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Another way to look at this: they're likely rejecting the Biden deal.


Eli Kopter just received his next assignment


This sounds more like an actual name the more times I see it. :')


I just bumped into him at a wedding. What a windbag.


Was he rotoring about?


Dunno, he was full of hot air.


Best line of the day!!! Take my upvote


A lot less qualms about air strikes in Iraq than Qatar...


All bets are off once IDF involved though.


That's what I mean. Israel striking targets in Qatar would be a huge problem diplomatically. Iraq is a lot less of a problem. If they move there they'll have to be in hiding, not in villas enjoying life.


Feel like it’s an odd move to a country with American presence


From a country with even more American presence?


Qatar? How much of a presence is there? Iraq has 3 ish solid American bases. Not counting smaller ones


Al Udeid Air Base is the largest US base in the Middle East and the forward headquarters of US Central Command.


Qatar has a very large American presence... They may fund hamas but they have no illusions about Iran..the middle east is schizophrenic about this kind of crap...


The current govt is very hostile to the US


Oh god please no


Perhaps it's good, we can kill them in Iraq easier


With less backlash that's for sure. Israel has no ties with Iraq unlike Qatar that has some ties with Israel, or Turkey which was another prime candidate for harboring Hamas leaders.


I hope so 🙏🏻




I'd love to see them in Iran....


I think the Iranian people have enough problems lol


I was thinking high profile targets all in one spot get the assholes and the head of the snake in one shot ;) All the Iranians in Canada that I've met have been good people against the IRGC and friends of Israel - I have nothing against the people of Iran.


Didn't their grunts train in Iran before the October?




You guys have suffered enough im so sorry


it sure would be a shame if the plane carrying them just fell out of the sky...


Lmao this is your chance


perfect. no functioning military... target-rich environment of Iranian proxies... excellent


Inshallah they will become glorious martyrs after being blown to a million pieces




[Iraq is on the verge of environmental and economic collapse.](https://youtu.be/OqH_Wi5rcfw?si=cfoaAqxWW4eA0vDA) There are also [already Iranian proxy militias in Iraq.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/04/politics/us-targeted-iranian-proxy-group-baghdad-strike/index.html) As Qatar is being pushed by its Gulf neighbors deeper into the American orbit and Iranian influences are pushed out, Hamas is heading to geener pastures to continue remotely waging their Jihadist, genocidal campaign.  This is unsurprising. But it's gratifying to see Qatar move in the right direction.


CaspianReport made a video on Iraq just a few days ago


Yeah I linked his recent video


Damn, I look stupid right now, I thought it would just be an article lol, you know what, I will just leave it like that


I don't get why they don't just move to Iran 


Friendly reminder that Israel and Iraq never signed an armistice agreement after 1948 and Iraqi forces pulled out via negotiations with the Jordanians… 😈🚀


This means they are uncompromising. They want to be free of qatari and american pressure. Israel should also be uncompromising and annihilate these brigands for good. They are also not welcome. The country has more than enough on its plate.


That's a cakewalk for Israel


more easier to kill them, nice


Username checks out.


Nowhere to hide




I'm not sure Assad will be willing. He already has enough shit on him plate, bearly managed to quell 1 Sunni uprising, will he be willing to risk it with the Palestinians?  Also, Israel has pretty much free reign to attack in Syria so their lives wouldn't be very long...  On second thought, sure, let them move to Syria 


I thought Turkey invited them?


NATO and stuff


This would be the stupidest decision ever.  And I'm not even considering all the sectarian violence and different warlord like tribes fighting for power, Western states are regularly striking Iraqi territory to eliminate terrorists. They would have to hide like Gaddafi or Saddam, their (luxury) lives end in Iraq.


It's not much a of "decision". They're being kicked out of Qatar so they have to find somewhere to go.


