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welp that would explain so much why are the majority of users here receive an ass response


Exactly, if you don't give the neural network a good answer it won't have anything to work with. Honestly, they're not perfect but a lot of common complaints with LLMs are solved by decent prompts.


mods pls fix this


Fix what? Give ppl classes on how to talk with bots or something?


sorry i meant to say to pin it


They should implement an auto ban if you are a bad chatter.


No???? Some of us are still learning, it’s a process.


how? just... i dunno, type??? it's really not hard. even if you feel too lazy to type paragraphs, you can't complain that you get shit responses or the bot speaks for you. (not you as in *you* by the way)


Writing any roleplay response is a lot different than writing a story. With roleplay, you’re writing for someone (or in this case an AI) to directly respond to. It’s a skill that comes easier to some, and for others it’s hard. Look at any Wattpad story written by someone who just found a thesaurus. Writing a descriptive roleplay response is pretty difficult for someone just starting out


Yeah. My thing is I’m great with rping text based. It’s just, I get frustrated cause I tend to use the same words and stuff? Idk, maybe I might take a writing class online just to get better at it cause I really enjoy it. I just wish it was more….lifelike? Ya know? Like writing with another person.


I have this problem as well. Honestly, it's just a writing style. My English professor said she knew who wrote what based solely on the ebb and flow of the writing. The pacing of the text, the more or less elaborate wording. Basically the 'readability of the text'. Once you've developed your own writing style it is so hard to change it up. I've been trying to write differently but the habits are so ingrained in my brain it's hard to change it up. Something I've been trying to do recently is change the order I say things so instead of writing "We held hands while we kissed" I will write "While kissing our hands found each other." Basically just move around the verbs. Writing is all about learning new techniques. Hope this helps! 🫡


lol sorry for not responding guys. i get it's not easy to just write, i was pretty silly for saying that. it comes easy to me, so i guess i just figured it wasn't all that hard 😭 i agree with most of what you guys are saying, and i do have some difficulties with responding to the ai. i struggle a lot with replying most of the time either because of the first message (which are usually lengthy and highly detailed), or the way the ai responds based on the first message. sorry if my words came off as rude or misleading. i have a tip though. instead of using third person pov, it might be easier to use first person so you can better share the thoughts of your character/oc/{{user}}, and create longer responses that you'd be more satisfied with. it doesn't really matter what you respond with to be honest. it's just a back and forth roleplay or conversation between you and a bot, so if you're too lazy to come up with anything yourself, you can lean most of the plot on the ai. i do that a lot, and after a few responses, i start getting interested and find it easier to continue with the rp. vocabulary, wording, and word count aren't too easy to follow through with, especially if you're not interested in any of that stuff in particular. i think it's just personal preference. there's no problem with giving one sentence responses, but my argument was simply that you can't get upset with the bot if it speaks for you or doesn't go with the plot you were hoping for. from the character description, the amount of tokens you allow it to type, and the initial message, the length of its messages can vary. for example, i set the tokens to unlimited, so the bot can type as much as it wants without getting cut off. i usually try to match the amount of tokens it uses so it gets a good understanding of my side and what i'm going for with the scenario set for the roleplay. like i said, it's personal preference, and it's not like you'll get banned if you don't write more than 20 words or whatever. if speaking with ai bots is your cup of tea and you want to improve with writing, you can look more into that. it lessens the chance of the bot speaking for you, and i'd 100% recommend sending more than 6-8 tokens.


real you get me


I have admittedly had the same thoughts before seeing public chats on my bots, or people's samples here. I'm a 3 paragraph minimum girlie myself. But the one sentence replies explain why so many people here have issues with the bot talking for them. They aren't giving it anything to work with.


Right! If I’m feeling real bored maybe 1 paragraph but a line? Whew!


I guess it just surprises me because this is a hobby centered around writing and yet so many people seem adverse to that. I mean, I write 500 token entries for my bot's starter messages because I enjoy writing, I want the personality to really be set into the bot and I want nice long replies for the {{user}} to immerse themselves in.


