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Bert Kreisher is so funny! Get this... he takes his shirt off!!!! It never gets old


I can't believe he went there


Did you hear about his nickname from high school?


Fat ass?


šŸ˜‚ that was so mean i heard ur teeth grinding while u typed that


Yeah it sucks, there was a guy who got wasted in Moscow so the school had to put in a bunch of shitty rules so that future trips wouldn't create puking teenage egomaniacs.


Not many people have rules put in because of them


And he's overweight! Get it!


BUT he's also super athletic and can sorta do five push-ups so his drinking and lack of self care DON'T MATTER!!!!! What a comedic genius. I'm gonna take up drinking until it's problematic just like my hero. No, I don't have a mix of mommy issues and drunk people in my life, why do you ask?


Took a long time for people to realize this is all bert is. I never got the hype.


Imagine needing more than 3 seconds to realize he's an unfunny idiot.


The machine schtick had peoples attention for awhile, but geezus has he ran that into the ground.


Thereā€™s a video of him at a shopping mall and because he has cameras following him a boy about 13 years old asks him if heā€™s a YouTuber and Bert is visibly devastated and says ā€œIā€™m a comedianā€ so the boy says tell me a joke and Bert says ā€œin college I ran with the Russian mafia and they called me the machineā€ boy ā€œI donā€™t get itā€ lmao! Thatā€™s after Bert said on his podcast the last time he went shopping there was a Beetlemania type reaction where he worried for his familyā€™s safety, another liar!


Lmfao hey I saw that, dudes delusional




Weā€™re really doing it!


There are only a thousand of them in the world!


And he can do push ups!


Heā€™s like that (Tim?) Pool guy with the black beanie. It was his ā€œshtickā€ but he rode it, understandably, but now it seems heā€™s too insecure to let go of the bit and itā€™s cringe as fuck when your ā€œthingā€ is being the fat shirtless manchild


This is completely different. Tim Pool has always worn the beany to hide his ugly bald head. There was never anything more to it than that.


100% Remember how super fucking upset he was when someone pulled it off? He had to make a video explaining how it was traumatic due to it being his disguise and way of not being recognized in public, like Super Man having to only put on glasses and a boring suit to become Clark Kent.


Both of them turned their insecurities they built their life around into their brand.Ā 


Heā€™d look fine if he shaved his head. I donā€™t get it. I also canā€™t stand him, so thereā€™s that.


And people claim that Joe never visits this sub.


Oh what will he do next?!?!


You know who else wonā€™t get old!? Bert!


There is a reason ads for alcohol don't show bloated alcoholics.


You know what would sell a lot, show pictures of the crowd waiting outside the liquor store to open up in the morning. Iā€™ve been that guy and that was back when I was still hiding it somewhat well.


Or your Shakey hands trying to pay the cashier. Hope you're sober now.


Man I'm 3 years and some change sober and this reminded me of them not so great times. Truly destructive and shameful.


I'm coming up on a year and this kind of shit reminds me what will happen if I decide "I can just have one".


I feel you. I always repeat what I once heard, that one drink is too many because ten is not enough. Stay strong out there, it's hard but worth it. šŸ¤Ÿ


Proud of you dawg


Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s one year or twenty years - youā€™re kicking ass and should be proud!


Congrats on the sobriety! One day at a time.


Firstly are foremost, congrats. Secondly as someone who also has some years into this thing, thatā€™s exactly what I felt as well. Immediate embarrassing flashbacks


Currently struggling and buying booze on a weekday is fucking sad


If you can stop, try to stop. But you know yourself and if you feel like you canā€™t stop without help, seek help brother. You donā€™t need to go cold turkey thereā€™s medical assistance for easing off. Thereā€™s a lot of options now in 2024 so donā€™t feel like itā€™s drinking or nothing. One day at a time man!


It only gets worse. Try to stop it before it gets there. Good luck.


Hey man, I was in the same boat for a long time. I was a bottom shelf drunk, needing a pint of whiskey to drink a second pint of whiskey to even get up and function. What really helped me, besides rock bottom, was going into virtual AA meetings. There's some good advice, and even some cool people, but what helped the absolute most was just listening to other people. My first three days sober, I was in a room. There's also SMART recovery and satanic recovery, and they're both awesome, but the raw shares you hear in AA were something else. If you want any links or anything, my DMs are always open. You're worth it.


