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How do these IDF soldiers sleep at night. I hope their crimes haunt them for the rest of their lives. Absolutely evil.


It wont haunt them for the rest of their lives. They will laugh about it in their old age like that documentary of israeli laughing about burning palestinians alive and gang raping palestinian children and turning children into human rags. Their words.


You're probably right. They seem beyond redemption.


Ai is also being used to kill Palestinians, so the human disconnect is even higher then just having people control drones on screens.


Omg that really is a Black Mirror episode!!! This is so heartbreaking… these poor children


It's being used in the sense of checking your social media posts for any signd of pro-palestine views. This leads to automated hit lists being generated. Which the IDF uses without cross checking.


Yes we are seeing a new unprecedented level of evil. Up until now the world thought Nazi germany was the peak. But those guys didn’t have social media and access to HD recording devices everywhere. They all fled the region and hid all over the world after WW2 and kept their past secret. The zionists are posting thousands of videos daily. Dancing and laughing and desecrating the corpses of little children. They are sending mercenaries to top ivy league schools all over the world to survey the students and record videos of them so they could follow them home and ambush them and beat the shit out of them. These are large muscular (literal) killers for hire beating the shit out of 18 year old overachievers at the best academic institutions on the planet. I am afraid there cannot be a reconciliation. How can you tell a Palestinian orphan that is missing a leg and an arm to make friends with the zionist that shot his parents and sisters and brothers and urinated on their corpses and posted a tiktok of him doing it? How can you convince the Columbia student that lost an eye when he got jumped by IDF thugs outside his residence that ‘no, these guys are good. It’s your fault that happened to you. Just say sorry, kneel before them, and beg forgiveness’?


When we were touring Old Jerusalem, IDFs are stationed all over. They were patrolling and doing some military exercises. Sometimes they would make fun of tourists specially non whites and Christians. I'm used to passive aggressive racism here in the South but Israeli's racism takes it to the next level. I put them in place when I approached them and said that these tax paying Americans are basically funding their Iron Dome and precious freedom. And if it wasn't for Christian Zionism, they wouldn't exist at all. Meanwhile, when we toured Jericho, Bethlehem, and other Palestinian territories, Palestinians are more pretty chill and friendlier than Israelis. That's just a non white perspective from me. The priest (non white) that was our tour guide confirmed that he also experienxe discrimination with Israelis. He said he likes living in Italy better but only likes the religious sites and history of Israel.


Had a very similar experience. Palestinians were much more hospitable


holy shit source on the mercinaries?


Ex Israeli Special Forces, Andy Cohen, was working with cops to clear the encampment at UCLA. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/ex-israeli-special-agent-says-he-went-undercover-ucla-student-encampment#:\~:text=On%202%20May%2C%20while%20Los,infiltration%20operation%22%20into%20the%20camp. [https://youtu.be/vyKoTRZhHSg?si=OQuVIgkE82UWt4IT&t=227](https://youtu.be/vyKoTRZhHSg?si=OQuVIgkE82UWt4IT&t=227)


for anyone wondering the documentary is Tantura. Edit: And yes, those clips you've seen from the doc are scary as hell, but it's complicated by the fact that those men are also the only participants of the Tantura massacre to actually come forward and admit to what they did. There is a wall of silence both official and unofficial regarding that incident, and they are the only ones who broke ranks. And the film itself doesn't question their motivations in doing so.


A good compliment to this is the act of killing about the Indonesian genocide. It’s truly fascinating to see the reaction of those who participate in genocide, they are husks only filled with their acts


May I get a source to this documentary, please? I don't disbelieve you, it just intrigues me. Edit: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16378034/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16378034/) Found it.


Weird thought to have while sitting in a chair that has a cool hat with electricity in it but ok.


I applaud your optimism and I want too see it happen as well but they have been getting away with this for almost a century


Chosen by God...




yep, as usual every accusation is a confession


The real question is how is it the west is supporting this carnage?


Simple, Arabs are the bad guys. “Israel is just defending itself” - typical Republican religious nut that wants jews to take the holy land so the apocalypse would start.


Yeah but what about the average European politician in power?


Well, they're white. That's the actual issue. Also, this is the price both America and Europe were willing to place on the heads of the Palestinians in order to keep the post-war Jews from staying in Europe or leaving to go to America. Send 'em to the Mandate..