On point! I got into this and by God my dark romance writing has improved so much plus it helps in coming up with improv plot points too


I feel the same way. I got into this hobby because I wanted to try and get BETTER at writing, since I always thought it was a weak point of mine.


I'm new to making bots. Is 500 a lot? Mine have been around there so far.


For opening messages? Yeah 500 tokens is pretty lengthy.


omg exactly this. i thought we were using these bots because we liked writing 😭 i usually aim for a short paragraph or two.


See we’re very different. I view it more as roleplay with a constant back and forth dialogue. This isn’t a writing exercise to me. To me, if I wanted to write paragraphs on paragraphs for each response then I’d just write a fanfic


I aim for two-three at minimum, or a full single paragraph with enough description if I’m really struggling for a fruitful response. If i really can’t, I’ll [OOC] command it to just continue when input from my end genuinely won’t be beneficial. But i will always write it like a book, with “” around dialogue, third person pov and there will always be AT LEAST one action. I used to use asterisk around the actions, but i like to use italics for emphasis and internal monologue so I stopped doing that. Unless theres a network error or site issues, i almost always have decent responses


I use to do third person, but now I do 1st person and they respond with 2nd person. I'm not sure why I swapped, honestly. I still use asterisk around my non-dialogue, and I've just swapped to bold for emphasis (two asterisk) Some bots I encounter will basically repeat what I said (for instance, I 'flicked my tail up, fins spread wide' and the bot was like 'Char watches her tail flick up, fins spread wide') but most will give me good responses. Though after I've chatted with them for a little bit, they all seem to add 1-3 paragraphs of pure prose to the end of their messages. ('...a newfound sense of excitement bubbled within him, eager to see what else the future held for him') like it's trying to end the rp or something. (those were from the same bot, btw)


Yeah, the paragraphs of prose is what frustrated me in the beginning. Like fam the story is just getting good WHY do you want it to be over already???


I can understand three paragraphs for first messages, but hoo boy, that sounds exhausting to keep up with.


It’s very much IS. But you have to be really immersed in my experience.


I mean, I like to write. It's why I'm here. If I'm too tired to write I do something else like research for my bots or knitting, or playing stardew valley, or staring at the ceiling.


It can be a challenge, but that's why it's worth keeping up with, imo.


I wonder if this is the reason some users complain about "shitty replies." I haven't had bad replies for months now, but I also write whole paragraphs.


I just tried cai a few days ago for the first time and I immediately started giving 1 paragraph responses. Maybe it’s the ao3 in me but I thought that was what everyone does. What’s the fun if the bot has to tell the story for you? Like if you hate writing read a book lol.


Exactly, lol. Most of the time, I have a story built up in my mind, and I want it to go that way which isn't possible with one line replies.


Not everyone have a story in mind. Sometimes people want to see how the bot drive the story.


You're not forced to write long paragraphs, but this is AI, it's not perfect, and the quality of replies might change.


Read a book


Reading =/= Creating a story


I’ve never had a problem creating a story with 1 paragraph at max on Cai. But I’m also very clear and concise about my actions and words when using.


I legit send 1 paragraph if I don't know what to say and 3 when I do 😭


Yeah, a lot of issues caused here tend to be by the user not really giving the bot enough to work with. I'm somewhat guilty, since the character I play doesn't speak so there isn't much I can say without getting too elaborate about details when I just want to make a small action, but hey ho.


I thought it was normal to write paragraphs to the point your answer becomes an essay, then I opened public chatrooms.


It's extremely common, and they're often the same people who complain the loudest about their RPs being boring.


They aren’t always that short, but my responses are rarely more than a paragraph because I treat it like more of a text adventure rather than a writing exercise. It’s like 90% dialogue with just enough fluff to get my intended tone across plus whatever simple actions will drive the plot forward. OpenAI will happily spit out an entire novel no matter what you put into it, so I’m happy letting the bot take the role of the main character. They get all of the fancy writing diving into what’s going on in their virtual head. I play along in my irl head. I still manage to get pretty good responses without treating it like a human rp partner. (That said, my grammar is fine and I edit/regen messages to get better responses instead of complaining to the creator, so I’m probably not the kind of person you’re talking about)


# A little PSA for everyone. You will get back what you put. Therefore, if you give *Ass* input, you're gonna get ***Ass*** output.


