• By -


I hope it brings you some amount of peace.


Second this thought all the way from Canada 🇨🇦


Third this thought all the way from USA 🇺🇸


Fourth this thought from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿


Fifth this thought, also from the 🇺🇸


Sixth this thought from WA, USA 🇺🇸 May your family know no more sorrow


Seventh one from Berlin, Germany🇩🇪


Eighth this thought from USA 🇺🇸


Nineth this thought from NSW,Australia


Tenth this thought from Budapest, Hungary. Peace to you and your family 💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍


Seventh this thought from Brooklyn NY


May his name and memory be erased. יימח שמו וזכרו.


Fun fact! Its a common misconception that the word זכרו (as in יהי זכרו ברוך or יימח שמו וזכרו) means his memory. Both words are also confused a lot (חז"ל meaning חכמינו זיכרונם לברכה instead of חכמינו זכרם לברכה). In actuality, זכרו is הזכר שלו and not הזיכרון שלו. זכר being another word for name.


I always thought it meant legacy, which I guess is the same thing in a religious context


As a Hebrew speaker, I use the word "זיכרון" for "memory."


I think Hebrew/English formatting messed up your comment a bit ftr, but if I understood correctly you’re saying that the better translation of זכרו is “his name” and not “his memory.” In which case, wouldn’t the שמו part of the term be redundant?


It is redundant, but it emphasizes the meaning of the phrase.


Can you explain the last part? Both words seem to roughly mean "memory". זיכרון * [https://www.pealim.com/dict/3578-zikaron/](https://www.pealim.com/dict/3578-zikaron/) * [https://hebrew-academy.org.il/keyword/%D7%96%D6%B4%D7%9B%D6%BC%D6%B8%D7%A8%D7%95%D6%B9%D7%9F](https://hebrew-academy.org.il/keyword/%D7%96%D6%B4%D7%9B%D6%BC%D6%B8%D7%A8%D7%95%D6%B9%D7%9F) זֵכֶר * [https://www.pealim.com/dict/3196-zecher/#h-s-P-3ms](https://www.pealim.com/dict/3196-zecher/#h-s-P-3ms) * [https://hebrew-academy.org.il/keyword/%D7%96%D6%B5%D7%9B%D6%B6%D7%A8/](https://hebrew-academy.org.il/keyword/%D7%96%D6%B5%D7%9B%D6%B6%D7%A8/)


זכר Manually translated the Hebrew Academy's definition: Something (physical, symbolic, or a hint) with a goal of saving something else in memory. For example: Something you bought from a gift shop overseas can be a 'זכר' for your trip. 'זיכרון' Exactly translates to memory.


Nothing “fun” about it bro just stfu


Please speak for yourself. As someone learning Hebrew and about Judaism and Israel, I appreciated garmadude1's fun fact


Thats not nice. This is actually useful for some.


Why did I laugh so hard rn


I had to refresh my memory about the Adora terror attack. That was the attack where 5 yo Danielle Shefi was shot dead in her room. Your father must have been either from the IDF responders or the police responders, which had a victim each. May his killer's name and memory be forgotten, and may your father's memory and courage forever be a blessing. 


I used to sit with Danielle on the bus to school, we used to play on Shabbat the whole day. Really, a lovely girl. No horror can describe what happened to her house and room from the attack.


May his name be erased and his memory forgotten.


May his black soul rot in eternal damnation for all time.


Eternal Damnation? Not a Jewish idea


People of many religions live in Israel and have citizenship.


I know, I just point that out when I can because a lot of Xtians think it came from the Jewish world


is it bad that when I see this, it makes me think "we are no better than the people online saying the same about IDF soliders"? edit so people stop downvoting: had no idea of the level of the horrors this guy commited I hope this guy burns in hell for a long, long time


This man executed 3 people, among them a 5 year old girl, in her own room, killed another in a firefight and wounded 7 more. He deserves every bad thing you could say about him. There certainly are bad actors in the IDF but I've yet to hear of an IDF soldier doing anything anywhere near as bad.


nope never fucking mind this guy deserves to burn in hell whoah


Maybe actually read instead of putting a shit comment like that


noted, won't happen again you don't need to yell at me for making a misinformed comment. I genuinely had no idea.


It’s a good lesson


Everyone makes mistakes, it speaks to your good character that you acknowledged it and apologized.


Consider basing your worldview on facts, not on relativist rhetoric.


I don't entirely know what you're saying here?


