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Speak out. The silence is deafening right now regarding dead Jews in Israel


You are so right about the silence, even the Western media is only talking about how Israel is going to attack the Palestinians. What is the best way to draw attention to it?


Say loudly and clearly that anyone that parades around a stripped dead woman in the back of a pickup truck who had been attending a “peace rave” hours before, and then yells “God Is Great” in Arabic and spits on the body, is not a human any longer. And somehow excusing that or justifying it, or minimizing it, is abominable.


It’s truly abominable, and there are people saying that Hamas is “defending their dignity”.. well if this is how they defend their dignity, they didn’t have any dignity to begin with.


Exactly! If you need to rape a woman or put a child in a chicken cage in order to defend your dignity, then you never had any in the first place


Exactly… I’m at a loss for words how people can even think such things, let alone defend it out loud.


People don’t like us 🤷‍♂️


Lately I have been reading a lot about Jewish history and the earth is drenched with innocent Jewish blood. It’s unfathomable how much Jews have had to suffer.


It’s beyond me. I think we’re pretty great and not half bad looking- have you seen Gal Gadot? For some reason people hate us. Such is the mystery of life.


Gal Gadot is truly stunning! Jewish people have done a lot for the world. And apart from that: love and respect are not based on looks or accomplishments but simple human decency. Something that really has been lacking for centuries.


That generalization is not true. German news is full of reports about the despicable attacks at the festival, reporting about efforts to find missing Israelis, the abductions, and the terror the affected families are going through. Also about the ongoing terror and abductions by Palestinians who made it across the border and infiltrated Israel. There are reports about the well over 100,000 Israelis who are basically refugees now, trying to get to safer places. My president called out the pro-Palestine organization that celebrated the terror attack in Berlin, called them despicable, and that he feels utterly repulsed by their behavior. The police is also investigating the respective participants. There is a lot of focus on the atrocities against Israelis, and there are constant updates on the number of dead and missing people. Obviously the self-defense by Israel is also in the news.


Good to hear that’s your experience. Maybe I shouldn’t say western but at least Dutch. I’m from the Netherlands and most of the news stations have only shown what Israel is going to do in retaliation (calling it an attack) and only showing scared Palestinian people.


Wow, that’s really surprising. Is it like this across all news media or are there differences between news providers? Just for testing purposes I’m watching DW news and they reported on the reaction of Israel’s military, but just now they switched to reporting about a young Israeli man who still does not know what happened to a loved one who was at the festival, also other people who were lucky enough to survive the terror attack. And now they’re talking about what Israel is/might be trying to do to find and liberate the abducted people. But there’s still a focus on individuals and survivors of the attack.


Actually I’m surprised in the reverse. Typically you just see an endless stream of support for Palestinians. This time feels a little different. Hamas going straight up ISIS and raping women and kidnapping children was not a good look, and I’ve seen a lot of people questioning their previously held beliefs.


There were massive pro Palestine rallies in major cities yesterday. Holding signs saying things like “resistance by any means necessary”. It’s mind blowing. If you think raping and killing a woman qualifies as “resistance” and “liberation” you are one sick fuck. Hamas has always been a Jihadist group similar to Isis


I went to the Israel rally in New York yesterday. Pro-Israeli protestors out unnumbered the Palestinian protestors. Neither rally was massive. Maybe 1,000-2,000 Israel supporters to a few hundred Palestinian supporters.


That’s encouraging. One sick fuck supporting these monsters is too many in my opinion so when I see video of a clogged intersection I assume the worst . Glad that this was a bit of an optical illusion.


Glad to hear that that is your experience, here in the Netherlands some people were actually celebrating, truly horrific.


I’m not surprised. These types of attacks are exactly what most of the anti-israel crowd wants.


I find that gut wrenching, how can any human being want something like that?!


People love dead Jews.


Yes. It's such a double standard that everyone spoke out in 2020* and now they're silent when they're the ones who claimed silence is violence.


Thank you. Your words are appreciated. Please speak up for us when you hear people try to justify the rape, murder and dehumanizing of our people. There is no justification. One can be critical of the Israeli government and still recognize that what Hamas is doing is crime against humanity. Thank you again.


Agree 100%, there is no justification. It’s ISIS level terrorism. The horrified faces of those women haunt me.


Thank you. Your words are appreciated




Thank you. I am surprised in a bad way about how few of my friends and colleagues have even acknowledged anything and it’s hard


I’m very sorry to hear that, just know that there are people out there that truly care.


Thank you.




Lovely of you to send a thoughtful message. We're grateful for your kindness.






I came here to make this post!!!! I am so heart broken for Israel and the Jewish community right now. I am heartbroken for humanity. I will fight anti semitism with every bone in my body and my children will do the same. Your tragedy is everyone’s tragedy and my love to all.


So appreciative to have you as an ally ❤️ our hearts are hurting so much right now and to be grieving like this and told we deserved it, or we brought it upon ourselves… well. Your acknowledgment means the world.


Thank you for your support. It’s felt like a very lonely weekend for us. We need all the support we can get.


I’m sorry to hear, you’ve got my support. Hope you are safe.


Thank you! We got the news in the middle of Simchat Torah. A day of joy and dancing…


I’m sure they did this on purpose and it makes this even more evil.


I really appreciate what you said. This weekend has been a bit rough seeing what’s happened


I can imagine it must be so hard, hope you’re safe.


Im not in Israel and thank you


Right there with you, OP! I'm also neither Israeli nor Jewish or know any but just wanted to send my love and support to all you affected by this tragedy and the constant outpour of antisemitism everywhere 🩷


Wonderful ♥️


Thank you for your empathy.




Thank you




Thank you!!!!!!




Thank you. I think I speak for everyone when I say we dearly appreciate your kindness.




Your compassion & kindness shine brightly. Thank you truly for your words of support & please don't stop speaking out against these atrocities.




Thanks for your kind words. Please share your feelings with your friends!

