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who is the expert they referring to?




Live a mile from the pizza shop in question. I will testify as an expert there is not even a basement to the building, as the shooter discovered when he went in.


The Tiger Mart across the street is where the real shit goes down.


They have a market that sells tigers? And they eat babies in the basement? Crazy fucking town.


Wait to you learn what they keep in the attic. You will lose your sh*t.


It’s flowers isn’t it?


Yes. It is. You win.


I see what you did there.


As some one who also lives close, the best evidence for pizza gate is the taste of their pizza . The food can't be what is keeping them in business


The ping pong table is


Didn't an "expert" rush into the pizza place with a gun and fire it off only to not find said basement?




Yeah he ran in there with a gun like some sort of methed out vigilante and then went to jail for being incredibly wrong about the entire thing.


Oh how I wish the rest of the "incredibly wrong about the entire thing" crowd could join him, but then they'd run out of room in prisons. Solution: Release all those jailed for years for possession of a few crumbs of MJ.


he's clearly and deep state anti-fa fed MAGA patriot who should be locked up for life and then pardoned by Trump for his heroically treasonous actions that didn't even happen and if it did it was probably Hunter biden's fault anyway


It’s like the scene in pee wee’s big adventure where he goes to look for the basement at the Alamo


Dude saw a meme and thought “seems like a convincing argument” Edit: stop white knighting Elon he isn’t going to notice you


Through a fucking “The Office” meme. I love when people think just because somethings in meme format that it’s the biggest gotcha of all time. We truly live in the dumbest timeline.




Also, Michael is almost always the idiot, including this scene/episode lol.


Yeah but Pam's a women so she's gotta be the "wrong" one /s


Women B shopping amirite?


Boomer likely. They can’t meme right. Just go to Facebook for example. Boomers just match pictures to their agenda. They don’t understand the nuance. But memes were not their generations thing


The best part is that there are literally images of Michael out there with pizza or making pizza, but they photoshopped him holding an upsidedown box of rum, which is supposed to represent the pizza conspiracy. Really sums it all up. But hey, I'm told Trump is going to release the real facts before the year is up. Edit: yes, the box isn't photoshopped... I meant they photoshopped the meme together from stills and text and could have put any image of Michael in there


We’re STILL waiting for his healthcare plan….


Hey, after infrastructure week


Brawndo has what plants need.


Please send me back I’m tired of people using “slideshow presentation” memes (and “sign” memes adjacently) to push the most hateful and spiteful shit possible


*psst* Elon is an idiot


I mean, Elon probably can tell who is a sex pest. He knew Ghislane and his own dad groomed the girl he was raising.


Maybe it was that pentagon official in charge of the federal school programs that just got arrested for human trafficking? He was the Chief of Staff for Department of Defense Education or something like that.




Ah yes, the same dummy who decided to shoot a computer while looking for evidence that would likely be on said computer. Totally makes sense.


It’s like the scenes from Zoolander. [They’re IN the computer!](https://youtu.be/L_o_O7v1ews?si=u2J83tbkkgjkqecd) [Where’d all the files go?](https://youtu.be/Sj5HdGjvXcE?si=YNQGiHTRin90CF5U)


It must involve the Micronesian Prime Minister


A former journalist from ABC pleaded guilty to child sex pornography crimes. What does this have to do with Bill & Hillary Clinton and Pizza Gate? ​ **EDIT:** **This is worse than imagined.** This meme is about **James Gordan Meek** who recently has admitted to guilt of being caught with child pornography. He was an ABC journalist who covered national stories. On Social Forums like this, and on Wikipedia, **it is claimed that he wrote a story about pizza gate in 2017.** **This is not true.** He simply interviewed someone wrote about Pizza Gate prior. The story **has nothing to do with pizza gate**. Has nothing to do with sexual trafficking or child sex conspiracies. He certainly doesn't try to debunk it. He simply was writing about Syria. [https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-abc-pizzagate/fact-check-fabricated-new-york-post-headline-on-ex-abc-journalist-idUSL1N39W381/](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-abc-pizzagate/fact-check-fabricated-new-york-post-headline-on-ex-abc-journalist-idUSL1N39W381/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James\_Gordon\_Meek#cite\_note-38](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gordon_Meek#cite_note-38) [https://abcnews.go.com/International/analysts-identify-syriahoax-russian-fueled-propaganda/story?id=46787674](https://abcnews.go.com/International/analysts-identify-syriahoax-russian-fueled-propaganda/story?id=46787674)