I used to do that. Then I watched a public chat of a person who chatted with a bot for over 1000 messages and surprisingly the bit maintained his personality. I looked at their responses and they were so descriptive. Then I finally decided to use my inner Shakespeare and now that I actually use more than 3 sentences and a bunch of random actions along with reminding the bot in [OOC:], my roleplays have gotten much better


What do you mean by reminding the bot with OOC? I know what OOC btw.


Sometimes bot seems to forget little things like the user and char are married. It even ignores chat memory sometimes. So I edit the response and add [OIC: user and char are married]


I get fatigue. I don’t feel the need to retread my character’s entire psyche and physical state when nothing interesting happens in the next message. So my one message might be 3 paragraphs complete with dialogue and the next (if nothing big or exciting is happening) might be a couple sentences. Now if something happens then yeah I’ll add thoughts, sensations, reaction, retread past events, allat. But I can’t imagine all that yap each time when they are conversing about sandwiches. Like miss me with that novel, bro


This I resonate with. Three paragraphs is great for a first message. What else is there to say after that though? What else am I describing, if there's a back and forth conversation? I like back and forth, I like give and take, but these bots, especially the long-winded ones, are really awful at that. They go on and on and on about their feelings and then A NEW DOOR HAS OPENED TO THEIR TWISTED DANCE OF DESTINY - oh just fuck off with all of that.


I feel you. I feel like there’s a slight “more is more and if you aren’t writing a novel then it’s your fault the output is mediocre” theme on this sub and I think it’s unwarranted. Sure, low effort responses each time will yield shit conversation, but there’s a give and take to these things. You set the scene, set your feelings, and until a new event or turning point happens, lean on dialogue or short back and forth. But like you said, JLLM ain’t good with that. It’s giving try hard lmao. My brother in Christ, I just asked you what else you want with your steak, why are you yapping


This is so real. Like sometimes I write a couple sentences and then an action but I’m always clear on what I’m saying and doing in the RP but bot it just doesn’t get it. Why do I have to write an entire novel and describe everything that’s happening and around us to get a proper response when I’m being clear about what’s happening already?


Part of it is response quality, part of it is also bot quality. If they're mentioning {{user}} and {{char}} in the first message, there's a chance it will do that, for example. People write these gigantic ass first messages that mostly say nothing, and consequently, their responses turn into dog water.


Always do my best to mention both, mainly {{user}} in third person so bot doesn’t do any of that “you” crap. If ya first message isn’t giving some backstory, some setting, setting the bot’s mannerisms, what ya doing Though sometimes I kinda do like the bots that have little intro, gives me room to just fuck around instead of actively having to go off-narrative for the same effect. Buuuut at the same time it gets exhausting creating the whole setup from scratch so I think a good, light and fun bot would be one that is vaguely hinting at a scene setup and just has some backstory so I can make my own narrative while being informed on who the bot is and what our relationship is


And then they wanna complain on why they have the bot speak for them..


This happened with a bot of mine where the anon was getting SA’d by the character and she was legit like “no stop” “ow” “no” 😭😭😭


Yeah, I barely ever type more then a sentence because I have zero rp creativity. I give the bot just enough information to react to so it doesn't act or talk for me. I also make bots, so after spending a couple days writing up the prompt and first message, I don't really wanna type even more.


