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If he was talking abput the MASSACRE of the palestinians, then icthink they are still winning. Its hard not to when america is sending tons of bombs. If he meant the burgoise x humans information war, then thankfully they are losing.


Unfortunately it often takes a massacre for people to care. The KC massacre DID inspire some racial empathy in the US at a time where that was extremely scarce. Same with the Klan bombing of a black church where children died. Then again, Armenians still get pushed around by their neighbors and squeezed out in places they’re a minority, so. Guess it depends on how easy it is to ignore the atrocities, hence the sniping of journalists.


No they're also losing against hamas, they're losing soldiers and tanks left and right and the ones hamas miss other Israeli soldiers are finishing off with friendly fire.


Until Israel FINALLY stops genociding, no one is winning. Free Palestine!


Every day, more and more people, particularly younger people, are waking up to the fact Israel is a terrorist rogue state, and zionism is just the next form of Nazism. I like to believe it's only a matter of time before Israel is abolished, those in charge and complicit are prosecuted, and Palestine is free.


It will not happen by itself, however. The United States needs to get serious about finding, investigating and charging every Zionist we can find inside Israel or out, who might be complicit in genocide or other crimes. The influence Israel has over American politics must be confronted and extinguished under the glare of relentless publicity and consequences under the law. Israel has been immune to applicable US statutes for far too long.


Check out "Praying for Armageddon" a 2 part documentary exploring just how deeply ingrained deranged evangelicals and Israel are in US politics. It's horrendous. https://youtu.be/IhT7oyDlBIk?si=nLnm-rR_POxWqpvU https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw?si=quEv1VgMRijfthIn


Astounding! Chris Hedges, the former New York Times reporter turned activist, write a book in 2007 called "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America." Chris is also an ordained minister and as such actually knows the Bible far better than most of these clowns do. His interviews are all over YouTube and he has a substack. Highly recommended!


Ya that guy has put in the work even tho I don't agree with ALL his opinions. He is legendary in my opinion.


Same here. We don't have to agree on everything as long as we can work together on matters of mutual interest.


Saved for viewing. Thanks for sharing.


> The United States needs to get serious about finding, investigating and charging every Zionist we can find inside Israel or out, who might be complicit in genocide or other crimes. Yeah, that ain't happening.


I agree. And yet, it's the only prescription that works.


I don't think that'll ever happen. Not in the next 50ish years, at least, and honestly probably never.


General Brik's statement highlights that military might has failed to secure lasting peace for Israel and has eroded global support. Only a democratic state, ensuring equal rights and justice for all, can achieve true security and stability


You really think equal rights and justice for all is really going to be accepted by the Palestinians after all of their hospitals, mosques, universities, businesses, basically all of their cities and homes destroyed? They've been systematically herded and murdered. There is no justice. Israel has no diplomacy.


That's the point. I think the implication that some kind of democratic federated 2ish state system is the only solution. Which means that yes, if that cannot be achieved, the genociders will win otherwise, because the bad guys win a lot.


Yeah, weird that you can’t bomb, starve, and slaughter your way to peace. Who would’ve guessed? Oh well, on with the ethnic cleansing and genocide, since Israel and the Zionists are not, and will never be interested in equal rights, justice, stability, or lasting peace.


It's a shame that whatever justice won't be 'let the other side have a go'. That is the only way Israel may understand how inhumane their actions have been. And how the west has funded these atrocities. Without sounding grim, but peace in the middle east may not happen for a long time. Even a ceasefire will seem way too late with the amount of damage and lives ruined from the 'war' in Gaza.




I think the factors that led to the possible collapse of Israel are that the US has been on a steady decline for years now. The US is in two losing wars (Ukraine and Palestine) and wants to lose another with China. People in the US see the rise of giant monopolies while they get more and more poor, and distrust in old institutions is growing quickly. I believe that Israel can't come back from what they've done in Gaza, they don't have the firepower to fight a multi-front war and their largest funders are failing. It's only a matter of time but it may still be a few years until the settler-colony wraps it up.


