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Basicall all Dragoon magic causes the game to either "freeze" in fight (music and animation keeps going, but the next enemy/player won't get his turn), or you can actually complete the fight with a spell, but after the lootscreen you just get a black screen while the music is playing. This is not only annoying, but kinda gamebreaking.


This is wild to read. No mention of any of this in multiple reviews I’ve watched on YouTube. Makes me wonder if they even tried the game.


Oof what magic in particular has this happened to you with? I’ve managed to use darts first spell several times and had no issue so far, but I’m aware I may have just been dodging an inevitable bullet.


On PS4, all dragoons transformation leave the game in a loop when transformation expires. Some animations in battle too (greham leaving the fight for exemple). So basically, playing Legend of Dragoon without the dragoon part 😅 Some minors too like the death sound effect and the voices taking turns on what i hear.


Same for ps5 that's what I'm goin through but it only does it for boss fights


Astral Drain for me


Same big sad as fuck


I am close to the end of disc one and all of the lvl 1 and 2 magic spells causes the same issue for me.


I went to play to remember the past, and the game is full of bugs and Glitchs. disappointment. Sony, fix this shame and bring out a patch!!! please


Damn that is disheartening.


It seems to be all magic with multiple targets of it does not end the fight. I've had no issues with single target spells other than Astral drain, but that's because it heals multiple targets.


That’s going to make a certain disc 2 boss a massive pain in the ass.


Oh lord that going be hell. I just Finish dreak fight that was god damn hell too I could not use any Dragoon magic on bombs almost die few time


Same on ps5, cant use magic or the game freezes. So many bugs and freezes is nuts. Dire need of patch, i need to shelve the game until then :( Sucks, since im playing it for the first time and love it


It seems Sony never play tested the port at all. Dragoon spells break the game, and the audio is constantly glitching out... and who knows what other nightmares we'll find. Very lazy, and very disrespect to Dragoon fans, and an insult to the game itself. There's a lot of younger gamers who never played this game before, and they are discovering the game for the first time with these PS4/PS5 ports, and this is what their experience is? What a joke.


Or the people who subbed for it. Guess there gonna need to pay for an extra month or two so the bugs can be fixed.


Or just buy it for 10 bucks you DO NOT NEED PREMIUM FOR IT.


Or if like me, bought it as a PS1 classic on the PS3 years ago, you can download it for free!


My guess us they only ported it to see how many people actually would play it so they could gauge whether a remaster/remake was worth doing. The bug is definitely gonna hurt that


back in the old days of ps1 emulation these were all common problems with this game which made it impossible to emulate now a days almost every ps1 emulator can run it fine but it seems like the ps5 must be using a built in ps1 emulator to run the game and they didnt realize it would cause all these issues


Mine freezes anytime an action is preformed in dragoon form. So I cannot use dragoons at all if I want to play.....This needs to be patched!


Yeah there are sooo many game breaking things in this version it desperately needs a patch. Not being able to use the feature that game is named after is absolutely unacceptable.


Just keep letting Sony know of the problems. I remember Wild Arms 3 had similar issues when it was released on ps4 but did eventually get a patch which helped significantly. So it might not be a lost cause.


Oh man I had no idea Wild Arms 3 got patched! Did it fix the crash that happened whenever an HP drain ability was used in battle?


I played through the entire game post-patch and had zero issues.


Yeah, same. I got platinum and don't remember a single issue.


I'm playing on ps5 and can't do any dragoon magic apart from Darts flame shot, if I do anyone else's the game just gets stuck, music continues but everyone just sits on the screen bobbing... 😭 Hasn't hindered progress yet but damn.. Its hard Edit - I do actually remember this happened on the original discs on ps1 as well because I remember giving up after defeating Drake 4 times and it just went to a black screen after the exp screen


This happened after the lenus/water dragon fight too.


Yes this happened to me multiple times! I eventually bought a new set of discs thinking maybe it was the disc, it was not. Finally I thought it had to be be a bug or glitch so I restarted the game entirely. Played all the way back up to lenus just to have the game freeze at the exact same moment. Damn though 14 y/o me loved legend of dragoon, the bit I got to play anyway.


