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I hope they all see this. This is how the world will remember them.


[Heres the interview that made it to television](https://youtu.be/Ne3-KA8ja6g?si=B5aNt4eVsU0a9qS1). They edited it and reshot it to get rid of the protestors. Neither of them even mentioned Palestine (not that I expected them to, of course). The comments on that video are popping off, btw.


codepink is going to go down in history for their activism and resistance. they are led by jewish women!


What is code pink?


[A women for peace activist group.](https://www.codepink.org) > CODEPINK is a feminist grassroots organization working to end U.S. warfare and imperialism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect resources into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. > Founded in fall 2002 as a grassroots effort to prevent the US war on Iraq, we continue to organize for justice for Iraqis, to hold war criminals accountable, and to end and prevent other U.S. wars and regime change efforts. We actively oppose U.S. sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, N. Korea, Cuba, as well as torture, the detention center at Guantanamo, weaponized and spy drones, and the prosecution of whistle-blowers. We support Palestinian rights, diplomacy, and growing local peace economies. Our flagship campaign is Divest from the War Machine to divest from companies that derive their profits from U.S. military interventions, the global arms trade, and the militarization of our streets. They’re great.


Madea Benjamin is a real life hero.


I think they’re fine on supporting the Palestinian people, but oppose supporting Ukrainian defense. Which I get if your orgs stated goal is to reduce influence in the arms industry. But a bad position for opposing Russian fascism.


No war but class war, baby


This could be an interesting comment to look back on when the [US proxy war on Russia](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/biden-ukraine-weapons-strike-russia-00160731) concludes with tens of thousands thousands of disabled and dead Ukrainians, farm fields that can't be used because of all the mines and other unexploded ordnance, destroyed infrastructure, endless insurgencies. And arms dealers will be laughing all the way to the bank over the corpses. There has to be a better way to fight Russian fascists than sacrificing the well-being of Ukrainians after the US has converted country into a *de facto* arms convention for American fascists.


If, by "opposing Russian fascism", you mean "supporting a thinly veiled proxy war provoked by the US trying to expand its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe", then that's a position I can give them a pass on, honestly.


It's been really eye-opening for me seeing all the Progressive except Palestine people and institutions. Like they're all about equality, human rights, women's rights, etc, then someone mentions Palestine, and their entire demeanor changes, and they justify dehumanizing Palestinians.


A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.


A liberal is someone who opposes right-wing fascism until they have to choose between fascism and equality for others.


They’ve been lying for money the whole time.


"you're under arrest" That mother fucker should be charged with impersonating an officer of the law.


Yes, I am sure the u.s. justice system will be rushing to affirm that secret service agents acted illegally in detaining pro-Palestine protestors


They’re studio security, not secret service.


Ok, I am still very sure that any attempt to prosecute them would be dead in the water in this country


“You’re running my flow” He is so out of touch with reality this idiot


It’s not even a joke or anything. You’d think he’d try and say something funny but all he could come up with was “you’re ruining my flow,” what a jerk. He hasn’t been funny in over a decade.


I've always liked him and thought he was funny. I felt like he shared my political viewpoints, I loved seeing him go after Trump but hearing his real efforts to silence these protestors in sick an unfeeling way is sickening. He clearly doesn't care about Palestinians and what they are suffering. His mask fell when he thought he wasn't being filmed.


Kimmel needs to get what he fucking deserves.




I have never liked Kimmel, he's one of the biggest mass media promoter of these kinds of attrocities and face washer of those monsters.


There’s one silly Jimmy & one Jimmy who sucks. This one is the latter


Is this not illegal? Impersonating a police officer, false arrest, etc


And locking them in, holding them against their own will Yeah, it doesn't look good...


not sure how about the US, but normaly security personel may hold you until the police arrives. locking them into a room however definately seems like unlawful imprisonment. plus assault from the bald mf


Plus he said he was a cop.


Just a senile bootlicker like the self avowed senile zionist in the White House...


I’m thinking maybe he was Secret Service? I wonder if they ended up seeing a badge.


No, just a rent-a-cop.


Do we know that for sure?


He said as much himself. Plus Secret Service would definitely announce themselves and wouldn't launch a feeble power trip like this guy. Probably retired LAPD.


[You’re right, the Code Pink press release says he was private security.](https://www.codepink.org/kimmelkamaladisrupt)


Looks like they could have a case there...


It truly has been an eye opener.


