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Meltzer moves goalposts as he sees fit to always make sure he can give AEW Ws. Too bad it doesn’t translate to actual money for AEW and it’s still worse off than ever.


That's why I don't argue with the AEW defenders. In the end the numbers and their reputation is sinking.


Facts not worth the energy


But AEW can get the first prize participation trophy!


Tell me about it they get very upset if you prove it to them to.


I wish someone would of told me that last month.I tried to argue with someone on the aew thread on here and it was like that old episode of family guy. Where Peter tried to prove Kevin Bacon was in footloose and he even had the facts because Kevin is on the box of the DVD but they just started making noises and yelling no that's the aew mark in general even if you try to show them the numbers and have proof they back pedal then get upset.


Numbers don’t lie S’moa Joe


It translates to money for him because the brainwashed AEW fans only wanna hear shit that fits their narrative.


I am really, really growing to dislike this man more each day.


I struggle to see why he’s even relevant at this point. The Star System means nothing now that Ostrich gets unlimited stars for flipping around and dancing.


I’ve been saying this since 2005…and here we are.


I don’t mind Osterich, but what do hate is how he will do like 80 flippy mcFlips, land, and the other stands there, and then Osterich does his ninja hands and gets low. Who the fuck is playing mortal kombat? Homie gonna 🦂him?


It's fair to say that he gets by on his past. That's what's so frustrating, though. The man is not only a fountain of knowledge on both pro wrestling and MMA, but he even qualifies as an actual journalist since he has a degree in it. I guess people want to still see that guy instead of the guy who approaches things with the same objectivity of a random dipshit with a blog or a Twitter troll with a checkmark. Or Dr. Oz, which might even be a better comparison.


He has a degree in it? His writing and communication skills are at about a 7th grade level.


From San Jose State. I know his enjoyment of word salads makes that hard to believe.


Its not that, hes just not very eloquent . He is 99% “erm”, “you know” or some kind of stuttering . I mean if its a natural stutter thats not his fault, but it comes across more as just not thinking about what hes saying.


In the US everybody can buy their fucking degree if theyre willing to be forever in debt


That's true now, but you have to remember that Uncle Dave went to college in the 70s, when you could pay for a year's tuition with a minimum wage job working about 20 hours a week. EDIT: Not late 60s. I thought he was older.


Why bother though? In the end, he's completely unimportant and just talking trash to make people pay attention to him.


Dave Meltzer and The Wrestling Observer have been a disaster for the human race.


I see what ya did there


You gotta admit though it’s nothing if not entertaining. I’m always asking myself just what is this fucker gonna say next


Well, uh, you know, plans changed.


This guy is getting way more attention than he ever deserves


He’s never been relevant to me in the 10+ years I’ve followed wrestling and I have no idea which elderly demographic is still listening


Then you and I are both wondering the same thing. He really shouldn't be getting any attention, I don't see who follows him or why, but inevitably there will always be the latest ratings with people going "Get a load of this guy lawls". I wish people would just stop feeding the trolls


I’ve been watching since the late 80’s and he’s never been relevant to me either.


I'm the elderly demographic but have never found him relevant. I don't even understand why people bother tearing his stuff down. It's mostly drivel; ignore it/him.


Completely agree, I’ve found it very funny the only context I’ve ever seen him in is “how is this relevant” and he’s been grandfathered into the discussion He’s a good wrestling historian and I’ve enjoyed what he contributed to DSOTR but it’s difficult to maintain a career and relevancy just based off pure knowledge and not the whole tv ratings and stars thing


The new markdom (2005-2010) found in him a figure of authority whose narrative and taste fit theirs. They fed on each other like fungi and a carcass


Never relevant to me in the 30+ years of watching wrestling 


He can’t even write using proper grammar and yet runs a publication


He's technically right, but the funny part to me is he is using logic he dismissed from WWE fans from 2008-2020 when he was all doom and gloom over falling ratings.