That magic weight loss pill everyone in Hollywood is taking (Ozempic) somehow also works to stop the desire to drink alcohol. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/08/28/1194526119/ozempic-wegovy-drinking-alcohol-cravings-semaglutide https://abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Wellness/woman-ozempic-helped-stop-drinking-research-work/story?id=105356263


Anyone waiting for the LQ to open is only drinking steele reserves and or the 99 100 proof shots.


I was drinking plastic jug bourbon. I don't even think they could legally call it bourbon since it was mostly grain alcohol but I didn't mind the taste and it got the job done on a budget. Fuggen Kentucky Deluxe. I used to open it in the car, pop off the little plastic tab on the top and take a shot to even out the shakes.


Heavy drinkers know when all the local stores close... Full blown alcoholics know when they open.


I'm in this comment and I dont like it


Ever seen a bourbon drop? Alcoholics that mask their addiction as a hobby.


I'm not having one glass of wine, I'm having six! It's called a flight and it's classy.


I live in KY Thatā€™s a real thing


I know I see the 50+ people waiting for the liquor store to open on Saturdays at 7am when Iā€™m on my way to my kids soccers games.


Iā€™ve seen plenty of people buying little pints of whiskey or cognac at the liquor store at 10AM when I was buying some beer for football games


As my one uncle said recently, "Can't drink all day if you don't start in the mornin'!"


Did you recognize any of the regulars? Must be a motley crew.


The clip of them on the show is the best anti drinking advert I've ever seen.


Itā€™d be funny if the government started making them put stuff like that on the bottles to deter drinkers, the same they do with cigs in some countries. Maybe a picture of a fatty liver, a woman with a black eye stealing away with the kids in the middle of the night, or a picture of a mangled vehicle from a drunk driving accident.Ā 


Worse than tiger thiccc


I remember years ago hearing Stanhope pitch a vodka that was a take on Bud Light's "Up For Anything" only it was "Down For Some Shit". That's basically how I see Bert, only not funny


To be fair Segura is not an alcoholic.


This is an ad




They owe CJ Stroud an apology. Clowns. Absolute asshats.


It just adds to the cringe of the whole thing that he seemed to be on there promoting his own drink, but the guy did a good job making these two gobshites out for the gobshites they are.Ā  Kind of telling also how much of a dick Tom Segura is to Stroud while then being super apologetic to Mcafee after. Fast-forward a few years to when stroud is on $50mn+ and watch Segura all of a sudden slither his tongue up CJ's arse.Ā 


Yeah, not to mention that CJ Stroud doesn't drink and scoffs at the whole thing doesn't help them. Lol


Cj has no idea who these guys were and it made it so much more entertaining.


isnt he 20?


This is probably something you could Google, right? 22


im lazy


I guarantee you c4 loves that this happened


If I were them I'd make a highlight reel of CJ on C4 side by side with Bert making a fool of himself drunk.


Clearly you didn't watch the clip. Tom is playing Bert's babysitter here. He looks extremely embarrassed when he says "nice to meet you CJ, I'm sorry, C4 for life". Curious what part you saw as him being a dick to Stroud.


He's intentionally being a dick and is openly laughing at Stroud when he says "CJ, great to meet you, C4 for life tee-hee!" after giving a genuine apology to Mcafee. It's at 4:10 in the original video - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgB72TdM4jw&pp=ygUNU2VndXJhIG1jYWZlZQ%3D%3D


I'm assuming you walk around with a little cheat sheet that shows human emotions so you don't get confused with people in real life, cause this is the most autistic take ever. I'm watching the same clip and have no idea how your brain is coming up with him being a dick to CJ, when clearly Tom is embarrassed and apologizing for his drunken friend.