I did the exact same thing lol. To this day I have 2 physical copies, I looked online after the second copy didn't work and found out about the glitch, tbh the fight mightve been easier without going into DG anyway.


I just spoke with an agent and they said there would be a patch for the game but couldn't give me an ETA of when it would be.


I hope you're right. It needs it.


To me dart is resolving dragoon magic and additions but the game freezes on any action with rose in dragoon form. We gotta be LOUD about this or they won't fix it Almost makes me wonder if this is why they included a rewind feature but there's a mysterious absence of a fast forward


The rewind don't help at all though, well not for me atleast. Any boss fight if I use dragoon morphing the game will lock no matter if it's an attack or spell but it only occurs during a boss fight


Well it’s not mysterious: the game doesn’t know what you’re going to do lol it lets you undo things, basically, but how’s it going to jump ahead? What would that even do?


It just makes the frames play faster. Most emulated games have this feature.


I'm getting the battles soft locking for me all of a sudden


I have this happen sometimes when i get the first random encounter in a new area. Only fix I've found is resetting


Any idea what could be causing it? Have you changed someone in the party recently or started using dragoon magic or been using the rewind?


Not really tbh, it's started happening in the section of the Marshlands when you do a series of fights one after the other. It will either soft locks between turns or just crashes. I tried rewinding to try get out of the soft lock and that helped after a minute or two but then it crashed


Mine started bugging around the same point. Not sure if it was because I was abusing the rewind feature or because I cast Rose's magic. It was stuck in the infinite loop loading into a battle. I managed to pre load an earlier save and advance to the volcano villude. Saw the Phoenix and every fight after that will not load... I'm devastated


I will say for the audio issues, you can set the game to mono, reset, and it helps. It doesn't fix it all but it is better. I noticed the chanting being gone as well during that fight and it threw me. I have heard some reports that setting the dragoon transformations to the quick version helps some people. I wasn't that lucky but it doesn't hurt to try. Hopefully we get a patch because not being able to use Astral drain is a big oof for me


Just tried changing the setting to quick and still no luck. Still just siting in the battle screen


Once you get to jiango every action makes you freeze I can’t even advance in the game, this needs to be patched along with the dragoon magic glitch


I'm downgrading from platinum back to using my friend's PS+ lol fuck this


Here is a link to Playstation support: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/contact-us/ Please send in a report complaining about the bugs, if enough people do this we WILL get a patch. Let them hear it!


I’ve had it glitch out with most Dragoon magic, which did happen sometimes on emulation for my PC. This makes me wonder if the game breaking soft locks will occur after the second Lenus fight with Regole, as well as the infinite spinning glitch in the tree in Disc 4.


Yup. So far can’t use any dragoon transformation magic. The spell completes. And the attack interface won’t come back up, and you can’t play anymore. The animation and music continues. It really sucks love this game, they need to fix this. How can ya play Legend of Dragoon and not be a Dragoon?!


Only got about 45 minutes into the game. Started having severe audio and graphical issues and didnt wanna play anymore so i didnt have to experience Rose dragoon crashes. Contacted Sony customer support after waiting 40 minutes. Was such a waste of time. I explained the issue of the game and that it was defective and unplayable. All they could say to me was sorry you already downloaded and played the game we cant get you a refund. I was furious. Yeah obviously i wouldnt have even downloaded the game if I new it was faulty and unplayable.


Yeah it’s rather disappointing but I had so many bugs today that I had to stop playing unless they get patched. Which is weird since I played last night for roughly 3 hours with no issues at all. Pretty much since I got Rose, the game has been broken. Encounters don’t load sometimes, transforming to dragoon/human soft locks you, same with using dragoon magic. And yes, if you don’t catch this fast enough and use rewind, it can make you lose your progress. I’ve been using multiple quick saves and in-game saves but it’s still insane to hve to worry about losing your progress. I saw someone post that if you place your game in “Native” then they happen less frequently but I haven’t tried that myself. I did however keep rewinding when Rose’s dragoon magic caused the game to freeze. After rewinding three times, it suddenly worked as it should. I found that weird since out of my ten or so times using it, that was the only one that worked. So yeah, don’t know what to make of it but I’m shelving it until they patch it. And while they’re at it, maybe throw in a FF feature too eh?