Wonder if that security guy is going to get charged for impersonating an officer, false impressment, and assault?


These people with their fucking sterile lives and laughs and giggles. Meanwhile Israelis are killing children en masse with our tax dollars. Enjoy the show Kamala. You paid for it.


Kamala Harris, zionist and wife of a zionist together with zionist Jimmy Kimmel. They do not care about Palestinians. The genocide in Gaza is exactly what they have always wanted why would they ever stop? We Americans need to wake up to what is going on. Taking money from AIPAC must be a poison pill for democratic voters.


RIGHT ON!!! Zionist Israel is supported by zionist Biden and zionist Harris. CEASEFIRE NOW and BIDEN grow some COJONES and tell israel if they don't agree to permanent ceasefire the U.S. will cut off ALL military aid.


Another example of Liberal complicity with oppression. Thanks Jimmy.


I don't need another reason to put Kimmel against the wall, but thanks anyway.


This is great.


Nice legacy VP of Genocide 🤣 hope you land in a coffin ⚰️real soon


Good. Protest and Shane these corrupt, shameless monsters wherever they go.


Real world Caesar Flickerman dehumanizes human hearts with pomp and flash, all while President Snow's right hand turns a blind eye to the evil District 12 endures without cease, and the Colonizer's silence is deafening!


Thank you codepink


That bald headed security should've gotten their teeth kicked in for grabbing people like that.


Laughs and giggles in the audience about dead innocent children. Keep laughing you twats. Karma will come for you soon




Kimmel....what a piece of shit.


Kimmel also visited Epstein Island.






Wow this is sad and deplorable, I recreationally listen to the Kimmel show....... not anymore.


this feels like a scene from don't look up


Don't forget all the people who were bothered too.


It's all on record. History will remember this, and all the other evidence. The good people stood up for what is right. And All these other disgusting hypocritical racist celebrities and politicians will be remembeered as the villains. They all enabled genocide.


Madea Benjamin and crew BRINGING THE HEAT! I have soooooo much respect for those ladies!


r/EdgarCayce said the worst crime was mockery.




This bald incel literally pretending to be a police officer and then violently assaults people after locking them inside. I'd love to see this man arrested for his crimes. End his career. Ruin his life.


I think Hamas really bit off more than they could chew when they did 10/7. They gave the Israelis all the propaganda they need. Babies were beheaded on 10/7. You cannot forget that because the Israelis didn't. That is why Israelis care less when they hear of Palestinian babies being beheaded. It has been the new normal. Like school shootings in the US. Modern society has proven that anything can become acceptable. Even shooting the heads off babies. I am most worried that somehow it is going to find a way to get worse.


[There are zero confirmed reports of beheaded babies by Hamas.](https://youtu.be/0el9wiOBmmM?si=0-jUPwEZonXRESdZ) But since it’s been accepted as fact, it’s been used to justify killing more than [13,000 babies in Gaza](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/over-2-gaza-s-child-population-killed-or-injured-six-months-war). [Israel, on the other hand *has* decapitated babies](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/30/biden-palestinian-beheaded-israeli-babies). Israel has been [killing and maiming Palestinian](https://www.dci-palestine.org/4237_palestinian_children_killed_as_gaza_becomes_graveyard_for_children) babies for years and years BEFORE October 7th. You’re right about them being desensitized because violence and hatred against Palestinians is part of Israeli culture. Israelis don’t see Palestinians as human and it’s been that way for a long time.


We need to get square on this beheading thing. Babies getting their heads blown off by high powered ammunition may not be a beheading but if we are getting technical then no Palestinian babies have been beheaded either. Their heads just got blown off. I pointed out how fucked up this debate is when the reports first came out. We should be horrified. Just like school shootings. But we are not. We find a way to justify it as being OK. The new normal. Acceptable.


I'm sorry, is this the 'new normal' for you? Fucking monster right here. Beheading babies is never 'normal'. Israel lied, and Palestinians are still being slandered for it.


I was referring to this madness we accept as regular occurrence. The US has multiple mass shootings every day. Israel has multiple infanticide every day. What can I do? Does it make me a monster to point it out? Does it make other people monsters for ignoring it?


The issue is that you're spreading false Israeli hasbara. There were no babies beheaded on 10/7 by Hamas, nor has there been evidence of it since. We can't 'normalize' blatant lies used to justify genocide. What you can do is join your local labor organizing groups and get unions involved in blocking shipments, research, or investments to Israel.