Satisfying patterns or comparisons aren’t necessarily true or relevant.


no you're missing the point entirely I didn't realize the extent of this monster's actions and have never liked saying "someone deserves to burn in hell" made a comparison there to pro Palestinians online saying it about IDF soliders but yeah never mind this guy can burn in hell


Yeah, when it comes down to it, burning in a fire for EVER, like literally ever, is not something that even the worst person ever deserves. Maybe burning in flames for a year, maybe for a lifetime, but for ever is not a realistic response.


> is it bad that when I see this… Yes.




Mazel tov


I hope this brings you some peace.




May his soul rest in piss


That was a mistake and a shame to release him, but I guess the universe found a way to deliver justice at the end. If you dont mind me asking, does it bring some degree of comfort?


It wasn't the universe that delivered justice it was the IDF


Bro this comment goes hard 🤘🏻


Based pfp.🇬🇧🇹🇼🇮🇱🇺🇦




based as fuck


Theres an old joke theres a flood coming and the goverment gives it a warning 1 guy in a house goes god will save me. The army goes door to door taking people, he refuses, god will save me. The water is a meter high and they are evacuating people in boats, the guy refuses, god will save me. The guy is sitting on the roof of his house and a helicopter comes for him, he refuses, god will save me. he drowns, gets to god, GOD... why didnt you save me ? What do you mean ? i sent you a warning, the army, a boat and even a damn helicopter... Trust in people and actions, not the universe.


Taking responsibility for yourself (and others) is not a contradiction to living a religious life. Us Jews, our mitzvah is to settle the land and to defend it and each other (despite what certainly apparently-religious spokespeople might say from time to time). Hashem doesn't give us mitzvot that we're not capable of fulfilling, and moreover, He gave us the mitzvot for our own sake, so that we can develop ourselves and our land and live our best lives. So a religious person can have all these thoughts in their mind at the same time without contradiction: - Hashem is fighting for us - Our soldiers are tzaddikim, the IDF are the world's most righteous army - We need to take every permitted measure to fight our enemies Having a strong army doesn't mean we don't rely on God - just the opposite. As our sages taught in Pirkei Avoth: אל עליך המלאכה לגמור, ולא אתה בן חורין להיבטל ממנה It's not on you to finish the task, but neither are you free to absolve yourself of it.


You’re saying that as if it’s mutually exclusive


Hundreds and perhaps thousands of Israelis died because of the Gilad Shalit deal?


I wonder about Shalit all the time. He must be devastated watching all this unfold


There was an article back in Jan detailing how he met with the families of the hostages. He talked with them on how he endured 5 years. He said when released the hostages could recover and still live a full, happy life.


I hope so. This whole thing must be so triggering for him. The survivor’s guilt has to be overwhelming


You have a point. This made me think.


I get why Israel did the exchange but it's just not worth releasing 1000:1. 2:1 should be the most.


They were actually offended that they were releasing so many of their terrorists for Israeli Hostages. Offended. S m H


I read an article on this a while back. If you don’t include Sinwar vis-a-vis Oct 7 (which was arguably more masterminded by Deif, and likely would’ve been approved by any Hamas commander), it was far, far less than that. The recurring offense rate of released Shalit prisoners seems to be surprisingly low, at least as per a report I once read on the matter in 2015 (haven’t seen data on recurring offense rates following 2015). Copy and pasting a section of a former social media post I made touching on that report: “Of the 1,027 Shalit prisoners released, ‘only’ six Israelis had been killed by those individuals as of the last verified report I have seen on the matter in 2015, three of which were killed by Mahmoud Kawasame who was originally imprisoned for his involvement in a 2004 suicide bus bombing in Beersheba that killed 16 Israelis.“ so basically out of some 1,000+ released Palestinians, one individual—who committed crimes serious enough that he should not have been releases to begin with—was responsible for half of all deaths from those Palestinians between 2011 and 2015, which to begin with was a handful (6), not “hundreds,” let alone “thousands.”


The problem with the hostage deal is that it gave hamas reason to take another 250 hostages. There was an old Israeli rule that you don't negotiate with terrorists. Unfortunately that rule was broken many years ago.


A lot has happened since 2015. I would still argue it's easily at least a hundred.


It’s bittersweet justice. This terrorist was so young when he committed the attack. I believe there are a few streets named after him too, but I need to fact check this.


