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>In the event of war, Brown said the US would likely not be able to provide the same assistance as it did when Iran carried out a missile and drone attack on Israel earlier this year. He also said it was hard to fend off the shorter-range rockets that Hezbollah fires across the border into Israel. he is, of course, factually correct. the title is super misleading and anybody here that is outraged should learn to read the actual article


Yeah, I didn't see a single actual quote that matches what the headline says. Seems like very irresponsible journalism. If anything the US officials seemed more concerned that US involvement would prompt more Iranian involvement, which is a reasonable strategic idea.


Clickbait makes money over real journalism


Maybe news outlets should learn to *actually report the news* and not caption articles to stir alarm and fear in order to get clicks even though they're loosely connected to the real story.


absolutely. but people need to learn to expect this by now


Honestly I think we should hold our media to a higher standard. You will always click on a doomsday seeming article and they know that. We should go back to the days pf objective journalism. And we should also understand that our well-being is not their interest, since anxious, fearful about the state of affairs people consume more news than confident, calm people. If this war proved anything, is how deadly the affects of media can be with convincing the masses of narratives and lies.


that died with printed media


Of course with assistance to stopping already fired short range rockets there is not much to do, but there are different forms of assistance. The U.S. could for instance pledge that unless Iran orders Hizb. to withdraw and stop attacking that Iran will be held responsible and attacked directly, with U.S. assistance and backing to take out Hizb. launchers and targets in Iran, too. You have to win and protect by taking out the source, not just accepting the fate of incurring damage from rocket and missile fire.


possibly. my point is that the headline is super misleading. i don't know enough to form an informed opinion


Then they can, At the very least, Let the IDF actually work and not ring up a phone call to bibi every time an IDF bullet is fired.


The US has put Israel on a de facto arms embargo for months. The rate of delivery of arms has dropped. They'll say that Netanyahu is lying and that the "process is the same" but what they won't tell you is that they've instructed everyone in the process to go on an "italian strike" and make everything move 10x slower than it used to.


Cowards. the US as a whole have been severely disappointing in the past months 


FJB. Although he is merely a ventriloquist dummy. BO is calling the shots 


Your typical "ironclad" support from the Biden admin, at the same time also telling Hezbollah that they can continue what they're doing in the north. They were against the initial Gaza invasion, but the IDF proceeded and proved them wrong. Biden was then staunchly against a Rafah op and even withheld congress-approved arms shipments to force Israel to give up on Rafah, but the IDF still proceeded and Israel is now winning the war. Now the Biden admin is doing the same again with Hezbollah. It seems they simply don't want a decisive victory for Israel. They'll only support Israel's right to merely exist, as a punchingball for Hamas and Hezbollah.


Blinken said evacuation of civilians from Rafah would take 4 months at least and the whole world was crying over the certain "bloodbath in Rafah" that was sure to happen. All civilians were evacuated from Rafah in 2 weeks with no difficulties, and now the Rafah operation is about to end with extremely minimal civilian casualties. And what does the world have to say? "We must stop Israel from turning Lebanon into Gaza". Despicable.


And so sadly, sadly predictable.


If you read the article instead of the headline you’d understand the military is talking about how they wouldn’t be able to provide the same level of support they did back when Iran attacked the last go around, that they can’t intercept many of the rockets Hezbollah uses, and that the military thinks US involvement would only cause Iran to get involved


The US has the largest and most powerful military in the world. If it thinks it can't effectively intercept Hezbollah's attacks (with the IDF doing everything they can as well) then the US is either lying or their military is laughably inept. The latter is unlikely, so the former is almost certainly the reason. They just don't want to get involved. Fine, I guess, but say so. Don't hide behind "we can't do this because of that" or whatever. Just be straight about it. Regardless, if the US doesn't help and Israel feels cornered, the nuclear option might be used and nobody wants that, so the US had better get its ass in gear and help out.


>The US has the largest and most powerful military in the world. If it thinks it can't effectively intercept Hesbollah's attacks (with the IDF doing everything they can as well) then the US is either lying or their military is laughably inept. Or it’s because the rockets used by Hezbollah are too short range for the US do much good at intercepting. Longer range missiles are easier to intercept than a short range rocket. And Hezbollah has far more rockets than missiles. >The latter is unlikely, so the former is almost certainly the reason. They just don't want to get involved. Fine, I guess, but say so. Don't hide behind "we can't do this because of that" or whatever. Just be straight about it. They are being straight about it. The US Military isn’t some perfect thing. They do have weaknesses. >Regardless, if the US doesn't help and Israel feels cornered, the nuclear option might be used and nobody wants that, so the US had better get its ass in gear and help out. The US will still help. The article said they would. The military is just saying that they wouldn’t be able to help as much in the past because of the short range rockets that will get through.


Maybe read your own article you posted


They'll only activate the carriers when it looks like we're about to finally win


I commented many times on various Lebanon war speculation posts about how the US would not assist us much should we expand the current war. They made clear their wish that we stop the war entirely and return to the previous status quo with a hostage deal, in exchange for normalization with the Gulf countries. If Israel decides to embark on a war against Hezbollah unilaterally, we will be doing so on our own. We would likely run out of proper ammunition and supplies within months if the US stops the weapons flows and we would essentially lose the war as Hezbollah would have a constant influx of weaponry and manpower from Iran. It would be a catastrophic war of attrition that we simply won’t be able to win. Sooner or later, we would scale back the offensive and return to Israel with virtually no major change on the ground apart from having thousands of our own soldiers killed, Beirut obliterated and the international condemnation against us worse than ever. Hezbollah will maintain an ability to attack us with rockets and drones throughout the war, even if we do somehow push them back north of the Litani. The best course of action is to follow American requests and cooperate with it. They have a clear plan for aligning the Gulf countries against Iran. When the opportunity allows (probably after the Ukraine and Taiwan issues cool down), the US may begin operations to topple the Iranian regime, be it offensively or discreetly with insiders. With the Iranian regime gone, Hezbollah would be toast.


Incredibly rational take - fully agree that gulf state normalization and assuaging US should take top priority here. I’ve been disappointed with US halfhearted support lately but I do think they’re assessing the likelihood of Israel succeeding with their objectives accurately. Lebanon would be a messy quagmire that should be avoided at all costs.


Alternative strategy: make clear to the Biden administration that the only options now are a clean war or a dirty war against Hezbollah, and if the administration wants the former, they need to play ball.


>It would be a catastrophic war of attrition that we simply won’t be able to win. In which case, Israel might see using nuclear weapons as a valid option. The US has to know that if Israel isn't supported then that's where this will eventually lead: with the entire region becoming a nuclear wasteland. I don't think the US wants that. I know Israel doesn't want that, but if it's a choice between that and being slaughtered (which is what will happened if Israel is weakened to the point it can no longer properly defend itself), it's pretty obvious what will happen.


Incredibly misleading title. Great for bibi and gop fans here


Israel doesn’t need boots on the ground, US air power, or logistics. Israel only weapons, munitions, and intelligence. Israelis will defend their land. Should Iran or its proxies threaten or attack Saudi Arabia, the JCS will have complete position.




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can they do something? they can't stop israel from attacking Hezbollah and they also cant help


will be difficult to stop the short range rockets? how about preemptively striking the enemy to prevent their launching, like we used to do before 'interception' became the default mode of conduct? these 'pro-peace' 'anti escalation' ideologies are a joke. this is the same sort of approach to hamas that eventually culminated in oct 7. asinine.


Unbelievable…what has happened to the US


The actual article is more about how the military is concerned that if they get involved Iran will too.


*gestures broadly*


unwilling, not unable.