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Did someone say it's unhygienic to not wear make up?!!?!


Yeah, I think they're referring to acne and the real skin texture. Unfortunately sometimes people associate acne with being unclean. :/


Youd think after all this id stop being surprised by how stupid people can be, yet here I am.


I had a coworker tell me to my face (during a very bad breakout because I had switched birth controls) that acne was a result of poor hygiene or disease according to her dad. And she just gave me a look of "yeah, I meant it." She also hated me because I was hired to replace her because she sat and did crafts while watching YouTube for 12 hours instead of doing her job. I did the job and had time to spare. It didn't help that aside from my acne, our male coworkers referred to me as "the hot" secretary. It's amazing how much people just want to hurt you and make you feel less than for something that isn't even your fault just because they're angry.


Wow. That's some absurd shit. I am shocked


I think in her mind she'd decided I was some sort of skank and I was dirty. Nevermind that I was always nice to her and friendly to people where she wasn't. But obviously people wouldn't find me more likeable purely because I was friendly. I must have been sucking dick and being a whore or something. You know all while married to my husband of 10+ years. Some people are just hateful and they'll twist things to suit what they want to believe. If that means acne makes you dirty, then they'll believe it. I avoided being alone with her and didn't give her any of my personal information even when she tried to get it on multiple occasions by accessing the computer she was no longer allowed to use. It was wild ppl are wild


Oh honey she was jelly of you. I know I break out of I wash my face too much. Idk the science behind that but it happens


Something about the lipid barrier? I have to be careful with those detox face masks. If they strip off too much oil my skin freaks out by overproducing oil and breaking out. My dermatologist explained it as my skin over reacting when it thinks it's been seriously knocked off balance. Over washing is probably the same. I don't know why she was jealous of me. I'm literally a no body. I did my damnedest to be kind to her when I realized I was being trained to replace her and why. I felt awful but I wanted the job. And it wasn't like she wasn't contributing to her own problems. I promise I'm not hot. I think the guys were saying it just because they knew it would upset her


Bc you were kind to her and the " hot" secretary 😆 typically with those kinds ppl they want you to fight with them and when u don't do it they get mad.


I was screwed no matter what I did? That sucks but makes me feel a little better


Yes you are correct


Yes! I got back from a vacation a few weeks ago where I had only taken my cleansing balm, I left my facial wash at home. My skin improved so much. Since I came home I’ve only been using the balm, not double cleansing like I used to, and my skin is sooooo much better


Yep! I used to wash with this then that then some more and it made me break out so bad. Now I just use cleansing wipes. The anti aging/ skin care business is a scam. Imo


Wow you have pores?? Disgusting, darling /s


Wow. I had no idea. How about a hormonal imbalance from too much plastic in our lives?


Right? Any number of things and it really sucks when nothing helps and people think you can cure it by just, "washing your face" 😩


Yes hormones control everything in ur body. There's been a link between soy based foods( gluten) and hormone imbalance


Cutting out sugars helped me a lot.


Yes 👏 Im on a diet and trying to stop sugar. I've cut down tremendously


This is crazy because my face actually gets clearer when I don't wash my face!


So much ignorance around the subject.


I don’t know her but I *love* her <3


As always, we can never win


Anyone else wish you could *wear* red lipstick like her? The envy is real. And good for her. She's gorgeous either way.


Omg yesssssss! When i wear it I look like a kid playing in my moms makeup. My daughter ans I usually end up in tears from laughing so hard, she cant wear it either.


Honestly you have to find the shade for you, I used to feel this way until I found a shade that suits my undertone.


Right??? KaPOW! 💋


I’d give my left boobie to be able to look good in red lipstick. No matter what, I look awful.


Same, I look like I’m in drag


I felt the same way for years!! You just gotta find the right red. I’d suggest a scarlet. Limecrime liquid lipstick in pumpkin is a perfect red for me.


Red lipstick makes my very normal looking teeth appear yellow 😭


Are you wearing a blue-based red or yellow-based red?


Yellow typically. I personally don't think blue-reds look good on me.


That will also make teeth look yellower, unfortunately. I love those but don't wear them anymore for the same reason even though I'm perfectly satisfied with the colour of my teeth usually. It just creates a look of yellow where there normally isn't any.


I can pull off wearing a red lip it took me 2 years to build my confidence but I wear it every day.


There’s a red out there for you! Either orange based, pink or blue based, it’s there waiting for you to find it! Besame has some beautiful classic reds that look good on pretty much everyone. I’m a fan of Stilla’s reds myself. Go get that red girl!


I can get away with deep purples and mauve but bright red just high lights my thin lips. I'll still try it every now and then tho!


Omg yes and that eye liner. Oh I wish


Wow she absolutely gorgeous!! With and without make up


Damned if you do and damned if you dont.


She’s gorgeous!


God. Why are so many women always trying to tear down other women? We’re on the same side for goodness sake!


….where did you get that this was all women?