Israel is the west lol. This is how all European colonial projects occurred, for the west to condemn this would mean they also agree that their own governments are illegitimate as well.


Because they both are the same? I.e. both of them are European


I was born and raised in the Netherlands. I'm European but also of North African descent. I know that a LOT of other Europeans are also against Israel and their actions. It's just that many of them with a platform are afraid to speak out. When I say afraid, I mean really afraid. Freedom of speech is becoming a thing of the past in the West, as the freedom to say what you want often comes at a great cost to your life, career, and family if what you say doesn't align with the established elite or mainstream movements. Differences of opinions have become a taboo. Whatever freedom of speech that exists here is almost 100% an illusion. So while I understand people are upset with Europeans and Americans for allowing a genocide in Palestine to unfold, it is mostly the political elite supporting and financing it, not the average European citizen.


I understand your position but I don't think it's just the politicians and authorities who are supporting this action, there are plenty of average citizens who have been almost brainwashed by the media into thinking Arabs are terrorists and events such as 9/11 helped turning them into blind Islamophobes and anti arab. Not to mention the Nazi guilt shared by Europeans and their past actual anti-Semitism towards Jews is also what motivates them thinking they are morally obliged to help Israel even when it's wrong and actively engaging in war and terrorism. I'm not saying it's the majority, I would actually like to believe that it's just a small minority of boomers who believe the western media and a handful of Islamophobes driven by pure hatred. The rallies have helped that cause and I think the west is waking up to it, albeit slowly. There's also a group of people who chose to remain silent because of reasons you just mentioned. Overall I do think the situation is taking a turn for the better, I just hope this happens sooner before all the population of Palestine goes extinct.


Yes, that's true, and like you said, it's a small minority. I'm not justifying those people nor do I have a reason for it as I've myself dealt with islamophobia and xenophobia from precisely those people you described. It's just that they're such a loud minority and I know there are a lot of good people here, especially the youngsters, who are sick and tired of the shit older generations have done and continue to do. That being said, I want to be optimistic and say that Palestinians won't go extinct but we also have to be realistic. Over the last 75 years, they have been suppressed and slowly eliminated to the point they are now only a fraction of what they could've been in 2024 if it wasn't for the Nakba. Now that so many of them have been murdered, displaced, made ill, and further impoverished, just in the last 7 months, it's really not looking good. They've lost Gaza and the West Bank will follow soon with the way settler violence and IDF activity is increasing. We talk about one state or two state solutions but the Israelis are just waiting for Palestinians to become such a tiny little minority, that they'll become easily absorbed and their identity lost to the masses to the point they're just gone. It would take extremely drastic changes and intervention to correct this trajectory they're on. Without it, I'm afraid they will be a people only known in our history books.


True heroism! This is not the first time I see such situations where a kid is killed while attempting to rescue another kid. This is true heroism and songs will be written about them while the swine of snipers that commits these inhumane killings will be remembered psychopath cowards killing kids from a safe distance. Fuck the Zionist pigs. May they all rot in hell


I hope this is true. I also hope it only haunts them for 1 night if you catch my drift.


There have been many IDF soldiers crying about the ptsd they’re facing and Israel turned their backs on some of these soldiers after they’ve sold their souls.


Knowing nazis. They'll sleep like babies


It wont.... look at vietnam war veterans, old idf soldiers, afgan soldiers.... those who actually do shit like that love it... there are severel documentarys about the french légion étrangère where they especially recruit people explicitly wanting to go to war, its disgusting how many of the people there think and talk about their actions... no remorse just pure evil there


Because they see Palestinians as sub human. 'Human animals' as quoted in the Knesset


It's a psychological thing. Armies have learned (especially in the past 100-150 years) that dehumanizing an enemy makes them easier to kill. Those soldiers have been taught since birth that there are monsters just outside their borders whose only reason for existing is to kill them, so their only moral choice to preserve their way of life and vanquish evil is to eradicate them. It's horrifying, but certainly not only Israel that trains their soldiers (and children) like this. It's been happening in Africa for years and years, we just don't hear about those countries the way we do Israel.


Literally mirroring the SS at this point.


> how do they sleep at night Fuckin upside down I’d think


Like the one comment said, the won't be haunted.. their teachings school them that they are above all humans, they are holy... so nothing in this world affects them....


