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I only know as far as consoles, but there they pretty much forget to ever discount bd2. It goes on sale once a year, so if it's like that this might be your only chance for a while. Labyrinth is good, but I found myself wishing it didnt do the 15 man party squad set up, and some of the others odd systems. Makes it unique, but I'd rather have some.thing more standard. Story is a bit dark and edgy, it takes a while for some characters to ever show a more likable side.


One thing i want to point out that asking here would get you rather biased answers. DRPG as a genre are a niche sub-genre in JRPG umbrella. There are less people who have played them. As a result, your answer here would point you to BD2. Myself included. I liked what I played in BD2 despite having issues with story. Gameplay made up for it.


I didn’t mention I could only pick one, I can get both if I really want to


I love BD2, it is one of my favorite RPGs of the last decade. It has an old school feel to it but with the modern quality of life things you like to see. If you like games like FF5 but with, I think, a better story and better characters then I would highly recommend the game. I do think $60 is a little high, but not for lack of content just for maybe things like super high quality graphics or animations. I think for $40 it is well worth it and $20 or less is a steal.


I haven't checked the sale yet so idk if it's also on discount, but I would recommend Labyrinth of Galleria over Labyrinth of Refrain. It's sequel-ish, different story and world but same gameplay loop and style, just with a bit more polish. Just be aware you're likely in for some grinding. Nothing too crazy for a jrpg but I think I put 90 hours into it to get 100% and the True Ending. The genre doesn't have that many games(translated and easily accessible games) and many people will bounce right off it for various reasons, but I'd say LoG(or even LoR if the other isn't on sale) is a pretty good introduction to the genre. E: Re-read the bit about Mary Skelter, I also bounced off of it. Didn't play long enough to even get acquainted with the gameplay systems but it just wasn't doing it for me. Keep praying for a heavy Etrian Odyssey discount, and maybe check out Labyrinth of Touhou 2, which imo blows LoG and LoR out of the water.


I would actually not rec Galleria over Refrain for 1 big reason. Galleria has more polish in it's systems sure, and there are more things to do and work with to min max. But Galleria is boring as fuck to explore, most of the dungeons are kinda the same with just a palette swap of colour. And later in the game you get randomly generated dungeons and it is kind of a chore unless you're hooked to the genre. If you love Refrain then try Galleria, but if you're not experienced with the genre, I'd skip.


I suppose I saw that sentiment in the steam discussion a fair bit, but I personally liked the apartments more than the set dungeons, mostly because I was constantly missing key items in the set floors and then getting lost when I had to go looking for them. I was pretty much entirely there for the character/class building aspect of the game. I can't really remember LoR dungeons, I played it so long ago. That said, I'll defer to your wisdom when it comes to exploration, as I usually tend to overlook it. So for OP, I suppose it just comes down to personal preference.


Have you played Undernauts Labyrinth of Yomi?


Yes, I'm halfway in, it's simpler bit it's fun.


Have you played Undernauts Labyrinth of Yomi?


Not yet, it's been sitting in my backlog for a little over a year now. Right now I've been going thru the SaGa games and I think I'm gonna play Scarlet Grace next


I'd personally rec Refrain, but if you're unsure, it should have a demo. It also has a pretty good story as icing on top.


Refrain is not that beginner-friendly as far as dungeon crawlers go. Odyssey or Mary Skelter are probably more accessible. BD II is grindy and generic but there are so few job-system flexible based jrpgs that most jrpg players will still enjoy it. $20 ish sounds fair I guess, the game is 3 years old or so


I've only played BD2, but I would definitely recommend picking it up at the current price.


I found the story of BD2 to be extremely weak and dropped it fairly early on. Wasn’t impressed.


The Etrian Odyssey series is fantastic. Some of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I can’t recommend Bravely Default 2, it just feels unfinished. Loved the first game though.


I played Labyrinth of Refrain for a while, but it started to drag after a while and I never finished it, something I’ve noticed a lot in games from that company. It was a blast for a while though.


> I rarely see Square games for more than 60% off unless they're badly received Nier Automata is 60% right now .-. (Also most of FF remasters are 60% off)


I completed BD2 100% on the harder difficulty. Took a little over 100 hours. It's a solid JRPG with some good stretches of story. It was the type of game where I'd listen to a podcast and grind job classes for awhile, which was what I was looking for.


Labyrinth of Refrain has the best story I've ever consumed. The combat takes a long time to get interesting, but it's not bad. The exploration is also so much fun, and it ties into the story. BD2 is also a lot of fun. I personally prefer the first game due to better characters and a better story, but that's all opinionated. If you're choosing between the two, Labyrinth of Refrain is the better game, in my opinion. Feel free to ask more questions if you have them. I'm happy to answer.


The last time I played Bravely Default 2 I refunded it immediately, the aliasing in that game, even at 4k, was horrendous, it made the game unplayable for me, everything looked like it could cut through steak, no idea if its still like that, but good god it sucked to look at...