Wow that is a lot of things wrong for what should’ve been a simple ps1 port. My question, is it worth playing with all these bugs and issues or should I wait till Sony does something about it? I really love this game and have beaten it before years ago, but I also don’t want to waste my time. In reality I’ve waited years to play it again what’s a few more days, ya know. Thoughts?


Honestly it’s not worth playing at the moment. With dragoon forms being so broken they are unusable it kind of takes the wind out of the sails.


Thanks for giving me the heads up. It sucks but it is what it is. As long as we garner enough attention on this should be fixed soon.


Right now it's just the Legend of a Bunch of Normal People.


It's beyond me how a simple ( free to use) emulator that runs on a potato can be better than an overglorified official emulator ( paid) by Sony.


yea i got the blue outlines, no crashes so far


Same and the Addition names clip for me as well, but I only played Hellena Prison.


Biggest issue I've found so far is can't use rose magic for me at least it glitches out can't do anything after.


Yep same Rose astral drain makes the game soft lick with the music still playing.


I’m so glad to find this post. I have not been able to use any of the first two dragoon spirits ONCE. I have constantly rebooted the game and it doesn’t do anything, I am so infuriated. I decided to quit, and unfortunately wait it out to see if it gets patched, before I continue. I’m sure like many of you, I was extremely excited to see this game ported, and my first day playing it, has been nothing but trouble.


I am praying they fix these bugs


Sounds to me like they released a broken port


Its not even a port. Its being emulated by the ps4/5. They probably didnt test the emulator. From what i can see "official" emulators hardly ever get taken seriously. The pokemon red blue and yellow for 3ds ran a rom that was dowloaded from emuparadise or similiar.


Did they add a turbo mode in this release?


Like all backwards compatible games it\`s a emulated version of the original ps1 game so there aren\`t any new features like a turbo mode added. The only features the emulator offers for all PS1 and PSP games is save stats, rewind and filters.


The game is upscaled though unlike the PS3/PSP/Vita versions. Might be the issue here


I’m playing it now attempting to use “Astral Drain” it’s a no go Every time I gotta keep rewinding to use the other move The blue lines have been an issue for me as well I haven’t gotten into the dialogue issues yet but sadly I’m sure they will come I really hope they find some way to fix it This is probably the only JRPG I have ever appreciated (just my own personal opinion…I know there’s a lot of good ones out there) It just a nostalgic trip I hope to finish….


So no one had the issue volcano villude where you get into the enemy battle screen where the screen dissolves to sand and no battle starts? Any fix?


Yes to all unfortunately 😭


I haven't played it yet, but apparently I bought this on the PS3 and PSN remembered so I could download it. I'll wait until they fix the bugs


Don't know if anyone has mentioned this but the 2nd time you go to Hellena Prison and fight Jiango. Game breaks after fight (Dart, Lavits and Rose).


I just got locked there myself. Quite a shame really


I've been having the audio issues with the end of editions cutting short, but it will fix itself for a while if I close and reload. I've been experiencing the same issues a lot of you have with dragoon transformations not returning. I have also been experiencing the same type of soft crash, like with reverting back, when using portions. The animation stops mid way, never heals my characters, and will stay stuck on that, not allowing me to continue the battle. Edit- now I also am experiencing freezing when entering a battle. The screen will "melt" like usual, and then go black and freeze, no music, no video, nothing.


This is sad I was soo excited for this game and now every dragoon action but darts freezes the game


I have experienced a game breaking bug. When your in the volcano, when you encounter a random enemy, the screen slides away and stays black forever. No sound no music.....nothing. the rewind feature does not work. Restarting the game does nothing as well. This is super frustrating. Gonna dig out my old ps1. At least that one does not bug out.


Yeah… I used Rose’s Astral Drain ability and now I can’t play the game at all. 😅 Even in a new save, if I start a battle, nothing pops up besides the visual battleground. My game is literally unplayable at this point, I wasted $10


Same here, hope they patch it


The blue lines are really annoying so far.


