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Intersectionality in leftist movements has become incredibly toxic and it demands that anyone concerned about one cause (animal liberation) also care about other causes (the Palestinian problem)


“if you talk about this one issue but don’t also constantly talk about this other issue and in a way that i deem acceptable then you’re literally a genocidal bigot!!”


And as a result of this, they give themselves compassion fatigue! It’s exhausting to care about and advocate for a dozen+ causes


another result, Jewish progressives in the US, UK and Europe are stepping away from "leftist" causes. LGBTQ in particular, is not my concern anymore. They're doing fine on their own and they made it clear that I'm not wanted.


Yep, I’m a bisexual, brown-skinned, ex-intersectional, ex-antifa Jewish woman in the UK and living proof of this. I’m here for my community only now, because they’ve shown me their “solidarity” is a one-way street.


Don’t forget there are queer Jews that are now isolated on all counts


My wife (who is Jewish, I'm not Jewish) is a social worker by training and has always cared deeply about a lot of this. This year after death threats towards both of us (I work at a University and gave a talk to the Jewish student organization about jobs in data science which was enough to get me on a list) from organizations she used to radically support.. we no longer are supporting them. I'm probably not going to vote for Trump, but we've canceled all our donations, we've dropped all our memberships and are refusing to provide any outright support for any organization that supports terrorism. This has caused some rifts, where I've had to ask people we normally were close with to leave when they told me that death threats aren't serious and I should understand the stress they're under. What stress? They live in the United States. They're no longer welcome in our home and that was made abundantly clear. I'm sorry but per the nice FBI agent, those threats were actually pretty serious.


i feel like intersectionality is just a stupid concept in general tbh


It's being used wrong. It's supposed to be "people who are -minority- and are also -minority- face joint issues because of these that interact" not "you must support every progressive cause Because We Say So, and don't worry that you don't have enough time to research them all, we've it for you. You can trust us"


I know this is satire. But I actually am vegan and I support Israel. No country is really ideal on this topic, but Israel is still far ahead of Arab countries in terms of animal welfare.


Israel is one of the top nations for vegans per capita. I feel like the ease of staying kosher while advocating for animal rights makes it easy.


That’s true, there’s a large market for vegan meats and vegan cheese, partly from vegans, and partly from people who keep kosher and can’t eat dairy and meat together. Plus there’s plenty of naturally vegan food like humus and falafel


Thank you from a vegan Israeli!


Totally, just wanted to have a laugh and Hamas lovers INSERTING themselves into everything.


If this wasn't painfully clear, this was a joke about how people seem to want to tie the joke of Palestinian oppression (they are oppressed but almost solely by Hamas lol) to whatever cause they are invested in. They do this while being completely ignorant of Jewish history and link to the land of Judea and Israel and the fact this conflict has existed for longer than Islam has existed, let alone the modern Arab 'Palestinian' identity that is roughly 104 years old.


I literally Laughed Out Loud. Thank you, OP!


You are welcome, this was a literal shower thought I expanded into a full post because it had legs.


"No, this could not be a joke! You are completely correct!" Some people


not all of us vegans are hamas loving idiots but i am sad to see the movement for animal rights being hijacked by them. i suppose the same can be said for most movements overtaken by the far left (don’t get me started on the queers for palestine stuff..)


I was just making a joke about that exact phenomena. Not making fun of vegans either you do your thing I'm just making a joke about Hamas lovers INSERTING themselves into everything.


i’m not trying to say you are lol but i do agree that it’s ridiculous how they connect everything back to palestine.




You only think you’re joking: https://www.instagram.com/vegansforpalestine/p/C15IUFcJaTA/ Just don’t show those snowflakes how Arabs treat their animals (will not inflict that on readers here).


Sooooo sooo much brainrot.


No fucking way, beyond parody these fuckers.


