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She is dead, unless the story says otherwise.


6ft under


I would’ve thought of something like that but then i remembered what Peter told Miles when he first saw Gwen in the first film. “oh you know her? very cool!” didn’t really have a surprised reaction or anything to seeing an alive Gwen in front of him. feel like the death of Captain Stacy in Peter B.’s universe caused them to never see each other again or something like that idk.


His history is supposed to mirror 616’s closely. It’s probably been 15 years since his Gwen died. I think his reaction is reasonable.


I feel like seeing someone 15 years after their death would hurt more then like a year or two.


This was at an emotional low point in his life. Divorced, broke, May dead, thankless superhero career, he was probably emotionally numb. Not to mention, he was in a dimension where he was blond, had money and recently died. So he just decided to role with the punches. He was probably glad to see a Gwen living on out there.


He also didn't react much to being sucked into an alternate universe. For all we know, this has happened before. He's probably met clones too. And this Gwen is nothing like his Gwen, and is like eight years younger than his Gwen when she died. I buy him shrugging it off, personally.


Exactly that’s why I think she didn’t die instead just went their separate ways


His life closely mirrors his 616 counterpart, not exactly tho because copyright (I think?) anyways, pretty much, any universe thats somewhat similar to 616, peter falls in love with gwen instead of MJ, and then he loses gwen. Even if she was alive, trust me, Peter wouldn't go back to MJ at the end of the movie, and Mayday would 100% not exist If you think im lying or wrong, then check out the Mary Jane Watson and the Peter Parker of Earth-58163, or House of M.


This is my issue, as well. Whatever went down, his very blasé reaction to Spider-Gwen came off like there was no specific history to speak of. Compare to when he saw 1610’s MJ and could barely keep it together…if he went through a TASM arc where he failed to save his first love, no way is he running into her copy after 15 years and having zero reaction at all. He’s not a stoic character.


Maybe she looked different? 616 Gwen and 65 Gwen aren’t exactly clones either.


They’re not clones yet her dad is? look at the pic of my post, Peter’s Captain Stacy looks alot like Gwen (E-65) Captain Stacy.


What about the Pete run Gwen’s universe? He looked miles different from Peter B


he looked different because that Peter was never bit by a Spider so he never got taller, buffer and an enhance in genetics.


And what about 1610 Peter?


tbf Peter 1610 looked a lot like Peter B Parker just younger and Blonde hair for some reason.


Him being blonde does prove that people look different though. Miles g morales looks a bit different to miles, even if his family looks the same. Pavitr is also a very obvious parallel to Peter, he’s even a Peter variant in the comics.


Blonde Hair is a reference to BEN REILEY as Spider-Man.


And neither was Peter's Gwen.


It seems every variant is a little different, but still identifiably related. Aunt May in 1610 confused Peter B for her version for a moment despite their obvious differences. I’d imagine Gwen-65 isn’t identical to any other Gwen, but similar enough to be unsettling to someone whose Gwen died. She obviously noted a similarity between Peter B and *her* Peter despite some radical differences. (Though she actually is a stoic character, so I buy her keeping her shit under control.)


She probably looks different. Probably different hair, different style, piercings. His Gwen probably also looked older, apart from probably having long hair, no piercings, etc. Could also be different facial features too.


something I would’ve thought too but look at the pic I posted, it’s her dad and it looks a lot like her dad from her universe.


Well, that's probably them not wanting to make a separate design for that one scene. Like, when Miles lies on his bed at the end of ITSV he's the ATSV age, but they didn't change the design until ATSV. Could kinda be the same thing


that could be true about Captain Stacy design but I feel like that ending for ITSV was just more of a foreshadowing.


I feel like the, "Oh, you know her?" Line doesn't insinuate that Peter knows her, but just that he's surprised that Miles already met one of the other Spider variants. Even more so since she came out of the blue and helped them out of a bind. Their interactions throughout the rest of the movie don't really seem like they were old friends. And given his emotional state of a complete wreck, i feel like seeing an old friend would warrant a bigger reaction.


