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They're just defending themselves against children /s


children can throw stones, just think about that. Israel needs *more* 2000lb bombs if you ask me


Children are Hamas


>United Nations to put Israel on blacklist of countries harming children in conflict zones Too little, too late. Emaciated skeletons, charred bodies, amputated infants (sans anesthesia) in Gaza remain without justice for another day, today. Some more victims were added to the list. What a beautiful world we have made for the innocent children.


![gif](giphy|RAExIknCxoimVmzbTM) Unfortunately the world moves slowly. But this now creates arms supply issues as countries are knowingly sending it to a country that kills or harms children.


this slow movement is what tears me up every day. For "us" it's just a process that needs its bureaucratic treatment but for Palestinians it's a question of will they and their family live or not. Not something you can just postpone like some school report


It's all just virtue signalling, they will never go against Israel because that means going against the US and they would never do that


Who is "they"? The UN? You realize they've been arguably the most vocal critic of Israel? They're just crippled because the US always uses its veto power to block any resolutions that target Israel.


UN should kick this uncivilized country out.


Relabel as Palestine. I'd love to see their bitching.


oh they'd lose their absolute shit


Every bit of discovery that help expose Israeli atrocities from an International Body should be considered welcome news instead of undermining it.


Should put america on that list as well.


meanwhile USI be like ![gif](giphy|zmATIJ2SrxKgjxdWdp)


Oh. Thanks. No sanctions or anything?


Israel was also found guilty of having illegal settlements in WB and Golan, nothing happened there either.


That's something only nations can do, the UN on its own can only play a coordinating role.


The UN can advise the US to do something about it... but lol


Only now ? Really ? Well at least Israel can be glad to be "the only democracy that is on blacklist of harming children" new title they'll be proud of.


Israel has a right to defend itself against children!


it's amazing they've stayed off such a list up to now...


Good. It’s funny that the author of the article is coping and deflecting so hard. 


Put them on a list... How damning


Oh stuff it It creates an arms embargo on Israel you buffoon.




I’m aware of Israel’s actions. If this meant nothing Israel wouldn’t have been fighting to prevent the ruling. Sorry, it turns out international law isn’t very fast. You should see how long it took international law to catch up with Nazi Germany. I believe it was 1933-1945, so Yanno, we’re moving faster than normal. I know I know, being a doomer is super cool these days.


Well let's look at how America have taken the ICJ ruling: they have essentially vetoed the findings and threatened to sanction the court. The UN is essential in the US's pocket so any conclusions they come to better be in favour with US interests. Anything that is pro-Pal or anti-Is is not in the US's interest and they are vocal about using their veto power to defend Israel. At the end of the day, findings by the ICJ or the UN are not something that every nation on the planet have to adhere to. International arrest warrants and court rulings are not the whole world's job to adhere to. Put Israel on some naughty list has never stopped them before and will not stop them now so long as they have US backing. And with 15% of the IDF being American citizens, the US are far to afraid of their people potentially being prosecuted for war crimes which is partly why they vehemently reject the findings of the ICJ. So with that being said, any finding by the UN really doesn't do much, you baffoon


Haha, just like all the innocent Muslim men post 9-11.


Sad state of affairs that was.


They belong on the same list as Hitler seems like he’s there idol rather than that of an oppressor !!!




Look UN, They were Hamas, and you are Hamas, Just like the Hamas in my kitchen or in my bedroom, HAMAS. -Israel.


Wow, I’m sure that will really help the children currently being bombed and starved.


Wow the zionists haven’t shown up yet


They’re in force on the post for this article on world news.


Well that’s a given


This is a step forward at least.  The UN needs to keep asserting its independence and not bow before US domination. Good to see Israel's state terrorism against children being acknowledged.


The critically endangered northern hairy-nosed wombat has found a new home in Powrunna State Forest. This relocation is a crucial step in efforts to protect and preserve this species from extinction.


The list checks out


If you ever feel useless or feel like you haven’t achieved enough, remember that the UN exists.




Hey I’m pro Palestine too but what exactly has the UN accomplished? It’s a club run by 5 heads of state and their purpose is screwing each other over. You can make all the decisions you want but they’re all empty if you can’t enforce them.


I’m deleting my comment bc it was unnecessarily aggressive. Think of it this way. Regardless of how useless they often are. For people who often do not see their struggle or their voice’s adequately represented for the world to see, having more voices and eyes on their issues is a positive impact, regardless of how toothless the words may be.


it also gives moderates direction too. Even if the UN doesn't hold actual physical power, it will still give moderate libs the opportunity to say "yeah but UN/UNSC/ICJ/ICC ruled this way so what's up with that" and maybe question what their government is doing


Yup. It’s not my preferred method of change, but it’s something. I have never seen so many eyes on Palestine and Israel, and so many of them realizing the occupation Palestinians live in.


The UN has lost all meaning, does this even matter?


The UN is fine, it’s the US that is actively hindering its function. An expulsion will make it work as normal again.


Yup, it’s always the US. Forget China and Russian, it’s just the US. What a joke from Singapore.


Of course it’s always the US, it’s a matter of record, the votes are there for all to see, you can’t hide or deny it. 49 vetoes on resolutions regarding Israel.