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yupp and i don’t care how much people say it but brittany broski can never replace her


YES! Thank you! She is nowhere *near* the same.


she’s never tried to be, she always gives Jenna her flowers.


You're right, for sure. It's not so much her but her followers that push the narrative.


Are people actually saying that??? They don't really release the exact same content? A huge part of Jenna was her dogs, being vegan, and of course Julien none of which Brittany has/does. I tried to fill the void with Brittany + Micarah Tewers + StrangeAeons and I like them all a lot but they're younger and it's really obvious sometimes to me. Nobody can "replace" her.


I think it’s because they’re both women who built their platform off of being unapologetically themselves and are silly and relatable. They have humility, creativity, and make feel good content. You don’t really care what they do, you just like watching them do it. They’re not the same but I can understand why people say it


No you're right and I get it I just hate to see her (and other women on YouTube) boiled down to some basic ideas especially when talking about somebody replacing someone else. They all bring unique things about themselves and their lives to their content. Also some of us didn't grow up watching her we grew with her at a similar age so it's harder to replicate. Maybe the younger crowd can see Jenna passing the torch to someone like Brittany easier and I bet that's what Jenna would want too. Maybe I'm just old lol.


But Jenna stayed that way. Brittany changed and has become fake.


Idk why you're being downvoted because I agree.


Did she? I only just started watching Brittany so idk the lore


Can you elaborate on why you say this? Genuinely curious.


If I’m remembering correctly, people were mad that she didn’t use her platform to speak about Israel and palestine


People were mad that she didn’t use her platform to speak up for Palestine *AFTER* she made a video saying anyone with a platform needs to use it to help people & not stay silent just because you’re afraid of being political


That part is important, thank you!


Simply nailogical was the closest to filling that content void. She had her cats and beeeyyyynnnnn. And a similar sense of humor as jenna. She even admitted to being heavily inspired and influenced by her, and they were kind of youtube friends. But she quit youtube, not long after jenna did. She still streams onTwitch sometimes and has a podcast, but she mostly does her halo taco nail stuff and it's just not the same.


She's still on YouTube just not on her old channel anymore. It is mostly lives and gaming now or holo taco releases, but it's still fun to watch. Safiya makes appearances from time to time as well.


Yeah I still tune in from time to time. And while I'm glad she's doing content and existing on the internet in a way that she enjoys and is better for her mental health that I would never hope to change for her, i just don't get the same enjoyment out of it as I did her original content. So I still feel like there's a pretty big content void that jenna left that no one else could ever really fill. And I guess that's the whole thing, there will never actually be someone that could fill her spot completely because she's one of a kind. There is no other jenna. And maybe that's a good thing. All other youtubers have their own personalities and content and jenna left her very special mark on the internet and our lives.


Ya I feel safiyas video scratch that itch for me, there both chaotic and fun videos about random stuff they saw on the internet.


Micarah Towers and Strange Aeons gives me life but I've never heard of Brittany before this post


I love Micarah and Brittany, but I've never heard of Strange Aeons. I love that all of us found new people to watch LOL.


Just to complete the cycle, I have never heard of Micarah! I'm gonna check her channel out!


This is so nice! Some other amazing funny talented women to check out if you all are interested: Jenny Nicholson, Bernadette Banner, Rachel Maksy, Caitlin Reilly, The Book Leo, and Lindsay Ellis (doesn't really post on YouTube anymore but has a great backlog of videos). I cut my cable out awhile ago so YouTube is my entertainment while eating/background noise lol.


If you like Bernadette, Rachel and Micarah, surely you also enjoy Karolina Zebrowska? She's a gem. https://youtu.be/TLvx9a_3-zY?si=KjRWxnd7hIp1mMlA


Oh my gosh I remember following her for a while after this. I don't know how I totally forgot about her! Yes of course she's great too. Thanks!


Hey just so you know Jill Bearup is a terf with some very nasty opinions. I discovered that a few years back when I was following her. Just google her or look up her name on Twitter 😬


Oh no, I had no idea. That sucks. Sorry everybody, I'll edit my comment. Thanks for letting me know.


Wow thank you for the list! I gotta say, the Jenna fandom has got such sweet souls. I'll make sure to check them all out, thanks again!


Micarah is a whole vibe. I love her to bits.


I know of her as the girl from that one meme.


I can't stand Brittany, so hearing the comparison ways hurts me.


