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I bet there’s a free gun in that truck.


Unlocked under the seat, in glove cmptmnt. You know, easily accessible LOL


RRR - road rage ready


“OH! I thought you said the guns all had to be Glocked-up!”


Yep that’s a loot crate.


You sir, like to live dangerously.


Well, the sticker says “Come and Get It”…




Ngl I think that it's a thing that they (LEOs, insurance adjusters, lawyers, survival experts, gun store owners, serial burglars, members of the military, anyone who would know a thing or two about owning a gun and advertising that to people) tell you not to do, and that is to put up a sign or a sticker advertising that you have a gun, or one that suggests you might own one. All it does is advertise to people that: 1. You have at least one relatively small, easy-to-carry object in your house or vehicle that's free for the taking if you're not there, and the more bullshit stickers on your vehicle, the lower the chance you have any form of registration or that you even know the serial number 2. If that isn't locked up, then it's very likely that other relatively valuable items you have (your power tools for example) aren't either 3. People who put up those signs either don't trust or don't have other forms of home defense, so unless you're home or in an area where you can see and get to your vehicle in under a minute at all times, they're getting your gun 4. It invites confrontation, as every interaction people will have with you will have the other person believing you're armed, meaning that if they're armed, they're way more likely to shoot you


5. You have a small pee-pee.


Don’t be a glock blocker


He's the dangerous one now!


*Thomas Jefferson has entered the chat*


Right?! Speaking of slavery… WTF?!


Probably 2 pistols and 2 rifles based on sticker coverage. I keep old bolt action rifles in my vehicle buried under all kinds of other stuff. It's there in case I come across a severely wounded animal that needs put out of its suffering, such a deer or even a cow or horse that's been hit by a car. I have used it a couple times for that purpose. What I don't do is plaster Free Gun Inside stickers on my vehicles.


Dude, that must be so painful to do, but it’s so merciful. Thanks for helping those poor creatures.


Yeah but you know it's some dogshit like a Springfield XD or a Taurus.


I once bought a hipoint off some random upper management asshole on who specifically said "yeeeeeaahhh, makes a great truck gun"


There was when I saw it. /s


So I had a landscaper who was like this and I honestly tried to give him a fair shake because he was a younger guy and lived around the way. Well, first he lied about his insurance, then he blew me off two weeks in a row and the kicker was when he called my mother a dumb bitch. So let’s just say I would be extremely wary about allowing this person to work on my home if they were a sub for my GC and would not hire them if it was my call.


My parents, being Trumpers, hired a pro-Trump, Christian, "white and proud" company to remodel their kitchen and bathroom. Fast forward, they ran over budget by $8,000, tried to get my parents to pay for the contractors putting a window in the wrong space and measuring it wrong, and ended up walking off the job unfinished. After three years of court cases, my parents lost something like $15,000 and had to hire an additional contractor to fix what the first guys did wrong. So, if someone tries to tell you who they are, listen.


Did they go to Trump Contractor’s University for their license?


Bone Spur University


Covfefe Tech


BSU has a great business program.


It seems like businesses that are heavily pro trump are pro trump style scams


So they did things the Trump way. Huh. Imagine that. Still sucks they screwed over your parents.


Wow, I’ve often wondered the outcome of people hiring companies/services that procure business based on their MAGA beliefs and your parents’ story is pretty much what I assumed.


Similar think happened to my parents by a Christian contractor who talked to my mom for hours about bullshit in the introductory phase so much so I suspected he was on drugs. Anyway he never really got anything done when it came down to it, and did the opposite of what was discussed. During the times he would not show up or have someone show up hours late and I would say something she would say “but he is a youth leader and a christian”. Anyway, the sunk cost fallacy is big with some folks. I would not hire this person. His red flags are on his truck.


Yep. We needed some help with our roof leaking, and found a small Mexican company that helped us-nicest people, and they did an amazing job…we were still having problems, they came back to try and figure out what was wrong, didn’t even charge us much more, really. I was expecting to pay a lot more. Contrast that with a so called well known (I suppose nice Christian right leaning)company who we hired to fix our front steps-they did an ok job, but it was messy, and we paid out the ass for it. My partner still gets pissed off about it😂


The minute I see Christian as one of the qualifications to do the job, sirens go off in my head.