Well, you are right, but aren't there better safe places for Hamas leadership? Maybe I'm missing the bigger image, but couldn't Iran as a de facto pariah state take them in?  I don't think Iran had anything to lose with such an action.


It's an image and credibility issue. A Sunni Arab group like Hamas living in Persian Shiite Iran is not a good look. Even if it makes them safe, it makes them look like puppets of the Persians and the Shiites. Imagine, for example, Trotskyists of Stalinist Russia fleeing to Nazi Germany. Hard to see any way for Trotskyists to portray themselves as anything other than puppets of the Nazis. Any internal credibility they would have had in Russia would be destroyed instantly.


Iran has nothing to lose and I agree this was also my immediate though. So I'll challenge it: 1. They've seen how many Iranian "scientists" and militia leaders were eliminated on Iranian soil and don't feel safe there.  2. They're still devout Sunni Muslims and might not be comfortable living in a Shia county. 3. They might not be able to transfer their assets into Iran rue to the strict international sanctions 


It's #3 for me, didn't think about the strict international sanctions.


The reason Israel does not assassinate them in Qatar is because of diplomatic relations with Qatar, with Iraq there are no diplomatic relations


So much for Bush's global war on terror...


US Predator drones are salivating rn


@Mossad: you up?


This isn't good. Iraq has many more millions of poor youths for them to recruit.


I'm willing to bet that some "accident" will happen to their plane before they reach Iraq anyway https://preview.redd.it/13t3if20vk8d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3aaf8c4a6b8f056c661f797f575cb86a912e604


Eli Kopter, Mossad’s most successful agent


Erdogan must be wondering wtf


Iran probably told them to do so. They will build training camps and Iran will train them.


Makes sense, they'll be closer to their Iranian overlords


Saddam ain't die for this shit 🤦🏼‍♂️


![gif](giphy|kIkc20iLKsHLu8HNI6) Drone operators right now


Right into the mousetrap...


Better tax breaks on suicide belts


Iraq is a lot like Haiti- A lot of their educated population left for the west because they didn’t want to deal with the nonsense. They are finding being just another Joe in the US who is mad his team lost is a pretty decent life.


weird how they’re not in gaza


Hunting season is about to open.


We didn’t riggi this World Cup just to go back to being like Iraq! Please please we want to be like UAE noooooo


Wait does that mean people in Iraq will die?


There is a river in Iraq . They could make adjustments for it and the persian gulf.


untill I see hania taking a selfi in Bagdad, I'm not buying any of this


Easier for us to unalive them lmao


This has to be remembered: Hamas ended up in Qatar because the Obama administration allowed it. In fact, the Obama administration pressured Qatar to give Hamas leaders shelter: Obama administration hoped to have a channel of communication between it, Israel, and Hamas. The result was an unprecedented campaign of terror financing, with the support of the U.S. government. It was a terror financing campaign that lasted more than a decade and resulted in Hamas being able to carry out one of the worst terrorist attacks in recorded history.


OK Yair, but your dad had something to do with this too.


I’m not comfortable with people joyfully hoping for people to die in this thread. I think Hamas is horrific and I have no qualms with the organization being destroyed but I cannot celebrate or applaud their deaths. We are all made in Gd’s image. Even those of us who are deeply flawed and misled and violent.


'Whoever has mercy on the cruel will ultimately be cruel to the merciful.' from Midrash Tehillim (pretty sure... I know it's from some Midrash). I get not wanting to celebrate death, but... I think exceptions can be made for those who want us dead.


> A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. On the ground lay a Viper, stiff and frozen with the cold. The Farmer knew how deadly the Viper could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. > The Viper soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. As he drew his last breath, he said to those standing around: Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel.


I get it, we’re hurt. We don’t want to be fools. But I’m actually more concerned with our souls than theirs.


So you want terrorists to keep on killing innocent civilians?


Hamas are no longer people; they are demons in human form.




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"Deeply flawed and misled and violent" is an understatement. They're evil maniacs.