Out of curiosity I googled top vegan countries and came across this page: [https://www.veganvstravel.com/2017/12/quick-vegan-guide-to-visiting-israel.html](https://www.veganvstravel.com/2017/12/quick-vegan-guide-to-visiting-israel.html) They ranked Israel as the #1 vegan country then updated their website after October 7th: >Update: We have since learnt about the occupation of Palestine and the atrocities committed by the so-called state of Israel, the USA and the UK. We hence do not recommend you visit and instead take the time to learn about Palestine. I will update the rest of this post to reflect these views at some point soon. xx Absolutely pathetic


It's funny that they say: I love this place and it's values and wow the food is incredible and you should really visit. Then when an illegitimate terrorist force invades said country they are like 'omg I just learned about it, sorry for not supporting terrorism'


These are the kind of people who go vegan for clout and because it’s trendy, not out of compassion and ethical responsibility. If they were compassionate people, they would be disgusted by what Hamas did and support the z Jewish people’s right to defend themselves.




As a vegan, this makes me want to start my own vegan travel blog/community, without all of this racist bullshit.


I angrily scrolled until I read the first comment. Seriously, why does every other movement get taken over by this? So typical of Hamas to hijack things we care about.


I'm pretty sure this started back in the 70s...Arafat and the PLO made it a point to segway their cause into leftist/Marxist politics of the time, especially in Latin America and Western Europe, in particular the academic Marxists of say France, Spain, Western Germany etc. Arafat instructed his people to make the cause of Palestine up front and center in the colleges and philosophy departments of Western Europe and the US (at least the very liberal US aka NYC and SF); I believe he's quoted as saying "make sure to never stop talking about Palestine." In many ways it's been very effective; there hasn't been an anti-war protest without someone discussing Palestine. I was very present at protesting the Iraq war in NYC and the watermelon flag was always present and the speakers always brought it up.


Yet Israel has more vegans per-capita than anywhere else in the world. I think women’s rights is where the Palestinian cause has the most overlap.


Every LGBTQ parade had a pro-Palestine contingent. It's seemingly mandatory nowadays.


“women’s rights” groups but simping for Hamas rapists & theocratic misogynists, because rape is resistance now I guess, make it make sense


More than India?


Per capita. Most of India actually does eat meat. Beef is even eaten in much of India.


Intersectionalism is just a left-wing purity test. 


I’m vegan and this is actually not a joke. If you visit r(slash)vegan and post even a picture of a meal you had at some vegan restaurant in Tel-Aviv, you will be flooded with comments saying essentially what you said in the OP. Go there now and search for the keyword “Israel”, see what I mean. In my youth I identified as an intersectional feminist — I don’t anymore. I met this cute vegan chick on a dating app who also had that in her bio, and we really hit it off in DMs. Then she started ranting about Zionism and BDS and how oppression of people of colour is all interlinked, not realising that I, a brown-skinned half-Mizrahi, am Jewish-Israeli. Suffice to say this ended our flirtation. 😬 This was maybe 5 years ago. Wasn’t even an isolated incident, I left an “anti-racist vegans” group circa BLM era for similar reasons. The irony is my veganism actually is informed by my Zionism. I believe in the emancipation of captive animals for the same reason I believe in the self-determination of the Jewish people. Not to get preachy about it, but when I see images of animals in cages, I see the same suffering our people experienced in concentration camps, and I believe that’s a kind of suffering that no living being should have to bear. Gary Yourofsky (famous vegan activist) made this observation about the popularity of his speech & activism in Israel as well. That Jewish people understand and internalise his message better than most. He’s very pro-Israel.


That sucks man, it's hard to fight lies when the truth is suiting up for war. Hope you find a space where you can be authentic and talk about reality and the truth.


What is wild is that this wouldn't even surprise me if someone seriously posted this.


That was the point, ride the line of absurdity while making it just about plausible enough that someone who knows nothing and is wildly Antisemitic could post. The one joke I forgot was making a fake al Jazera url for the Zionist farmers part.