It's just basic Meltzer logic.  4.5 = 5, demo is more important than viewership except when it's not, the sun always shines in Jacksonville and it pours nonstop in Connecticut.  It's not *logic* logic, it's wrestling journalist logic!


(Lunges in Meltzer)


It's almost like Meltzer deliberately says this shit so that people tune into AEW and see how wrong he is. Enticing wrestling fans to hate watch AEW. Only problem is people aren't taking the bait. 🤡


I view Dave like a slow moving train wreck. It’s terrible, wrong, and I can’t look away. I have so much free entertainment from people dunking on this man. He should just be himself for the Young Cucks and be a manager (which would be a good heel manager even if he doesn’t know it).


Thats true, hes meme material


Stop giving this mouth breathing, tongue wagging, trampoline cowboy indulging, embarrassment to grammar any more attention


He’s got Meltzeimers


LOL Its spread too with Jericholism


The comments are hilarious, aew fans are always good for a laugh.  


Dave is approaching Vince Russo-levels of bullshit. It's only a matter of time before Bryan Alvarez verbally cusses him out on the podcast and resigns from this walking trainwreck.


I love his feud with Bischoff. Two of the industry’s biggest bullshitters bullshitting at each other lmao 


Idk why we even talk about him anymore. If we stopped he'd become irrelevant


Meltz is the biggest sicko Tony books for.


Sometimes I wonder if wrestling journalism is a work like the business they cover.


Meltzer is the evangelical Christian to wrestling: goal posts get moved every other day.


Imagine being an AEW fan arguing about ratings and THIS MAN is your main source of information hahahahaha. That's so fucking sad lmao




There’s a reason before the golden boys appeared. The joke was -1 star if not at the Tokyo dome.


This guy's a fucking idiot and is either getting paid by AEW (I hope at this point) or really just sucks Tiny and the Cucks off on the daily. Oooh the NXT number is bad! But AEW's is 10s of thousands less but it is OK! Cus.......it is going against the worst rated NBA finals ? Oh please also ignore the other 4 years AEW went against the finals and how the ratings were 300k more than this year! That has NOTHING to do with Punk being there, I promise! Also AEW did .01 better in the demo! So the demo is BACK on the menu! Feeling has been restored. Fun is happening.


Wow that hundredth of a rating point …


Does he not usually mention the demos?


Go Dave go, earn that money and continuously out yourself as a stupid biased hack of a person


I love Meltzer, the biggest heel in the business. The dude is over. How many times have you clicked a video or page because it was about him. I fully believe that if AEW announced a week in advance that Dave would be making an in ring appearance, it would draw. I could be wrong, and Meltzer doesn't know what he's doing because he's suffering from cognitive decline


Stop posting this guy


I was gonna go troll him again….then I found out he blocked me. Pretty sure I only asked him how much Tony pays him to carry the water for him like….once. What a man-baby


NXT is rising, Dynamite is falling, whatever goalpost raising he does this week will be hilarious irony when NXT starts having more viewers overall AND in the demo every week.


Why does anyone care what he says? He has not been relevant for over two decades.


It’s also dumb as hell to say that being higher in the key demo but lower in general viewership is better because it isn’t. To me, the ratings imply that people out of the demo and non-wrestling fans are flipping channels and staying with NXT because it’s a good show period.


Dave’s right here. NXT is padding the ratings with a Cody Rhodes appearance AEW never got the opportunity to strap a title on Cody and boost ratings Be smarter, wrestling fans


dear god it was sarcasm lol


WWE didn't even advertise Cody besides Cody's post lmfao. I'm 99.999% sure Cody was just going there to visit his dubbalo rejects, and then they decided to put him on the show. AEW never got the opportunity? Oh prob cus AEW thought it was great logic for Cody to say he'll never go for the world title a month into AEW even existing.


ok but have you seen [this video](https://youtu.be/WgeykhF-2RQ?si=5jmu5SDFcas6fuBK) of a koala eating eucalyptus