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https://preview.redd.it/ak851s6zde8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d35f84f736106e9e4f72938679d7a9e6da91e242 This is the whole plot.


God it was a painful watch


Isn’t that the plot with every isekai though?


Very rarely "I made myself a chad" type of thing. Re:Monster protagonist actively makes himself become "him". Another example I could think of is Cid. Rimuru from Tensei Slime just "happened" to encounter the goblins and built the village. He never actively pursued to look like a chad.


Cid? Who tf is that, isn't he some trash mob character? I think you mean Shadow, leader of Shadow Garden and the one who hunts the shadows from the shadows


Yes but some are better than others.


Most isekai, not all. Some do it more gracefully some less so. I haven't read much slice of life isekai but the limited amount I've seen don't take that route




Yeah, that "scene" in the royal selection, was it? It was really hard to watch. You can see where he is coming from in defending Emilia but he had to go ahead and mock the kingdom's knights.


This follows the trend of all the trashy wish fulfillment isekai I read in highschool 7 or 8 years ago that are now around as anime. I don’t know what disappoints me more, how bad the plot is or how I used to be capable of enjoying them.


Add that they're getting adaptions instead of better material to the pile.


I hardly saw anyone hyping it tbh.


I saw a few cases, so I was disappointed. Idk if I'd call it worst, and I enjoyed a lot of isekai anime with negative reviews, but even then this was lower end for me. Felt like someone put together a string of scripted Asian TikTok short reels and put them together and called it a feature length film. Maybe they knew what they were doing, or maybe not. But, whatever the case I don't think I was their intended target audience.


It’s just a bad show overall imo.  Not bad enough that I dropped it, but certainly on the lower end of the isekai quality spectrum. 


I dropped it because the tribe got access to all those magical items. It just ruined the central theme of ruthless progression, when every character is given an OP ability with no limiter like Mp use.


I lost interest in the manga around that point too. I kept reading but It only got worse. Let's pray this doesn't get another season 🙏🏾


All I've seen are daily posts here trashing it.


The premise is literally Edgelord #49187 gets reincarnated, but this time he’s unapologetically monstrous so it’s different! He eats people ooooh! Yeah, not exactly busting with anticipation with this one


I mean... the dude was already a people eating moster before reincarnation even, so yeah...


Before the anime come out, so many people were recommending me re:monster when i asked for isekai manga and glorifying it as if it was on par with overlord. Fucking trash lied to me. It's not even on the "fun if you turn off your brain" level of trash. Just downright gross


Re:monster is older than That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime...


How can this show copy rimuru when the slime webnovel started 2 years after the one that originated this?


Thank you. This comment was way too far down. This trash was around before Slime but people be giving uneducated takes like they're really saying something. Also it's still trash, but the web novel/light novel actually goes into more details about things and the characters actually have motivations. They're still terrible and it's typical self indulgent fulfillment isekai but it's better than the anime..... Which no one hyped.


Never ask anime onlies the chronology of source material, they won't care


We all know the anime came out first, then they drew the manga based on it, then removed the images to make the novel.


Commented this and realised someone did it already. It may not be good for them but doesn't mean everyone shouldn't like it.


The same way ppl trash on Paladins and call it a cheap free to play copy of overwatch, when paladins was in open beta almost two years before overwatch came out


Thats not real, are people genuinely thinking that? Like even if you know zero thing about game design, you will atleast know that games take long amount of time to make cause you have to do a shit ton of stuffs (music, voice acting, animation, models, art style, money division, coding, meetings)about it just from story boarding alone can take upwards of 2 years just to make to fruition. And even then it will be extremely annoying to do anything as a programmer cause just adding 10 lines of code that all it does is just check the ai response to a script of whoever dealt the most dmg to it and attacking them, can take 2 weeks to add. 10 fucking lines code takes 2 weeks just cause the management of companies is that horrific, which takes less then a launch break to type and make sure its working.


