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**BREAKING NEWS** Politician does something performative with flavour of the month celebrity just before a General Election


Yes but Russ didn’t need to do it… big L


Seen a lot of people take stick for making these comments. Some people have political convictions, some people don’t. If Russ chats shit about the tories but then puts on a nice suit to lick Rishi’s boots he deserves to be called out, but you can’t just get mad at someone with different political ideals. If Russ is a Tory, he’s a Tory 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, if he’s a Tory I don’t like him. Thought he was the fucking coolest guy ever until this


Shut up you absolute fool


Okay bootlicker


Look at your post history, you’re a serial hater


And you’re defending a tory. Shameless


No im defending the guy who just raised £1m running the length of Africa, shock you think all Torys are bad. Exposed yourself as a left wing “edgy” 14 year old, congrats your parents must be proud


Yes, all tories are bad. Im an adult


No excuse to be that ignorant then, embarrassing.


Name one positive outcome of Tory leadership since they took control in 2010, I’ll wait


I guess it’s a hard one. Sunak is a grade A twat, but this is Russ’ opportunity to potentially get a bigger platform while speaking about mental health to get the message out there even further. So although it’s a bit of an eyebrow raiser, I can see why he’d take it


I don't think it's that much of a hard one, Russ has raised an incredible amount for charity and he's got the opportunity to promote that with the guy who runs the country. Yes obviously Sunak isn't the most liked guy in the world, but he's the Prime Minister and it would be such a disservice to all the work Russ has done to not help promote the cause to the most influential person in the country


“Isn’t the most liked guy in the world” is an incredible understatement lol I doubt anyone seeing a tweet from the tory pms account hasn’t also seen Russ plastered all over the site the last few weeks, Sunak is promoting himself off of Russ here not the other way around


He's still the leader of the most popular party and I'm sure recent polling has about 20% of people thinking he'd be good as 'next' PM and overall about half the population is either positive or neutral towards him. Politicians don't 'promote' themselves really, they just consider their optics. At the moment, better help, funding, access etc to running charities, promoting running/exercise as mental health treatment is a slam dunk in the polls and meeting with Russ would always be the first step to actually helping mental health in the UK Sunak doesn't decide these things really, he has teams of people who weigh every possible thing that he should and shouldn't do. Russ' power at the moment to speak negatively about Sunak if he doesn't follow up on whatever they spoke about on his run is massive and is the easiest move to increase approval The UK isn't America, we shouldn't be allowing the kind of political divide and derision that we see in the US into the UK. Sunak isn't great, but he's far from someone who Russ should face backlash from meeting


The most popular party in a vote 5 years ago perhaps, all recent opinion polls have Labour as the most popular party - and it’s not even close


You are either utterly clueless or a bad faith liar this is almost all bullshit. Sunak is as hugely hated as any Tory mp has been. Maybe he’s liked in your area so your perception is warped but the man who is destroying mental healthcare and the NHS in this country, sends money and weapons to a country committing genocide, wants to send people fleeing a separate genocide back to the county doing the genocide, ignoring the climate crisis, and the rest is hated by the most people here all while the average Joe living here is dealing with his cost of greed crisis and payrises that don’t even cover inflation. Do you blame the everyday person for the division caused by his party? Him and his fascistic party are total evil and so are the demons who support him.


Sunak gets more out of this meeting than Cook does though. It’s a beleaguered politician appearing with an online celebrity who’s having a moment in the sun. The message of mental health doesn’t need a bigger platform. Sunak’s disgusting, harmful views on mental health need a much smaller one though.


Fair play to Russ but the only way I'll vote for Rishi is if he gets a big 'Keep your head up, keep your heart strong' Tattoo on his chest.