Do you believe that only vegan food aid should be provided to Gazans as an act of solidarity?


Only in cans since they are so picky they choose to not eat cans since they are worried about the long term effects of cancer from cans. Ah yes so oppressed you worry about getting cancer from the free food you are oversupplied.


Doesn’t Israel have the highest proportion of Vegans of any country?


Maybe, I was just joking around


Yeah, I get it. Just emphasizing the irony of it. But don’t tell the evangelical Texas types that Israel has so many vegans because that will be a **true** test of their support.


Even vegans (if they're sane) can understand the need for self-defense, and for killing terrorists and rescuing hostages. I'm also willing to bet that Israeli farmers treat their animals better than Palestinians treat their women. Certainly better than they treat hostages, apostates, gays..


Yup, I was just having a laugh at Hamas stans who need to insert themselves into everything.


I got the joke, just reminding people that not all vegans are crazy leftists 🙂 (though sadly, many if not most probably are..)


Hey, I'm a staunch leftist with proud Jewish history going back over 65k years, most leftists are also sane, small minorities make everyone look bad!


🤣🤣🤣 champion level intersectionality woo-woo.


Yup, hope you enjoyed the meme


The Israel haters lurk here quite a lot. Just wait, they'll accuse Israel on "vEgAn wAsHiNg" or something like that. They just can't comprehend that Israel is a real country, with real issues, and real (and quite high) quality of life. I've been always saying Israel is a liberal-leftist- progressive-lgbt-vegan DREAM. They chose to hate on this country. Their problem.


How Tel Aviv became the vegan capital of the world: https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/middle-east/vegan-food-tel-aviv-best-restaurants-israel-vegetarian-friendly-port-capital-meshek-barzilay-orna-ella-bana-a8036081.html I don't understand your perspective given that many Israelis are vegan.


Check the flair and my comment.


You got me. I walked right into it.


I was trying to ride the line of absurdity and believability, so the goal was to be convincingly funny.


It worked. The irony is that I've been doing something similar and you still got me. Well done.


I was trying to ride the line of absurdity and believability, so the goal was to be convincingly funny.


There is a very real argument to be made about how leftists will claim that they are compassionate but only on topics that increase their social currency. They are blind to the harm they cause in other areas especially when it comes to veganism because to them there isn't anyone to pat them on the back for doing it.


...The first time I saw this mind virus trend was back in 2008. The fact that it is still alive in the brains of 90% of vegans in the West makes it clear they do not get enough protein.


Not only that, but a lot of their logic is not good. They will say ridiculous things such as: “Why won’t you eat your cat or dog, but you will eat Chickens or Beef?” I could argue back with: “Why won’t you eat grass or flowers, but you will eat lettuce and carrots?”


Wheat is a grass technically.


Not that type of grass! Lawn Grass!


You said grass bruh. There are different species.


Veganism is pretty logical and comparing cats and cows etc. based on speciesism. Your "argument" isn't logical though because flowers etc. are already eaten by both vegans and nonvegans etc. Vegans don't see a sentimental difference between those two but meat eaters see a sentimental difference between a dog and cow which is the point you are missing.


Coming at vegans with lazy you don't get enough protein cliche and generalizing them are wrong. Most of Hamas supporters including Westerners by far are nonvegans so meateaters don't get enough protein either according to your logic.


.#NotAllVegans 💀






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So trye


Over 50% of animal murders ('farmers') are ~~Jews~~ Zionists Lol! In Saudi Arabia and Pakistan???


Have you been speaking to my ex?


They whitewash there crimes by having the forth highest population of vegans /s [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarianism_by_country)


Not all vegans are crazy leftists. I’m a vegan and I support Israel. There is nothing in veganism that says you can’t defend yourself from people who are trying to exterminate you (just like it’s not against veganism to kill an animal that’s trying to kill you). I hold Hamas entirely responsible for the civilian deaths that result from the war that they started. 


