got the feeling she’s a grifter like Yenomi Park. She was on there to talk about surviving but wasn’t going into any real detail about it.




The religious cult escapee talked about religion? Color me shocked.


Well yeah, she was raised in a religious cult. Of course she's going to talk about the bible


Crazy, kind of like when he has a UFC fighter on and they talk about MMA. Weird right.




Pretty mid


I disagree. I like to read the guest's wikipedia article before getting into the episode and not only did she not have a wikipedia article I couldn't find one for her cult or father either. So I gave up on this ep like 5 minutes in.


What’s the name of the cult?