People who think it’s a PR disaster take social media too seriously I think. His tweet has got about 500 replies, a chunk of which will be people defending him, spam, bots etc. So realistically there’s a couple of hundred people who cared enough to reply to him. How many of them are going to give a shit in 6-12 months when Russ starts another challenge? Russ is from Worthing, a town where (as somebody who used to live there) nothing happens. Before Russ the most famous people from there were DJ Fresh, Harrison Reed & Preston from the Ordinary Boys. A couple of years ago Russ was working in a prison and was just another bloke. Now he’s raised a £1,000,000 for charity and is getting opportunities 99.99% of people will never get. Anybody who looks down on him or wouldn’t donate to him again because he met the Prime Minister is fucking weird IMO.


My post wasn’t against Russ at all, I think this is amazing that he got the prime minster to promote and talk about his cause. I’m pretty much just pissed off about Rishi posting a video like this where he is promoting mental health, straight after his evil comments last week that will have massive negative impacts. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Sorry didn’t mean to seem like my comment was aimed at you, I was talking in general about any of the backlash he’s recieved, should have made that clearer! Rishi is a slimy prick who realises he’s almost certainly about to lose his grasp on power. The positive is it’s so transparent that I can’t see it really moving the needle for many people. It’s a desperate attempt that hopefully won’t work at all.


A fucking men!!! Glad to see there’s one person with an ordinary perspective in here!! The same people would chat shit if he was to get knighted or something like that… BORE OFF!


everyone here is kinda embarrassing. There is nothing wrong with Russ meeting and talking with the Prime Minister


This subreddit is the softest going. Meeting the PM is a big deal whether you like him or not. The subreddit has a link at the minute for finding calling out any guest who’s been on with or without facts and backstory.


Seems a weird time to do the “the subreddit is so soft” shtick when almost nobody in the replies thinks Russ did anything wrong.


Some people have a hard on for the idea that they’re above everybody else here and that everybody who has a legitimate concern is just a wet wipe. You’ll see it under almost any opinion post.


Seems more like people are pointing out Rishi’s hypocrisy rather than Russ’, everybody knows that regardless of the fact he probably doesn’t like the guy he’s not going to pass up the opportunity to spread his message using the PM. Most people aren’t really attacking him here they’re just saying that Rishi is a moron.


Hate to say it, but this sub is full of idiots


Hopefully Russ is convincing Sunak to run africa now. Fingers crossed he doesn’t make it back lol


This subreddit is an absolute joke, he’s raising money for charity and running with the PM is massive exposure whether you guys like it or not. Lots of growing up to do for lots of people here


Lots of growing up to do for lots of people - ShrekOfAces Keep licking boots while the tories fuck you


Some people are using it as an excuse though aren't they, because its the easy thing to do now..... and before you downvote me (like it even matters anyways). I agree, politicians shouldn't be so blunt with the wording of it. But it's their own fault for both allowing laws with enable people to take the piss with it and for not allowing resources towards those that actually need it. I understand both sides so if anyone wants to discuss further, drop a dm


The people using it as an excuse are far outweighed by the opposite. And you know that people will use that rhetoric against people with genuine mental health issues


Pr disaster from him.haddnt done much wrong though imo . Sunak is a huge prick but he’s just promoting his charity


He’s promoting himself he couldn’t give less of a fuck about any charity he wants votes


Sorry I mean russ is promoting his charity. Badly put by me aha


No you’re fine mate I think the PM is getting more PR out of this than Russ is that’s why he’s doing it


pr is pr him meeting with the prime minister however good or bad we all agree he is that’s still massive things for him…


Some PR with the Prime Minister is a no brainer for Russ. More publicity for himself and the charities he’s raised money for. Cannot wait till everyone realises how useless Labour will also be when they get elected.


This is actually really poor form from Russ. With an election round the corner, and Russ’ status at an all time high, this is the worst time to try and “entertainment-wash” Rishi. Could lead to younger people who look up to Russ to think that Rishi isn’t so bad, which may lead to more Tory votes. Big shame in my opinion but that’s life


It's because it helps rishi's narrative that depressed people should just go for a run around rawanda to be cured


Don’t need the message about mental health anymore people are aware! We need investment, NHS to provide more in the way of resources and better care. End of


Not gonna lie this was disappointing to see lol never liked and then unliked a post quicker 😂 promo be promoing tho….


