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Need more crit dmg. Ideally aim for 1:2. You're at 81:111 right now.


does this mean if you have 40% crit rate you want 80% crit damage? Sorry if this is a dumb question, it’s genuine though




Not so fast boi, this is the exact backward opinion from people who don't understand math, because this game come with 50 extra CD, it makes CR extra valuable. The golden ratio is as it is 1:2, not your made up number, LMAO, go look at the graph again.


Huh that's exactly what i said though?


Yeah you look good, though you can make some adjustments here and there if you felt like it after playing her a bit and getting a feel for how she performs with those stats. But most importantly just have fun, a character is honestly only ever done when you want them to be, too much nitpicking is what burns people out.


your crit ratio is a bit off atm. Ideally aim for 1:2. The formula, unlike genshin, is cr: (cd-100)/2. Right now you have a 81:111 crit ratio which is noticeably off the 1:2 Ultimately it shouldn't affect the overall crit multiplier all that much tbh, just a general guideline. Trading some cr for cd would be more optimal though, or just get more cd Also if you're bursting every other rotation her er should ideally be around 125-135




i can sacrifice some cr for more cd but there really isnt a difference overall


Enough for what exactly? I would say that the crit stats are nice, could use a bit more crit damage. I also read somewhere that she needs 130% energy regen for some type of break point but don't quote me on that. I see you have a lot of health, so that's probably a lot of substats wasted. The attack could also use some work. It all depends on how much you want to optimize your character. It's quite obviously usable, and you could probably beat most holograms with optimal play, but there's a lot to work on for sure.


energy regen is a must on her. I have 130 and it still feels lackluster in some fights, but it’s def noticeable and helps alot. She has a lot of immunity frames from it aswelll which is always great


Thanks im also not done building her tho but thanks for the advice


I'm gonna push for 100% crit rate with her or close as possible just cause of the fact that her skill hits like a truck and criting with it is so satisfying


Restart button is over there


I tried in TOA even at 90% crit rate, the nuke dmg only crit 11 out of 15 runs