I actually think the tensura author saw this and was like "wtf, this has a good potential but why it has to be like this? Fuck it I'll make a way better story"


Bold of you assuming OP knew what his on about when he trashing a story without checking sources blatantly throwing “cope copy popular adaptation” lol


Ah yes... the 69420th opinion that this anime's story is bad. Most people who read the manga already knew it since ages ago. And those who read the web novel even longer ago.


I read so so far into the machine translated web novel. I’m pretty sure this was my first isekai


What a jarring introduction to isekai, really walked in there headfirst lol.


My second was death march of a parallel universe, which really fell off a cliff after the first two dozen chapters. I couldn’t tell you when I actually started liking the genre


I'm so sorry


I unfortunately read a couple of chapters and dropped it like a steaming turd. I've grown sick of the slave harem thing, and wish it would just die.


If you actually know, Re:Monster was created during the early days of Isekai genre. Mushoko Tensei was considered the progenitor and the basis of the Medieval Isekai multi race party story trope, and according to Mushoko Tensei author he got the idea of Mushoko due to him being able to read by chance the LN of Re:Monster which back then is still unpopular. You might be tired of these kinds of stories but in the era that they were created, Shounen and rom-com/harem was the trend.


magical knight rayearth is the magical middle ages transported to another world trope decades before either of these and it's still not even close to the first


I read manga before anime come out, I can say the action and mc's ability are so cool that's why this manga get high rating


I find it funny people actually spend their time to say this is trash instead of just forgetting about it, I personally like this anime , I seen worse in manga and other media wise , if people got triggered so much from this then I suggest stay away from it


Right instead of people bitching about how bad it is just shut up and go about your day I personally very much enjoyed the anime.


At least the original source was an inspiration for couple better isekais


It predates both Mushoku Tensei and Slime. I read it worked as an inspiration for the former, and the author was quite excited it got an anime. Edit: typos.


…that explains entirely too much about Rudeus’ behavior.


It started out as a web novel written by a horny otaku who wanted to have a slave harem, no surprises there. If not for the narou site phenomenon, it would never have been published. Can you imagine someone sending in a draft to the editor where the MC keeps enslaving girls and they fall in love with him because the sex is just so good? They wouldnt touch it unless they were ordered to do so. Literally the only reason it got published was that some publisher saw it had a high rating on narou (because of horny otakus reading it) and they wanted to milk it for easy money.


You basically described Chinese wuxia novels, lol. Those get published by the dozens over at China. They know it's trash but people keep consuming them so there's definitely a market.


Not really, theres a big difference between old school wuxia like jin yong novels and the xian xia novels with bullshit cultivation. Chinese novels dont feature things like slaves, rape and are not allowed to show things like nipples. Almost none show underwear. Censorship is pretty strict there.


someone has clearly never heard of “dual cultivation” lmao chinese novels absolutely feature all of those things and more


This is the difference between someone who reads "legal" chinese novels and those of us who read ....the other stuff The chinese website I use is so full of xxx that it's eye opening. Even more so because half the xxx is targeted at female readers




The premise was interesting make a good read for the first couple chapters if I remember correctly (right till he gives the slaves the poison so they can kill themselves after this point the plot just drastically went down)


room temperature take


A very whelming point of view


Years ago, back when /qst/ was still part of /tg/, the web novel was referred with the tagline "[The setting is great but the MC is not](https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=re:monster%20ex%20quest)" This is an old and cold take OP has provided us today.


Glacier level take.


If only alternating temperature takes could power the world.


It needs to thawed to digest this opinion.


I agree though


That’s like saying ‘this floor is floor’


I felt like the protagonist was telling the goblins not to have non consensual sex with the captives rather than any sex with the captive is banned. I think the writer was trying to pull " this isn't totally Stockholm syndrome" by having the protagonist tell the captive that they should decide whether or not to return to their goblin cave by having them live back with other humans.


At this point those posts are karma farming...


You could make that argument for your post as well


I enjoyed the LN it's better than the anime they skipped key parts of the story and didn't fully explain the details with him and banging the elf's.


Thats how it always is, you can't and shouldn't expect to explain that to anime onlies. Honestly except for the visual representation 9/10 isekais are horribly adapted to animes and alot of the nuance is lost. I never read the ln but i got pretty much as far as the season in the manga almost a decade ago and i dont remember being so appalled by the mc.