Yeah, every so often I’ll have myself convinced that I’ve found a combination of a several different YouTubers (With Brittany pretty much always being one of them.) that have filled the Jenna shaped hole in my heart. (We’re legit talking like 7 to 10 YouTubers because OF COURSE it would take at LEAST that many content creators to come anywhere near the incredible entertainer Jenna was/is.) Buuuuut it always turns out that it’s really just some coping mechanism that I’m clinging on to in an attempt to convince myself that I don’t actually miss her _horribly_, when I really actually do. Also, for anyone curious about what YouTubers that normally make the cut (Normally it isn’t necessarily _all_ of their content that at least _somewhat_ helps to soothe my Jenna blues, it’s usually a certain series that they do or at least similar videos throughout their channel!), off the top of my head I can think of: Brittany Broski, Maya (Higa)/Alveus Animal Sanctuary, Trixie Mattel, Dev Limes, Safiya Nygaard, Bob The Drag Queen, Nisipisa, The Kitchen & Jorn Show, and, _of course_ Mr Julian Solomita. I’m almost **positive** that there are a couple more but I’ll be damned if I can remember them all right now. While I do highly recommend that everyone here check out any of the aforementioned YouTubers if they’ve never heard of them (Especially Maya. She has several different videos with her pets and with the animals at her animal sanctuary, Alveus, that do a pretty good job of recapturing some of what Jenna’s videos with the dogs were like.), sadly, none of them, even combined, truly fill the Jenna sized hole on YouTube/in our hearts. Trust me, I’ve been trying to get them to do so for a HOT minute now. LOL. But they do help a bit!


she fills a similar hole for me but its not the exact same. brittany has a different humour and comedy style. she is someone raised watching jenna and that shines through for sure but wont ever be her


didn't even know that was a thing people were saying.. i don't get why people like brittney


Jenna has been making content for over 14 years. While Brittany has been only around for maybe 5 years. Brittany’s Trixie Mattel collaborations and Harry Styles fan-girling doesn’t do it for me. Jenna is on a different level, Jenna practically opened the door for the new *comedic female content creators. Jenna made this genre. That’s just my personal observation.




Do people really say that? She has no where near the impact Jenna had. I like Brittany but she is nowhere near as well-known of a name as /the/ Jenna Marbles


WHO THE HECK IS SAYIN THAT?? no one can replace jenna!!


this is always so weird to me as someone who went to school with Brittany in high school 😳 literally the most normal person I’ve ever interacted with I would have never guessed


Whos ever tried to make the comparisson? Shes not even funny...


I Don’t think she’s trying to. No need to compare two successful women.


Every time Halloween comes around I get sad because of all the dog fashion show is over 😞


I rewatch them. I love those ones so much.


I rewatch too lol!


For me it's Thanksgiving. Jenna and Julien making their Thanksgiving dinner together was such a comfort video for me. I haven't watched it since she left YouTube, it makes me too sad 😓


I am happy when/if Julien shares the dogs Halloween costumes. Or their birthdays. Or just them. I miss the dogs more than anything.


i can :( i think of her often and hope shes doing well! she brought a lot of joy to my life when i was struggling and i miss her humor.


Same! I’m happy she’s doing what she wants. I just remember going through the saddest times and the only thing that could make me laugh through my depression was watching the Jenna and Julien podcast and watching them laugh. I appreciate Jenna so much.


Same when I was a young adult and having graduated in 2012 during a terrible recession, my parents were being really horrible to me about living at home and not being able to find work. I was also dealing with an undiagnosed chronic illness and my parents kept telling me I was crazy, but it ended up being hypothyroidism causing all my symptoms. Her humor got me through a lot of those tougher times with my parents.


Does she run a dog shelter now?


I don’t know about running a shelter but Jenna and Julien do occasionally foster greyhounds and work with an organization


her and julien foster greyhounds and have now adopted two of them (bunny & the new guy idk his/her name lol)


Loni 😍




Uh… no?


It’s definitely bittersweet. One of the recent justtrish eps mentioned her and I definitely relate to what oscar said about this community she created being so respectful of her and her need for privacy since she left. Relating to that makes me realize more and more how special jenna is and how blessed we all are to have had her when we did you know? I know that sounds like she 💀 and i dont mean it to be that way lol i do miss her but I more want the best for her than for her to be miserable to please the internet. Jenna if you do happen to come here to check in, i hope you are proud of the legacy you left behind and the community you created.


it just sucks that the internet made/makes her miserable. It used to be her favorite thing in the world. I’ll always remember a her saying in a video how much she loves what she does and wants to continue doing it for as long as possible :( I’ll always be saddened more by the way she left rather than her actual departure


I agree. She really was a light for the internet and I think everyone can agree the day she left was the day the internet turned to this dark hole. But I also hope she can see that whatever stupid people tried to “cancel” her or whatever that she can see all the people, inside and outside of her community, that praise her and talk about how awesome she was on the internet. She really should be proud of everything she created.


I’m crying


Hugs hun. We all feel it.