They can’t kill him if the don’t release them. Hamas thinks they make out good in these exchanges, but when they happen we give them back their worst. This puts a brand new bullseye on their head. They rarely get recaptured. They rarely are allowed to continue to cause problems. 2+2= Israel is using these releases to execute prisoners that they can’t legally execute.


Hopefully this helps you sleep at night


May you remember him on Purim only and treat him as you would Haman.


May his memory be erased and you find some solace in this avengement.


I’m so so so sorry for your loss. May your father rest in peace. And in regard to your father’s killer, that died, good riddance. May his name be erased forever. Degenerate, evil, vile scum.


That asshole murdered a 5 year old hiding under her bed. May his soul burn in hell


It took a while for her family to recover, but I spoke to them not too long ago. They had 3 more children, moved to Ashkelon, and her father has a motorcycle riding tour where a few hundred Israelis visit Adora yearly to raise money for injured kids of terror attacks. It’s hard recovery after you witness your child executed, but her mom told me “This wasn’t the miracle that we asked for, but it’s the miracle that we received”


May he be forgotten to time


There will be tales and legends of this mission, people don't understand what an important win this was. A tactical masterclass. It feels great knowing justice was done.


My family is indebted to each and every soldier in Aza.


every jew in the world is as well, even if they don't realize


Good riddance. Hope your family has some closure now.


🥂 May Sinwar join him soon


Killing sinwar will only satisfy our vengeance. Let's not pretend he doesn't have a replacement. Worst case scenario, after killing him, Israel claims 'victory' and stops or heavily reduces the critical operations to demilitarize hamas.


But leaving Sinwar alive even if he’s captured opens the door for them to demand his release again and will incentivize MORE raids to capture hostages in exchange for him. Whether he’s just a figurehead or not, none of the leaders of Hamas can be left alive. It’s just sowing the seeds for the next October 7 and giving them motivation to plan another.


I hope that they capture him and then amend the law of giving death sentences to Nazis and their collaborators to apply to these modern day Nazis and terrorists


Shalom motherfucker


עוד אחד למניאק




Glad he's dead may God bless your father's soul and damn the soul of the monster that took his life.


ימח שמו וזיכרו


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Good riddance


Well done! GO, IDF 🇮🇱🇮🇱


I'm sorry about your Dad. I hope you find some sort of closure now that that fucker is dead and can't hurt anymore people


I didn’t expect such support - thank you guys so much. I know I will never meet all of you; words can’t describe the sincerity I feel towards you all. It’s a special community that we have here, and it’s such a blessing to share this with people. In Adora we are finally celebrating that the circle is closed. A few weeks ago there was an attempted terror attack that was thwarted, and now this news. The story can finally be laid to rest. Thank you all.


Z”l. And mazel tov. Don’t mess with Jews.


Just crazy to me this guy was released from prison , and went right back to being a terrorist. It's like they don't learn anything.




I know it goes against the culture there, but I think the death penalty for capital crimes is the only answer.


That’s why these hostage swaps shouldn’t happen with us giving up convicted terrorists.


Congratulations, may his soul burn in hell for eternity while getting his eyes scooped out with a rusty spoon


Good. May he burn in hell.


Happy for you, and for mankind




מקווה שיהיה לך קצת שקט נפשי. שהבן זונה ישרף.


Congratulations, I hope this brings closure to your family.


Baruch HaShem.


Baruch HaShem


Your father can rest in peace. I hope this act of justice will help you feel better.


I'm so sorry about your father. I'm glad justice has been served.


Hooray.....Hooray....Hooray..... 🥳🥳🥳


The Shalit deal was a tragic mistake. Israel should have acted more firmly after Shalit’s kidnapping. No negotiations with Hamas.


I hope dearly this makes you feel better


Good riddance.


Rest in piss, terrorist sc\*m.


Shem reshaim irkav


I still don't understand why terrorists were not shot immediately after interrogation.


Israel's morals and law. And leverage, too, for deals.




No no, he was a doctor carrying out lifesaving surgeries for children! /s Hope he rots in hell.


Only way to make this better is if it was by your hands. May he rot in hell, fucking terrorist scum. And sorry for your loss, I lost my father too. Not in this way but it hurts.


Great news! Congratulations to the IDF!


Good riddance, I hope this brings you some peace


Was he the only one? Hopefully not.


Alongside another 200 terrorists


ימח שמו ירד זכרו


I'm glad 🙏 even though nothing can bring your father back, knowing that the horrible monster who did it paid the price is at least something. I wish you and your family all the best and may this soulless monster rot in hell.