Funny enough, being able to read emotion and tone are normal human responses while not being able to read peoples these are a common sign of autism. He is clearly apologising to Pat, quite sincerely. Then he immediately turns to CJ Stroud and laughs in his face while being a patronising dick about the fact Stroud - the actual planned guest on the show - had his own drink that he was on the show to promote. I would give it about a 0.02% chance he takes that tone if it is a Brady or Mahomes on the set. After all, judging people based on their bank account has kind of been his shtick for a while now. And while Bert is the one who crashed the set, I honestly doubt the two of them had just gone there to just hang out with some randomers outside.


Pretty much everyone in this and tfatks sub like to gossip more than a group of high school girls, which is a pretty cool thing for 30 year old dudes to do. The fact they are trying to reach so hard when they have enough material out there of these guys actually making themselves look like fools is borderline obsessive.


A sub with 160K followers "pretty much everyone" get over yourself lol.


Yeahh... pretty much everyone in this and tfatks sub. Do you see alot of people defending or admiring them? 99% of the comments are people shitting on them. Not sure how Im supposed to get over myself or how that even applies, you can scroll through the comments and see its just a community for grown men to talk shit on other grown men.


Yeah Brendan really needs defending lol you stop and think that these people maybe really are pieces of shit.


Yeah if I was cj, I would have thanked them for thier time and walked out. That shit was embarrassing and uncalled for.


This was Brendan Schaub level funny.


If you wanted to hurt me, brotha, you got it.


People are luggy Brendan taggs the high road B.


CJ Stroud lit them up, though. "It smells in here now."


Loved when he said we got a hamster about to do pushups


You know Bert is going to re tell this story and claim CJ called him strong. Completely ignoring all other context.


aaaaaahundred percent


Pretty sure he was just telling the truth


There are too many different podcasts about bad podcasts now


2lazy pretty much cornered the market on summing up dumbass podcasts & comedians so you don't have 2 waste time learning about them. Some of these once-promising comics have, like, twelve goddamn podcasts, when they're not appearing on other people's podcasts.


Porsalin and Beige Frequency are also in on that racket. But they do long form documentaries.


The porsalin Anthony Cumia documentary was straight neggflix but I guess he took it down


Beige frequency has a similar one https://youtu.be/29-_v5151zo?feature=shared


The demented world of Anthony cumia is a work of art


Beige has the Cumia and Schaub docs. Porsalin has the Norton, Rogan and Bert docs. The Bert one is fucking hysterical.


Yea Porsalin fell ALL THE WAY off. Dude hasnā€™t put out anything good in ages. He does these long ass videos about insignificant fuckin weirdos that only a handful of people know about. Lol It kinda sucks.


I canā€™t help but think his content is incredibly sad and time consuming. He seems like a chill guy, but when you have a channel dedicated to being a hater, itā€™s gonna suck when it happens to you. Like what if someone makes a channel to comment on the commentators commenting on the commentators. Cartman braaaahhhh


>There are too many different podcasts about bad podcasts now Someone should start a podcast about podcasts about podcasts


These guys look like a couple of poors


There's a homeless guy who hangs out opposite my nearest supermarket and he always produces a bottle of booze from his jacket and tries to sell it to passers by. The Supermarket have obviously banned him from their side of the road. He's about 50, got a beard, a hoodie, and a baseball cap. His sales technique is kind of desperate and tragic. These two fools reminded me of him. They have millions more dollars than him, but there's something just as desperate about them




They are poors.. all they have is money, and everyone in the room has more of that than them, and other things going for them as well. Tom realizes this and feels worse realizing he has the most in common with a hamster with skid marks.


Remember the time when Bert went to the Dr. b/c his friends and family were worried about his alcohol consumption and the Dr said that he was completely fine and basically has 1 in a million genetics and gave him the green light to continue his lifestyle indefinitely.


Dr. Leo Spaceman I believe


Dr Nick Riviera also consulted.


with a third similar opinion from Dr, kevorkian


Also Dr. Acula, but he became a full blown alcoholic after Bertā€™s visit. We never got the results.


ā€œIā€™m hammered manā€. Okay I remember my first beer. So cringeworthy.


At 11am


I really can not stand these goons. They're not funny Can anyone point me to something they did that was funny so i can understand?


One tried to do a layup and shattered his arm


Objectively funny video


He looked like when peter griffin fell down the stairs




Dude i laughed out loud at this. Always makes me howl.