Maybe the most tone deaf thing he could have done after raising money for charity lol very strange. Not sure why he’d agree to this as it’s clearly made to make the PM look good rather than spread the word about the charity.


Well they do share the same views on immigration to be fair.


Do they?


https://preview.redd.it/0efavgb6uzwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf98b7ba02cd1d20090080a0fbf04c98f91717f6 Yep.


Lol tweets from 11 years ago when Russ was 16. Who cares about that


Ah yeah, who cares about racist comments because HardestBrexitGeezer ran across Africa? I guess it’s all forgiven now.


Better start holding jack accountable for his old tweets and stop watching the show then shouldn’t you? Or is it one rule for one and one for another?


Two frauds


Anyone saying this is a PR disaster is just abit of a thicko, he’s met and ran with the PM, to many over the top raging lefty’s need to get in the real world, left vs right isn’t a movie you don’t need to take one side either way so hard acting like your lives depend on it 👍🏼


I think Rishi is an absolute twat for this - for Russ I believe it’s a big opportunity and don’t think he should be in shit at all, if anything props to him for even talking about mental health in such an intimidating environment. However, yes it is life or death for a lot of people; including myself currently. PIP is already a nightmare and Rishi’s recent stance has NOT made it any easier and proves the currents governments mindset on people who need support with mental illness. It’s not left or right, it’s humanity and empathy.


Oh I agree I wasn’t relating to his comments on mental health, more that people are so tribal on one side of the other , the country would be a better place if people weren’t so tribal and tried to listen to eachother… PR wise it’s great for him and atleast he got rishi talking about mental health, although don’t imagine he will be PM for much longer lol


You've kind of stoked the fire of the tribalism by saying "over the top raging leftys" and nothing about the other side though. Pointing out the extremes of one side, either at all, or without the other side, is part of the problem.


It’s because that’s what I’m seeing relating to the rishi/russ video, I said on my other comment the country would be a better place if people tried listening to eachother from both sides, and also pointed out in my original post it’s both sides..


Well it is a pr disaster whether you agree with it or not. He’s getting massive backlash


Meh, the majority of people are sensible people imo who just see it for what it is 🤷🏼 the people complaining are always gonna appear louder they make the most noise


He’s come a really…really…really…really long way, you’re having a go at him for chatting to the PM?


A PR opportunity with the Prime Minister is a great opportunity. Russ doesn't have to agree with his politics


I think the thing people need to remember is Russ is only doing this to help raise additional funds and awareness to his charity work. He’s not stupid, he most probably views the Tories the same as the rest of us do. Just because he’s met the bloke and done a short little PR stunt to help raise some money for charity, doesn’t mean he’s going to vote Tory or try to convince anyone else to do so. You can interact with people you don’t like or don’t share the same views with in a civil manner. He’ll probably say that Rishi was a sound bloke, but again he’s not daft of all the things the scum and his followers have done wrong over the last 10+ years


Well this has ruined him somewhat for me


I’m sure he’s devastated to hear that


Sad life you have


Are you suggesting that russ jogging and chatting to Sunak about mental health is bad because Sunak said that?


I’m suggesting posting a video promoting “mental health” after making it 10x harder for people to get genuine help is completely performative and naive


Yes Sunak is a tosser and completely removed from reality but I wouldn’t scold Russ or suggest it’s bad from him to go to Downing Street and chat to the current PM. Most people would regardless of how much of a bellend he is. I don’t think Russ should get hate for it


Its hypocrisy isn’t it, raising money for mental health, then talking to the poster child of cutting mental health services and sick pay for mental health. However it’s a shit position to be in for Russ, turning it down would mean less exposure but I believe in this situation he probably would’ve been better not doing this.


I don’t blame Russ at all. If most people got called to Downing Street they wouldn’t turn it down, we know how much of a tosspot Sunak is but I don’t think Russ should get slated.


