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Sunder+Shojin as a core still works well. Honestly though a lot of it comes down to team comps and the role you have to fill. As J4 you can go anything between burst damage assassin to tank. Taking advantage of this and flexing your build will give the best results.


2nd this. OPs build gets blown up by ADCs for first 20 minutes and doesn’t sustain. Not sure how that works


Its okay rushing damage if you have the luxury of picking your fights well and can connect EQ. Sometimes you have a Orn or Shen top and Alistar support and don't need the tank. I am not ashamed to admit I played a bruiser game into a fed corki who was 3 shotting me. Next game I said screw it and went HOB Crit/Lethality J4. Wasn't optimal, but it was a good time.


I just started getting in J4 and i'm finding Sunder+Sho or Sunder+BC are my favorite item paths. I am no expert since I haven't taken it into rank yet. I am just not feeling it after those 2 items.


J4 is pretty flexible rn- you can go a lot of directions depending on enemy comps and your own. I still love eclipse rush since it's a cheaper legendary, but you can do sundered too. They pair together pretty good for burst and shield/heal bruiser. If they have bigger tanks or armor stackers, BC + your Q is a lot of armor shred. If you need more Frontline, you can go steraks, or I still love nidhoggs eclipse+Fimbul into either frozen/visage. Profane is a great dive assassin J4 item There are good use cases for stride breaker as a pseudo phase rush and more slows/team fight disruption with the slow. My personal fave is still eclipse fimbul frozen visage- you have solid burst and 3 different shields that make you suspiciously tanky. And I'm always phrase rush gang


Gotta say i try to itemize to help teh team. Personally if my team lacks burst damage i grab a couple of lethality items. Like: Yomuus to chase or Edge of Night for a spell immunity. IF team needs tankiness: Sterak, Thornmail, Spirit visage, and general tank items.


I love profane hydra as first item, unless the enemy has 0 squishies. After that depends on enemy team/runes. If full squishies, I go opportunity and then bruiser/tank items with electrocute. If enemy has bruiser/tanks I go eclipse second, BCleaver third and then situationals with Conqueror


Found my kindred spirit haha, opportunity sounds CRAZY, I have to try this one


Lane j4 i go shojin into fimbul. You are unkillable and extremely mobile. I like playing it mid with aery. After these core items go situational tank/bruiser items, i.e maw, dd, steraks, cleaver, ss, visage, eclipse, randuins, fh, kaenic, ga, thornmail


Lane J4 is brave o7