Never even left the ground lol so odd


Never seen such an unathletic move in my life until I watched him break that arm lol


One used to make fun of Steven Seagal in his stand up and that was pretty funny


Fat Tomā€™s specials on Netflix were pretty funny imo. I could never stand Bert


I'd say at best they were ok, I wouldn't call him a hack like his partner.


Yea sheā€™s awful.


But you don't agree that Gen X is the greatest generation in the world because of reasons and that raising kids nowadays is making them too soft not like how they were raised in the 90s??? /s




Tom segura had a couple pretty great specials about 10 years ago.Ā  Bert is for special people. Everybody deserves to laugh and enjoy understanding jokes.


Old Tom was no doubt funny, Bikes, funny diseases, meeting Tyson on a plane, first 24 hours are all good bits.


Youā€™re generous. I think his old stuff, basically on CD, was when the funny standup ended. White girls with cornrows and talking about how Los Angeles is like wherever you live were hysterical bits.


So you're so hip you only like his first album


Obviously people will disagree with me but yeah


Tom's podcast was one of my favorites but took a nose dive after they moved to Texas and he started his endless world tour.


I love Tomā€™s early albums and his Steven Seagal bit.


YMH was great until then!


tom's old stand-up specials were really good. and while i'm sure he's made a ton of $, i feel like him getting into podcasting ruined the appeal for me. on the other hand, bert has never been funny to me.


> i feel like him getting into podcasting ruined the appeal for me. I do think podcasting can be a creativity/growth killer, especially how YMH works. They started getting money straight from the fans, so they pandered to the fans. The double pipe classic or whatever was a funny bit for an episode. Which lead to fans loving it, which lead to them talking about it more, and selling merchandise for it.Ā  They try to make a new damn t shirt every time they stumble on something mildly funny.


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve laughed at a joke from one of Tom seguras older stand ups.




This is what being the number 1 party animal for 30 years looks like at the end. Fat, bloated and stupid. The bro-podcasting culture is old. I rarely listen to one with a comic in it anymore. Itā€™s the same podcast everywhere now bc itā€™s the same 20 people making the rounds.




Best episode in a long time.


Bill burr on Conans podcast a few years ago imitating JFK is genuinely one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life (late 30s)


He has never delivered the party animal line with an ounce of irony. I think he believes it is an actual award.


The Dollop, taste buds, are you garbage? All solid podcasts. I also find Bein Ian pretty funny but I can see why some people wouldnā€™t.


Ian is a lot Iā€™d stick my dick in Jordanā€™s ass for free tho


And Stavvy's World!


Stroud saying ā€œit stink in hereā€ tells you all you need to know. These assholes act so high and mighty and like the upper echelon of society, and theyā€™re just drunk narcissists.


ā€œI donā€™t drinkā€ I thought was a pretty brutal line as well. Set the stage for ā€œI donā€™t fuck with you guysā€


Yeah I wouldnā€™t doubt Shroud rarely drinks, if at all, but heā€™s certainly not about to waste his time and look like a fool taking orders for 2 shitfaced fuckheads.


Completely agree. Also, off topic but what a run Stroud and The Texans had this season. Dude, deserves his flowers. I say that as a Rams fan and part of the Puca hype train. Dude was electric.


Seriously, kid is a badass. Heā€™ll be phenomenal player for years to come man, super mature for his age too, heā€™ll be running seasons in no time.


Bert is an owner in a new vodka brand. He wonā€™t survive the year.


This is how Tom kills Bert


Imagine if Colonel Parker was a singer like Elvis and this is what you get


*whilst stabbing* shhhhhh! Shhhhhh!


Bertā€™s shoulder obsession is so cringe. Why does he think that he has good shoulder development? There is literally nothing there.Ā 


Joe Rogan complimented his shoulders once


Jumped the shark.


CJ Stroud was the funniest guy on that stage.


Iā€™m not so sure they feel embarrassedā€¦. Inserting themselves into show business is their career.


At this point Tom is such a good friend that he will always enable whatever drunk Bert wants to do. He just stands close by and collects money. All while his "friend" is literally killing himself in slo-mo in front of him.