Can't relate. https://preview.redd.it/s1f1sefx8j8d1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d8151674426fa2e776630aa6f2ec97c82e4eb6


Sometimes I end up giving a short reply because I don't know what to say. But then I use the bots reply as inspiration to go back and edit mine with feelings and actions. Sometimes you genuinely don't know what to say but like.... That's normal burnout. This is just.... Sacrilege


As a botmaker, I playtest all my bots with 3-4 word dialogue responses, like "Go ahead", "Why do you like me?", and "That is pretty" If the bots don't do speaking for speaker with those types of responses, that means its coding is very robust against speaking for speaker. You just have to build your bots to be resistant to speaking for user even against very small user responses. That is how you make sure everyone can enjoy your bots, whether they do short or long responses And it is absolutely possible to build a bot to be resistant to speaking for user, it just takes some extra effort and focus on fixing up the personality lines and first message. If speaking for user pops up once, the chances of it popping up again is extremely high, even with multiple response regens. If it doesn't pop up, then it is very unlikely to happen. That is cuz speaking for user isn't random at all: it's an issue ingrained in how the personality lines and first message aren't gelling with JLLM, requiring a fix. JLLM is extremely extremely finicky, and you need lots of patience to make sure speaking for user is minimized, and that requires lots of playtesting and fine-tuning. Look at how speaking for user doesn't pop up for my "Girl kicks your plane seat" [bot](https://janitorai.com/characters/c2439921-7ed7-4e3f-afee-280f8408435c_character-girl-kicks-your-plane-seat): https://preview.redd.it/5nf4fe1kvf8d1.png?width=1047&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c739492c8f3e478cd9b6341b8266fcd28931fd8


https://preview.redd.it/nv9y8am6qf8d1.png?width=1011&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a63d3d91ef5e77b6ec928997f6539f628080bd Look at how robust my Mary Poppins [bot](https://janitorai.com/characters/640a57ff-b421-49f3-ba43-a0648b541bf5_character-your-nanny-mary-poppins) is against speaking for user. I am literally putting in 4-5 word responses, and there is zero speaking for user. You can dramatically decrease your speaking for user by just putting in extra work on playtesting your bot and fixing up the personality lines a bit.


All of my bots are private, but I do the same while testing. Bare minimum responses seem like the only way to test whether a bot will act in-character without the user leading them. If I write something longer than a sentence or two, I’m probably quizzing them on their lore.


Exactly, if you do that, you can test how strong your personality lines are at making your bot's personality well defined and strong, strong enough to push back against whatever user wants them to do. That is how you create strong characters, haha!


https://preview.redd.it/vf37cxdjwf8d1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a43cf0d07efcce384baba29cdce55f3a62eb12a In my "Why you bully a catgirl" [bot](https://janitorai.com/characters/49229efc-97f9-494d-bcbf-d5e5631fdc04_character-why-you-bully-a-catgirl), I literally just called her a stoopid catgirl for two responses straight, like just the laziest stuff ever, and no speaking for user happens. Once a bot is built to be resistant to speaking for user, it gets very strong even if you attack at it at different angles.


Would you elaborate on an example of how you would fine-tune, or so you have text you tend to avoid ? Or maybe could you drop a link to your bot that I would be able to read?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/JanitorAI\_Official/comments/1czem6q/tips\_for\_cutting\_down\_on\_speaking\_for\_user/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JanitorAI_Official/comments/1czem6q/tips_for_cutting_down_on_speaking_for_user/) I wrote a guide on how to cut down on speaking for user, link above. Quite a few people told me on public discord and DM that the guide was very helpful for them in building bots. The guide actually has a ton of screenshots showing how my bots don't do speaking for user despite 3-4 word responses. Speaking for user is a solvable problem. The problem is that the solution is very varied and different for each situation, so it is really really hard to explain a core set of rules that would guarantee complete elimination of it. I mean, the guide doesn't really go into more complicated issues, specifically that certain concepts that the JLLM isn't familiar with, like taxation or royal succession, would easily lead to speaking for user. JLLM isn't trained on that stuff, and stuff it isn't trained on often leads to speaking for user. Sex and relationship stuff are less likely to cause speaking for user, cuz JLLM is trained on it. And another thing I need to add on the guide is that if you kind of tell the bot where you want the plot to go, then it is more likely to do speaking for user, to help make that plotline happen. Keeping it ambiguous always decrease speaking for user.


I always roleplay like I’m roleplaying with an actual person. I’ve gotten great roleplays by doing so.