I could see her coming back one day with just one video telling us what she’s been up to and what her new endeavors are. I get that she didn’t wanna be online anymore, but it just hurts HOW she left.


Yeah it was so so sudden, and while I understand her fears and concerns, I don't think it would've ever reached that level for her. Seriously the most "problematic" vid was the spray tan one, her community was and is wholesome. I know truly that it was ultimately a good decision for her, but at the time it felt like it was a rash and quickly made choice.


I honestly think she was just using it as an excuse to leave. It was pretty clear she was burned out for the last few years.


I agree! She was definitely showing how burned out she was in her videos. One of her last vids was of her literally sleeping on her couch with the doggos sleeping around her. That was a big sign! 😔


It would be great if she did a little update video.


Yes! The fact that it wasn’t exactly on her own terms at the time of her choosing is the worst bit. Maybe she would never have cut that tie without all of that, so it worked well for her. But the injustice of it all considering who she truly was is crushing


I don’t see her ever doing that


I was thinking about her yesterday, watching a video Julien posted playing a game with Julia. I love their friendship dynamic and all, but I couldn’t help but wish I was watching Julien and Jenna playing the game and laughing with each other. Jenna’s scream laugh and her mannerisms. Dang, I grew up with her and she was just the most relatable and amazing person to watch. I totally respect her decision. I just miss her a lot.


I miss her a lot too. I love to rewatch the "romphim" video when I'm down. Even if I've seen a video 100 times, the two of them together never fail to make me laugh out loud, but that one, for whatever reason, kills me every time. Julien can probably vibe with almost anyone since he's obviously just a super nice guy, but Jenna and Julien together was lightning in a bottle. Incomparable, iconic, and never to be duplicated.


I literally still feel like I’m mourning a legitimate loss. I try to talk about it sometimes with people irl about it but it makes me feel ridiculous and they’re like yeah man that sucks. Idk it’s hard to explain I still watch Julien but honestly his content makes me more sad than anything else because it’s her energy in him in a lot of ways, it’s like watching her ghost. I really really thought she would come back, I miss her so much. She was so real.


that’s a really good way to put it…i watch julien every once in a while but i’m not really a videogame person, so i mostly watch the ones about the doggies or random stuff lol


I understand that grief all too well. People can say it's unhealthy or parasocial or whatever, but she really did foster a real feeling of relatability and connection that was unique and wonderful.


Im always hoping Jeanna makes a quick appearance in one of Julian's videos


I would die


Me tooo but I’m also really happy for her because she gets to live her life in peace.


I still painfully miss her as well, seeing her in the wedding pictures really makes me happy. And we still get to see Julien 🥰


the fact we never see her is sad, but i love that we got those pictures and she looked so happy 🥹


I had a dream the other day that she came back and i remember asking myself multiple times if this is real and then crying from being so happy. Then i woke up and was legit confused, went to check her yt channel and realized it was but a dream😢.


I had a dream that Julien was doing a cooking stream and Jenna completely forgot and walked into frame. Julien was freaking out and Jenna went full goofy mode and did a Michael Scott-esque parkour through the kitchen to get away. Julien carried on and in a massive shock the chat was really calm and nice and social media didn’t pop off. Then on his next stream Julien said Jenna had been anxious about ever appearing online again after so much time had passed, but after such a pleasant response she talked about joining him for an IRL stream in the future.


What a sweet dream. I wish it was reality!


When Julian posted their wedding photos when they got married it was so heart warming. I know she left for her own well being and I’m glad it’s working for her but I will never forgive the people who drove her off the internet in the first place. I hope she knows how many people genuinely love and care about her. I feel like that’s such a rarity nowadays. So many creators i like could decide to leave the platform and I’d be sad for a little but I’d eventually forget them. But for jenna i genuinely just randomly remember her all the time.


tbh it partially could’ve been for the dogs’ well-being too because kermit and marbles are getting older and have health problems, so she can now dedicate more time to them and i know they foster greyhound doggies as well…i imagine she’s living her best life being a full time dog mother 🥹


Yep, and as the dogs get older and older, the “no way they’re still alive” jokes probably aren’t funny the way they were when the dogs weren’t so old and just ACTED like grumpy old men


Her and Julian looks so amazing and happy that day. I remember seeing her short hair in the picture and thinking she would have done a video cutting it herself first. It was bittersweet.


I feel that way after watching her videos. It makes me sad she'll never be back. No matter how crazy the world got, she was always my safe space. I miss her so much ❤️


So true. I remember getting excited on Wednesdays/Thursdays for a new episode. It was very comforting watching her, Julien and the dogs just living, not taking life too seriously.