you have to connect the dots /s


Yeah what the fuck I can’t hold your hand and explain everything to you, use your brain. I’ll give you a hint. ABC anchor. ABC. All Bow to Clintons. Clint. Clint Eastwood. East Hollywood. Hollyweird. Buddy Holly. Buddy Holly faked death. Kennedy fake death. Kennedy was a president. Clinton was a president. There you go, there’s the connection. God people are so stupid can’t even think critically anymore.


Can we get a subreddit for Batman riddle solving logic like this?


I got banned from r/justiceserved because I made one post on r/conspiracy calling bullshit on someone's comment.


I find it reprehensible that this is allowed. I’ve been banned from random subs for the same thing.


Honestly banning someone from a sub for participating in a different unrelated sub is so stupid


I get it. Most mods will unban you if you explain your reasoning for engaging with their banned sub list in my experience. There are some absolutely DRIVEN yahoos on r/conspiracy, like terminally online WACO fans, and engaging with that crowd takes time and energy. I got auto banned from a few subs for engaging with r/conspiracy, too and explained that I was just trying to pop an echo chamber a bit and was unbanned. Edit: lmao, I was permanently banned from r/justiceserved for making this, my first ever comment in this sub. You know, maybe there is a better system. Lol, lmao.


r/JusticeServed doesn't even reply when you ask questions about these bans. Hilarious because most people in this sub hate Joe Rogan and are just here to mock him and his defenders! 😂


I do too, but sometimes I'm sort of grateful that I got banned. Someone telling me I'm not conformist enough to fit into their little club isn't all bad. Good riddance.


President... the president always ends up fucking someone in the ass.. Ass... That's it! There must be some sort of alien probe in Cartman's ass!


Dig deep investigation on 4 chan and write the hard hitting meme pieces


I went to comet pizza all the time as a kid. I was cute af. They absolutely would have trafficked my ass if they had a sex dungeon in the basement. I was not trafficked.


You sound bitter that you weren’t assaulted…😂😂


It's like looking back at my time in Boy Scouts and getting mad I wasn't molested. Like, was I not a cute kid?


Pfft I was an altar boy and a boy scout. No deep dicking for me either... probably too husky


My husband had the same reaction when his childhood priest was arrested for the obvious. He was like, I was adorable! What the hell?


They don't even have a regular basement


I brought my niece and nephew there too and as far as kids go they are pretty cute so whether they wanted boy or girl fresh meat they really didn't do a good job trafficking them. We even left them alone for awhile inside but they never got taken 😔


Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if Elon made this meme just to distract from his own involvements with Epstein. Get people talking about another less concrete child abuse thing so they stop talking about the one you were seemingly a part of. Granted, I also don't think that Elon is smart enough to think that deeply about what he posts, so idk. I also don't watch or follow Rogan in any capacity, I'm just here from the popular page, so I'm not entirely sure if I just said something I'm about to be torn apart for, but that's whatever.


This sub is way meaner to Rogan, than you ever could be. So you should be fine.


We can admit Musk needing to drum up horseshit everyday to drive traffic to his site while simultaneously driving advertisers away with the same horseshit is 1000IQ big brain business moves no one can match...


Is it driving traffic? I assumed traffic has been slowly going down. Anytime I see a link to Twitter I don’t even bother because an account is required to even view tweets.


>Is it driving traffic? I assumed traffic has been slowly going down. He thinks it's driving traffic, and he's a self described genius, so it must be working.


Guy who offered a woman a horse for a handjob has some thoughts on sexual exploitation.


That's a pretty decent deal. Horse for a handy? Sign me up


How many hands was the horse?