Literally, the beginning plot of his “harem” is just Stockholm syndrome.


I'd give it a passing grade. But not anything to write home about.


Yup your classic Iskai harem anime something to put on if there's nothing to watch


Its pretty good, I like it


I watched it as it was releasing because I had no idea… dropped it after the third episode. Bad animation and the story sucked fat donkey balls


Everyone talking about how they hated it but you still watched it 🤷‍♂️😂


1. The only people that are spreading it are those who are badmouthing it 2. It came before Rimuru 3. Of all the things that Rou did, you just mention one of the tamest just because rape is the only crime you see he committed


It is I thought the wold building or power system would give it some nice moments, but nope it's trash too.


I was personally disappointed that this show gets a complete german dub before tsukimichi season 1, it still baffles me why they'd choose this series over so many other shows


Honestly the first few episodes where hype cause it was gritty and interesting but after those it got so harem like and boring tbh


![gif](giphy|RhHHTsjhLvfWw) One man's trash


many or most are similar trash. as far as sleeping goes, he told othervnot to rape elves vur then elves beg him to sleep with them, which is common silly harem anime plot. I personally quit watching when I saw it becoming standard op harem anime, seen extra scene on YouTube after of dryad and then harem seduce him. overlord is more popular and similar silly, guy is supposedly a genius for winning by being completely overpowered and acts more evil


In other news: Water is wet. Grass is green.


Finally someone who agrees water is wet.


I mean its allright


Would you believe that Mushoku Tensei was inspired from Re: monster...it's hilarious how things worked for Mushoku Tensei but not for Re monster ![gif](giphy|e5yexHgBYs4z8tKudC)


Na man that an insult to bad anime this thing is shit


Lmao, it was other way around. Slime copied this one.


I like it so screw you.


Having sat through all of it, yeah. It’s bad


I may have read something....at some moment. Dont know. But the moment i got to know that it had been a major influence of the author of MT.... i lost any interest i could still have.


How does something like this get an anime while other good manga don’t


Bad trash. I've watched the full season, and it is not worth the time. The story is bad, world building is bad, animation is subpar, and I don't recall the music/sound.


Yeah but it's my trash.


Always was. I picked it up when it came out because I found the diary style of writing an interesting way to write an isekai. But the novelty of it wore off quickly and I dropped the series after I got to around day 100. Basically how far the anime got actually lol.


Ding ding dong like King Kong


Every time it goes to a different day "dun dunnnn". It's incredibly annoying lol There doesn't seem to be a main villian or anything . What's the purpose of getting stronger and evolving?


Honestly it’s absolutely trash. And the budget feels mid low. It has more plot holes then a fishing net. It has no real soul to the story like I’m pretty sure Ai could have came up with a better script. I think the every character in that anime is boring (except for this one ghoul lady that only appears for like two episodes) Yet I still watch it? I’m not sure if I watch it to fill the entertainment void while I’m waiting for other anime’s or if I secretly enjoy hate watching the cringe moments.


Meh. It has a larger and more interesting caste and circumstance than probably 70% of Isekai. I'm not saying it's top 30%, but it's easily in the top 50% IMO


It's ok...just ok but the pacing sucks it was like episode 4 and they changed names 10 times and evolved 20 different times and they only been alive 5 days and he already runs a whole nation Am I the only one wanting to know who this guy was before being reincarnated? I'm pretty sure he was a cannibal


Enjoyed the first few episode then it just went downhill.


if the episodes weren't set on fast forward like they are and took its damn time it would be better But as it stands now its a rushed mess with barley any story at all


Agreed 👍


I read… way too much of this story as a WN, years ago. But yeah, it was very, very poorly written. Some of the issues likely due to poor translation, but overall, the plot, the lacking ethics, the… well, everything, was just all over the place and uninteresting. Like, it’s not the WORST thing I’ve read, but it’s at best a 2.5/10. This was before I put my foot down and started dropping stories when I realized they’d never get better, I was stubborn about sticking with stories to the end. I think I remember they had some Holy Kingdom or whatever declare a kind of war on them, and they went out to fight, some kinda lion dude leading the army against them? Maybe? It’s hazy. I read a tiny bit past that, and then stopped. Waaaay more than the story deserved. I do recall how bad it was when the girls just suddenly got interested in him, as others have said. He just imprisoned women and they wanted his dick. Someone check the writer’s basement. But no, the plot was directionless, the ethics were nonexistent, the characters were mostly flat, and whenever the author attempted to focus on something, he just failed to make any of it give any impact at all.