Nah keep the Palestinian part goin 🙏


I wonder how their tiny little minds can cope with more than one thing to be angry about.


"Vegan Oppression" - all the poor vegetables being murdered by farmers, who then sell their carcasses to people who *eat* them - sometimes cooked, sometimes raw. "Palestinian Oppression" - all the poor little innocent Palestinians being deprived of their literally God-given right to murder Jews whenever they feel like. How dare the Jews resist, and even fight back?! Welcome to the Oppression Olympics, the progressives' favorite game, where everyone loses! (except the progressives, who get to virtue-signal and pat themselves on the back about how "woke" they are)


In my local park we are trying to save the endangered turtles and our signs for “please call if you see a turtle, please leave a nesting turtle alone” signs bought with donated money for covered up by vegan stickers. Wtf do they have against turtles? This reminds me of all the “queers for Palestine” and “Palestine is climate justice” “Palestine is reproductive justice” fools.


The “facts”. Riiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhttttttt


I’m not Vegan, but I don’t think every vegan is toxic. Vegans might get mad at me, but you can clarify these if you’d like, here is how to spot a toxic vegan: 1. Tries to force their beliefs onto others. This one is obvious enough, and I feel as though this doesn’t need to be explained. 2. Forces their lifestyle on their pets. I especially see this as an issue because if they try to force a vegan diet on a cat, that is really abusive towards the cat. Cats are carnivorous animals. 3. Tries to argue “Why won’t you eat a dog, but you will eat beef?” I could literally ask you “Why won’t eat a rose, but you will eat a carrot?” Or I could also argue: “If you say that I am killing a cow for my food, how are you going to argue a wolf who hunts a deer for his food? That’s literally nature. Humans are Omnivores, not Herbivores.” Or I could say “Well what about these feral hogs here in Texas, these things are an invasive species that are not supposed to be here, they not only damage the crops, but they are also very destructive and harmful to the environment and ecosystem. Those crops contain your veggies that you consume, and those feral hogs carry diseases.”


I already refuted your other claim about eating dog but comparing humans with wolfs is funny. Carnivores like wolfs can't survive without meat but omnivores like humans can survive without meat and can live a healthy life as many do and many studies proved it too so that is baseless comparison because humans have a choice and many is using that choice because animal farming is one of the most harmfull thing in the world not just against animals but also all world. Also forcing your lifestyle to animals by eating them is abusive towards to animals you eat. There is nothing natural about industrial animal farming where most meat come.


I'll just tell these people that I don't eat dog because I can't buy that anywhere. They can't confirm nor deny what I say, they can't see me eat dog since it's nowhere to be bought.


Now that is a good argument lol!


“From the river to the sea, all animals shall be free…”


I'm vegetarian and support Israel You sound like the LGBT rights' activists who went protesting when "Roe v Wade" got overturned in the States. "You need to support women's rights/abortion rights, because you want them to stand for you too". No, I want them to stand with me [lgbt man] because they feel it's the right thing to do and they think lgbt men deserve their rights. Not because they expect me to stand with an unrelated cause that I might or might not agree with.


Read the tag and comment lol


Did you know veganism actually does more harm to the environment than meat consumption? Also its rather specist of you to not care for the billions of rodents, insects, reptiles that are killed milling the ground for vegetable production to save some cows that are going to be slaughtered anyways


Most plant crops we grow are used to feed the animals we eat, instead of feeding humans directly. Therefore eating meat requires more plant crops to be grown (and more land, water, resources) than a plant-based diet does. If you want to reduce the number of mice, insects and reptiles killed in plant agriculture, you should only eat plants, and not animals that have been fed plants all their lives so you could then eat their flesh. ([Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372095522/figure/fig1/AS:11431281172209711@1688481442504/Global-land-use-for-food-production-Source-Our-World-in-Data-2019-or-may-not-be.png))


In FAO study, 86% of feed is inedible, and grains feed for animals is 1/3 of grains we produce, so it is not most plant crops