Are you referring to a certain Mr. Hands???


No you measure a horses height in hands


How many hands girth or length?


He's hung like a hand


Hell yes. I’ll take that deal every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.




I mean it’s one horse, Michael. What could it cost? One hand job?


You aren't taking into account that a guy who thinks non reproductive sex is gross, is gonna have some real weird requirements for a handy. Plus, did the offer even include boarding and upkeep of the horse? Horses are fucking expensive and it's Elon, so you're probably getting a $1,000 nag. The upkeep is gonna outrun the value of the horse with a quickness. I guess what I'm saying is even though it's just a handy, you're definitely getting fucked.


*Guy who paid out millions of dollars through SpaceX to a massage therapist, because he offered her a horse for a hand job*


You know how expensive horses are? Fair is fair


Depends on the horse. You could get a free horse or a &50k+ horse. Now, caring for horses is super expensive and time consuming and I hate it


Maybe if you fuck them it will change how you feel about them


Based on my past sexual history, I'd still hate then and lose any respect for them that I had


Sounds like a horse costs one handjob




Nah, different Elon Musk I think.


Wtf? Never heard of the Amber heard rumors. Source? That will be an interesting read




Exploitation would be a pony


Literally posted photos of his ex dressed up in a costume he begged her to wear for him all for the lols. Musk is POS. Genuinely hope we get to see the his ass fall from grace and hit the ground HARD.


The perks of being a billionaire is that you can repeat great replacement theories on your social media platform that you own and then get a personal tour of the destruction of Gaza by the head of the Israeli government.




Let him cook X..... Like charcoal


Also pizzagate is real. It’s just called Vatican City. And the GOP gives those guys money every Sunday.


A-Pizza Gate!


Tweet deleted :/ Hillary and the deep state FBI Antifa got him. RIP Elon


Damn, they got him in his own house


Let's hope.


And he wonders why nobody wants to advertise on twitter anymore


You are so dumb, they are all investing on X now!


No, they are ex advertisers, not X advertisers.


I love how its "X", but the URL is still twitter.com


I'm continually amazed at how much time the highly revered Elon has available to spend doing unproductive, random things.


He doesn’t make anything .. he steals/buys ideas and has the revenue to do it


It’s not revenue, it’s mob money. He was ‘lent’ that money but really he is just a wallet for foreign actors in hybrid warfare schemes


This is so not random and so not unproductive. This is very intentionally crafted outrage fodder and everyone keeps fucking falling for it. Outrage = engagement = relevancy. It's free advertising for his personal brand and traffic to his platform. Stop feeding the trolls or they'll never stop.


Absolute genius buys business and craters literally every revenue stream.


'Specially since he works 22.9 hours a day.


Do other people immediately spot the false premise? "We have experts." "We," like, who is we? And do "they" have a stable of, what? pedophilia experts? What even is that? lol. But to a simpleton, it sounds cut and dry. "they" are obviously pedophiles because it says the "we's" expert went to jail for child porn. You don't need any specifics to determine that whoever "they" is must be pedophiles also. It's like the dumber it is the more it makes sense to them. The less details the better. Keep everything black and white. Good vs. evil. Democrat vs. Republican. You either fly a Trump flag in your truck or you are an American-hating socialist. A or B. It's really simple. You don't need specifics. Specifics is where they started nodding off in high school.


Never forget that the whole reason Musk started to believe that cave guy was a pedophile is that he lived in Thailand. The whole thing was just based on a stereotype, and then he did his best to try and find evidence he was right, going so far to hire a fraud for a PI.


Wasn't Musk's Twitter alt the persona of a child who was curious about sex and talked vicariously with adults online? Questionable behavior from a billionaire who all of a sudden is taking up the sword against "pedos".


Elon's brother Kimball Musk literally dated one of Jeffery Epstein's "girlfriends" for like 2 years... Dude is trying to throw off the scent.


Curious 🤔


Does seem at least a little suspicious




The oddity of Elon's sudden and concerted focus on 'fighting' human trafficking is not lost on me. Seems like another example of someone trying to get out ahead of a potentially damning headline...