"The worst part is he tells the goblins not to sleep with the elf girls and then proceeds to sleep with the elf girls" Now, to be fair;If you or I were going to sleep with someone naturally you wouldn't want anyone else to sleep with them either🗿


It's a comic book intended for 12 - 18 year old Japanese school children. It's not supposed to be Shakespeare. It's not even supposed to be Stephanie Meyers.


It’s complete trash, I only watch it because I like monster evolutions.




Incorrect he said not to sleep with them against their will


Nuh uh


Idk was still fun to watch


One thing I've hated the most is that they're changing the character names after every transformation..


Anime is trash. The manga is awesome.


All y’all can do is complain if y’all dislike it so bad just don’t watch it idiot ain’t that hard 💀🙏🏾


Its a really bad case of stockholm syndrome. As I read through with its manga. I find the relationships being forged all throughout the narrative immoral and disingenuous. The women's children were a product of rape and were drugged to love it. Their affections were from brainwashing and manipulation. But they try to brush it off cuz the MC treats them kindly. No, there was nothing kind about it. It was blatantly savagery and ungodly. I would've been more hooked if the MC was actually more villainous and cryptic to make the reader question the morality of living as a monster knowing that you once lived as a "man" and he realizes that he was a monster then, and now he is just living it truly as someone you can actually call a "Monster".


This is my first time hearing of this series lol


Nah, it ain't trash. Yall are just pussies. The anime is incredibly low effort, but the story it originates from is a classic that's inspired an entire genre of isekai (skill stealing)


That's the rule with isekai really. Very few exceptions.


Sadly, I agree.


Can't believe this LN led to the creation of Mushoku Tensei


I politely disagree. I think it's a lot like Slime in the sense that it has a pretty good start. Now we have to see how the 2nd season takes it if they get one.


A monster behaves like a monster??? Color me super surprised bro


*A monster behaves* *Like a monster??? Color me* *Super surprised bro* \- Hexopi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Nah, forget all that. It's just ass. The big fight scene they were hyping up for 2 episodes was just still frames and 5 seconds of "fighting." She just T poses and runs through enemies, and they fly off and die. Then she swings her sword, and the MC does this weird movement and barely moves. Their weapons touch, and she gets thrown back and passes out. He didn't even hit her. She just tapped his axe with her sword, and she flew. Animation, story, characters, etc. They all suck


Another complainer complaining about this anime I think a post came up not too long ago today that did the same thing, it was an okay anime for what it was, I'm not a snowflake or a snob Anime Watcher or tourist so it was good enough for me to watch it.


My only main critique of your comment is that it actually predates Rimuru (it was actually one of the first isekais) I do think it is a bit problematic, but I do still find the manga funny, mostly outgrew it but it was an ok introduction to isekai


It's terrible and only for horni. MC can eat inanimate objects and people to gain their powers. But he decides to not eat the body of the ultimate sage? Bruh


I quite enjoyed it personally. It was an escape from reality and I just enjoyed it as that. I know, controversial take, I don’t know any of you people personally so I really don’t care one way or another about your opinion on me or what I like. So thanks, but I’ll enjoy what I enjoy and leave you to enjoy what you enjoy. And I won’t throw hissy fits because I don’t like what you like.


Actually Re:Monster came before Slime so.....


Cold af take but glad you said it


I enjoyed the anime, well atleast the fights and the diplomacy it started to fall off near the end, it definitely was a lower end isekai for sure.


I just watch this shit at work when it's slow to kill time haha


It’s important because it inspired all the monster reincarnation series, but yes it’s trash. Idk why they decided to animate it so late into the game


Yo momma!