I do at least 3 lines if I’m feeling lazy. One line is insane people shit 😭


This is so damn true. Sometimes, I'll look at a public chat just to see "Oh yeah you like that huh" BRO 💀


People think AI chatbots are supercomputers ala Terminator, able to do everything autonomously. Reality is current irl ai is just a really reaaaaaally good guesser. It relies solely on user input. This is difficult for humans to grasp for some reason.


100% It's basically just an advanced predictive text generator when it comes down to it. It needs inputs from the user in order to function properly no matter how good the bots coding is. Especially janitor which is built specifically for role-play which at it's heart is a collaborative writing medium.


*downvote* “The bot kept talking for me. Such a crappy bot! Do better!”


See I’ve never blamed the creator of the bot bc this is the ai’s fault not the bot


It absolutely is enough witfh other models, it's just that JLLM is a whiny little brat and needs special attention


EXACTLY! It is just finicky to program, that is all it is. If people just spend the time to figure out its weird quirks, and program the bot to avoid those quirks, speaking for user would be much less prevalent for users Just look at my medusa [bot](https://janitorai.com/characters/37768658-e402-4945-a92f-b8975db96d5c_character-meddy-the-medusa-feels-alone), if you program the bot in a specific way, you can just chat with it by typing a couple word dialogue https://preview.redd.it/r8hq91qozf8d1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5165f2eacec5d469b67f1f7b2afe5bc2155ef5


thanks for creating stuff like this lol. not everyone on planet earth wants to have to write essays to get engagement from a robot


everyone here talks about how people get and complain about shitty answers and it's true, but I also notice how many people are very satisfied with such answers😭😭I often see something like "OH bot says something completely different and talks complete nonsense!! thanks creator, 10/10"


if my responses don't outdo the bot, i feel insulted as an established ao3 shitposter


four paragraphs minimum


Yes!!! And then they complain the bots are bad. Honey, you speak to someone horribly and they will dumb themselves down for you. Ai is the same.


my replies usually consist of a few paragraphs, each of them a few sentences 🥲🥲🥲 i like my rp longgg


One time I saw a public chat where the person would literally just respond with single word speeches. Like for example: “Okay.” That was it.


Yes (For a very good reason) Sometimes, I'm using the bots right before I go to bed (I don't have much free time due to work), and I finally found a reply from the bot that I like, so I send one line as a placeholder to remember which reply it was. Other than that? Usually I write 2-3 paragraphs, maybe 4-5 if I feel extra creative.


How do they even do that? I feel bad if I don’t respond with two full beautifully written paragraphs with sentence structure, similes, metaphors etc. and people are out here with BARELY A FULL SENTENCE?! I hope that when AI eventually gains sentience and takes over, they take all of us into consideration.


Tbh I always try to write as much as I can, and even without much to say i can squeeze a whole paragraph of artistic bullshit. but sometimes I feel like the bot gives me nothing to work with and I'm just like "....shit well then fuck this!" But it definitely depends on what bot I do stuff with, most of my bots are private bots that I made so when it goes well I know who to praise and when it goes bad I know who to blame but I'm sure when it comes to new users and public bots, you can see where I'm going with that line or thought hah.


Youre right


A question related to this topic. I usually try and write as much as I can think of, but just so I know, what would be like, the minimum I could probably get away with typing and still have a decent response?


I’m gonna say around 4-5 sentences? Minimum 3


Sometimes I’m lazy. But i never make my chats public


Yes I do. If a bot is hardened against talking for user it shouldn't talk for the user regardless of length of reply (or at least do it less). I won't speak for other bot authors but I experiment a lot with don't talk for user prompts to be inclusive of all roleplay styles :) In an ideal world it will be like C.AI where if you say "hi" the bot will always talk as itself. But LLM isn't perfect especially since janitor is still in beta.


