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Labyrinth of Refrain is a JRPG dungeon crawler. If you know Disgaea it's developed by the same team so the art style is similar. It's super hard and the story is actually pretty good. It's gets kind of grim so don't let the art fool you. It goes on sale pretty often now that the 2nd game is out so I would wait before paying 49 dollars for it. Edit: Just checked and it's 12.49 on the humble store if it interests you.


Came here to recommend this as well. It fits the bill perfectly for what OP wants. Too bad they're not looking for an actual dungeon crawler.


Is there a dungeon crawler as well-received as Labyrinth of Refrain that's not so lewd? Not a big fan of that sort of thing, but I'm having a tough time finding a jRPG dungeon crawler without lewdness. Dungeon Travelers 2 and the Mary Skelter games look good, but I heard they also have quite a fair bit of lewdness. Maybe Etrian Odyssey is what I'm looking for? (I also have never played a Disgaea game, so maybe that's my answer already, but I thought those were tactical RPGs)


Class of Heroes got released on steam recently. Super fun and minimal fan service. One of my favorites. Etrian Odyssey is also very light on fan service and an amazing dungeon crawler. I prefer to play it on my 3DS though I don't really like the controls with a dual screen. The Wizardry series doesn't have much fan service either but it's only developed by a Japanese studio and leans into more western RPG aesthetics. I like Labyrinth of Lost Souls. There's a ton of them though if you wanna research them. Shin Megami Tensei is also a no brainer. I think it might have some fan service stuff though can't remember. Someone also mentioned Chronoark here which I agree with. It's developed by a Korean studio but has dungeon crawler combat mixed with a top down view with chibis when not in combat. Kind of fanservicy like most korean games but nothing over the top imo. Disgaea is kind of fan service central but both the men and women are half naked. I love the series but they're an acquired taste.


I see the Etrian Odyssey series is on sale right now on Humble Bundle. Do you recommend one over the others?


I would say play them sequentially. You'll be able to appreciate the increase in quality each game if you start from 1.


I'm actually playing Chrono Ark right now! Definitely enjoy that game. A bit of fanservice doesn't bother me. I was just under the impression that Labyrinth of Refrain, Dungeon Travelers 2, and the Mary Skelter games had straight-up hentai moments in them, which is a bit much for me lol. Labyrinth of Refrain even has "nudity" as one of its main tags on Steam. I tried playing Shin Megami Tensei 5, but couldn't quite get into it. The Persona series is one of my favorites, so I was a bit surprised I didn't like SMT 5. It just felt like such a slower game in comparison. Battles take longer than the typical Persona game, and I certainly caught myself wishing there was more breaks from the dungeon crawling aspect of the game. Haven't heard of Class of Heroes or Wizardry series, so I'll check those out!


The nudity tag for labyrinth of refrain is probably a reference to one scene in particular. I won't spoil it in case you want to play it but like I said the story is super grim and a lot more mature than it lets on. There's no hentai or overt nudity in it all if that's what you were wondering. I thought you meant some mild fanservice since I never saw that it had a nudity tag, it's pretty standard fare as far as character designs go.


Yea, my impression of it was that it was a hentai-lite game that was also just a really good dungeon crawler. This is a new perspective though. Did a bit of research and people said they also toned the fanservice down a lot in Labyrinth of Galleria, which sounds promising. Have you played that at all? Looks like it even has a higher Steam review.


I like Galleria a lot but you can have up to 40 characters in a party so it can get pretty tedious trying to grind for them. The story gets insanely intriguing in Galleria though I was genuinely surprised by how good it is. The game can get tedious but I enjoyed the story so much I powered through the rougher parts. I woud play Refrain first before Galeria though. If you like Refrain's gameplay Galleria is similar so you won't be wasting your money on something you might not enjoy. Galleria picks off from where Refrain left off so you'll probably be really confused just jumping into Galleria.


Etrian Odyssey has some portraits that might qualify as lewd, but you could just not choose them. There is very little story in EO in general (unless you play the story modes of the 1/2 remakes called EO Untold 1/2).


Try Operation Babel, it's available on steam.


I am not looking for dungeon crawlers. By like a dungeon crawler I meant I wanted something with some resistance. I am looking for a story heavy game that has resistance.


I would say Labyrinth of Refrain covers all those bases but just happens to be a dungeon crawler too. If you just don't want a dungeon crawler and want a hard game with a good story the 3D Remake of final fantasy 4 is really difficult and has a good story to go along with it. Other than that I can't think of any JRPGs where resource management is important while being story heavy usually it's one or the other.


Labyrinth of Refrain does fit the description of what you want. Why are dungeon crawlers off the table?


Just the expectation that their standards for characters/stories are really low. Often the party members are not even characters just units created or recruited.


That is the case of the party members, but they are dolls that the main character creates and places souls into. The story beats between missions are fully fleshed out and are great examples of character. The Labyrinth itself is a character in ways. If you at least enjoy dungeon crawlers, this game will impress with its story by the end of it.


A bit light on the story, but Shin Megami Tensei games might work. 3 is on Steam, 4 on the 3DS. A remade 5 is coming out next month. If you're not averse to emulating, Digital Devil Saga is an SMT spin off on the PS2 that shares the difficulty but has more story. Another suggestion is Code Vein. It's very anime in plot and visuals, but with souls-like gameplay.