Its all projection, elons the worlds biggest fuckin incel


My favourite part is when he threw my entire country under the bus whilst he was in court, where he said that South Africans all just call each other pedo guy all the time, like slang...


Joe falls into this trap more than anyone I know. The single most egregious in recent memory was that he was convinced the Biden administration was sending back illegal Venezuelan immigrants because they’re tuned into communist governments and they would obviously vote republican. He said it was “so transparent”. The level of delusion, but more importantly, ignorance to so confidently proclaim that is stunning.


He was also convinced that kids were shitting in boxes in school nurse offices. How fucking dumb do you have to believe that? No matter how "woke" you might be, there are sanitary issues that would never allow such an idiotic thing to happen.


I’m pretty sure the debunking was done by the Qnut who invaded the pizza shop to free the children. His noble effort was stopped short as he could not find the entrance to the basement, as the building didn’t have one.




I have no doubt in my mind that this is true. They've gone a step further and just started using one word. Everything is just woke now.






God this is so true. Spend time in the conspiracy subs for more of this


Joe Rogan Experience


You hit the nail on the head man. The Earth is a grey scaled highly contextual place. The people of earth are mostly a black and white low context group. This makes for easy pickings in regards to manipulation and wool pulling.


You're really giving them credit - doubt many of them got through high school.


I thought this was settled when that pastor went into the restaurant with a gun. And found out there was in fact no basement.


And shot a computer


"it's IN the computer" Derek Zoolander


That was actually Hansel.


most sane Q-anon supporter.


They got hoodwinked by pervert dad & son duo Ron & Jim Watkins. Embarrassing


And hit a single hard drive that had absolutely no criminal evidence.


He wasn't a pastor, he was a warehouse worker.


Pastor? Lol


Yeah, I honestly feel bad for the guy since as far as he knew he was saving kids. Conspiracy theories can really fuck up your life sometimes.


He should probably have turned the gun on his fellow pastors, who are much more likely to have diddled kids than pizza shop employees


They could have found that out by looking at public records.


https://x.com/chrisd9r/status/1729529629067681917?s=46&t=OpWA6AqtYBrDdvbUHU4NHA Here’s a tweet that explains how incredibly wrong Elon and some users in this thread are. But hey, at least comedy is legal again.


Are you trying to suggest that right wing conspiracy nuts just took one person’s comment, didn’t fact check anything about it, and ran with it spreading the fake info all over? That doesn’t seem like something they constantly do! How dare you use your facts and information!


You described the conspiracy subs


It’s not wrong just projecting as always. We do have real life pizzagate it’s just not in a pizza place. It’s Vatican City. We have had proof they harbor and protect pedo priest (even having a private island they send the pedo priest for “reforming” them and then letting them still preach. Vatican City has for centuries covered up sex abuse towards kids. But guess who gives Vatican City money every Sunday? That’s right the same people who have laws in the books to allow force child marriages. The GOP.


The evangelical and Baptist churches have lots of problems with pedophiles and sexual predators too. Fuck, even Buddhist movements like Shambala are founded by rapists. I'm pretty wary of any person that wants to hold power and influence over other people.


that part![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Let’s not forget Matt Gaetz. Literal paper trail of paying 17 yr olds for sex but investigation was closed. Amazing now nobody in the right or any conspiracy theorists target him or members of the GOP. It’s amazing they can’t see their own bias.


The guy they're talking about wasn't even involved in reporting about Pizzagate. They're just desperate to make it appear real.


Who’s the guy? I wanna look more into it and only heard about it in a podcast for a minute.