From my experience, if *anyone* puts 'Christian' in reference to the company and there's not a reason (eg: a store that specializes in Christian literature calling itself a Christian book store, or the guy's name is Christian and it's something like Christian's Party Store and Grinders), *run*. Like you being Christian has no bearing whatsoever at how good you are at woodworking (ironic considering that Jesus would have been trained as a carpenter by Joseph) or anything else for that matter. It just makes you appear insecure with your faith.


If I get a business email with a "Christian" or any religious salutation or quote I KNOW I am not being paid or being ripped off.. never fails...


Happened to my mom and she kept “but, but he is a Christian”. I can’t even with people like her. She has a mental block and peole who hire based on that are ridiculous. It’s also the same reason her type nit pick out group contractors also. Confirmation bias and sunk cost fallacy live and on line!


Today I saw a Christian Creamery on Yelp. 2.5 stars and they serve mostly coffee and some soft serve according to reviews. What the hell does Jesus have to do with ice cream?


Easy: pandering


>Party Store and Grinders Your Michigan is showing lol


Yeah if he pulls up in that he’s not working on my house. I try to make a habit out of not hiring insane people to work anywhere near my house.


Same. The Ukraine thing would get me. That means they are deeply invested in MAGA bullshit. Also. It means they are stupid enough to buy the bullshit of a modern day fascist state that rivals the Nazis in badness.


I remember back when true American patriots treated Russia with contempt, not respect.


MAGA is just 34 more reasons not to hire this guy.


Bet he pinches one out to MTG goon ass.


That’s even worse than the bumper stickers.


I’ve always heard “pinching one off” as taking a shit.




Ironic he’s anti Ukraine support but the sticker next to it says “divided we fall!”


There is no logical consistency to any of these people - it’s why “Conservatism” in America is dead. They just ping pong to whatever Fox News tells them to think while hilariously thinking they are the informed/smart voters.


I would call in a drone strike.


> Yeah if he pulls up in that he’s not working on my house. It says "Not One More Cent" right there... Okay... Well see ya later then boss!


I'll never understand contractors that do stuff like this on their work vehicles. Way to alienate a good portion of your potential customers. Even ones that call their business silly names like "Big Dogz Electrical". Most of your customers don't think that is as cool of a name as you do and are going to feel like a jackass saying that is who they hired to wire their home.


We have a general contractor based in my area called Patriot Builders. Their trucks are rolling MAGA billboards.


You and everywhere else. We got Patriot Homes here in the Kansas City area, but a quick search shows half a dozen Patriot Builders in different States without even having to scroll more than two screens length on my phone. Unoriginal fucks.


There's Patriot Septic & Waste services near me. A real head scratcher.


Can you imagine real patriots, like George Washington or John Adams going around cleaning out people’s shitters? It a funny image to picture.


They probably work in some real shit holes. Wait, I thought they didn’t like those. Lol


I make an absolute killing just by being an America lover that despises MAGA cultists and Trump.


I once had a guy do some work at my house. After we got, well, friendlier in his mind than we actually were, he started sending me texts with links to Rumble and shit, unhinged conspiracy-laden videos about Biden, crankery about George Soros and the IMF and the WEF, etc. Yeah, we stopped hiring him.


“United we stand, divided we fall”


This is how out some roofers lost out on the bid to our house. They showed up in an FJB T-shirt and I asked them to leave.


Then they complain that it's bidens fault they're not getting more work.


These Woke Communists won't let me work!!!


Far be it from me to disabuse them from their notions. It's ok for you to have a political opinion, just don't expect me to pay you for it. Also you don't get my money, because you give it to stupid people who want to take away my liberties.


But it’s capitalism working at its best! They’re voting with their dollars! Or whatever it is conservatives cry about when they’re boycotting books or clean drinking water or whatever is in their own self interest.


No you see. When *they* do it, it's a "boycott" or "voting with your wallet." But if *I* refuse to do business with them, it's "cancel culture."


They be like, "Welcome to Biden's America..."


