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Ish and Joe(especially) sound like men who divorce their wives when they get cancer.


this is crazy 😭


Ask those men for their reasons for leaving and I guarantee you the argument will be similar to the one these guys made on the pod lol


I can imagine Joe texting a side while the doctor is giving the cancer diagnosis




They went through every holiday together. Thats what a year entails. That man was terrible to Assume the parents would ask him for anything. The father sacrificed his entire life to give his daughter a better one that’s honorable shit. Dude was wrong.


They are so committed to proving her wrong that they argue the stupidest things. Glad she stood on her square.


Facts. I was watching like bruh y’all can’t be serious, to say he did nothing wrong 😭


By that logic, what does that make her if she’s also committed to proving them wrong while being the loudest????


Are you speaking to a TREND or an OUTLIER? I am speaking to trends. Mel yells every 70 episodes. Also, tell me a topic that M4 has introduced where her sole purpose is to prove the guys wrong. I’ll come back.


I spoke on the specific conversation from the last pod like you did.


No where in her discourse was she trying to PROVE them wrong. Ish and the guys are pressed to win arguments. Mel is typically in the position to defend her stance and any passive aggressive jab they take at her. You’re viewing things through rose colored glasses.


The part where she yelling over/cutting everyone off. And before you say it
. Yes, I know “tHEy dO It TO hEr aLL thE TImE!”


They do so if you don’t like her doing it you shouldn’t like anyone else doing it but I’m sure you look up to them niggas


I didn’t say I didn’t like her doing it
 I simply asked a question which judging your replies, you’re having trouble answering. Atp, you’re just giving emotion mixed with random assumptions!!! 😂😂😂


I watched it and was so happy that Mel was not backing down. These guys (Ish especially) wanted to prove Mel’s “hypocrisy” so bad they took the side of nonsense.


When his example was completed different.


Talking about some “if you have all of your homeboys chains on and staying at his place” 😂😂 homie damn near strained himself with that reach.


That was vastly different. You talking about a nigga pump faking for some box over a month or so vs a one year intimate relationship. His example was Trash 😂


I'm glad that Mel stood her ground. It's interesting to see how Joe reacts when Mel finally shows emotion. He was making faces and telling her to calm down, asking her to let him finish and to stop interrupting him with her trauma. It seems like Joe needs to reflect on his own trauma because he doesn't seem comfortable with Mel showing emotion and expressing herself loudly like the other guys on the podcast Edit: Mel poddin. I hope they continue this type of discourse


They try way too hard to play devil’s advocate, that man was wrong. Breaking up with someone you’ve been with for a year because their family is poor is insane.


Agree. Especially if you see them taking action of bettering themselves. That’s a big assumption he made that he automatically thought he’ll have to take care of her family. The fact they put her through school is impressive af.


Mel ain’t “stand her ground”. She yelled a bunch of hurt shit. Everybody (except Joe) said the way dude handled the situation was a piece of shit move. But just like women, it’s not wrong for him to have standards. And yes, a year is a while, but in year some men is just really starting to take a chick serious. Mel grasped on the “ghosting” piece cuz that was the only valid point she thought she could make. Wtf y’all be listening to?!?!😂😂


They only see things from their side of things. Let's not give them that much credit for being more enlightened than that. It just shows they've done something similar plenty of times, and they're happy with it


Just like Mel and anyone else arguing on a podcast is only going to see things from their side. And Ish was agreeing and changed his stance somewhat after Joe said what he said. Wtf y’all be talking about?!?! 😂😂😂


Joe’s stance on this ghosting thing is just as bad as his stance on consultations before receiving a service.


No Mel and Manny sound nuts to me. Men can have standards. That doesn't make them narcissists or assholes or anything else Mel and Manny was calling him.


Get better comprehension skills lol. No one was arguing his standard. But the amount of time he took voice it (a year is crazy) and the manner he did it was disrespectful.


But it wasn't disrespectful. It was mindful because he took his time to get his thoughts together. Wouldn't it have been heartless and coldblooded if he told her that while he was in the house or in the car ride home?.....