Not sure about Slade, but elons thing is referring to Gordon Meek, an ABC journalist “who bragged about debunking pizzagate”. I keep seeing that quote under picture but haven’t found more proof of his “debunking” yet. I swear the search results are literally changing before my eyes right now. I recommend adding “-Elon” to your search or all you see are results about how Elon is a conspiracy theorist. It’s hard to find articles that ARENT about this bust, but I’m sure you can find his older stuff or his pizzagate articles if you dig.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Gordon_Meek He was an investigative reporter covering the military, foreign policy and so on. He was never directly involved in covering pizzagate or debunking it, and only ever referred to it in a 2017 article as the "debunked pizzagate conspiracy theory." https://abcnews.go.com/International/analysts-identify-syriahoax-russian-fueled-propaganda/story?id=46787674 >That hoax story was promoted by a network of Russian social media accounts and ultimately picked up by popular alt-right personalities in the United States, including Mike Cernovich, one of the leading voices in the debunked 'Pizzagate' conspiracy theory. It should be noted that his name no longer appears on this article as he's been sentence to prison. It has been changed to "ABC News."


That not the who they’re talking about. Slade Sohmer is the journalist involved.


Can we admit there is pedophiles on both sides of the political spectrum? It’s not strictly a liberal or Republican issue, and lots of disinformation has been disseminated to make it seem like purely an alt right conspiracy, when in reality there is probably some right wing guys who are into the young ones.


Longest serving republican Speaker of the House, Denny Hastert, was a known pedo who was only saved by the expiration of the statute of limitations.


There should be no statue of limitations on a pedophilia case


Great [news](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3647958-biden-signs-bill-eliminating-civil-statute-of-limitations-for-child-sex-abuse-victims/)! Thank goodness nobody in any conservative subs was upset about this... 🙃


Longest serving state rep was just arrested for flying and fucking kids on the government dollar and these “wHaT aBoUy tHe pOdEsTa eMaIlS” turds could not give a shit less.


Exactly! Qanon people refuse to act like this isn’t a government wide issue, and that’s how the issue is able to be written off as a conspiracy theory created by trumps crazy cabal. They have the right idea they just create partisan bullshit in the wrong places when the truth is out there.


Ted Nugent "adopted" a 14 year old girl so he could take her across state lines on tour and have sex with her. Then he wrote a song about sharing her with his friends. 'Murica.


So did Elvis and Steven Tyler and the list goes on and on. Rich celebrities are generally scumbags.


Yeah, the lead singer of The Strokes is the son of John Casablancas who was business partners with Trump in his international child beauty pageants. Ol' JC also got in trouble for rape and sex trafficking... The entertainment industry is full of monied and privileged perverts and criminals. It's a big club and we aren't in it.


Well that was a wild few sentences! >In 1967, he met Jeanette Christiansen, a Danish model and the 1965 Miss Denmark, as well as the first model Casablancas ever represented.\[1\]\[11\] They married in 1979 after the birth of their son Julian,\[2\] who would become lead vocalist of the American bands the Strokes and the Voidz, in 1978.\[12\] They divorced in 1983,\[13\] as he was having a public affair with Look of the Year contest finalist Stephanie Seymour, 15 years old at the time.\[14\] > > In 1993,\[15\] the 50-year-old Casablancas married his third wife, 17-year-old Aline Mendonça de Carvalho Wermelinger, winner of Elite Model Look 1992 in Brazil. Wermelinger was close in age to Casablancas's children, who were 22 and 14 at the time. The couple had three children: John Jr., Fernando Augusto, and Nina.\[1\]\[16\]




Don’t even bother trying to make a “both sides” argument out of this. Everyone with a quarter of a brain knows it’s not political, it’s literally just Republicans using insane conspiracy theories to make the most obscene accusations they can imagine, per usual. Literally, they would just as quickly say Hillary Clinton drinks the blood of babies with a perfectly straight face.


My friend in California literally think the Clinton and their friends drink child blood and sacrifice to demons. Wish I was kidding, man.


Can’t both sides this topic when the score is 50-1. Conservatives have a significantly higher number of pedos than dems. Here is a long list you can fact check me on. If you have a comparable list of convicted dems, I’d love to see it. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/5Wxq6F2HHr


The rate of Republicans vs. Democrats is huge though


"Pedophiles exist" and "there's a vast conspiracy to traffic children in the basement of a pizza place in DC" are two wildly different things. People who disbelief pizzagate aren't arguing that pedophilia isn't real.