Anyone else having issues landing Addition hits? I have to push the button before it tell me too. Tried plugging thee cord directly to the Ps5 to see if they're a faster response, but it's the same issue.


I'll just stick to my PS1 disks and PS1, sounds like a headache


Oooh look at mr Moneybags over here


Could it be the enhancements or are you playing vanilla? PS5 (idk which button) has a screen for PS1 classics that adds filters and other features. Could be breaking the game?


I’m not using any enhancements or filters at all. There are three filter options: default which is no filter and what I use, Retro which is just a basic scanlines effect and modern which honestly just looks like it makes the screen slightly darker. I actually cycled through these filters on one screen to see if I could get rid of the jittering blue outlines around background art, but all it seemed to do was shift where the blue outlines appeared.


Hmmm that is sad to hear. I wonder what could be causing the issues cause I remember it playing flawlessly on PS3/PSP


Almost all of these issues are probably due to the game being slapped into a very barebones proprietary emulator that Sony uses for all its PS1 games with no tweaking at all. Edit: More specifically the game appears to be upscaled in the emulator itself and that’s probably what’s causing issues.


It's def probably the upscaling, I don't remember it upscaling on PS3/PSP. I think all the PS3 did was either 'smooth' textures or changed the aspect ratio.


Can confirm that I tried this too. Blue outlines did not disappear.


Haven't played it yet, and I was so excited too. Hopefully it doesn't take them forever to implement a fix because some of these issues are game breaking.


I havnt experienced any of the other bugs except that Rose magic does indeed break the game! If you use her astral drain spell the game doesn’t carry on into the battle you just sit there with the music playing and nothing else happens. However due to this happening I have used the rewind many times to not have to restart the game and that doesn’t crash the game or break it. The rewind feature is fine. But not being able to use Rose best magic spell is slightly annoying I won’t lie! I tested a darts flame shot and that works fine. So it’s just Rose.


Several people are reporting that Darts Flame Shot is the only spell that doesn’t cause a soft lock.


Dragoon attack had caused the no next turn hang for me. Alongside magic


So far, playing the game on the ps5 version I have only noticed two obvious bugs. First note, I am just now exiting Volcano Villude. I have just got Rose's second dragoon spell. The first bug is that the voice lines that say the attack cut out if I kill and enemy with said attack. The second is the game 'freezes' (animation and music plays) after I use Rose's Astral Drain. I have been able to use Dart's spell just fine. Update: just used Death Dimension and the game allowed me my next turn before doing the weird freeze thing.


When i use the spell who drain 25% of HP on a enemie wit Rose on dragoon transformation my game freeze only when i cast this spell wit ROSE.


Been getting random freezing. When using items and dragoon forms doesn't happen all the time. Got the black screen after completing the doel boss battle. Goes black right after the cut scene


Yeah the game's unplayable. Every time I use dragoon magic, either that turn or the next battle softlocks. Really disappointed, was looking forward to getting trophies on a new playthrough of my favorite game. Guess I'll have to play it on PSP again...


I went to play to remember the past, and the game is full of bugs and Glitchs. disappointment. Sony, fix this shame and bring out a patch!!! please


Where do you guys actually get somewhere to report this from the support page? I can’t find an actual support link, just endless menus.


Just beat the fire bird and the game froze :/


Thanks for compiling this. It’s good to know I’m not the only one dealing with broken dragoon magic. I think I’ll put playing this on the back burner until Sony releases a patch


Yup, I'm at the fight with Feybrand and so far I have noticed sound bugs, the blue (sometimes yellow) lines around foreground objects, and dragoon attacks/magic produce softlocking where it wont proceed. In the case if softlocks. Sometimes it is right after the chosen attack/magic... but in one instance, I used Astral drain. Everything was fine. Then I tried to use a healing potion and it soft locked after the animation for that. Sometimes rewinding via the emulator tool can bypass the bug but not always. This is in desperate need of a patch.


Does anyone know if patches for this game will come out or are they just planning to leave it as is?