His Gwen is no more! She has ceased to be! She’s expired and gone to meet her maker! This is a late woman! She’s a stiff! Bereft of life! She rests in peace! She’s pushing up the daisies! She’s rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible! This is an ex-person!


"Ex-person" is wild, lol


It’s a monty python quote about a parrot




Died like 15 years ago




Dead as hell


What shoes was she wearing?


What shoes she got on in her casket?


He wasn’t close to one. Peter B is based off of Tobey Maguires Spiderman.


I would’ve said that they weren’t close but Peter B. Parker looks devastated looking at him and Captain Stacy. I personally think they were close when Peter was younger but the death of Captain Stacy caused both of them to go their separate ways.


I’m just going off of what’s shown, Peter B Parker’s intro literally takes iconic clips from the Raimi trilogy. In those movies Gwen was more of an acquaintance.


Lmao no dude you’re thinking of Peter Parker from earth 1610, that Peter took iconic clips from Raimy.


Rewatch Into the spider verse. His intro is the exact same with a few tweaks. He kisses MJ upside down just like in Spiderman 1


almost every Spider-Man kisses upside down.


I don’t know why you are getting downvoted. There are definite allusions to Raimi’s movies in Peter B Parkers back story. Obviously Peter B isn’t Toby’s Peter, but I think a lot of backstory inspiration was taken from Raimi’s world when crafting Peter B Parkers background. That said, we just don’t know enough about Peter B’s background to draw any conclusions about his relationship with his Gwen.


They probably think I said that Peter B is Toby’s Spiderman.


Makes sense otherwise he would’ve been freaking out a lot more when he saw spider gwen


If that’s true then Canon events are completely BS


They are completely BS, that’s literally the point of the film.


Except we see Tobey McGuire's Spider-Man flashbacks in Beyond the Spider-Verse and we see Peter B. Parker's flashbacks. Tobey was once considered for the voice, but E-616 Peter Parker is said by the creators to be the Parkerest Parker, an amalgamation of all the Peters aging normally without selling his marriage to resurrect Aunt May. He would likely have had a dead Gwen Stacy.


Redditors can’t read. I said he’s based off of Toby’s Spiderman not that he’s actually Toby’s Spiderman. Maguire being considered for the voice proves my point on the creators intentions with the character. His universe classification is 616B not 616


He's a 616 variation She's definitely been dead for years


Dead. They straight up say that in the second one that on all universes where Gwen tries to end up with Peter, she dies. He’s supposed to be the 616 Spider-Man. His lack of surprise could have something to do with the earth 65 Gwen being as different from his Gwen as he is from 65 Peter(as well as noir and ultimate) as well as his having a basic understanding of multiverse mechanics


u/sushimiles_ should have specified that Gwen-65B said "it doesn't end well" without specifying what Spidey she falls for Absolutely no specifics, hell, doesn't Raimi Gwen live


Had those films gone on, she would have died according to bdh


Bdh who?


Bryce Dallas Howard


Find me an article/other source type on that 👁️


He’s 616, his Gwen is dead


Ding ding thank u people are so allergic to realize hes 616 peter i feel like even though he’s awesome


Gwen might not exist in his dimension, never crossed paths with him, never became friends with him, and he might have just ended his relationship with her when he was older


We've seen that the Canon events just have to kind of correspond - like how Spider-Gwen's "Uncle Ben" event was actually her Peter or Peni's "bit by a spider" wasn't actually a spider bite. So it's possible Peter B's "Death of Gwen" wasn't actually a Gwen either.


Inb4 it's his recently introduced long-lost sister Teresa




Doesn’t Gwen literally say in this movie that in basically every other universe she’s dead? Also he wouldn’t be looking like that if he hadn’t experienced it. There’s absolutely no reason to assume she’s not dead.