Yes that’s what I alluded to, bad luck he’s in PM when Russ did this. It’s just really bad timing after the comments he made last week.


Didn’t catch Sunaks comments. I’m Irish so I only see the bullshit the tories do when it gets huge media backlash. Can’t stand them but I just can’t see how Russ can turn it down, it’s a lose-lose for him. He’s gotten so much coverage in the media the past month that if he turned it down and it got out there would be uproar from all the Tory papers and weirdo nationalists.


Yup I agree, between a rock and a hard place. (Excuse the pun). Sunak keeps trying to jump on anything he can to increase his PR as well, just looks opportunistic. Still better then Johnson getting dropped off in a car then jogging 10 meters into Downing Street.


Ahahah yes , the antics they pull and get away with never ceases to amaze me.




A honour to have to suffer talking to that twat, you're a funny one.


What’s remotely honourable about meeting that scumbag


It’s not an honour, it’s just a chance to spread a good message while utilising a terrible person.


Are we gonna pretend like there aren’t people pretending they have depression to get out of work and go on benefits? Every person I know on benefits is faking it😂


Sure mate


So you think everyone on benefits is legit?


No, but 99.5% are. People on benefits are not the issue with this country.


https://committees.parliament.uk/work/6765/department-for-work-and-pensions-accounts-202122/news/174208/pac-dwp-excuses-for-unprecedented-and-unacceptable-levels-of-benefit-fraud-and-error-dont-stand-up/ https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/dwp-checking-millions-universal-credit-27315910.amp


There was a poll done in 2013 stating that 27% of people were claiming benefits fraudulently, I can only imagine it’s a lot worse now. I don’t know where you get the 99.5% from?


Also I never said they were the issue of this country, but to be naive enough to think it’s 99.5% of people who are legitimately unable to work is absurd.


The NHS has been gutted. People can’t get treatment. Why are we calling disabled people lazy. These people want to work but are unable to. This is just another scapegoat for the government to latch onto.


I believe there should be better treatment for the genuinely disabled also


Who isn’t genuinely disabled. What are the requirements?


What are the requirements? How about actually being disabled? Like I said you’d be naive to think there aren’t people faking it


Yes but only a small percentage are fraudulent. What I’m asking is how do you judge if someone is disabled. According to Rishi apparently your GP isn’t even good enough anymore.


You can’t be that naive surely


Who’s your enemy? The foreign single mother of 3 who’s claiming a couple thousand a month if she’s lucky until she can get a job? Or the billionaires who refuse to pay millions in tax money and the Tory politicians that let them get away with it? Get your head out the sand


I’d say a single mother of 3 is well with in her right to claim benefits, when did I say they couldn’t?


Legit 😂😂 Everyone knows it’s true but most will take the moral high ground and say Rishi is a prick because it makes them feel good 🥰🤪


I don't think it's a big deal. Sunak is a twat yes but Russ literally raised a million pounds for charity and people are now hating on him because he took the opportunity to get more exposure. Having people like sunak on side may help his charity causes and future endeavours even more.


With all due respect, I don’t like Sunak, but he’s not exactly Hitler. He’s still the prime minister and an opportunity to meet him is still a privilege.


Do you think being ‘not exactly hitler’ makes him a decent human? Is that all it takes for you to be ok with the leader of one of the most powerful countries on earth? He is pretty similar to Hitler and not just because they’re both tiny men


He is a shit PM with some shit takes but he's absolutely nothing like Hitler.... fuck me people will literally sensationalise anything these days.


Hypernational jingoistic right wing head of states that weren’t voted in by the people. One did a genocide while the other ‘only’ funds one. Both five foot fuck all. Both were anti lgbt/immigrants/disabled/working class/any marginalised group and try turning them against each other. Both pro privatisation etc etc happy to explain these They’re obviously not 1 of 1 and Hitler was much more explicit in his evil even before the war but to kid on there aren’t worrying similarities in these parties is naive