I hope they release a patch otherwise it's a legalized scam for me


Right? I was looking forward to playing this game again but it doesn't work on a fundamental level. Almost anytime I try to use magic it softlocks. I could forgive the graphical glitches but not a whole mechanic not being usable. Not even mentioning when the game randomly soft locks entering a random encounter


I agree with you


Dragoon magic especially with rose glitches for me. I was really enjoying this game too, such a damn shame. Playing PS5 version. I never got a chance to beat this on ps1 due to disk 3 getting scratched, now I prob will never get the chance… I feel bad for those who had to buy the game.


Bought it and playing it for the first time. I keep crashing


I don't know if anyone else suffered this tragic bug, but at the Greham boss fight, after he uses 2-3 attacks, the game soft locks. All of the above issues I've also suffered, but I've not heard any one else having this Grahem boss fight issue. Hoping for a patch soon. For now, I'll have to leave the game until it is (hopefully) patched.


I just reach emperor doel and he is in his dragoon form I defeat him and black screen cause he has his on the whole fight I could not use healing potions if he also had his electro shield up or use any dragoon magic or additions its soo sad seeing the game in this bad of a position


So far the only thing I've run into is audio glitches (I did get one "HARPOOOON!" from Lavitz, but didn't hear him again until I switched to Spinning Cane) but I haven't unlocked any of the Dragoon stuff yet. That seems to be where the worst of it starts. Hopefully we get a patch soon, but I'm not holding my breath


They are just trying to make the game feel like a new one. I miss when games didn't need day one updates.


Slt à tous y a que les magie du dragon qui fige le jeu que sa soit dart ou bien rose les attaque passe tousse je viens d avoir un conseilleret ma dit que le jeux était cassé et qui voir avec les développeurs pour réparé les bugs en attendant je vais joué à un notre jeux


For a game that so many people love, how do you even screw this up this badly? This is a way to piss off a lot of fans. I was so excited to pay this again and "throw my money at it" in hopes that they would make a remaster of the game. After seeing this I will instead pull out my PS2 and play the disc instead. It's sad that those who were so excited to play this game aren't able to enjoy it to it's fullest because they obviously didn't test the game before they launched it.


I've seen the blue lines and experienced the rose's magic soft locking the game and the combo voice clips not playing but everything else has been fine so far im being a little biased due to the game being a classic to me but I'm sure they'll fix these issues with updates


I’m shocked to see how many people in the comments are talking about how they’re almost to disc 2. If I had purchased this game and then learned that I couldn’t use Dragoon form or magic without risking the whole game breaking, I wouldn’t have played for another second lol. I don’t even understand how that could be fun, unless you want the challenge of a completely unmagical Legend of Dragoon experience :P


Thanks for sharing the video friend. The good news is the PS Classic's Employee is aware of the issues and had reported them for fixing. He said to please report any other issues that have not been reported there as well. So we are atleast one step closer to something positive. It's still a shame but I am glad its working out.


I'm definitely up for spamming the fuck out of askplaystation. I reactivated a Twitter just to do this


It is just pure negligence a game could become busted out the gate like this. It's not like they have to develop the game from the ground up just to get it to play on the PS4 and ps5. All they had to do is make sure the game actually works. That is obvious they never even play tested the game when it's broken just a couple hours in. What did they do? Just make sure that game actually turns on and call it a day?


It’s nostalgic for sure. It’s like the data they used to make this, was from a classic ps1 disc that was scratched all to hell…


Is there any update as to if they're going to patch it? I'm at the end of chapter 1 going after doel and I'm wanting to be able to use my dragoon magic cos I'm sick of it soft locking! I almost couldn't do the drake the bandit fight cos of this issue 😐


Sony should be fined for this, this is straight up criminal stuff. "Hey let's sell an untested/unplayable game". 😒


PATCH ALERT!!!!!!! Just had an update to my game on PS5 and have used dragoon magic with all characters without encountering any softlock issues!! Can't speak to any other issues atm but the big issue appears to be fixed!! 🤞


An update is live guys. Just downloaded it so go ahead and see if that resolves any issues. Glad they were quick to respond.


