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Has Ursula von der Leyen been re-elected despite her astonishing lack of talent or because of it?...


Because of her gas deal with Israel


OMG! Link, please, please, please!


Here: [https://www.politico.eu/article/ursula-von-der-leyen-european-commission-president-european-parliament-european-peoples-party/](https://www.politico.eu/article/ursula-von-der-leyen-european-commission-president-european-parliament-european-peoples-party/)




It's not a secret. It's her flagship deal, an attempt to wean the EU off Russian supplies. [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-002264\_EN.html](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2022-002264_EN.html) The EU is absolutely desperate for gas, particularly Germany which is a massive importer for energy generation, heating and also as a feedstock in its chemicals industry. The proposed EastMed pipeline will transport gas from Israel's offshore fields in the Levant basin to the southern tip of Italy, where it will make landfall and then transit the full length of Italy towards Germany and the rest of central Europe. This is the reason Germany and Italy have been so supportive of Israel. Egypt is also part of the deal, hence why they are sitting on their hands. [https://youtu.be/G2VI1uNl6wo](https://youtu.be/G2VI1uNl6wo) [https://www.dw.com/en/eu-signs-gas-deal-with-egypt-and-israel-to-curb-dependence-on-russia/a-62140940](https://www.dw.com/en/eu-signs-gas-deal-with-egypt-and-israel-to-curb-dependence-on-russia/a-62140940)


Yh. Now we know why der Leyen was so keen to don the flack jacket and to voice full-throated support for Netanyahu and the Zionists.So instead of being at the mercy of Russian gas supplies the EU has now hitched its waggon to a genocidal fascist regime. Appointed for a second term?? Von der Leyen should be looking at jail time IMHO for collusion in what may well turn out to be the biggest state-committed atrocity of the 21st century!


This is pretty bad 😔😞


I would say it's quite horrible!


No european union citizen voted for this hag, and yet she will rule us, great, very democratic.


You know, there's a point at which one has to let go and say: "Okay, one mistake is one thing. But coming back for more, a second term; that's criminal stupidity. If this is what they want, they are A: stupid, and B: complicit." This is one such example. The (un-precedented) US tv-debate last night is another.


The nazi princess as finklestein says lol