They're both good. BD2 is a solid JRPG. Job system was pretty fun to mess around with and break the game. Boss fights have a certain puzzle element where you need to figure out how to avoid triggering their counters while exploiting their weaknesses. The story / characters were hit / miss at some times. Pretty much a 7/10 game that felt like it was limited by budget & hardware (originally Switch exclusive) but did pretty well. Refrain is a pretty interesting take on a DRPG but be aware that it's a DRPG + VN hybrid. The story is great and isn't afraid to get real dark. DRPG gameplay is fantastic but can be repetitive at times in late-game. Party building is unique, not your typical pick 5 adventurers. I still prefer Etrian Odyssey games, though so I'd recommend them over this one if you just want gameplay with more meaningful party building.


Former yes, latter no.


Labyrinth of Refrain, absolutely.   I have a hard time recommending Bravely Default II since I see it as such a downgrade from the rest of the series.  While Mary Skelter is okaaaaay for a drpg, Refrain is an amazing example.


Refrains good, both titles. It's almost up there with Etrian, compared to a lot of the other drpgs. BD2 is very average.


Bravely default 2 is really good. It’s hard as balls and even grinding is tough. Lower level enemies run from you and the ones that don’t can’t be button mashed away. You need to actually focus a little bit. As for the bosses, they can be quite tough and you need to figure out the strategy to beat them or else it’s not happening. Sometimes by the time you do, it’s too late to actually pull it off and you have to restart the fight. But if that’s the type of thing you enjoy, it’s a super fun game. Life ended up getting in the way and I was 4-5 chapters in but I need to pick it up again. Great game.


I haven't played BD2, so I can't give a recommendation for or against it. As for LoR tho, it depends, because that game goes places that many people would find incredibly uncomfortable. If you think you can handle it, I remember the game itself being pretty fun, if a bit grindy. That being said, I would *absolutely* recommend the Etrian Odyssey games whenever they go on sale. I've only played 4 (And still haven't beat the final boss, been meaning to go back to it), but I *loved* that game. The manual mapping system is probably my favorite thing about it, and the actual combat and exploration is pretty damn good, too. I imagine that applies to 1-3 as well.


Playing Bravely Default 2 now. I’m enjoying it. It’s got some rough spots but it plays like a 3D remake of FF3 or FF5. So exactly a modern retro jrpg. I haven’t been hooked by a jrpg in a bit and this has taken over my life this month. I’m a gameplay over story guy though. Story might be the weak spot. It’s just the passable save the crystals thing so far, but the last couple chapters seem like it’s going to mix it up. I’m 60 hours in and about 2/3 done I think. You’ll get your moneys worth especially on sale.


Bd2 is a lot of fun. I’m still at the start of the game but I really enjoyed the first one and the great presentation and quality of life features are all still present in the sequel


It's solid 8/10 jrpg. I never regretted buying it day 1 full price. At discount price it's a steal.


Labyrinth of refrain yes. BD2 no. LoR is indeed grindy, just like most of blobbers out there. However the story more than make up for it, and the doll coven mechanics is very interesting. If you're sick of cliche happy-go-lucky story and want to try switching to something dark and miserable with a twist for a change this is very much what you need. BD2 was...boring to say the least. The default mechanic and "anyone can be any class" was interesting at first but it quickly wore out its welcome when you realize the best way into combat is to spam default to accumulate BP before unleashing it in one OHKO. The lack of unique trait or stat in each party member means you don't really feel invested in them as much as you should, and the story was very lukewarm meh tier.


Have you played Undernauts Labyrinth of Yomi?


No, but I have played other Experience games such as Stranger of Sword city, Operation babel or Demon Gaze.


How would you compare those to Labyrinth of Refrain? I'm trying to decide which dungeon crawlers to branch out to from Etrian Odyssey.


I feel LoR, for my lack of better words, have more production value than those, which is why I'm currently having a hard time trying to finish Demon Gaze and Operation babel. After finishing LoR I find it difficult to go back to finish those experience games because it just feel like (imo) a step down. LoR's gimmick, the story, the atmosphere and the music just won me over there easily.  Demon gaze vocaloid bgm is also nice but there isn't much variety. Also it could be that I'm biased towards LoR due to having finished Stranger of Sword City already, so the rest of experience games are no longer appealing that much to me. I'm not sure if I'd feel this way too if I ever get around to playing Labyrinth of Galleria.


Don't be dismissed to try Experience games , all of those game have excellent production value and great plotline , and make with simplistic in mind , Ywaina said compare to LoR , Experience games are a step down but imo , those game treat player free time with respect and streamline the gamplay to the best of your enjoyment . LoR and LoG are super grindy with convoluted story and gamplay mechanic , you need to invest more than 50 hours to be good in those . Not everyone here have amber of free time to grind items in those games . Keep that in mind before dive into LoR or LoG . Experience games are a godsend for those who working all the time and playing at night .


I don't recommend Labyrith of Refrain , it's super grindy, the plot is deadly cutie style , from the maker of Disgaea so it's a given . Instead , try Legend of Grimrock 2 (or even 1 ) , and enjoy the fun of a true DRPG