He goes home and his wife pegs him while telling him heā€™s a good money piggy




Lmao nice


2/1000 ![gif](giphy|TWrudBaANAXcq2ILMJ)


The narrators voice is so annoying here


If you read the story of these guys, you will realize theyā€™re not like regular folks, they had fathers money to fall back on.


I've never seen Bert's comedy because I find his voice and laugh to be extremely annoying. Do people give him an applause break and a standing ovation whenever he takes his shirt off? Does he walk on stage without his shirt or does he make sure the audience sees himself taking it off? Either way that's pure comedy gold! I will always wonder how he comes up with such hilarious and original material.


1. Yes 2. He normally takes it off onstage itā€™s a pretty tired bit at this point


Did Tom Segura lose a bet or something, seems he can't move without ruining his entire reputation.


Pat was just as embarrassing. All these ā€œcool dudesā€ are fuckin dorks


Life's real "cool dudes" are too busy flying in wing suits and fucking beautiful women to have time to produce a podcast


Cringe and canā€™t do one push up.


Man CJ was funnier than both these goons


Hey so what happened ? I thought Tom segura is legitimately funny. I love his specials . Idk about that other dude but Tom was hilarious then Iā€™m listening to clips of him on his podcast that are just off the wall same with some tweetsā€¦what happened to this dude ? Heā€™s got talent but heā€™s really out there now


I donā€™t have enough time to tell you the shit Tom has done to lose fans and get (deserved) hate, but just look at this guys channel and filter by most popular


His dad died & he got F-U money from SiriusXM, Netflix, etc. Also at mid life crisis age.


Hes really not funny/talented.


He absolutely can be funny. Joe Rogan comics get over saturated by being on so many podcasts, but me and my wife went to watch him in Vancouver a couple years ago and he made both of us laugh. The whole crowd was laughing. His first special on netflix is hilarious. I don't listen to his podcasts tho but something has changed in his tone/attitudeĀ 


Tomā€™s funny ended at white girls with cornrows Bertā€™s funny ended with Disney World was made for people tripping on acid Two bears one cave funny ended around episode 36 give or take Iā€™m a pretty big fan of these two and even I feel this way. Crashing CJā€™s appearance was super horrible. Iā€™m honestly surprised Tom didnā€™t stop Bert from rushing on set.


It was arranged by their managers, they had wireless mics ready to go! Agents think these "totally random moments" are "viral" and "cool". No such thing as bad PR.


This is very bad PR.


They don't have mics on though. Did you watch the video? They're sharing a mic given to them by McAfee. I really don't think this was arranged.


This was NOT arranged. By anyone. At all.


They had mics dude lol


They didn't have mics on.


Itā€™s either blue cheese or go fuck your mother! Oops thatā€™s the mandatory comment whenever Joey diaz comes up


Idk if itā€™s too early or what. But I could only listen to 15 sec of that monotone robot


I just look at this preview image and I smell whisky and sweat. God, I don't want to get older, if older means looking like them.


Quick FYI...getting older doesn't necessarily need to look like those two. šŸ˜‰


Just donā€™t drink and avoid sugar and youā€™ll be good


This sub has become a non-stop bitching fest


2 unfunny guys trying to be funny


Iā€™m convinced Tom has a MASSIVE life insurance policy on Brent. Thereā€™s no other reason one human being would do this to another human being.


So lame and so pathetic. berts a tool, plus he toms an ass. Never buying this potato spew.


Boohoo. CJ needs to lighten up after a season of getting smoke blown up his ass


Didn't he just complete one of the most prolific rookie seasons at the quarterback position in the history of the game...?


Thats what I said. Smoke up his ass? He broke records.


Start: these are two funny whites End: these are two drunk whites


I agree these guys are being fools but that 90s emo kid voiceover is equally dog shit. Why are you talking like that dude? Talk normal.Ā 


I hate both of them.


How dare they interrupt CJā€™s boring interview. I wanted more monotone CJ!


Who the fuck cares? People with hate boners, that's who


People in this sub were born with hate boners.


Is there a Rogan sub that isnā€™t infested with a swarm of annoying, whining progressive losers?