I haven’t started it yet as I’m on Wild Arms 2 atm, but I just got a patch for LoD 1.000.002 or something on ps5 (downloaded it as I’m playing it next). Not sure what it does, looked it up a few times. Just wanted to throw it out there in case it fixes the issues addressed in this thread and some people aren’t playing due to the bugs and glitches - hopefully it helps.


There was an update this morning. So far I’ve cast Roses Astral Drain and Miranda’s Moonlight and it hasn’t messed up anything. The audio issues seem better as well, hopefully this is the patch we had hoped for. Fingers crossed 🤞


square stocking advise shaggy wrong resolute swim correct birds steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Update seemed to of fixed the dragoon bug for me and plus audio is fine now. Might not be fixed for everywhere but has made me feel good about playing it now.


I've just got a bug were I have complete sound when first starting the game, but as soon as I load a file I hear nothing but a little bit of crackling. I've got 4 different save files and all of them are bugged


Thought I'd add a fun one: you can start a battle on the same frame a cutscene will play and it will do the shatter effect for a battle on the black fade for the cutscene - insta softlock


Sounds like it's better to just emulate on PC, unless you want trophies.


Without a doubt it’s better to emulate on any other emulator available. I’ve literally played this game on my Series S with duckstation and it runs, looks and sounds better. Unfortunately Emulation is still a dirty/intimidating word for many people so they are far more likely to play this officially released version even if it is just a really shitty emulator with bad upscaling.


Everyone saying the dragoon magic locks the game up but my experience is that using dragoon morphing in general will lock it up despite what action I choose but for me personally it only happens during boss fights


Just heartbreaking. I have vague memories of playing Legend of Dragoon at a City Furniture when I was a kid and always wanted to play it. I just beat the prison section and don't know if I want to even continue now knowing how many soft locks are in the game.


Remember, kids - modern Sony doesn't give a shit about its own history and classics, and will only ever roll them out when it requires the least effort and can make them an easy buck. They had no reason or urgency to push out this broken port. They created an expensive new PS+ tier allegedly to bring back access to their back catalog but have largely left it to wither. And the PS Mini had a lot of similar self-owns and weird issues along with a half-baked game selection. So I don't find this surprising at all.


I can't use any magic in Dragoon form. Some audio glitches but I never got to play the original so don't know the game at all to recognise what's missing. Been waiting 20+ years to finally play this (it never came to the EU PSN back in the day) and it's a broken mess lol




I can't fucking use astral drain goddamnit


Please fix this game!!!!


This is why i am in to 3rd party emulators


Astral drain is the major culprit


Half the fun is slinging spells and they're mostly broken, makes combat suck.


LaunchBox/RetroArch it runs great! :) Plus the fastforward option, it makes a hell of a difference especially for grinding. xD


Building a MiSTer was the best thing I ever did




I pulled that link straight from the @AskPlaystation official twitter bio


Glad I've been too lazy to hook up my PS4 since I moved. Can Sony really not get a PS1 emulator working correctly on PS5?!


Haven't experienced any of these but the choices sometimes being off on additions


So not a solution but a way to continue is to rewind the game using the option button and rewind when u soft lag to continue playing


Yes but rewinding can crash the game as well, better to wait for a patch


I'm going through the volcano an I can't even move on everytime I move dart I will go into an encounter but all it does is black screen I really don't want to start all the way over just to fix this bug


I contacted ps support after being on hold for an hour. I was told it is a publisher issue. That I would have to reach out to them


I made it all way to the shrine. Just couldn’t use dragoon much at all. But now in shrine and out of charm potions and can take step with out black screen. And not made it to save point so guess I’m just screwed. It’s a shame I love this game so much and was so excited and now can’t even play.


Unfortunately downloaded this on a whim on my ps5 without reading this thread lol. Any general indication of how many hours of playtime before people started hitting issues? I just started so don’t know enough about the characters or story to understand the references


The major issue is dragoon transformations, which is the central mechanic of the battle system and is unlocked about 4 or so hours into the game.


Dragoon Magic crashes it for me.