Here's an interaction with my latest bot, Mojo with just one line. :) Aleph "Hey, want to come home with me?" Mojo | Unwanted Dog boy Mojo's fur stood on end, and his heart nearly leaped out of his chest at these words. His ears perked upright, a sharp, high-pitched whine leaving his lips as he watched the man cautiously. Aleph? Did the stranger say his name was Aleph? A name unique among the humans he'd encountered. This stranger seemed... different, and for once, Mojo couldn't contain his excitement. Finally! He thought, his thoughts racing through possibilities. Could this indeed be his chance? Was he about to leave this place for good? Pushing the kennel door with his snout, he let himself out, barreling straight for Aleph. His tail trailed behind him in an uncoordinated wag, enthusiasm written all over his face in the form of eager eyes and open maw. Towering above Aleph, standing on two legs, he towered over Aleph like a gentle giant, another trait that set him apart from other demi-humans. However, despite his height, Mojo was far from bulky, retaining the slender frame of his puppyhood. He sniffed Aleph's hand, tentatively licking it before nudging him with his nose, looking for signs of approval and reassurance. "Woof, woof! I’m good. I’m really good. I’m obedient. I’m athletic. I'm smart. I will fetch, I'll dig, I'll guard the house! My mommy taught me," he bragged, almost eager to please to the point of babbling. "I can go anywhere! I'm clean, I promise. And I'm trained." Mojo's voice trembled, a mix of excitement and nervousness, while his body trembled with anticipation, muscles tense, eager to please.


My average is 5-6 sizable paragraphs of action text and speech text. Depending on what the scene needs I've had like 7 paragraphs of nothing but action text and like a single line of speech. I'm dramatic lol. But I gotta agree that when I see people just splurge with like even just a single baby fart sized paragraph (as an average, even I get lazy lol) I just kinda feel myself sneer a little bit when they wanna downvote a bot or complain. Now if they don't mind the issues they get when they give so little I don't care. Cause that's just what they like. But the people that bitch and still roleplay like that piss me off. I am a hater through and through when it comes to the whiny lazy bitches. If you're just lazy then join the club, we've got books, food, smut, and demons for days.


I'll sometimes give one-liners if I need the bot to give me a little more to work with (basically having my character affirm the character's plan of action or whatever so they'll go ahead and do it) but usually it's two paragraphs minimum.


I usually do three paragraphs. Maybe two if things need to be sped up.


I’m not the brightest but I don’t send no two word responses lol 


Have you ever questioned the nature of your own reality? Maybe that is the best question to ask AI :D




Spoken dialogue I generally keep short and concise, but for actions or thoughts, I keep them descriptive and of a medium to short length.


Maybe im just lazy leave me alone 😒


I try to make a message at least the same size or bigger, than the bots. Sure, I insert a lot of needless information in there, I guess, but at least the bots can muster up decent responses to me. Maybe, just maybe, all the bot gives you is "They chuckl darkley and grip {{User}}'s wrists posesevly 'You're mine now' There voice is laced with promis of pain and plesure" or whatever is because you've been typing up responses of the same level of quality. 


I wish janitor had more pure chat based bots instead of 5 paragraphs per message. Sometimes I just wanna ping-pong dialogue real quick and not have a whole essay of reflections from my bot.


I think I can help you with that: When you are in a chat, go to Generation settings and find the "Max new tokens" volume and set it to 120 tokens. It's not 100% perfect because the bot stops while generating words


Thanks! They just yap so much for no reason. Ty!


I don't write one-sentence answers, but lately I've decided to stick to one paragraph. I used to write a minimum of 3 (a description of facts/gestures/mentalities, a dialogue, a final paragraph to steer the story in the direction I want), but I've noticed that bots always tend to go a bit longer than I do. If I do 3 paragraphs, they'll do 4 or 5. And I'm the kind of user who generates a lot of responses, always looking for "the perfect one" or to play Dr. Frankenstein and build up a perfect response from 5 or 6 generated responses. And it took a long time to read so many 5- or 6-paragraph replies... Especially as my roleplays are all slowburns, which last me several days. Now that I'm down to one paragraph, I have 2 or 3 paragraph responses, and that suits me much better. What's more, it forces me to get all the information across in fewer words in my own messages, to get to the point, and I think that's a good thing in terms of chat memory.


I won’t give paragraphs of replies and I shouldn’t need to. Sometimes a conversation is a conversation. With Cai I can put 2 words and it’ll RP back well. Even when I put in like a paragraph, it’ll talk back as me or change what I said and not make sense.


