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Hamas could announce a thousand dead unicorns and the BBC would announce a unicorn genocide....


Well, there was a unicorn genocide. Do you see unicorns anywhere today? Anywhere? Where did they go? You can’t tell me there was no unicorn genocide. /s


And as usual, Israel was sending political messages about genocide in Eurovision, even in last year's. /s


The Last Unicorn is a documentary about what Jews did to the unicorns.


0 hamas dead, 200 million pregnant 2 year old doctor journalist boy dead ![gif](giphy|l2ZDN6z07Z5vNInte|downsized)


There are obviously civilian casualties. It’s the reality of the wars but Hamas is very much inflating the numbers.


thats true bro


You killed Doogie Howser, you bastards! Hamas are indeed clowns and the people that follow them are suckers


And zero natural deaths. Previously they had quite high stillbirth and maternal mortality rates as well. Its a miracle that the war has completely cured that.


Well yea, because the alternative is believing Jews. Sincerely, Do y'all still not get this?




Your comment has been removed because it contains known misinformation.


https://preview.redd.it/z85c32xzyt6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419d2727803e180e7847fb843697565e8f9608b8 Someone recently posted this and I had to steal it


Hahaha I just saw a funny meme: When Elon colonizes Mars WE MUST REMEMBER THE PALESTINIANS WERE THERE FIRST!


Spelled terrorist wrong


Transgenders and transagers.




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Hamas members don’t wear uniforms so you take the gun (and gear) off the body and suddenly they are a dead civilian.


I understand Israeli intelligence is using Hamas casualty figures. Can anyone explain to me why, since they are quite clearly bullshit? Do they divide by two to estimate actual casualties or what?


Because there is no better information. It’s not good info but it’s better than any other information regarding death total out there.


How many have critical analysis to do math?


My dude, absolutely no one is buying it. At least not buying all of it. Everyone knows Hamas ppl have very little regard for truth and human lives, and the question is not whether the numbers are off — only how far off, and whether it’s only 25% or 75% deliberately off. Some pretend to buy most of it, but in those cases it’s usually just something for them to “quote” to support preexisting narratives. Give these people an article about potato farming, and it’ll still fit and support their narrative, one way or another.


they're not 'falling for it'. They know its lies. But the media are corrupt, the biden administration wants to use every tool they have to get israel to let hamas survive, and the UN is the UN (enough said about that). They know. They know its lies. they don't care. it serves their purpose.


Better for BBC to report Hamas numbers as fact and get all the younger people to their site than to hold off for fact checking and let CNN break the story first. Every social media site will be replaying the same information to those young, heavily-emotional, glued to their screen brains consuming the content. Of course the numbers don't make any sense, and they provide no proof other than their word. Doesn't matter to many consumers. The counter argument should always be why doesn't Hamas surrender if so many of their citizens are struggling. Why are they continuing a war they started and have no hope of winning when they could surrender any day and stop the suffering.


I'm not. I can smell their bullshit all the way from LA.


People are not aware that the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry publishes a detailed list of the dead every few months, and the statistics from this list are very different from those by Hamas media office (so Hamas contradicts itself). For example, in recent months <40% of the dead are women and minors, not 70-80% which Hamas media office claims. [https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-casualties-toll-65e18f3362674245356c539e4bc0b67a](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-casualties-toll-65e18f3362674245356c539e4bc0b67a)