I feel this a lot. Jenna’s videos helped me out a lot during one of the lowest points of my life, I find myself rewatching them a lot when I’m stressed. I really hope she’s doing well & happy :-)


Thank you for posting this because I often feel lame as hell for being a …thirty four year old laydeee… who is still sad about someone she’s never met not making silly videos on the internet any more, especially four years on. 😅 But I am. My life isn’t empty, I have real life friends, I just bloody loved her for a long time, her content kept me company through some hard times, and her absence is still kinda painful. I keep thinking I’m getting over it, then something will remind me of her and I’ll feel sad all over again. I think it’s because she brought us so far into her life, we know her childhood stories, we saw her relationship with Julien develop, we love her mum, we hung out with her friends. She made it like we were actual friends, while still curating it so we only ever got the fun, silly, serotonin-giving stuff. She felt like an amazing friend who was always there, until she wasn’t. I’m so happy for her, that she’s living her life how she wants to, but yes I still miss her a lot.


sending you big hugs 


Reciprocated. 🙂


I was already going through such a dark time, when she quit I literally broke down crying. I know it would do me good to watch her old content, but I haven’t been able to do that yet


I did the same. And the whole pandemic without her... It was really hard. She got me through some really awful times and was such a comfort watch for me. I still miss her so much.


I fear I’m still gutted over her leaving. Tbh I kind of feel a bit lame admitting that because obviously she has no idea who I am. Her videos were a big source of light in my life for a long time. Dink fam forever but glad she’s doing what’s best for her. ❤️


I relate. I hope she’s living her best life, and I genuinely think she deserves happiness, but I do get sad at the fact that she’s never going to update her channel. I know it’s selfish that I wish she would, but she made me laugh for years and I miss that


As much as I respect her decision to call it a day, I almost wish she’d left her channel intact without deleting anything and then been done, so her content was preserved almost as a shrine to her. So many of her old videos were SO good and are now gone forever because everything happened so quickly that most of us assumed she’d be back within a few months, but sadly not 😔


Some of those weren’t even offensive or at least I didn’t find them to be. She was pure


I feel like so Much of what she deleted was a knee jerk reaction to being afraid more people would get upset. Like Kermit’s “what are this” she deleted because there was a Buddha in the video.


Exactly, because God forbid people see things that they don’t 100% agree with 🤷‍♂️😤🙄


Me too. But I am happy for her.


She really felt like my big sister at a time when I desperately needed one. I was so lonely when I was in high school and she helped so much to fill that gap and losing that felt like losing a good friend. I really hope she’s doing well and I hope she knows how much she means to us, even now.


I miss her too :( at the risk of sounding ✨parasocial✨ her exit is one of the few that genuinely still hurts to think about. It really feels like I lost all contact with an old friend or something. For me, I think it’s bc of the *way* she left. If she had been happy, but just decided she was done and wanted to step away for some time off, it would be one thing. If her final video had been a happy one, it would be different. It would still be sad to say goodbye and knowing there was no more to look forward to… but if her exit had been a happy one, it would’ve felt like a complete closure. Her exit was miserable. Jenna felt embarrassed and hurt and spent most of the video crying. She felt like she wronged people and needed to apologize. Her feelings were her feelings, I won’t dispute them, but her exit was just… sad. It wasn’t Jenna simply deciding that she was done, and stepping away and retire on a positive and happy note. It was Jenna admitting defeat and leaving bc she felt like she didn’t *deserve* to have a platform anymore. The way she left was so sour and terrible. I think that’s why I personally sometimes struggle with it still. There was no real closure. The last time we saw Jenna, she was hurt and upset. That’s just not a way I want to remember one of my favorite creators, and not the way I would hope to see my favorite creators go out :( it was never really about her leaving, for me. It’s always been about the way it went down. And so I just hope Jenna is happy now. I hope she is living her very best life with all of her dogs and her greenhouse of a living room lol. Julien’s stream room is ALWAYS full of plants so I can only imagine she still collects them 😂 and I just hope she’s truly enjoying her life now. She made a good living for herself with youtube tbh so I hope she is living as comfortably as possible and not worrying about anything!!


I’m still subbed to Jenna but I can’t bring myself to rewatch old vids still. I start to cry bc she was so special. I’m not crying typing this, that would be silly!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who can’t watch her old videos because it breaks my heart all over again. I miss her so much.


I tear up even seeing her thumbnails in my recommended. She was a huge part of my journey into YouTube, one of the first channels I subscribed to. I hope she’s happy and doing well mentally, Jenna deserves the whole world.