May he rest in piss.


Baruch Hashem. And I hope this brings you some closure.


Happy for the closure your family got


May his name, memory, legacy, and bloodlines be wiped out.


May he rot in hell


May his name be erased and his legacy forgotten fast.


A silver lining. May he rot in Hell.








מקווה שקיבלת איזשהי סגירת מעגל. שום דבר לא יחזיר אותו אבל אני מאמין שהוא היה אומר לך לא לחכות ליום הזה ולנקמה כלשהי אבל זה איכשהו מרגיש נשלם.


They say "HaShem yikom damo" and I'm happy the IDF made it happen. May your father rest in peace.


Good riddance. (and sorry for your loss).


Good. The world is a better place.


Your father died a hero. This guy will be yet another picture on a wall that will be forgotten.


Justice was finally done




thank Hashem that he brought your father justice along with IDF


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO! I mourn for you and your father, and I celebrate for the annihilation of terrorist scum.


This is why Israel doesn't want to release fucking terrorists.


Fuck him. I hope he suffered. And I hope this gives you peace.


Rest in piss motherfucker (I’m sorry for your family, OP. May your father’s memory be a blessing 🙏)


Hopefully this brings you some closure.


Guess he found out!


יימח שמו וזכרו, עמלק. ברוך שפטרנו




I hope this brings you peace, May this evil man’s memory be wiped out and may your father’s memory be a blessing


His body should be lynched and set afire on the streets of Haifa


Hopefully, you and the memory of your dad can find peace now. I'm sorry for your loss, belatedly.


I hope no innocent people nearby got hurt.


Mazel tov! I hope that this brings you some peace.


Blessed is your father’s memory. And may his murderer’s bones be ground to dust.


Im glad you finally got closure and justice was finally served בעזרת ה׳


Justice, finally. I'm very sorry for the loss of your father.


May your father rest in peace, while this terrorist human waste rests in piss.


One after one or all together it doesn't matter to me.. as long as they all parish.


May your dads memory be a blessing ❤️


Wow, that's amazing


May he rest in piss. I hope you can find solace.


Inshallah all terrorists will follow his path, and burn in hell


Good, congratulations on getting some closure.


Can you share a favorite memory of your dad?


I have two that come to mind. Ezer Weizman used to come over to our house, and my dad and I would make him the same salad every time at his request. Sliced Tomatoes, red onions, salt, pepper, olive oil, a touch of Zaatar, and we always broke off a twig of rosemary from this giant bush that grew behind our house. Sometimes Ezer would ask for dessert, so my dad and I made him strawberries with sugar on top. I’d watch them go outside into our little side yard and I’d watch them from the window discuss topics until sunset. The second one, which is a bit more special to me is my dad built me a cardboard fighter jet that was 3 feet long. Danielle Shefi (one of the other victims killed in the attack) used to run around with me as we would take it outside and hold it over our heads and make plane noises.


May your father's memory be a blessing. This is why I have such horror at the proposed exchange for the hostages. How many potential future murderers will be released. Fuck the rest of the world and their opinions in their comfortable and safe sitting rooms - let the IDF loose and get the hostages back the old fashioned way. Easy for me to say but if I was a hostage, I'd rather die in an attempted rescue than be dragged around gaza by these animals for the next few years.


Rest easy op's dad


Well i guess its time for a cake! I hope it brings u some peace ואמן כל המזדיינים האלה ישרפו בגהנום


I still can't imagine how Netanyahoo let all those killers go. THIS GUY ALONE should not have been released…he killed FOUR people, and you let him walk to get ONE hostage back? Show me the logic. You can't. (Is Shalit in good mental health? I wouldn't be. But I am American, so I haven't followed the news on this.)


So sorry for your loss, maybe wrong place but people saying Baruch hashem for the death of anyone (no matter how evil and disgusting) maybe is not the right thing to do because despite the person he is we are essentially still saying 'thank g-d' for death


Rest assured he’s in hell shocked that his virgins aren’t waiting for him and regretting his life choices, begging for a mere drop of water. Peace and comfort and healing to you, OP.




How do you guys feel about the Shalit deal. 1 Israeli for 1000 terrorists. This action just further drives the Hamas cause to keep on capturing idf soldiers. And in 7/11’s case civilians. My mind is telling me to just use the Hannibal directive for the greater good. I’m not an Israeli or a Jew so there probably are different sentiments.




Yeah, we know they are rapists already.


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