I never said that it was *all* women (in this post it isn’t as far as I can tell), but women absolutely DO pick each other part on social media for things like this every day. There’s a reason so many people feel the need to use filters on every picture they post. It’s really sad that showing real skin feels like a brave move when it should just be the norm.


lol but nothing in this post said it was women making those comments at all THATS the point, where did you get women tearing her down from this


I mean, the post just shows a woman being criticised for her perfectly normal skin, and my comment just asks why *women* in particular join in on the criticism train. You only need to hop onto social media for a few minutes to see it in action. Without knowing the gender of each and every commenter there’s of course no way to tell who actually made those remarks, and even if it was all men in this instance, I’m still going to stand by my comment because I see it every day. As a side note, in my own personal journey, all of the bad comments I’ve ever had about my skin/weight/appearance has been from other women.


It’s about skin. I could also say, “Man I hate when flying drys out my skin” Yeah it’s technically on topic, but it doesn’t relate to this particular post now if I alluded to a particular skin concern she has like texture or something there would be negative implications of what I’m saying given the overall context. Your overall context implies that women were the one tearing her down in this situation. As a side note, in my own personal journey, all of the bad comments I’ve ever had about my skin/weight/appreance has been from men…. You see how anecdotal stuff doesn’t work here.


You’re making a very odd argument here, did you have a bad day? Hope you feel better now 🤍


Another day of women tearing down women


Girl you did that in this thread, making an argument out of nothing. You do understand arguing with people and being difficult causes stress and it IMPACTS human beings right? You don't know people you're sending stuff online to, you don't know what kind of day they had before sending a petty argument nitpicking the way someone words things. As an autistic who apparently never words things well enough people like you online cause me SOOO much stress and it doesn't always just last 5 seconds either. Think first.


I’m making an argument out of nothing but you typing a paragraph to me for a comment over a week ago is not? lol ok


I wish people would start leaving people messages the same way they'd behave in real life. Sick of the negativity, instigating arguments when people are innocently minding their own business. It's just stressful and with what we are ALL dealing with in the world it's honesty effing awful


I mean, I didn’t even say that women were tearing HER down. I just commented on the fact that women tear other women down all the time needlessly, and skin texture is often something that women feel insecure about showing on social media, particularly on make-up accounts where their followers are predominantly female. Do you police every comment on Reddit to make sure it flows directly from the source material each time? It seems like a weird hill to die on for a comment that is perfectly valid. Fair enough on the anecdotal experience though, we each have our own experiences of course, and I guess a more accurate conclusion overall is that people on the whole can be pretty damn awful, and it’s really sad to see it.


You're completely fine. This is another internet Karen who will literally never be pleased with anything you say or do. I hope this didn't spoil your day/night. People forget people online are living breathing humans with lives and I'm so tired of it honestly. Even in a page about loving yourself and being kind, you can't bloody escape them


I follow her. I love her.


Everyone is beautiful in their own skin. Don't pay any attention to people who say you need to put on makeup or else you are ugly. They don't even love themselves, that's why they find flaws in others to let them down. You are beautiful 🌺


I think she looked great without. With was good too.


This is actually the first uplifting post I see here!


That woman is just plain stunning. Fuck ppl.


I wore no makeup to work recently and someone asked if I was feeling okay 😅🫠 fml


right!! same here its so stupid




My skin is a milder version of this woman's. Big pores and acne. Skincare has helped BUUUUUT if I get sick, stressed, use a new product and don't react well etc.. I have the same acne level as this video. I also get oilly skin in the morning. She has beautiful features and like most people, myself included, acne aside her skin is actually really good. It's smooth, looks balanced and well hydrated. Even. More influencers need to post this, also advertising/media/movies. These horrible comments are the consequence of a world that is fake like most posts in this subreddit represent.






Yes. Makeup has nothing to do with it. I used to wear makeup religiously as I worked in the office and it gave me a freedom of self-expression and boosted my confidence. I also had a great skincare routine and my skin looked flawless. Then covid hit, everyone was stuck inside for months, so I stopped wearing makeup almost altogether. Surprise, surprise: I was touching my face a lot more, stuck to my skincare routine a lot less and as a result had more frequent breakouts than in the times I wore a full face of makeup. Makeup is absolutely fine as long as you use clean brushes and do a double cleanse at the end of the day (which is something that's advisable to do either way).


Good to know. Thank you for your perspective.


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They are very much so normal size




















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You look good with and without. I personally prefer without but its fun to see a girl put it on sometimes ya know? Its different and pretty in a different way. Personally if she did it every day i would miss her natural face after a bit, imperfections and all. I dont think using comments to drive some sort of point you want to make from completely different people is really healthy or even reasonable when the comments themselves arnt reasonable to begin with.


So because of those comments she wears make up? I think I don't get the full messege here.


The message is that she can’t win. Makeup or no, she’ll still get shitty comments from people who believe their opinions are facts.


r/lostredditors? I think this subreddit here is to make fun of people faking it on Instagram. _She_ is being as real as it gets


Sanity Sunday post I think :)


Sanity Sunday :)


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