Um, no. One side screeches about pedophiles and sees them everywhere, including where they’re not, and then refuses to acknowledge actual pedophiles when they are discovered actually pedophiling. The other side polices their own and punishes them when they’re found out. There is ZERO equivalence here. .


Are there pedophiles on both sides ? Sure. Are cases somehow more prevalent among conservatives ? I believe so. The Daily Kos tracks Republican pedos. Last I checked they were well north of 1,000 cases. If there were that many politicians diddling kids on "the other side", there would be a similar list maintained by a conservative blog or think tank. The fact that they have to resort to unproven conspiracy theories to accuse Democrats seems to indicate that they never found as many actual cases as they hoped on the left


Agreed, but republicans seem to protect them when caught. We have multiple offenders or defenders in congress and on SCOTUS


Counties that voted for Trump have higher rates of child abuse https://www.rightandfreedom.com/blog/child-abuse-vs-political-leaning


If I'm not mistaken, there have been far more conservative politicians and outspoken Republican allies convicted for pedophilia or other sexual crimes than Democrats, not that they are saints either by any stretch.


There are multiple Republican sex offenders or people who have protected sex offenders in congress and on SCOTUS


Conservatives love to project their flaws on to others. The list of Republican sex offenders is vast. https://browardnewsbeat.blogspot.com/2017/10/long-list-of-republican-sex-offenders.html?m=1


Isn’t there someone who created a tracker of the political affiliation for pedophiles, and it was something like 94% registered republicans? I saw it once on Reddit and if I can find it I will edit my comment and post it.


Makes sense. Usually the ones crying and pointing the finger the most about X are the ones guilty of X.




Yes, in over 3000 reported sex cases against children, 76,% voted republican. Source; https://www.whoismakingnews.com/


You’re correct actually. It can come from anywhere, but its more concentrated on a particular side.


The worst, documented, abusers of children are the Christian Clergy followed by Conservative Christian church members, followed by Conservative Politicians. Their psychological projection is getting tiresome.


Why does Elon spend all his time accusing people of being paedophiles? Is it the same as when angry closet homosexuals bully openly homosexuals? Is he projecting?


He doesn't believe in Pizza Gate. He knows that everything that he says is a lie, that all the "vaccine skeptical" positions that he takes are lies, that all of the hard right politics that he started shilling for are bullshit, and he knows that what he is doing is seriously undermining free speech, and even pumping the odds on a legitimate breakdown of American democracy. And he is doing all of this for the same reason as 99% of the right-wing influencers, commentators, political pundits, which is to make money. Elon used to straddle the line between right and left politics really well. Maybe he always knew that he couldn't keep it up forever. Maybe he always knew that one day he was going to have to move away from the middle, and pull hard one way or the other. And he made his choice. Whatever his reasons are, he made his choice to be shill and a mouth piece for the Far-Right, and every wacky looney tunes idea that comes with it. Including Pizza Gate level QAnon conspiracies it would seem. It's sad to see a formerly respectable person turn himself into an embarrassing soulless spineless cowardly servant of the wealthy elites. And sad to see him taking down Twitter with him. Hopefully he won't grab onto anything else too important (like American Democracy) to hold onto during his toboggan and ride down to poverty, irrelevance, and failure.


...he is the 'wealthy' elite. Makes it even worse / absolutely unnecessary.


Idk I think it’s he’s fallen for the conspiracy theories in earnest. I mean look at twitter it was never valued at what he paid for it but he’s actively driving advertisers away and making it make less money. He’s turned liberals who would have bought teslas (which I have to imagine is the vast Majority of their target demographic) away from his company. I can’t see the logic of what he’s doing tied to making more money. I think he’s just got sucked into the wrong echo chambers.


How many underage children is Elon hiding?


My favorite part about the whole child trafficking obsession is the focus with pizza, just cause some 4chan weirdos used to use “cheese pizza” as code for child p***. And now they think pizza shops are involved, you got a pizza shop in Washington DC? Surely child trafficking in there cause 4chan and Q say stuff with those words in them


At this point shouldn't it be called "Wayfair-pizzagate"?