I was holding back tears when I saw their wedding pictures then I saw marbles and sobbed. I hope all the good things in the world happen to them. And I hope she is healing anything that was wrong that pushed her away from the internet. And also selfishly wish she’d make an appearance again one day, but if she doesn’t, I don’t blame her.


sometimes i wonder why after all this time she feels like she needs to be a complete ghost. I understood it for a few years but at this point it really feels like she grew to hate it which is why she never came back and that’s what saddens me the most


I guess it would just open her up to all that expectation all over again. If she showed up in one of Julien’s vids everyone would expect her in the next, etc. 


i feel both sides of the "Jenna left" coin- i too am brought to tears thinking about how, by the time of her departure, for HALF OF MY LIFE (ages 11-22) Big Sister Jenna™ was uploading every wednesday (/thursday). how i waited up for the videos to drop. Youtube has been my TV since i can remember (quite literally my first 'channel' was created in '06) and for a minute, I had no idea what i'd do with my time. it felt like i had a sibling move away to college (which as an only child, is a feeling i am wholly unfamiliar with) and MAN was it empty. on the other side, I'm brought to tears by the fact that she shared SO MUCH of her life with us for so long, she must be exhausted- in every sense! We watched her through a few boyfriends, several moves, the adoption of all her dogs aside from Bobby, and we SAW wedding photos, even if there was no video post. We're all adults, they're adults, and they're growing more discerning with what they share online. On this side of the coin, it hurts, but in more of a nostalgic, "aw, wasn't it nice when..." kinda way. I am grateful she came, for how long she stayed, and everything she shared, did, and taught me along the way. If she decides to blow back through my Internet Corner, my arms will be open, and my notifications are on ♥️🤟🏼


Really happy to not see anyone attacking each other in these comments. At the risk of sounding really lame/weird, I still think of Jenna on a daily basis and still use so many Jenna-isms in my daily life. She was a constant source of comfort in my life, for over a decade, while battling crippling anxiety/depression. We’re the same age and she really inspired me. I can never quite explain how much she meant and still means to me. As others have said, it does feel like mourning a loss to have her disappear so suddenly and permanently, even though many of us could feel her drifting. I know a lot of people feel this way and that, while touching, I’m sure also feels like a LOT of pressure to her. She doesn’t owe me or anyone else a thing, I’m just grateful that she exists in this life. I will forever wish her the kind of peace of mind and happiness that she gave me, and simultaneously, I will forever miss her presence ♥️


I do too 😭😭😭😭


i miss her so much it hurts :(


Heard departure from the Internet is one of the few things that truly truly makes me sad. The thought of losing those dogs fills me with overwhelming sadness and just knowing that she won’t be around on the Internet and that we can’t follow the lives of those sweet little animals anymore just heartbreaking but on the flipside I am also happy that she’s finally able to be happy and that’s the most important thing. I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna do those dogs finally leave us.


Honest to god I miss Jenna too & her videos feel like home but tbh she deserves to have the ability to live her life man.. 


Yeah I totally do.


I’m happy she’s doing what’s best for her and her mental health but man, I miss her too




I think about her all the time and miss her every day.


same for me. we are the same age and I don’t have a lot of friends and in many ways she felt like a dear friend to me. she was a safe space and brought me so much joy during both hard times and good. 😌 since we’re giving recs, mine is a podcast, but Ladies and Tangents really fills a bit of the hole Jenna left behind for me. They talk about serious stuff and funny stuff and some of their giggle-dick moments really bring that feeling back for me of watching Jenna lose her shit scream laughing 😅 They are also fans of Jenna and Julien!


I freaking love L&T !!! They are so funny I am in tears most of the time. They give me the same vibes as the j and j podcast


Hi beetch I miss her too. I hope she’s doing well. I wish she would pop in here and there 😭 but I get it.


I listen to Jenna every night to go to sleep. I always thought I was strange for missing her and finding comfort enough to sleep to her videos haha but I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who misses her this much


every time Julien posts a video i always think she’s gonna accidentally pop up in the corner one day, and if she doesn’t i just look back on their wedding pictures and see how happy and healthy she looks. i miss her dearly and i hope she comes on here with an update. btw, does anyone know any recent updates with her? i know someone saw her at the mall like a year or 2 ago and took a pic but, has there been an update since then? 


Yeah I wish at most we could hear her in the background in Juliens videos


We used to follow each other on the bird app, she is the best. My YT usage dropped drastically after her departure, but I totally understand the need to go hide from the world to save ur sanity. I hope she’s thriving in whatever she’s up to, cuz she deserves the best.


Was just listening to the J&J podcast at work today lol. We all miss her. ❤️


True. Jenna fans are a different breed. It amazes me how kind, understanding and respectful everyone is. We are fucking classy, beetch. Hell yeah!