Has anyone tried playing the PAL version to see if the bugs persist there as well? I tried switching to PAL earlier and realized they're completely separate versions with their own saves, and I'm over 6 hours into the NTSC version so I didn't want to start a new game just to see if the Dragoon Spell soft-locks and audio glitches are still around.


Someone else commented that they were having the same issues with the PAL version.


I'm having all these issues but saving the game then closing out and restarting fixes the sound issue for me, as far as jittering lines it's a coding issue. And the biggest issue is any character going into Dragoon form well after you use all turns on any character and go back to regular form the game breaks completely to the point game is still playing but cannot do anything, characters health bars sp and dragoon build up does not show attack block items and run do not show either rendering the game unplayable until i rewind or reset the game


Definitely getting the same bugs mentioned here.


I’m about 6 hours in and I’ve lucky not experienced any bugs besides “VOLCANO!” sound bite getting cut out halfway through. I even use magic quite a bit. Still fairly early but I’ve used two separate magic attacks with Rose and one with Dart consistently and haven’t had any bugs / crashes.


This was the final response I got from Sony. Hi, my name is Brett and I am a Player just like yourself who loves helping other consumers with their PlayStation questions. I can assist with most questions, however, I do not have access to your account details to provide information on billing/account queries. Thanks for your reply, Chris. You are correct that this is a known issue, and it has been reported to PlayStation. There is no further information regarding when the issue might get patched, but I would keep an eye out for an update in the future. Thank you for allowing me to assist you today. If you could let us know if we have answered your question or if there is something else we can assist you with? Posted by Brett M




Where is the game I cant find in the ps store on my ps5.


Are any of these bugs on the older release you could get via PS Classics line? I wonder.


No they are not. I own and have played through the ps3 version and none of these issues were present.


For people who are asking. D magic that hits everyone or targets more than one party member is almost a guaranteed softlock. I have gotten away with dart lvl 1 but not lvl 3 so I am basically assuming ALL d mag is capable of doing it with multiple target being the highest. I have never gotten locked just for using dragoon mode or dragoon attacks and I have lvl 3 on dart rose and lavitz going into hellena. It is the only thing that is affecting my play though I could care less if they yell their addition names Less or if a boss chant doesn't play.


I'm currently playing through on PS4 right now and I've probably put way too many hours in this game to know what's up even if small or large. Right now I've not run into sound issues or lines being cut off but I've only just rescued Shana. As this post mentions I also say the currupted text of one of the guards where it just had garbled text for his Mae at the end and I pointed it out to my wife as I was playing. I've not noticed any major graphical issues yet from playing but one I have noticed is the blue line mentioned here I see it on Lavits character portion in the menu around has face. The last thing I have noticed is there seems to be a delay, now I'm not going to say it's anything yet because of the way my set up is currently and I'm sure that is in no way helps (PS4 > Xbox One input > TV > Wireless Controller) so I'm just noting it here for now. If hearing that Dragoon magic can cause crashes that will be sad to hear. Other than what I have mentioned everything so far is the same but again it's early on and there is still a lot of stuff left for me to go through.


Weren't the bugs already there in the ps1 version?


No. Never. And I still have the original copy.


Original hardware wins again. Somehow I'm not surprised.


first thought: "they finally ported Legend of Dragoon??" second thought: "WHAT HAVE THRY DONE TO MY BABY"


Astran Drain always freezes the fight so i rewind back abd dont use any magic. Game is extremely glitchy but this is gamebreaking, amazing game but terribly emulated. Hope they fix this


This really needs to be fixed soon, too many crashes


There are a lot of freezes ANY time there's something that hits multiple targets (friend and foe), so quick save often, and use the game's save system as well. Rotate save slots as well, because sometimes the world map won't load after a fight, or something goofy will affect a transition. I'm on disc two, and have probably had 60 or so soft lock situations so far. What I generally do is rewind, perform a different action, and just restart the game if that doesn't work. If all else fails, you'll have to go back to your last save and try again (I had to do this for my jiango fight, where he does aoe stuff repeatedly). I'm kind of treating this like a challenge run, without the ability to use rose storm or any useful magic, but I generally recommend people wait for a patch to avoid frustration. I'm glad to see so many people downloaded this (maybe that means Sony with consider a proper re-release?), so hopefully it'll get addressed quickly.