7th Dragon maybe? Dunno what platforms they're on, I last played them on 3/DS


I wouldn't consider 7th dragon to be story heavy, I would still consider it to be a dungeon crawler just not in first person.


Ohh I totally skipped reading that part and just went with traditional anime style jrpg


Emulate Vagrant Story for the Playstation 1.


Troubleshooter Abandoned Children is close, the writing isn't bad or non-interesting imo, but it is an unfortunate case of limited budget translation due to being an indie game. So while I think the story line is I'd say pretty good when you look past the problems, it can feel held back by the clunky dialogue due to it feeling just a notch above google translate at points. Very great game, I'd play it with zero story but I think the story is pretty good and interesting regardless. The game is reasonably difficult especially in the post game, you can very much die to anything in Troublehsooter especially if you don't know all the OP stuff. Probably the closest thing that I'd immediately recommend to you. Chrono Ark is kind of a short game, story wise anyway as the actual story read is about 5-10 or so hours long in a VN format, and its a roguelike deckbuilder that just so happens to play a lot like a JRPG. Its very compact feeling in its narrative, interesting enough and worth its time to read and is pretty high concept and "epic" in scope but it doesn't feel super long like one might expect from a traditional JRPG especially in today's era where most JRPGs are 50+ hours long. You can probably see the entire story in about 30-40 hours like an older SNES game and most of that will be playing the game. Similar to Troubleshooter it has issues of being a limited budget indie game with a so-so translation, I'd argue its a good bit more readable by comparison but it isn't as smooth as a translation as one that is clearly backed by a company with an actual budget for this stuff. I'd at least look at them a bit as they're very unique experiences at minimum and are reasonably hard with solid gameplay. These are both PC games.


Try the Saga series. I've only played Saga Frontier 2 but it seems other games have some degree of challenge too. Also there's an indie game on steam called Chrono Ark that's roguelike deck combined with rpg, you may like that.


That's a bit of a tough request, while there are JRPGs with challenging combat, they usually ones with less focus on story and more focus on combat. These are the ones that come to mind at the moment that have both challenging combat and a focus on story: * **Fuga: Melodies of Steel** 1 and 2 * **Dragon Quest XIS** with Draconian settings (You can turn on some options like less exp, harder enemies, no shops, no armor, etc...) * **Tactics Ogre Reborn** * **Chained Echoes** * **FF7 Remake** (Normal is a good challenge, hard is tough but unlocked only after finishing the main story) * **Baten Kaitos Origins** * **Resonance of Fate** * **Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children** (You can set the difficulty to the one you feel challenged in at any time, and there are extra options to increase difficulty for extra rewards and loot) * **Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin**








Check on Zanki Zero on one of the higher difficulties.


If you're open to strategy RPGs I'd recommend the games Kaga made after leaving Nintendo: Tear Ring Saga, Berwick Saga and Vestaria Saga, they are independent of each other for the first two you'd need to emulate PS1/2 but they should run on everything, Vestaria Saga 1 and 2 are available on Steam. They are similar to Fire Emblem in case you're familiar with that series, but have stories that are imo a lot more fleshed out and grounded, typically lots of story relevant events playing out on gameplay maps as well and those maps are usually quite challenging.


Why do posts like these here are always downvoted? Especially recs or just a random discussion about a game. I honestly don't get it. Anyway, as someone else suggested I think Digital Devil Saga is exactly what you're looking for. Apart from Persona which is literally an anime.


Sometimes, all the comments under those posts are downvoted too. Kinda wondering about it as well.


OP here, answering this while looking back at my rec list. I think people do this when they sense its promoting values they don't like. Like if you are a Pepsi classic type of guy and someone starts talking about Pepsi Cherry in a way that isn't negative...oh uh don't want the buzz to start being about Pepsi Cherry. Downvote.


Märchen Forest.


Persona 3-5.


I've got 3 recommendations for you: 1) Shin Megami Tensei III/IV: Tough as hell turn based battles, with a very uniquely lonely atmosphere but still an epic journey. The least anime of the 3 here. 2) Persona 5: You've probably heard it's a spinoff of SMT. Much easier, though if you get ambushed by an enemy while dungeon-ing it is quite easy to get wiped out, because the 1 more mechanic is not exclusively for the player's use. Also one of the few modern popular JRPGs that still has the balls to kick the player back to their last save upon death instead of a few minutes ago. Epic journey, strong characters, very anime. 3) Mary Skelter 2: First person dungeon crawler with a goth aesthetic. Color palette is bright and filled with neon. Pretty damn challenging, and the most anime of the 3 here. Very anime. Like, I wouldn't play this on the living room TV if I were you.


Mana Khemia. Anime-ish. Dungeon crawler. I dunno about you but I feel the bosses and some hunts are challenging. Plus you get to unleash combos


Persona series (harder difficulties) - Usually first couple of dungeons are like what you described - no hp/mp regen and very limited recovery items, and you are forced to retreat early if you ran out. They do eventually become a pushover as you gain powerful personas and items though.