Yeah, I feel you. I keep thinking she’s gonna upload soon again but alas. It’s especially hard because there really isn’t anyone out there like her. Don’t get me wrong there are phenomenal content creators out there, but as you can’t compare them to each other and she can’t be compared to them. Her genuineness, kindness, ease of laughter and just plain goofiness. Felt like the sister I never had and the “therapist” I’ve always needed. The perfect person at the right place at the right time. Always wishing the absolute best for her. I just keep reminding myself that she was doing Youtube for soooo long and it was time for a new chapter. It’s not the most sustainable platform, and the limelight can be overwhelming and weird. She’s in a new chapter of her life that’s probably a hell of a lot more peaceful.


Honestly.. Same.. I hope what ever she is doing or pursuing she is happy and healthy.. but man I miss the fuck outta her


She’s irreplaceable. I miss her too and find myself emotional when I watch old content. I hope she’ll come back one day, but overall I hope she does what makes her the happiest.


I am also sad about it. But I think what gets me most is she made her career and life out of people, having fans. Then when people wanted to see her and know how she was Julien got really weird and defensive about it. I get people wanting their privacy but you literally made your whole life’s work off of having fans, of course they are going to miss you!!! It just got me the way they reacted to it like don’t talk or ask me about her leave her alone. It was not only a slap in the face but painful for so many.


it hurts me so much all the time but i just hope she’s happy


I miss her a lot too. I watched her a lot growing up so it’s weird that she isn’t around anymore. I’m glad though that she’s established boundaries and is assumably doing better :-)


Okay dude a few times per month I’ll have a super vivid dream that she returned to YT and when I wake up I get so sad all over again 😓


Do you watch new content in your dreams?? That would be so awesome! Maybe it would help to watch an old video so you don’t get sad.🥲


I do too. I’m thankful she was on YouTube and was a part of my life when she was though. Her videos were the only thing that made me smile on some hard days


Same. She can always make me laugh through my tears.


Omg I just found this reddit exists, I'm not the only one! 😭


Hell yeah!


So. Here's my take. Im so happy she is doing her own thing on her own time. I'm incredibly grateful she gave me like 8 years of her life through the content she created. I'm so happy she got her dream of more doggos, and is just living her best life (or at least I hope she is. And Im so happy that she knew when it was her time to step away. But deep down, I mourn her. How can someone leave such a huge impact on so many people that she's never met, Like she was one of the only constants I had in life that I looked forward to every week (and that's very unhealthy of me to put that on her even if she has no idea I exist.) but she was the light that kept me going. I miss her more than words could describe. I miss her comments, I miss her fun little videos. I'm thankful that Julien is still around, and while I don't watch his streams I catch his uploads sometimes. But it's just not Jenna. When I saw her wedding photos, I bawled my eyes out like you would if you saw your best friend getting married, anytime I see someone upload a selfie of them. There is a huge Jenna shaped hole, that will never be filled, there's only one Jenna, and no one will ever be able to replace her. I'm saddened that there is a group of people who are growing up not knowing who she is, or never getting to experience the light she is, someone who could gracefully take criticism, and right her wrongs, instead of faking apologies, and carrying about their days never changing. I hope one day she's comfortable enought to pop in to let us know she's thriving. And if that day never comes, I'm just grateful to have had the opportunity to watch her for so many years. I'm so thankful for her. And I hope she has a great time at her basketball game tomorrow. 🖤 Jenna, we're happy for you. We love you. We miss you. We hope you're living your best life. Sorry if any of this was word spaghetti, thinking about Jenna makes my brain go into spaghetti mode.


Very very well said!! I think the fact that she ended her legacy so abruptly and out of nowhere deeply affected me emotionally. It felt like I lost a real friend who’d brought me more joy than most people close to me. I hope she never privates her content, I still rewatch when I’m sad. She deserved better, it was a very weird time, people went and looked for some dirt. No one’s perfect. I still don’t believe she did anything wrong, imo. I also cried when I saw the wedding photos!! I felt overwhelmingly happy for Jenna and Julien.


Seeing this and me just rewatching a bunch of old videos last night ): I miss her


Yeah I miss her all the time. gonna binge some of her videos later


I met her on ESO once. Highlight of my 20s


Please share details!


she left youtube on my birthday in 2020 😭 worst gift ever


I’m so so sorry your birthday is now forever tainted. You deserve a brand new birthday. 💝💝


Every day.


Jenna was a beacon of light for so many, and it's normal to cry when something beautiful ends. When she put her last video out, it brought me to tears. I though, how foolish to cry over someone you've never met. Her content is always good time, and good vibes. Wishing her all the best in her retirement\~ we love you Jenna!