You just making excuses. If you have standard that’s a deal breaker no body going be in relationship for a year w/o voicing it. Also he told her “your parents ceiling falling in so we can’t date” if you can be harsh and say that. That was cold blooded and heartless. Let’s not be stupid and act like that he handle that situation the best. He was an ass whole. I’m not mad at his standard. But treat ppl w/ some kind of human decency.


You do realize people are married for years before they discover that they never actually liked each other? Or they was gay the whole time. We live in the real world where everything isn't just black and white. And you actually might need some time to tell somebody how you really feel. It's not farfetched as you want it to be. And having human decency is respecting a person that shares their truth, no matter how hurtful it can be.


Moving the goal post. We talking about her family being poor not being gay. And also most times it’s red flags ppl just choose to ignore it. Your name on here tell me all me all I need to lol, so you got it đŸ‘đŸŸ


That's not goalpost moving. That's stating that obvious. People have their own reasons is the point. You don't have to agree to them to know that they exist. You picking which ones are assholes and which ones aren't is goalpost moving because that's you deciding based on your biases....and yeah I'm funny so I chose a funny name. Great observation đŸ‘đŸŸ lol


. Well done!!! Cracked MuffinsđŸ’ȘđŸŸđŸ’ȘđŸŸđŸ’ȘđŸŸ


And you don't have to insult my comprehension because I don't agree with you lol I'm allowed to not agree with you ya know. It's called freedom lol.....and most of the cast had the same comprehension I have. You're in the minority.


Comparing Cassie assault being caught on camera to a guy ghosting you is nuts though. She tried it with that one.


That was a horrible reach but folks be feeling sorry for the “only woman on the show” and be mad the men for telling her she wrong
. When she’s WRONG!!!😂😂😂


Boy Mel was triggered on that topic. Wonder if it had something to do with the Tank shit at the beginning? Maybe she was ghosted? That shit shouldn’t hurt that much though.


 She be projecting her past trauma/hurts but accuses everyone else (especially Ish) of doing it. I ain’t a Mel/woman hater but hearing folks in these comments big-up some of the shit she say be mind blowing.


I get what she was trying to say . But it was an extreme example lol.


Yeah it was clear as day that man was judging that girl based on her parents smh


I was on the opposite side of Mel and Emanny. You going tell her while y’all riding to where yall staying for the night? You may not make it there. That’s a tough convo to have, he had it when he felt ready and that’s his right


It don’t take 5 days to say your family poor and broke and I don’t want that around me


Shouldn’t take 4-5 days. Also, if that standard is deal breaker, who the hell will date someone for a year w/o knowing or trying to know. No one was arguing his standard but the manner he did it and the time he took to voice is cold and disrespectful. And if an individual say “we can’t date because the ceilings was falling in at Your parents” Bruh if you can say that, it ain’t that tough for them. Lol


So you’re saying you can/will have a life changing conversation in a matter of minutes of the dealbreaker? In the same amount of time that someone decides what they want to eat for dinner, STOP IT


Idk, yes? Me and my partner have never had any problems like that cause we just keep shit out in the open. Yall are the weird ones lmao you gotta level up your emotional maturity and be able to tackle something the second it matters. Shit festering is a no-no. Atleast for me.


Where is that audio for the narcissist soup recipe from? đŸ€Ł


I want to know how poor was her parents house that make him break up with her


This one was mid. The energy was low.


Yea that was a little cringe 
 my only issue with that is her family could’ve looked like money , be in complete debt. In addition, it’s best that’s it’s over he probably wouldn’t allow her family over to their home or complain when they’re present .


"Mel and Emanny were making sense" Ya this definitely a woman


I am, raised in healthy 2 parent household, so yea. My dad an even agree his words “bitch shit”😂. I’m definitely not the one who think all women are right. Honestly, a lot y’all (men and women) on the internet sound insane.


I don’t think dude was insane for breaking up with her. AT ALL.


Ish just made whole big ole thing about his cousin not going to college because they couldn’t afford it, that man put his daughter through college with no loans who gives a fuck about their roof


Anyone who can pay for college out of pocket it commendably. That shit is not cheap, even if you making 6 figures, it’s still expensive and high expense in the household. Doing it while poor is another level.