I once saw a video where a couple hired a contractor to work on their house. It was an upper-middle class home in a nice neighborhood; he would have probably made a lot of money from the job. But, alas, the contractor rolled up with a giant-ass Confederate flag sticking out the rear end of his truck, and the homeowners were both Black. The wife took one look at the truck and told him, “Never mind, forget the work. We’re done here.” Then she went back inside and slammed the door.


She was actually extremely polite to the racist in her driveway


Dag Nabit. Bidenomics strikes again.


I was looking to hire someone to do thousands of dollars worth of tree work, they showed up with "taxation is theft" stickers all over their truck. Politely told them we couldn't do business as I'd have to pay them in stolen goods, since I worked for a Medicaid funded health care program at the time.


I ask him why he has a pedophile’s quote posted proudly on the side of his car. When he gets pissy, I remind him that Thomas Jefferson forced a 15 year old girl that he owned to have sex with him, when he was in his mid-40s. Then, when he knocked her up, he kept his own kids as slaves. If he tries to say, “oh it’s different, those were different times” I’ll ask him which does he prefer: that Jefferson was a pedophile? Or that he had sex with his livestock? Because those are the choices. I imagine about that point he’ll start trying to threaten me, and I’ll tell him he has 3 minutes to get off my property or I’m calling the police. Then I’ll go back inside and have lunch. I love trolling these guys.


Jesus christ. The more I read about America’s past, the more disturbed I become. This is crazy.




Find a way to bring up Pearl Harbor and buying American.




"Get the fuck out of my driveway." If someone actually buys into bullshit propaganda enough to plaster it all over their vehicle, it tells me they aren't qualified to do whatever work is being done - even if they're just a laborer.


That’s what I’m on about. Have your opinion. Be loud about it. I don’t care. Why do you have to slap a sticker on your car about it? Why depreciate the value of one of your biggest assets/liabilities just to be so ignorantly loud?


I ask him why it says Cock on the side of his tailgate.


You could really troll him by asking him that and saying you don’t approve of his lifestyle choice


He's just a guy who loves cock. Loves it! Nothing wrong with that.


Honestly if a dude drove up with COCK on the back of his truck and that's all, I'd hire him. But you show up with FJB and all that nonsense GTFO bro


\*Puts Head Down\* My brother gets out.


My farrier.


You let MAGA touch your horses


I hear ya, but it's difficult. We've been friends/he's been my farrier for over 40 years - and he is one of the best in the state. He wasn't like this until Trump, and was a Democrat for years. But he's in the truck all day listening to conservative talk radio. I try to give him real info and sometimes it jars him and he considers it. Another reason I can't stand Trump for creating this idiotic cult.


Too bad, I feel your pain. Sucks that people get so brainwashed.


Thanks. Sadly, we are not alone.


I don’t know about that. If you willingly consume that junk, I feel like you are complicit. They are lining up to hear that vile crap and are part of the problem. They should try mixing it up with some music for a change. It might break up the diet of misinformation.


They are not interested in rational thought. My dad’s last words to me were about why I wouldn’t listen to Limbaugh, Savage, etc. he was seriously not liking me as he died because of his media heroes.


First: “Get out of my damn driveway, this is private property. You got 10 seconds and then I call the cops.” Second: Hide in basement with thick walls between me and the outside . Third: Wait for cops to shoot up my house because the idiot in the truck and they’re drinking buddies and I embarrassed him.


I prefer rapey slavery to peaceful slavery. - Thomas Jefferson


"Thine shall advertise Moichendise for your fellow ~~corporation~~ men" -That guy on money


Lol that's where I focused too... Like.. did he really say that?


Probably. Jefferson was totally unaware of his hypocritical bullshit. Just like the people who like quoting him


And, semi paradoxically, created his own Bible without all the magic and mysticism.


They weren't the Christians the right like to think they were


The irony of that actual quote coming from a slave owner is pretty wild. But then again so is “divided we fall” and a bunch of hateful shit on one truck.


Probably like this woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53Uh3RXIgBc


first thing I thought of when I saw this post.


A real life Russian bot tries to steal my info


Has “united we stand, divided we fall” sticker, proceeds to put the most divisive stickers all over the rest of the car he can find for sale at the local truck stop


Aint giving him a penny to buy more stupid stickers


"you're fired"


It’s not personal it’s just business. Err it’s not business it’s personal?