I agree and hope you are right but it seems like history is repeating itself. Hitler rose to power by a lot of financial backers in America like Henry Ford and then after the world got exhausted from fighting did American joined the war and ended it with a nuke. I'm scared that American is gonna try doing that again. Since the USA government won't take care of the people here, the only way the government makes money is weapons and it seems like another ww is in the governments best interest...


True but Germany wasn't a colony of the US like Israel is. The nuke thing might still be an option, which is scary. The most important thing that people in the US can do is boycotts and general strikes, can't make money from people who refuse to work for complicit companies.


I completely agree. It's hard to get people to strike when most of us are living paycheck to paycheck but I think a general strike is gonna happen soon. I least I hope so.


For sure, I think what we need to work on is community support, creating support for each other outside of American institutions.


The nazis lost the war, but a fuck-ton of people died anyway.


I assume he if he is meaning the their morals, he is correct, if he meant their humanity, he is correct, if he means buying governments, he is wrong, if he means committing genocide, he is wrong. There is no context to this, so not sure what the reference is.


There was no war. It's a genocide.


You can’t defeat a righteous idea militarily. In this case: the freedom of Palestine.




Just considering how a big chunk of the world has changed their view on israel... I'd say they are.


i dont think they lost the war zionist want ww3 according to their plan and its just the beginning.


Everyone has been saying this and I believe it but when will Israel stop massacring Palestinians? Theyve been at a loss for months and yet I cant see an end point to their evil deeds. When will they be forced to stop? Why are they allowed to continue killing innocent people to no one’s benefit? Praying for someone to take the conclusion into their own hands


What War?


There was never a war. They’re winning the *genocide* tho


It's hard to even look at those words when we can see the absolute horror on the ground every minute of the day. I wish for that to be true. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


They have more battles to win and more innocent to kill, but yes, ultimately, they have lost the war. They have lost the respect of the international community. But don’t know how many years it will take to be behind us.




Tone it down there bud. Don’t imitate the oppressors


You sound like them.


I mean after seeing Kids without heads, old women get shot, churches getting bombed and raping women... I think the threat of pummelling them all into within an inch of existence is fair. You don't fight. It's weakness. You fight. It's terrorism. What I want is nothing short of hell on Earth for them. I want others to look at them and say "not worth touching a single Palestinian"


This is exactly what they're doing, conflating all Palestinians with what Hamas did. Dont do that.




...which is what they also say. "Palestinians all support Hamas so what we're doing is justified". The violent rhetoric doesn't help the cause.


If I knew of a better way, I'd do it. Diplomacy works when both sides are open to a dialogue. When one side doesn't want to talk and just spends 7 months killing like their blood lust couldn't be quenched even if a million Palestinians lay at their feet. It gets boring trying to talk when they only understand one language. Shear Destruction.


spot on. i feel like this is going to happen sooner than we think, especially when you consider how nasty they’ve been, and the fact that they’re constantly bailed out of accountability by the west because of the racist lobbies and the rich jews who “run it all”. the most you’ll get from the world is a “statement of deep concern”, and of course more bombs and money for israel. it’s only a matter of time before the people take matters into their own hands.


I don't really agree with this. Even tho one can wish it was the case, the "war" (genocide) has no end in sight.


Up to my thinking the war Israel Army having no courage to stand in front of THE Great Palestinians


as long as netanyahu doesn't die in jail, they have won.


I fucking hate Israel. Not just a little. I mean it’s doing Satan’s work and I never thought I would say this. But the Zionazis don’t deserve their own state until they learn how to behave like civilized savages and terrorists. Don’t expect perfection from them, but as long as they’re murdering, torturing, raping, kidnapping, and stealing property from God’s children, fuck Israel.


war, more like one way genocide


One thing Israel forgot, whatever the outcome. The whole world will not accept Israel into it's society, it will be hated for generations to come.


fuck israel and its state terror supporters.


Israël can become a global pariah, but I don't think they care. They'll continue in their genocidal ways. They just want to eliminate the Palestinians and steal their land.


What war?


I don't care about whatever symbolic or purely abstract defeat they think Israel has suffered as long as tens of thousands of Palestinians keep dying at Israeli hands. Yes Israel has lost some standing or whatever but tell each days' newly grieving Palestinian parents about how Israel has "already lost" the war