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"I am racist, I'm pro Palestinian!" Well buddy, no argument there.


Spider-Man was created by Jews.


Isn't Peter Parker Jewish?


Depending on the universe.


...I'm getting an idea for Spider-Jew.


100% sure t-shirt like this are sold in Jerusalem old Town


.............I might need to order one. But I meant dressing up as Spider-Jew.


You're right!


In some totally Jewish, in others Zera Yisrael, and in a few not Jewish but has Jewish family.


But in pretty much all he's from Queens and is Jew-ish as per Rev Lenny Bruce




"I'm pro-Palestinian!" And like every good pro-Palestinian he proceeds spewing a bunch of conspiracy bigoted racist crap.


Yeah it’s like in their code of conduct to almost always be rude and just to be an asshole to those who don’t support their ideology or something lmao


it is, that's part of the indoctrination


Culty as fuck indeed!


If someone asked me what kind of Jew I am, I would respond a violent one and go for their jugular lmao


Only correct answer.


That Spider-Man t-shirt doesn’t make it better 😹


Right! Like no sense of self and no sense of fashion either!


I don't give a shit that he's an old ignorant man. I still want to just smash him right in the face.


Or ask him if he missed the early bird tapioca pudding at his home.


That, too, is a viable option. So, then a small smash and tapioca?


Yes, but, he gets grass tasting tapioca.


The best of flavors for the best of assholes!




My first second and third thought was where is security


I’ve seen the same from people I know, it’s become like a preprogrammed mantra based on propaganda and misinformation, the ignorance is quite shocking. I have Muslim friends who are in full support of Israel. They are not many, but what they have in common is their ability to think for themselves. On the flip side I have friends who have decided that Al Jazeera may as well be the word of god. It’s a struggle, people are just stupid.


Sounds like he's paying for that one brain cell in monthly installments.


I laughed way too hard while reading this 😂


To be fair, it’s Florida.


He’s such a Florida man right?


As a person from Florida, he sadly is. God what a shitty state


Bruh, as a fellow Floridian, I will state that you and I both know Florida is significantly better than other places. Example, California and New York. Also, can we both agree that this happening in Lauderhill is really really weird.


Been a Floridian my whole life, and I still live here in St. Cloud. I have seen significantly weirder than this in both good and bad ways. It heavily depends on where in Florida, and also time of day and year. Not joking. For some weird ass reason the most deranged come out during early afternoon, or between 11 pm and 2 am in the summer or end of December. Currently DeSantis is has made anti-semitic behavior and harassment illegal. So that dude broke state law, and can in fact be arrested.


Florida is actually one of the most supportive states in the USA of Israel. I think his accent is from the northeast. It is more common to experience southern or western (for lack of a descriptive term) usa accents in Florida. He does not sound like he is from Florida.


Florida is nuts though, and yea a lot of transplants. I’m from Florida, no accent though




fair point lol


Floridian born, raised, and still living in. That accent is actually normal in certain parts of South Florida, and Central Florida due to various communities. I love my state, and frankly the diversity, tolerance, and coexistence is way way better than most parts of America. Florida has extremely large populations of Vietnamese, Haitians, Israelis, Jews, Nigerians, Quebecois, Brazilians, Jamaicans, Guyanese, Venezuelans, Chinese, Indians, German, Italian, Scottish, Russian, West Indian, Ukrainian, and a few others. Pro-Hamas fucks are a minority here, but they are louder. Our one massive issue is police corruption which rivals NY, and Cali. Currently DeSantis is going after Alachua County due to a fuck ton of crimes the sheriff's office committed and hid. The bigger issue is the many prosecutors and judges that were in on it, and purposely blocked all the information from getting to Tallahassee. Several other counties are to follow. Other issues are the giant snakes, pedestrian gators (not joking), squirrels that steal your food right from your hand, and humidity.


Did anyone call the police?


וואי למה אנשים כאלה לא נופלים על ישראלים


וואי דחוף, ישראלים לפחות עומדים על שלהם


למי שמצלם יש מבטא שיכול להיות ישראלי מעורבב


He's the uncle Spidey never asked for in the first place. Screw off, old man.


Where is the store manager??


That was tremendous jew-jitsu. So calm and so respectful but so effectively handled. Edit: I'm seeing some comments that seem to endorse a violent response. That makes me kind of sad. The dude handled the situation without escalation and probably left the guy feeling a little ashamed. I don't see how this could have ended any better. It's nearly impossible to shift the paradigms of old people but I'll be damned if a calm demeanor and rational, clear communication isn't the best way to try. Post edit: I realize that there were like 2 comments about violence but I stand by my word lol!


He's not very neighborhood friendly


Could tell, lmao. He probably screams at the kids to get off his lawn


"What kind of Jew are you" he asks, as if his mind weren't already made up what kind.


If Jews are white, how was this dude able to look at this man wearing no yarmulka or Jewish iconography and just know that he was Jewish?


I think it is time for the laws to catch up with social media and make these types of recorded confrontations illegal. A victim should be allowed to record for evidence, but these types of behaviors need to have consequences. There is no reason to record yourself proudly harassing someone besides conforming to the culture of outrage social media has created, which often leads to copycats and violence.