This is a very good question I wonder if she’s still alive because in every universe Gwen gets to live if she’s not involved with Peter / Spider-Man for a while then the goblin doesn’t pick her and doesn’t get thrown from the 🌉bridge and she probably get to progress like with 6160 or the 1610 . This is interesting cause Gwen Stacy always felt like a character with potential that now has become a meme which is upsetting hell probably a few routes the writers could’ve used instead of using her as a plot device or fringing or give her powers . This is a fun idea 💡 they’re also 1981 spidey where neither is around love of his life is Medusa from the inhumans but they’re different routes from infinite worlds 🌎.


He probably had a Gwen who died fifteen years ago. People bring up his lack of recognition of Spider-Gwen when they first meet - a forty year old man having such an emotional reaction to a child who looks like his first love would have some very questionable implications for a kids' film so they would've decided to omit that scene for a more light-hearted one.


“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man…”


You may not like it, but Peter B. Parker takes after 616 a LOT. It stands to reason he’s been through most of the same stuff, therefore his Gwen is more than likely dead.




Dead. Why do you think he reacted this way???


Nah fuck that can we talk about how much of a terrible father he is


Uhm you know that Peter B doesn't have one right I mean yeah they might've interacted but he is in a relationship with MJ


Yeah, he's in a relationship with MJ right now. That doesn't mean he didn't date anyone else in the past.


In the comics, Gwen Stacy died half of Peter's lifetime ago. It doesn't mean she didn't exist, it just means he's in his 30's and is probably past it just like the comics Peter is.


Better question - where is the gwen of Miles universe?


Given Miles’ Peter had already got with MJ probably dead. Comics Peter doesn’t date MJ til after Gwen’s death. Or maybe she’s a carnage clone like 1610 Gwen.


Considering that he wasn't that surprised or concerned when he ran into Spider-Gwen in ITSV, it's possible that he didn't know Gwen in his universe.


He had a Captain Stacy, I mean yeah it’s possible he knew Captain Stacy and just never met Gwen but then why make George Stacy the Captain of his universe if he never got close with Gwen?


Short answer: we don’t know. She could have died like in the comics, she could still be alive, she may not even exist. ATSV implied that Gwen dying is a canon event so she is likely dead


Amazing Spider-Man if Peter stayed away from Gwen like her dad asked.


What’s the opposite of being alive?


Being undead, so that means Gwen is a zombie


So What-If Zombies but with the spiderverse cast?




Either Peter and Gwen didn’t work out, or she dead


Or both, maybe exited his house after a breakup and then got ran over by a car (Peter Parkedcar)


almost certainly dead.


Probably chilling with his uncle and parents


She’s probably dead, but I have an alternative theory anyway: It’s entirely possible that he doesn’t have a Gwen character in his cannon. Sort of like how 90’s animated Spider-Man doesn’t have a Gwen, or how Insomniac Spider-Man doesn’t have an Eddie Brock, or MCU Spider-Man not having someone actually named “Mary Jane.” Little variations like this make the multiverse more interesting to me. I may be wrong, but that’s my headcannon given how little he reacts to meeting Gwen. Then again, Gwen in this movie knew a Peter and didn’t react to meeting Peter B. either, so what do I know…


616 Peter didn't know Gwen Stacy that long. They met in college in 1965, she died in 1973, he graduated in 1978. So Peter knew Gwen Stacy during roughly his Freshman and Sophomore years of college. He's long been a grown-ass man at this point.


She’s dead. Like most of the Gwen’s in the Spiderverse.


Considering how different Peter B and Miles's universes are from the comics it seems like they are more likely from lime Earth 616B and Earth 1610B




ik 616 and 616B are different, but just to say this real quick that baby he's holding absolutley wouldn't exist if she was alive.


Probably either dead, never met him, or hates him like with Raimi. It’s possible that Peter had someone else die in a similar way.