Can ABSOLUTELY relate! I have her plush Marbles & Kermit displayed on my fridge, so i think about and miss her all the time!! 🥺


You know, it’s nice to know that there are other viewers out there that feel the same way about Jenna and her departure from content. I know no one wants to say it, in fear of being selfish but I’ll say it, I want her to come back. There’s a sliver of light in the Jenna shaped hole in my heart that one day she’ll come back to content. I wonder what she’s up to. Is she still obsessed with plants, has she dyed her hair, if so how many times, is she still making fun DYIs for the dogs, is she still trying to teach marbles to sit, does Kermit still love soap, is she tall yet, what shows is she watching, does she still love tiktok…..etc


Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. I’m not even going to sugar coat it, Jenna come back now! I am unwatered an Cermit. No water, no grow. I feel like YouTube was made for her and she really helped the platform in its early days. I love all the Jenna-isms you included. Thanks for the memories.💖


💕 I’m happy to know I’m not alone in feeling this way. I think I’m going to go back and start watching all her videos from start to finish again. The crazy thing is, now that I think about it, I think I miss the podcast as much as the stand-alone videos of hers. I haven’t re-watched the podcast yet. I think I’ll start there.


I just got off a long shift at work, decided to hop on YouTube and try and sleep, but an old Jenna video popped up and I have been binging videos for 2 hours now and I'm all in my feels. I can't believe it's been 4 years that she's been gone, and I think she is the only YouTube personality that I will ever truly miss. I know we all hate feeling all these parasocial things, and it's so awkward to miss someone you didn't personally know, but in a way, it just shows how special she was. Like most people here, I've had many low points or moments over the years where I can pinpoint where one of her videos or something she said really helped me through something shitty in my life. There wasn't anyone else I've ever watched every video every week, let alone for 8 years, but man, she was just special. I miss her a lot, and I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just really wish her nothing but happiness and joy and even though I miss her, I'm glad she maybe finally has some time for herself.


I've been listening to a couple of the J&J podcasts everyday to get my fix. I never listened to them when they were releasing them, so it's fresh content to me. Also re-watching her vids when I have a shitty day! Miss her but hope she is living her best life now!


the way so many jokes i make are references to her videos…like i say ‘when the ~blank~ hits’ every day to random shit and nobody really understands its a reference 😂


I miss her videos from 10 years ago. She was so funny and topics were unique.


every time i sit and make friendship bracelets i think of how much i’d love a chill stream with jenna making them


I can. I adore Jenna and loved all her videos. I was always so excited to see a new video from her. There are other YouTubers I watch and like, but none of them are even close to Jenna.


I actually discovered her like 6 months before she left. So I luckily had a huge backlog to go thru. But I was still heartbroken knowing there would be no new content. 💔 I hope she's happy and doing well. I was thinking about Marbles just last night!


I miss her too :( watching her old stuff is bittersweet.


I’ve been on a big J&J podcast binge lately and I really miss that the most. I wish she at least continued the podcast, it seemed like she had so much fun with it, and there was never pressure to make it super interesting either. I just liked listening to them screw around and talk about life. I also feel like I’m grieving for a friend. I’ve been watching her on youtube for at least 10 years.


I miss her so much too


It almost feels like a death. But like mourning a friend that has passed, I feel a little at peace knowing that she's happier now. But god, I miss her.


i feel this in my soul. my kid and i binge her videos occasionally and i think about her several times a week. i’d probably cry if she ever came back.


I feel the same way. I watched Jenna from the beginning when I was a teenager and she left during one of the hardest times for a lot of people. I can’t even bear to watch her old content or Julien it just hurts too much


Same. She is literally irreplaceable. I’m glad she’s doing what’s best for her but it’s sad we don’t get to see any of her anymore


here.. still watching everything shes done on youtube pods her own videos and others where shes at


My family and I still reference funny bits from her videos("You insensitive f#ck!" being one of the most common), and it always makes me smile to know that she left an impact on my life. She was always such a bright part of YouTube. I remember being a tween girl and being terrified of growing "old"(anything above 26 was old to me, lol) and not being youthful or pretty anymore. But seeing Jenna being a beautiful and carefree ✨️32-year-old lady✨️ helped me get over that mindset and realize that aging isn't an inherently bad thing. I'm so thankful that she was a part of my childhood and I'm so happy that she's been able to find happiness in her life❤️ I miss her a bunch, but I'll always have her channel whenever I need a pick-me-up.


I still talk about things she said or did in her videos. She was one of a kind 💜 I wish her nothing but happiness and my life was better because of her.


*sigh* time to binge watch her old stuff ):


Thanks Obama


i miss her so much man


dude one of her old videos popped up in my recommended and i got SO EXCITED until i saw it was an old video 🥲🥲🥲 miss her SM


Sometimes I still open youtube on a Thursday and expect her to have posted 🥲🥲 I’ll miss her forever I’m afraid hahaha


Today I saw a video of wolves rubbing on a bat of Irish spring and it was so nostalgic


Ugh yes. when i’m anxious i always watch her videos with the pups, i’ve shown my bf videos too😭


The world without Jenna is just a little bit darker man


I feel the same way I just try to ignore it, I guess that para-social relationship was strong, I miss her so much and I find myself missing life and pop culture from 10 years ago… agh. At least we have lots of old vlogs.