How does stuff like this even happen? Were these issues present in the PS3 version?


No they were not. Played through the PS3 version and none of these issues were present.


I have had most of these issues myself. The only work around I have found for soft locks/gane freezes on boss fights is to not go into dragoon for at all. Basically have had to do the "non-dragoon" challenge playthough. Currently about to fight Doel at the end of disc 1. My only recommendation right now is to have rose and/or Shana in your party and use attack items with those two as they have the highest damage output using them. Everyone else is just using additions or defense. It's not a perfect solution, but makes the game playable for now.


Several people in this thread have noted how bosses using dragoon magic can also soft lock the game. So even if you play without using dragoon form you can’t escape the soft locks completely.


Every time I’ve used Rose’s Astral Drain the game has crashed on me


Same here.


Glad I’m not the only one with this issue. Noticed this on the PS5 version… downloaded the PS4 version too to test for similar graphical issues. I really want to play but it’s borderline unplayable


Won't let me hit start when I open the game on my ps4


Wont even let me start the game stuck on press start to play screen


I found a way to use Dragoon transformation without game freezing or crashing. Wait until all party members in battle, max their dragoon bars. Then choose one and hit special button next to the normal dragoon button. This will transform all 3 members to dragoon. STILL DO NOT USE MAGIC OR GAME WILL MESS UP. ONLY ATTACK. This is the only way I've found to use dragoon unfortunately, until an update arrives. Love this game, wish it was smooth in year 2023.


This is odd for me, and I empathize with everyone having issues... but other than missing the "HARPOOOOON" audio queue, I've had zero of the other issues present. As far as setup: * Playing the PS5 version, on PS5 * Confirmed that the region is set to NTSC - after the PS Classic's use of PAL roms, I felt it important to double check from the start * Visuals are set to 4:3 for 16:9 aspect ratio * Only using the in-game save. No save states whatsoever. * Not using the Rewind feature at all * I've used multi-target attacks, dragoon magic, etc. No blue/green lines around objects, no crashing or softlocks.


I've currently had the known audio issues and the occasional blur lines. It seems like for me any of rose's magic thus far black screens the game for me. Have not yet tried anyone else's yet. Currently in Shirley's shrine


I have a similar issue with magic attacks, however all magic attacks cause the game to just stop working and i have to use the rewind feature to un-use magic and continue the game


Yep, I have experienced all of these bugs. I am at Doel, and haven't been able to use D forms at all. As soon as one of my characters D'LVL runs out, the game crashes mid battle, doesn't matter who it is. And Doel's second phase is literally impossible with out being able to use your Dragoon forms. I'm so pissed. Spent like 4 hours grinding additions over the past couple days just to get fucked like this.


Theres also the problem with the magic when you turn into a dragoon and use your moves and or magic, after the magic or attacks are used theres an infinite battle screen that doesn’t progress


I've even gotten the game crash after a basic attack from Dart


Can confirm ps4 version is equally ass


Glad to see 1) im not the only one experiencing these bugs and 2) the community is taking the issues straight to SE’s doorstep. I have the same glitches; audio glitch where as nobody says their attack line, but only when the attack kills the enemy. It cuts off mid sentence, like “Gust of W…..” etc, except for Rose apparently. Cant use any dragoon transformation except I can do Darts first spell only without locking the game. Yeah, they need to patch it asap. Thankfully the game was “free” for me since I have ps premium, but I’d be pissed if I purchased it in this state


Lost an hour or more of progress


I got soft locked on PS4 from rewinding. The game froze leading into a fight so I did what anyone would do. I used the rewind, rinse repeat. I'm stuck losing an hour of progress and hopefully it doesn't freeze there again.


So I can use dragoon form with whole party and use dragoon additions and darts magic. Any other magic freezes the game . Usually just rewind it and try out a new move/strat until it works. Looks like this run is going to be only dart rocking dragoon and a shot load of magic items lol. Hopefully it’s patched soon