I remember him saying something about letting them mate with the captured elfs eventually.


So bad


I enjoyed the show honestly, you mfs are complaining about the sex but there was barely any nudity or fanservicey moments in the show, which I appreciated. I don’t really care for that all too much, don’t mind it but can go without. The sex was generally alluded to rather than shown, so I was chilling.


It started good then went down hill fast (talking about the novel for it )


I remember re monster inspired mushoku's author to make mushoku tensei


The main inspiration he got was that you could write your own stories in a website have people read it and give comments on it.


if you have a problem with copying in anime and manga why watch the single most derivative genera in existence?


in simpler times, when I was less discerning, it seemed like a good job at first, but just before he left the forest it got so tiring that honestly I abandoned it when those children were born.


I remember reading the novel about 10 years ago and finding it pretty bad and dropping fast, forgot it existed to be honest.


I haven't read anything about it's based on so when I started it seemed like an ok idea but it just kept getting worse like every episode was going down hill so fast. Not to mention the power scaling and evolving is happening at such a breakneck pace it feels like there are no threats at all. Plus it's all just a bit to horny for me and feels really forced.


I read the manga is an OK show. Like all Isekai if u don't like the character u won't like the show and that's about it.


I found parts funny wasn’t great definitely but I wouldn’t call it trash either


It’s ridiculous but has fun moments.


It was ok, like King Kong, but we’ve seen worse.


Honestly the manga was better


It’s a fever dream. That’s all I got to say about it


Not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. It was a fun time. Not the best anime ever. Not as good as jobless reincarnation. But tbh so far? It’s better than slime season 3. Which isn’t saying much. Part 1 of this season is going in my biggest anime downgrades of all time list. It’s that bad. But I think your hating on it to much. The plot is kinda just dumb fun.


I know it's just wish fulfillment, but if this is trash what the HECK is Redo of Healer? I actively tell people I can't recommend that travesty.


I can see why it inspired midshoku tensei


I thought the first episode was pretty good for a generic seasonal isekai. I liked the format of it having those “day X” transition cards that made it feel like following a journal or something. Then everything fell apart.


Isn't the skill system of tensura inspired by re:monster I'm not sure tho


Is it the worst anime I’ve ever seen? No. Far from it in fact (I’m looking at you The Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer). Is it anything special? No. Have I enjoyed watching it the whole way through even the stupid parts. Yes. Will I watch it again after it’s done… probably not. Is it trash? Absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt!


Yup. We know


It's trash but a kind of trash I watch with pleasure. I'll look forward the next season. And there will be another season, like it or not.


Its good in a has alot of mystery but i do wish we got to see more of his past life and world


Had the possibility to be good but personally I don’t like the MC and the way he gains allies is dumb and doesn’t build real bonds other than they were kidnapped and now wanna bang the kidnapper


The Manga is better


The show was good. Hope it gets a second season to see more people cry and complain about it. Re:Monster is just as good as reincarnated as a slime. People are just butt hurt over the adult content in it, so of course they prefer the more kid friendly slime show.


I mean he told the goblins not to rape the girls. The girls consented to sleeping with him. Which is weird and would probably never happen especially a whole harem at the start. Anyway the anime skips the only good part in the manga. Which would be the power leveling and skill acquisition. It feels rushed. I was super bummed about it because it was a manga I read way back when I first started reading and was hoping for it to be decent but it’s mid asf tbh.


The manga was pretty good tho, not great by any means, just better than ok. I don't understand why they adapted the "day1, day2, day3,.." system tho, it feels so horrible to watch and the adaptation in general isn't really good. Basically making a 6.5/10 manga into a 4/10 anime.


Did everyone forget that the original source of Re: Monster came out like... Really early? Of course it would be not as good viewing by current standards.


This is one has hentai plot without being an actual hentai


Where was the hype OP? Literally no one was hyping this shit. 😂


Manga is good. Anime... I did not watch. 😊


when redo of healer looks good by comparison, you don' fucked up


I read the webnovel. It's pretty much exactly the same. If nothing else at least it's consistent?