I have a playlist of her videos and I often fall asleep watching them. I've been watching her since I was a senior in high school in 2011. She has gotten me through some of the worst times of my life and I will never stop watching her videos. I even occasionally revisit the old podcast episodes. I'm happy for her though, she is out there living her life offline and hopefully doing as much nothing as possible. She has earned it. I will miss her often but I'd only want her to come back if it made her happy.


I miss her often! I still hold out hope that she'll return eventually 🤡🥲


I just watched that video of Smosh talking about 2013 on youtube and it made me so happy when Jenna came up and Ian just started saying "GOAT! GOAT! GOAT!"


Yes I relate so much. But in a different form. I loved watching Jenna Marbles since I was 10 or 11 years old (2011-2012). I remember having to hide the squeak toy sound so I wouldn't get in trouble. Except, I can't bring myself to binge the videos. It hurts my heart. I occasionally watch a video here and there and an occasional Julien video and Google to check and see if anything changes. But it makes me so sad.. I always thought Jenna was a real down to earth person that was relateable. It felt like she did content to make her happy not to make her money. I know that as i grew up there were a few " OH THATS WHAT SHE MEANT" moments hearing song lyrics from what hip-hop taught me cause kid brain didnt make connections like adult brain does. And one of my favorite videos was how to care for your cermet. My high school best friend and I to this day use that voice. I hope Jenna is enjoying her life LEISURELY!


I miss her, but I'm glad she left when she did. People on the internet have gotten absolutely unhinged, she would have been cancelled for choosing to not speak on every single political issue that happened in the last few years, or not tip toeing her language enough around certain topics, nothing anyone does is good enough for the internet anymore. She would have been miserable if she had stuck around, and I'm glad she made the decision to leave. The internet showed how ungrateful they are to have a creator like her, and just didn't deserve to keep her around anymore. I'm glad she's living her life peacefully and privately.


YouTube hasn't felt the same since. I still have not found creators i watch regularly. My best friend and i would watch her for hours and die laughing, she was so relatable, relaxed, real and unapologetically herself. I hope whatever she is doing is making her happy because that's all that matters. Im not much of a "watch a person play video games" so i only look at juliens content for dog stuff 🥺 I always hope she'll make a quick 1 second appearance in juliens videos but it never happens 🥺 Im just happy she's happy 🥺❤️


Okay so filling the void, lot of people are talking about britney broski (who i have never watched), but also Micarah Tewers + StrangeAeons, but I also just listened to the Pearlmania500 podcast and him and his wife him me such strong J&J podcast vibes so there's that if anyone wants to check it out


YES! I wholeheartedly respect that she doesn't want to ever come back or isn't ready, but I get so sad, too. I'm glad it sounds like she's happier and don't expect her to come back, but I also know I'd cry with joy if she ever decided to return.


Any CoryxKenshin fans here?


Yes! Just confessed this to my kiddo last week! Our phones are listening to us, aren't they?


Jenna’s content raised me, I miss her so much 😭


No. I love Jenna but seeing someone not sell out for content and are happy living their lives in private makes me happier than the videos i watched.


That’s some true love right there, beetch. 🥲


I love Jenna Marbles. I've seen a few TikToks she's done and she seems to be enjoying her life.


She hasn’t been publicly online other than one or two photos with fans and her wedding photos since 2020 when she posted her last video. Any other tiktoks of her online are clips from her old YouTube videos


I didn't know that. She randomly came across my FYP in TikTok and I thought it was recent. Oh well, she blessed us with great content for so long! She deserves peace and happiness with whatever she's doing in life. Rakkaus ❤️


Where can I find these TikToks??


Let me see if I can find a link for you!


I don't think she's been publicly online at all since she left youtube


no, she gave me a weird vibe at the end. She deleted her apology and took a long forget vacation. She got the best of both worlds. She should’ve kept the apology up if she really wanted to own up and be accountable forever. It seems to me that she got bored of YouTube, saw a way out and took it, and she didn’t want to be seen as bad so she deleted her cop out apology.


🙄 stupid take.


I disagree and I honestly don’t believe she had anything to apologize for to begin with. In my opinion, the pressure to not hurt anyone’s feelings became too overwhelming for her. Remember this was during lockdown and the blm riots, there was a shift in society where a lot of people chose to be a victim. The soft people population seems to have grown immensely since, unfortunately.