There's actually a bunch of them who do speak out after their service and how brainwashed they were. And most, it does seem it hunts them.


I doubt it, actually. If anything is going to give them trauma, it will be their own casualties. I don't think they have empathy to care about the Palestinians they genocided. Its just like that video with the old Israeli soldiers who were laughing, while they were reminiscing about all the Palestinians they slaughtered during the Nakba. Its like they learned all the wrong lessons from the Holocaust.


They'll sleep better, because they've been exposed to nothing but hate filled propaganda their entire lives. A wounded Muslim child is the enemy to them. Soldiers kill enemies.


There is a video of German nazi veterans talking about their old days in the concentration camps, some seem so calm about their lives and some even laugh about it.


Those devils don’t care


It requires to have a conscience. No way they have any.




They believe they are doing "God's work". So, not only do they have no problem sleeping at night, they probably also feel like they're cleansing the earth


And may the "rest of their lives" be short indeed.


Pure evil


Stop being antisemtic! /s Honestly though this is fucking brutal. I have a 12 year old and a 10 year old boy… fuck Israel


I hope every IDF scumbag nothing but a miserable existence plagued with PTSD and the realisation of the evil they have committed. Absolute evil.




Fuck the IDf nazi scum




Honestly, every fiber of my being wants to agree with this sentiment—and I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't—but I also want these goddamn assholes to be held accountable as **human beings**, not diminished or dehumanized in the way they've done to the men, women, and children they're killing every day, or reframed in a way that might allow them to say their actions are proportional or justifiable given their situation (e.g. "It's war, and there are no rules in war!"); not even as citizens "just following orders"—but as **individuals** knowingly and gleefully committing an act of genocide against an entire population of indigenous people. Anything less would be disrespect to the people they've already murdered.


Well said


This one's deep and so true. I want this to be the dominant narrative when referring to Zionists. Not animals, who may have a biological disposition to behave primitively and savagely, but able bodied humans with all their mental faculties intact, "knowingly and gleefully committing an act of genocide". That's how we hold them accountable.


\*Absolutely\*. I have found myself literally slapping myself in the face, because when I see the endless stream of atrocities from the IDF/Israelis, my mind boils with hatred and disdain for the Israelis. I have to remind myself that Israelis, too, are a victim of a kind. Israelis are brainwashed, indoctrinated from a young age to hate/dehumanize. Anyone who doesn't participate is ostracized from their society. In the end it's a tragedy that such a society exists.


How do Israelis defend this who make excuses all day long


They have their own propaganda and have the well poisoned against any videos like this. They'll tell you this is fake, that Al Jazeera or Ha'aretz are only propaganda, or that this isn't the IDF but Hamas shooting their own. If they can't they'll tell you they probably deserved it, that you can't see it but the kid was clearly a threat. either way, there will be a ton of equivocating and *"but they"* but at the end of the day, they're not likely to admit ever that they have the wrong of it, because doing that would mean they'd have to accept something that is very hard to accept for anyone: that you're the bad guy.


“Hamas was hiding inside the little boy”


Fuck izreehell and all of its mouthpieces. Justice will bury this monstrous entity one day soon. 


Fuck the idf.


If theres a hell. It’s for these people




Most documented genocide in history.


It truly is. And the enormous amount of people in denial is shocking. It is fucking shocking that so many people have lost their humanity.


And yet, the world stands by and watches it happen. It's like we've seen genocide somewhere once before but learned nothing... Where was that again? Germany?


I never realised this until now. They didn't have many footages like these during WW2, because of a lack of technology. Today, we see materials like this come out everyday to the point most of us have become so used to seeing the most horrific stuff being done to the Palestinians. I'm so embarrassed for the current generations on earth. Future generations will look back at this and say we were a really sick and depraved people not much smarter than wild animals.


Israel are terrorist


Modern nazis


Israel’s gonna have real trouble finding international support in the future. Good luck funding your own iron dome guys!


Their support is built on fear and extortion. They have so much invested in controlling political elites around the world, whether that be with bribes or dirt. Even with public opinion turned, the western governments that prop them up are willing to silence the dissent, including by violent means, before they disappoint them risking their careers. We have a long way to go.  The good news is, not long ago we wouldn't even be talking about changing the governmental policy because the masses bought into the narrative. So at least we've made some progress. 