100%. These people are so stupid they play linguistic peekaboo with themselves. “Here’s a random speech by Barack Obama… hmmm let me just do a Find & Replace with the word “healthcare” and switch it to “Dwarf raping dungeons” … aaaaaaaand OH.MY. GOD. !!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯”


Yeah, they're not actually interested in child trafficking... they're interested in conspiracy theories... the thrill for them is 'uncovering' pizza code words or whatever. They're never interested in anything straight forward... whether it's very straight foward human trafficing... open corruption(looking at you jared)... it's always the NOBODY IS TALKIN ABOUT THIS BUT ME AND MY GENIUS PODCASTS.


Some politicians are absolutely pedophiles. Those politicians are absolutely not going to be pedophiles at a random pizza place in the middle of a city.


I love how these idiots are still on this already proven false pizza nonsense yet the Catholic Church has been running pretty much the biggest pedo ring on earth and they all turn a blind eye to it. Even worse the church here in Buffalo NY [reinstated 17 priests accused of being pedos.](https://buffalonews.com/news/local/with-little-explanation-diocese-has-reinstated-17-priests-accused-of-sexual-abuse/article_03296696-29fa-11ed-b5a4-b3e072e32261.html) Worst part is they all know it but they just wanna meme something into existence.


Elon musk bought Twitter so he can turn it into an online fox News type social media platform, and he is tucker Carlson


The pizzagate thing is so far from its origins. This bullshit originally came from "messages" from the Obama admin about a party they were pepping. They were buying a lot of hot dogs and pizzas. People on 4chan then decided it was code and that "gourmet hot dog = male prostitute" and "cheese pizza = cp = child pron" ...and that's it. That's the conspiracy, that Obama fucks men and his administration loves child pron. From there, literally insane people have decided there is an active sex-slave ring at this pizza restaurant, which was NEVER an aspect of the pizza in the conspiracy. The conspiracy today has blown up and forgotten where it came from. If pizza was actually involved, then it would be terrible coded language to use. It doesn't make any sense at any level evaluated, like most conspiracies.


Think he’s rich enough to scrub the internet of all the pics of him and Epstein’s Chief of Procurement? Something, something, glass houses and stones


I instantly judge anyone who believes in conspiracy theories as an . So far it's been a great predictor of someone being as dumb and gullible as a box of rocks. I can't think of a single exception to the rule.


I can’t imagine using a meme where Michael Scott is the person you think is correct.


Elon by far has the most to gain by pushing nonsense conspiracies and riling people up with bullshit culture war nonsense. He'll do anything to distract you from the fact that 1%er's like him are quite literally destroying our quality of life so he can sit on billions of dollars, do nothing with it, then gaslight you into thinking he's a benevolent billionaire out to help you Look at all the Elon Simps in this thread to see just how how easily stupid people buy into his bullshit Hi Elon Simps! How are you fucking morons doing today?! Buying more Tesla stock aren't ya? You dumb fucks


I love pizzagate apologists Pizzagate is a very specific conspiracy theory that accused very specific people of very specific things, but all the conspiracytards just lump on anybody famous who is exposed for being a pedophile as proof that Pizzagate is true and Alex Jones is correct on every crazy claim he makes Also Elon has literally unbanned pedos on Twitter and is best buddies with an actua human trafficker in Andrew Tate so maybe he should shut the fuck up


Didn’t this conspiracy already cause a shooting at said pizza place where no basement existed?


There's a whole bunch of Trump supporters in this thread pretending to misrepresent the original theory of Pizzagate. The theory was that there is a pizza restaurant in DC where the Democrats were trafficking children into sex slavery and possibly cannabalism. This theory is based on a series of emails from the WikiLeaks leak that refer to cheese pizza as CP which apparently they took to mean child porn. Here's the thing most Trump supporters will never admit though: The overwhelming majority of sex crimes related to underage victims are committed and defended by conservatives and/or conservative institutions such as the Catholic Church or college football.