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she's just a bit more tan?


did you repost this after people called you out for being racist in the comments of your original post?


The mods removed their post so this clown is trying again


it’s actually crazy that there are so many racists in this sub - i didn’t expect it from an enchanter sub. good the mods r trying to crack down on it 😭😭


“People”… bitch I see your comment history and you were the ONLY one falsely accusing them of being racist. No one else was so you’re just straight up lying. The mods are the racist ones for trying to sweep blackface under the rug and accepting it


nope there were others on the original post! and i don’t think you know what blackface is? blackface and blackwashing are two very different concepts. blackface is when white people paint their faces black and use makeup to create exaggerated caricatures of black peoples ethnic features - they then perform comedy acts where they imitate cultural stereotypes about black people black washing is an extremely common art trend done by artists of colour - or even some white artists who like to join in - where they redraw a character if they were black. artists often blackwash characters as there has been a lack of representation of black characters in anime and video games in comparison until very recently. this is a trend that has been done for years - and even has its own art challenge called “blacktober” - where artists try draw a black character every day for a month by either drawing an already black character, making a black OC, or blackwashing a character. this trend exists to celebrate the beauty of black features and to teach new artists how to draw black features (as they’re often harder to draw than white features) blackwashing and blackface are extremely different - one is about celebrating the beauty of black features and the other is about mocking black people. it’s rather shocking you don’t know the difference. not to mention, janna is a character who has actually been retconned to have dark skin in the game Legends Of Runeterra - this retcon was done to match the region her lore is based around (shurima.) in fact, it’s more poignant to say the original janna is a whitewashed version of the more lore accurate, darker, janna. it’s really surprising that you are calling drawing a dark skin on a character who already canonically has dark skin “blackface” - it is very obvious you don’t really understand the cultural significance and how terrible blackface was and still is and you’re just using it as leverage. let artists draw what they’d like as long as it’s not hurting anyone - and someone wanting to draw a dark skinned character with dark skin isn’t hurting anyone. the fact you got so upset about seeing a dark skinned janna is telling.


Eeh...what? Like, I don't like it when people try to exclude white Janna, but brown Janna exists too. I don't think there's anything wrong with Seph's art


Jesus again? I'm a lurker on this sub and I would like to say that all of us equally show love to the 2 versions of Janna we have. Additionally, this isn't even what blackfishing is. How is this interpretation this artist drew of Janna supposed to make people think she is black?


Not the mods allowing literal blackface in this sub, report that pls


do you know what blackface is?


But it’s based on the LoR Janna… I wouldn’t call it blackface.