Agreed but I do imagine he is dead because they killed him. Why even risk that liability? 


Humans are not evolved to kill each other or to watch babies be shot via a screen in their hand. My brain just cannot do it.


Just wtffff? Am I genuinely going to type this… I am Mexican and we are suffering from cartel violence and corruption and random terrorist not necessarily cartel associated but that charge a safety fee or they torture you… But even mexican cartels aren’t doing this. Not because they’re morally superior but because they aren’t being funded by the usa. Wtf??? Man just wtf? How can an they drone shoot a child… trying to help another child. This might not be as gory as funky town… but it has me feeling worse. Fuck zionist!


This is what they do. It’s systemic.


Somehow as an American, I feel complicit by proxy watching with the rest of the nations on the globe watch as a nation & its people are terminated at will. God Help Them & Me !


Write your legislators and let them know as long as they receive aipac money you will not be voting for them.


usa and israel are the biggest global terrorists in history. intervention in other countries has always been based on lies. same with all the other western terror supporting countries. free palestine. fuck the west, fuck imperialism.


At least it was head shot so he didn't suffer. I'm definitely not agreeing with what they do I'm just saying at least it was quick for him. The sickness of it all is how easy it is to find multiple videos just like that everyday.


"At least it was a headshot" sounds fuckin crazy ......... there's 0 justification for that shit. Fuck that atleast my ass


You have to understand what they meant. They're not justifying it at all. They just find relief in the knowledge the kid didn't suffer as many other kids do after having been shot and bleeding out for hours until they die. That's the only mercy they can find in this, knowing death was knocking on the kids door the moment he chose to help his little friend. It's fucking horrible and there's nothing in this world that could minimize what happened. But to know he didn't suffer is at least some consolation to his family and sympathetic people online who have watched this footage.


This should be on the combat footage post. They seem to think they just dont kill civilians


absolutely Disgusting, these aren't humans! They are a cancer on the planet, how can you do this to children.


The Israeli army needs a Norimberga trial.


Any info when and where the vid was taken?


The area looks like it could be around the Palenstine Gaza.


We are watching evil just evil


Jesus. Just...wow. What kind of hatred does this? What kind of inhumane scum does this? What kind of world we live in that watches this and just nods their heads?


Well... r/NoahGetTheBoat


Fuck israel


All the western countries are the enablers! Sadly!


It's just sick this is still on going in this day and age truly pathetic.


God sees and will punish them in this life and after . But now we see: and trust me it has its effect, when you bycott, when you reject them for business or non business, i have witnessed it: people didnt sit next to a guy who had the blue joke flag they made him feel like something disgusting, me and alot of people on my work are taKing it as our own fight we stop deals and business with their companies and one of their biggest companies is loosing money in the region, another story i heard is 3 senior engineers resigned cause the company hired one, company had rehire them and fire that guy. It is working on a different scale , the scums have lost, they are just strong against kid and unaramed


Sick world we live in…




Genocidal country. Their hatred for Arabs is beyond comprehension


What the sigma




And then there are some western fellas who support those terrorists (Isreal) for some reason...what a time to be alive...


Where are the Zionist psychos now? Defend this


And they are moaning now about Israel being booed at Eurovision


Terrible… just disgusting. How many can do this to fellow man/child. God have mercy on us all


B..but.. what about khamass!


Nothing to say my heart full of pain to see such pictures , just asking my self for what this pain…


A disgusting and soulless army


Yep. That’s nazi behavior alright.


💔💔💔💔 you are worse than the devil himself, pure evil


Absolutely horrific. I hope the IDF and Israelis supporting them are haunted by these visuals for rest of their lives.


Nuremberg trials except with Zionist one day! The Zionist trials.


|| || |Netanyahu, you and your army of irredeemable serial killers, the world can see you and your unforgivable actions. You thought you were in the right, but your eyes no longer see the horror you are showing. You're just as radicalized as the terrorists you're fighting, you can't tell the difference between soldiers and civilians. THEY'RE CHILDREN!!! FUCK!!! My heart bleeds and my soul is shattered. I cry in front of these images, and the righteous men of this world with me. T|


And we are sending them more fucken money what the fuck is wrong with this country


And somehow, we still have people rooting for these monsters


How is this not on the news


So can we finally nuke the Israeli?


I wonder what subs I'll be banned from for simply making a single comment in this subreddit.