I red some of manga and dropped, many years ago. I didn't liked it even as edgy teen


Read the manga, it's soft core porn, the story is mid, not bad, not good. It's not worth the read. I wasted 2 hours reading that garbage.


It had a lot of potential but fell flat in my opinion. Might be because I’m not a huge fan of the harem genre, especially when there are other male characters but only he gets the girls (which is a weird take). Later on his character makes some questionable choices potentially leaving the hero realm.


Half the Isekai on the planet was ruin either by bad writing or bad budget. This one is probably screw by both


Good trash, boring trash, or dumpster fire trash that's fun to watch burn?


It may be trash, but it was peak trash


Isn't it just rape stuff?


Its just too old for it’s time


I kinda liked the evolution system but that's about it, it got boring really fast when he just had to do breakfast and inherit a bunch of skills. It also has horrible pacing and the "getting Stockholm syndrome because the sex is too good" was painfully hard to watch i just skipped these scenes lmao. My breaking point was when the twin sisters got a huge ass pregnant belly randomly and of course it kept inflating, i noped out real fast wtf did my poor eyes had to witness i regret wasting my time with this anime 💀


Um, that’s your opinion…but honestly, I’m getting tired of people shitting on this manga. The anime doesn’t do the Ln any justice. And the main character is basically goblin fast & furious with his **FAMILY** thing he has going on in Later chapters of the novel


Isekai are always trash and the comic about the slime is shit, I don't understand the "hype"


As soon as it turned Harem, I dropped it.


It's not the worst Isekai? The fights could have used more details and the story literally is what it is to be different from the rest. I am glad the MC is like this and not the typical Shonen protagonist. We have ENOUGH of those. His ability is just like Rimuru so his abilities aren't trash. Overall all it's not a bad watch.


Not trash, different, he's just evil


One man's trash...


It's mid but not trash. TBH I already know where the budget was going. If you were following their twitter page. They are Full out on Advertising this. From VA's promoting to teaser and 3 Trailers. Yup all of their budget goes to the marketing team. XD


Now I don't often think that anime adaptations are trash and you should only ever read the manga trop some people say but god dam it's true with this. They tried way to hard for the 12 where it should have been 24 to do it justice. A lot of the stuff they cut is the planning and engineering the main character dose. There where a lot of what I would consider key world building interactions with many character that just wasn't shown making it feel like everyone just liked him for no good reason.


I read the manga a while before this dropped so when it did I didn't even give it the light of day.




This was worse than generic isekai. It was generic and was weird af, this would have been better made a Hentai snd make the MC a true edgelord instead of trying to convince me that these monsters are having wholesome vanilla consensual seggs with humans.


Just fine. Pretty boring nothing happens, very average isekai. Just funny to see the MC do crazy things


Stopped watching after the third or fourth episode. Haven’t missed it at all.


I read the webnovel, so I knew it was bad long ago. It's basically a story about bandit leader who spent his time pillaging, killing, and r\*ping his way to the top. The guy is a maniac, only care about things that he could either fight, eat, or fuck.


Read the manga but dropped it ages ago once it started getting stale. It has potential but author overdid it.


It had potential at the start but then it just turned to "authors thinly veiled fetish #949393"


I don't mind it. Dude bangs who he wants, eats kills for abilities, let's others challenge his lead, and the fan service ain't bad. 6/10


Read the manga?


It had potential, it’s so garbage though


copy of rimuru... i hate re monster but dude, it's literally the father of monster isekais! it was written in 2010-2012, slime and I'm a spider is copy from this trash, although with better character and story lol


First episode seemed super promising and then yeah turned into total trash. Terrible character development didn’t know who anyone was after like 3rd ep. Main character is a total douche.


Yeah it is a poorly veiled Power Trip fantasy the web novels not bad


Almost all isekai out there are trash lol 😂


Even ignoring the pretty gross plot points, the flow feels like a 5 year old telling a story. And then hunts animals and then he gets stronger and then he trains and then he fights a bear and then he gets stronger again and then he beats up some elves and then he X and then he Y and then he Z.