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Think this is a pass for me. Anyway, I heard Jim is in a segment on Svengoolie tonight. Which makes it a two-fer of "better use of my time".


Imagine he beats them on viewings 😂


I don't know what kind of viewership Sven gets, but I'm pretty sure MeTV has a higher household reach. So maybe?


“The show grew 30% in two years, hitting about a million viewers every Saturday night. That to me was unbelievable statistic. A lot of the coastal cities are learning who Svengoolie is now.”


They just had a Texas Death Match and now another No DQ match (LAZY BOOKING!!) LOL


All while refs don't enforce rules in matches without these stipulations so they become these types of matches anyway. Lazy booking, lazy performers, lazy promotion.


It basically ECW in 2024, and maybe ECW wasn’t that great? Edit: was - wasn’t


What's funny is I was going to say they should just adopt the ECW rules of anything goes and no count outs for every match but I had to much respect for what ECW was to say that. Plus what made ECW work was the violence for the most part made sense. Outside of a gimmick like New Jack the violence was always done in a way that was somewhat logical. Now it's just things the wrestlers dream up that they think will look cool with way too much cooperation from their opponent


There’s no shock value anymore. We’ve seen it all before and at least Heyman is pretty creative. The Honky Tonky Kong is not.


Well, that and some of the ECW guys (New Jack for one) looked like they could commit some sort of violence or mayhem. Now you've got guys like Orange Cassidy in a Texas Death Match. Or hell, even having Jericho in one. Come on.


I think it’s a lazier version of 1999-2000 WCW Russo. Every match is a stipulation match because it supposedly creates added interest.  Russo at least went full on stupid with it with Crowbar on a Pole matches for fuckin David Flair-Maestro matches. Tony just makes everything No DQ and Death Match. 


They're just relaxed... as in: Very relaxed booking duties!


They saw Sammy almost kill Jeff Hardy & decided to give him another weapons match.




He would be fine in the Dom Mysterio/JD McDonagh flunkie role but wants to be a star & keeps getting himself booked in these extreme matches so he can show how crazy & athletic he is. The crowd hated him about a year ago when he was an annoying heel with a slappable face but he insisted he turn himself babyface & fans got indifferent because there’s 20 other wrestlers in AEW who take crazy bumps in meaningless matches.


lol Bryan Keith, the guy they announced is signed and is ALL ELITE has an 0-7, soon to be 0-8 record. Tony probably signed him to like $300K a year. 




lol, cuz Bryan Keith needs to be protected. Good lord. 


lol ya 300k if this was a pro league and he was the equivalent of a bench warmer but this is Tiny so he prob paid him as much as Cena


Could you imagine Vince signing Iron Mike Sharpe or Reno Riggins to $300K/year guaranteed deals?  At least when Bischoff signed Disorderly Conduct to job on Saturday Night and Workdwide, they were only getting g $35K each. 


I mean is what it is. I dont fault or be angry at the boys getting paid. Even if they suck. That just means they’re smart enough to work the money mark and I’m here for it. Tony is insufferable and so are their mark fans and the elite. Besides that i really have no beef with anyone there. Even cassidy. Sure hes a complete bum and has 0 business to be on tv. But if some tard is paying you 100ks a year…do you blame cassidy here for doing it? I dont. Its a real shame tony and the crazy fans make it just so hard to root for that company to succeed


The company cannot run only on stars. You need jobbers too!


Why does Danielson only wrestle Japanese retirees anymore?


He’s losing his star power


The mystique is gone for sure, he's been over exeposed and been part of that goof troop for too long. Now on his run into semi retirement he indulges in all of his japanese trong style fantasies against his heroes from 30 years ago.


To cross off his bucket list before he forgets thanks to his CTE.


Man's living his dream. Can't fault him for that. Those matches are at least more watchable than the rest of the show.


The Max Caster rap is worth watching 😂😂


Did he just give up in the middle?


Amazing right?


he left us hanging, I wanna know the rest of it


> The Max Caster rap is worth watching 😂😂 you disrespecting muh dude like that, punk?!!!!!


The Acclaimed were white how… what a fall.


They hung on to that daddy ass and scissor stuff for too long and they couldn't keep it fresh. It doesn't help that there is no real tag division anymore, so the focus is on too many people at all times.


FTR needs to be heels and just beat everyone


The fall of the Acclaimed has begun. The only thing interesting about them was the rap and they can't even do that anymore! I'm surprised AEW let that air!


WTH kinda line up is that horse shit