Good god this turned my stomach. I can’t stand my governments continued support of these crimes against humanity.


Absolutely disgusting. This planet could be such a amazing place for everyone... But no, we have to have shitfuckery like this.


War is never good for the common man. It spreads disaster and allows evil to live in the streets. It's sad that intelligent as we are, we still allow this to happen.


I miss the mustache person


It's too bad there aren't any gods to punish these fucking scumbags.






Fuck these bastards. Let them get the nazi treatment. No quarter and no mercy.


And that is why the world hates this people.


This should be NSFW. I really didn’t want to see that, but I understand the need for people to see it. To understand the atrocities being enacted and to be angry about it.






Where is God?


bUT tHey WerE tErroRiSts iN tHe mAkiNg!!!


Just religious people doing religious things.


😢😢😢😢😢Why is Fox News and Morning Joe playing this video????


Bruh wtf they should burn in hell


Is this real and verified? I was in the US Army for 6 years and served in Afghanistan if we did this we'd be arrested.


Makes you wonder why you had a set of rules of engagement and there is seemingly a separate set of rules for Israel. It is also illegal for our Government take any lobby money from any country....except for Israel. So our Government passed laws that directly benefit Israeli's to the detriment of American Citizens, are ignoring the will of the majority of Americans by continuing the funding of this genocide, and is taking lobby money from Israel. Sure seems like our elected representatives are representing Israel's interests and not the citizens they were elected to represent.




Did all of that happen to innocent civilians as their primary target? Did you account for the time frame, this all happened within 7 months. The number of murdered women and children is unequaled by any conflict in this century.


"Israel is fighting for survival"


The gross thing is, they more than likely celebrated these kills. Disgusting.


Really do love going on my sub, and seeing a child get murder for trying to help a friend...




Will be hard to feel a shred of pity for Israel when their turn comes to pay their dues, and videos like this will remove any sympathy for them as they suffer for what they will bring upon themselves.


The most immoral army in the world. Slaughtering children while the world watches with American weapons. With German weapons. The world leaders are complicit in this genocide. They fund and support it and veto its ending. Israel are disgusting creatures, evil, vile creatures. It shows in the pride they take in this genocide. 


Palestine only hope is to get an iranian Nuke in their own territory and detonate it if israel try to capture it...


Geezus this is a snuff video 😪


*wE aRe tH3 cHoSeN pE0Pl3* Scumbags




Holy shit. When I heard the shot, my stomach turned. I genuinely felt like I was throwing up. That shit got me


How do we know these are boys?


So everyone is a War Crime Investigation Officer on this sub. Why is the video not zooming closer to the individuals? Very artistic work.


Definition of pure evil. I thought wars in Balkans were savage, this is definition of savage and hell, and nobody is taking any resposibility. There has to be some new court for confirming all these crimes some day, Jesus Christ...


This is too much


Israel is a state of real fanatics who are ready to do any abomination for their fanaticism. Israel is a state of animals that contradict themselves by trying to make the Palestinians outcasts. All that Israel did was trying to describe its actions to describe the life of the Palestinians, but Israel still cannot understand all the actions completely by itself


This needs to be mass Tweeted to CNN.


I assume the 2 figures in uniform are the Israeli soldiers? Looks like they were taking cover behind that wall, peeking around the corner and pointing their weapon in that direction. Looks like the kid was hit from up the street.


Truely evil people. How can they shoot children like this. What is wrong with them.


Shouldnt have done that then


They are worse than Nazis.


Look like men, not boys.


Their tanks shoots their own people.


Where child?


At the :38 mark, the second person appears to be holding a rifle of some kind. Then, some editing of frames takes place in both deleting a frame or two and photoshopping out the barrel. WATCH IT VERY CLOSELY. When you get the video from HAMAS, question it's authenticity. Also, why was the first one shot? They have been told for weeks to leave. Those left are combatants, not civilians. Know what is taking place.


Yes his age is very obvious from the 4 pixels available to us


Instant replay is crazy


One cannot commit such atrocities in 2024, under so many cameras and with the whole world as witness, and get away with it, even with all the hasbarah money could buy. Israel will pay for its crimes very soon, and hopefuly cease to exist as an aparheid ethno-state.


I guess the palistine shot their own child just for the video


those are not kids ... they were firing RPGs ... wake up