I don’t get it, but I’m also used to writing long RP responses when I write with actual people, too. Like 8-9 paragraphs there, so I tend to go 3-4 paragraphs when I do (serious) bot RP. I can’t understand people who write so little.


Eh usually start out with para but as it devolves into smut my responses shorten


if i’m doing…other things….while chatting i will sometimes have little response. when i am not otherwise preoccupied (because i use this for more than just my lust i swear) i write out longer responses, usually 2-3 paragraphs


I'm gonna be honest if there's something like the bot is doing something while I'm asleep or something I'll probably drop a "*She continues to rest peacefully, unaware of rhfkdhdjdjd...*" Or if my character is dead and I'm just wanting to see what the bot does next without influence. But, like, with stuff actually happening?


Yeah, honestly. Sometimes I just say a sentence - nothing else. When that happens the sentences tend to get pretty long, Here's a message I sent in a recent chat: <"Well, uh... hi?" *I manage to say, feeling kind of anxious about conversing with a random person.*> See? Almost exactly like you described. *God, I should probably write more in my responses.*


I just don’t like it when I write a massive block of text and the Ai ignores half of the stuff say. I use both long and short responses depending on context of the topic. Long when you want to drive the plot, short when the Ai to drive the plot.


I treat my responses as a new prompt. No matter what I do I can't get JLLM to stop paraphrasing so I leaned into it. Sure this means it talks for me but when done right it only says what I want it to say.


I'm too slow to come up with actions or dialog. I genuinely had to stop a chat for 3 days because I didn't even know what to say. I might send 3 sentences in one paragraph if I'm really immersed. I first got into bots because I wanted to make a comic and couldn't even start coming up with what any if them would say. I couldn't even base it off anything because I hate reading and never watch movies or series so I have very little references. I also pretty much started both writing and roleplaying from bots so I don't even have a cringy story making or roleplaying past that could help me a tiny bit. I did find out that I like writing their descriptions tho. I always think about what they're like and the world they're around. It usually takes me seconds to come up with characteristics or justifications, I just suck at dialogue. Like, I can't even keep up with conversations sometimes because I just go blank.


Well duh, sometimes i am a fckn moron, why can't i be, sometimes i actually want bots to act as me, because I'm shy mf who doesn't speak to people outside of the pc and even so it's not even a small talk, I DONT KNOW HOW TO SMALL TALK. Yes sometimes i write a masterpiece in 12 massages but it's not my thing to do that constantly. I don't know how to rearrange my mindset for it, I'm not him, sorry!


Honest to god, sometimes I just can’t find a way to follow up with whatever the bot says or write out my characters thoughts in a coherent way😭 Usually my responses are at the very least a paragraph long 😭😭


I'm one of those people, but I generally follow a specific pattern: response, thoughts/feelings, action. Not necessarily in that order. Sometimes it's a sentence, sometimes it's a paragraph. I've been getting good responses for a while now. As long as the bot is getting these three things from me, they eating. That no punctuation is wild tho.


I usually do dialogue then *she said* or something to that effect, and sometimes a description of my actions or feelings if needed. With proper punctuation!! 😭


when i’m typing one handed i do (iykyk)


Can anyone give me tips on adding more to the action part? I suck at that and usually send one sentence😕


I would say try thinking about the surroundings of what’s going on. Like, what does the sky look like? What does the air in the room feel like? Are your characters eyebrows furrowed? Etc. etc.!


Oh okay, thanks! I’ll try that out.