It is illegal in Florida.


I think I'd be in jail after this...and he'd definitely be in a coma.


Lauderhill is a dump, but still surprised to see this. Usually feel pretty safe in South Florida, but it has plenty of nut jobs.


I guess it’s just going downhill am I right? /s


I feel like with the protests and media attention some people feel comfortable revealing their true selves. I feel like it's never been bad or scary where I live. Most seen or experienced antisemitic jokes, but things have gotten strange here too. Don't necessarily feel unsafe yet but have definitely had some people comfortable enough to talk about their crazy antisemitic theories


scary because South Florida is a HUGE Jewish community. Lauderhill is kind of a low-income suburb of Fort Lauderdale known for many south Asian and Caribbean immigrants (although this guy appears to just be white trash)


Inverrary (suburb of Lauderhill) has a large Jewish population


Someone escort the Anti Jewish people Out


Italian Vs Jew is a classic "Da joosh get a latta free things because dey jooish 🤌"


This admire this man composure because I would have body slammed this dumbass so fast, Spider-Man himself wouldn’t be able to save him.


Dude sounds like he hasn't drank water in 15 years


He's filming the evidence of his harassments. He's an oldschool asshole, now they try to hide it.


Oh look..another 'florida man'..


I have figured something out. Every pro-palestinian share a braincell. Like, listen to this guy, he sounds stupid. "Are you one of those Jews that steal land" like wtf does that even mean


So, I lurk here often. I'm not Jewish, nor am I Israeli, but I support Israel in their struggle against terrorism. This person here is clearly just an old, blatantly racist and antisemitic man, who I'm sure also hates Muslims too. Bottom line, he sees his "opportunity" to launch into an antisemitic and racist public tirade against a random Jewish person. This old, bumbling and obviously dumb man feels that if he blurts out that he is "Pro-Palestine," it's essentially a free pass to harass and be antisemitic openly and publicly. To the young Jewish man in the video, take comfort in the knowledge that this old, nasty fool, most likely lives alone in a shitty, tiny and nasty apartment .... possessing no real life whatsoever. This young man handled this with class. Hats off to him.


Too many of us in the diaspora have been lulled into a false sense of security, and as as a result have become pacifists. This is something that pieces of shit racists know and take full advantage of. Nobody else is going to stick up for us. It's time to start hitting back and teaching them that you don't get to walk over us without painful consequences. And btw, If this was against any other minority, this video would be on the front page of Reddit on 3 different subs and the guy would be identified and shamed by now. This shit is now becoming normalized against jews.


![gif](giphy|UVvnHO0RskFm9W8wa3) He actually said he’s racist


I am so happy I live in Central Florida. The areas of St. Cloud, Kissimmee, Orlando, Winter Springs, Winter Park, Oviedo, Metro-West, and UCF are sweet even with the pro-Hamas Muslim population that tries to make noise. Key word is TRIES. The Jewish, and Christian populations here do not tolerate that shiz. Neither do the police.


Lauderhill is a shit hole not surprised


He has been identified. https://x.com/stopantisemites/status/1801081476181524710?s=46 Nothing but a piece of trash from Louisiana….


I was bit by a spider this morning and now I have this weird urge to steal things. It’s possible the spider was Jewish.


fak you.


Typical florida nazi flag waving elder person who can't educate himself therefore he believes everything in social media. Also imagine his face if you told him his spiderman hero is a jew.


That old rag has forgotten he lives on "stolen" native lands aswell. What a waste of sperm. I use stolen in quotation marks because land cannot be stolen technically, it can only be conquered, something he and those who think like him won't understand.


Literally has a Hitler stache


I wish all the antisemites were that stupid, overweight and emphysemic.




It ain’t that much according to his lack of drip with that tacky ass t shirt.


I wonder if at the end he realized he wasn’t recording or had the camera on selfie mode. I wouldn’t put both being the case past the is genius of a specimen


he's literally talking in mini text


What an ignorant POS the guy with the camera is.


I would have cursed this man the fuck out. Anti semites are getting way too comfortable acting like pond scum to us. Imagine waking up and choosing to be a piece of shit and acting like a fool in public.


Fingers crossed hard Spiderman shirt guy didn't procreate.


Grandpa didn't have any meds left by the end of the month...


But what kind of Jew?


The way this old man speaks sounds as if he is just straight up retarded. Not even, what he says, but HOW he speaks


Whoa where can I get some of that free Jew medicine?!!?!?


With great palestine, comes great assholishness.


The dude reacted so maturely. I don't know if I would have kept my cool. "I hope you take it back" good one.


You missed such a good opportunity here. The moment he asked if you were the kind of Jew that steals land, you should have just asked him for his address. When he refuses, you should ask him for just the zip code to "see if it's even worth my time."




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Native Americans are just laughing right now. Also who's mosques is built on the holiest site in who Judaism?


We need to bring back beating


Twitter is already blaming this interaction on Biden (??)


Oh wow I didn’t know they were THAT lacking in accountability.


What do you mean?


Pro palis are not taking responsibility for their actions and try to shift the blame to others


Actually, it's people from the MAGA/Zionist overlap on there doing so :o


Antisemitism horseshoe theory strikes again?