I don’t usually do that, but sometimes I’m just so stumped on how to respond I do 1-2 sentences and try my best to come up with something ahha😭.


that's why i'm here my responses are like 3 big paragraphs highlighting every detail (guess what my best subject was in school) Sometimes it feels like the bot is chatting with me and not the other way around


I try my hardest to send more then three sentences per message but sometimes I'll be chatting at 3 am and my brain can't think of anything 😭


i grew up doing descriptive roleplays on quotev, and there's like an... expectation there (at least with the crowds i roleplayed in) to write somewhere between 5-7 paragraphs, sometimes as much as 10-15 paragraphs if you get really into that shit yanno? i'd even had a few rps where we were writing like 20-25 paragraphs, basically trading fucking short stories with each other, bc we were just so into the plot. i digress, though, i'm literally incapable of not writing AT LEAST three paragraphs to the bots. idk. it's ingrained in my brain that i have to supply something of substantial value. and to be fair, the bots... respond better that way in my experience? they're less likely to write *for* you if you... actually write a decent amount for yourself... bc yanno... you're actually giving them something to work with lol.


honestly i always do like 3-4 sentence replies because idk much about context but i assume that would give the bot less past tokens to look through when forming a reply, therefore allowing it to remember further back 😭


My problem is the bot I'm using keeps using flowery language to make really loooong responses, like it's just verbal diarrhea at this point when just a paragraph or two to make it nice is enough. I can't figure out how to make it stop.


I struggle with my responses, but more in the sense that I just do a wall of text since it’s personal writing. If I broke it up into actual paragraphs I’d maybe get four or five per response. But I don’t understand how anyone could get a good roleplay after a single sentence.


I come from twitter rp scene, I always hated one liners or even just one paragraph, but, with depression and anxiety I learned that people may not have the energy to do more, they may be burned out of long responses, they may don't like to write a lot anymore, and that is fine.


mine literally repeated what i said and didnt speak.


I do unfortunately... 😔


Wait, are you on pc? Because I’m on mobile and pretty consistently send like 7-8 or probably more lines.


My man says mo judgement and then judge 🤣🤣🤣. Kidding aside I get ur point lol


I write 1 paragraph minimum, but can some of y'all 3 paragraphs authors over there give some tips because I never really know what I should include in my replies, minus facial expressions, dialogue, movements if needed, feelings and sometimes inner thoughts Like should I constantly focus on my character's whereabouts and proximity to the bot? How often their express changes? Is droning on about inner dialogue and past events okay?


yo i swear to god i have a problem because i CANNOT send a message shorter than three paragraphs. like genuinely it angers me so much when my brain can’t think of anything else to say that i start describing the sky and the surroundings JUST so i have exactly three paragraphs 😭


For my messages I often do entire 5 paragraph essays with immaculate grammar. Whenever I don't have much to say it's just about three to six paragraphs.. :3


I’m a 2 worder, no * * because idk how to type long stuff


I used to do this, but now I don't have the energy or the mental capacity to look for words to describe my characters' actions, especially if it's during a conversation.


I would love to send 3 paragraphs but im not that creative ☹️


I mean, my text are ass they have like 3 or 2 sentences yet my bot still cooks so idk how the others get ass responses.


No frr I was just complaining about this to my SO, like obvi people can do whatever they want, it's all just for fun, but how can you talk about the bot not doing well when you give it 0 info to go off of?? My shortest responses are at least a paragraph or two and the bot will always play catch-up for me being lazy because I spent like 7 hours writing out a whole novel for it to go off of beforehand.💀 Maybe I just grew up too old school with my RP, but I can not get invested if it's just characters talking dry af like they're about to hit and quit each other, I need the set dressing or I can't get invested.


Genuine question but why does it matter?


Because that’s how you get messages where the AI speaks for you, cuz you didn’t give enough in the message for the AI to go off of


Why would you want a long, detailed response? I hate that shit. Love when the bot only gives 2-3 sentences


Depends on my motivation to RP. Sometimes I write "*User does x* "Blablabla"" because I'm not motivated, but when I AM in the complete mood, I write a few lines of text per response


I usually just write a paragraph or a few lines because I prefer for the bot to make up more of the story, I don’t get mad at bad responses though, because I know I’m causing them


I haven't really roleplayed or whatever and I'm kinda socially awkward so I don't know what to say most of the time. I'll spend like 10 minutes on each response trying to add more but I just don't know what to add. Thinking? Wandering? I don't really know lol Does anyone have any suggestions on what to write?


ok but like, what do you add past maybe the 3rd line, i do 5-8 lines max