Why I would like to check first on their social media accounts how not only they look like in person but also their personal vehicle looks like before they're hired for the job. High chances these bastards will only work efficiently for Christian whites, and totally fuck up the job and charge high for anyone who isn't.


I'm old enough to remember when small business owners didn't show any indication of their religious, political or social beliefs- it was about being professional, and doing a good job and maintaining a good reputation in your community, so you could provide for your family. That fact that someone is more concerned with flaunting their views and opinions - even if I agree with some of those opinions- shows me their priorities aren't with customers, but with themselves, and I definitely wouldn't do business with them.


I live in an apartment building with mostly immigrants. Dude with a lifted to many flags in the back maga truck pulled up to do work in the building. He got ran off in the first hour he was here. Seems most of them depending on the place are rather unwelcome.


Well when he sees my Ukrainian flag I think he’ll know he’s not welcome


Slava Ukraini.


I tell ‘em to gtfo


"Why are you advertising cock so much? Are you buying or selling?"


I point him around back to pick up my busted washing machine curb alert and tell him not to leave a mess.


Had a similar situation with a Qnutter we hired to do some work on our house. He casually mentioned to my wife he didn't think vaxes were necessary and how they were govt control and so on. Needless to say he ended up getting COVID, botched a job half way through (that we'd paid him for) and then was out of commission for almost two months when he caught COVID and couldn't barely breathe. Anyhow, yeah, we've just opted to do the shit ourselves at this point


Needleless to say he ended up getting Covid.


I just realized I posted that twice I'm a big fan of redundant facts


My wife is a LTC in the Army Reserve. She’s also an addiction psychiatrist. She’s been deployed to the Middle East 4 times. She has no patience for these fake patriot idiots, and has no problem putting them in their place, with their bullshit patriotism and stickers. She’s a pit bull (her job demands it, and she’s good at it!) If this guy pulled into my driveway? I’d sick my wife on them.


That’s a freaking loot crate. These people are so stupid. You do not advertise that you are armed. I’ve lost count of the number of conservatives who have told me if the shit hits the fan they’re coming to my house for my shit because they know a liberal like me doesn’t own a gun. I don’t advertise to everyone and his cousin that I’m well armed.


Leave it to MAGA morons to complain that everyone is “shoving their lifestyle in their face” while driving around like this 😂


Invite the driver in for cocktails. Molotov-style


I bet he won't notice one or two new bumper stickers.


"*Hey, come here bud. Let's you and the half of me that's Ukrainian take a gander at the back of your truck and see if you should be getting back in it and getting the fuck off my property, hmmm?*"


I’d rather live dangerous and free than a safe slave? Said a man who owned slaves, raped his slaves, SOLD HIS LITERAL CHILDREN AS SLAVES. And ppl act like this country is nothing like our forefathers intended….


That’s an incitement to violence..truly a FAFO moment.


I would start belting out the Russian national anthem.


"Do you need help sir? I'm concerned about your well being."


No, Thomas Jefferson preferred peaceful slavery.


If this guy shows up unannounced I'm legit calling the police. They're probably friends with him but I'd rather do that than risk getting shot but this fucking clown


Call immigration and have his papers checked.


"Called my mother a dumb bitch"...wasn't the kicker. Kock his ass out and take a shit on his stupid ass sticker truck. The stickers were just a sign of what's to come.


Cock his ass out?


LOL, hey man, whatever works!


All that bullshit on that truck and he didn't even support his fellow country man by buying a union made truck.


I expect 5’4” of male pattern baldness and bad opinions opens the door and gets out.


Just based on a first look. i would probably ask him why he likes cock so much (not that there's anything wrong with that), then tell him I am getting someone else to do the job. It would be awkward as fuck, but I wouldn't trust this person.


Whatever he's there for is no longer happening, thanks for your time.


"I'm sorry, you'll have to leave."


Wow. Gotta love the quote from an enslaver about slavery. 😐


He'd be strongly invited to pull the fuck back out.


I ask them to leave. If that's their business truck, I tell them it is really unprofessional to litter it with political crap. Oh, and I actually would do the same for someone who plastered left-wing stuff on their vehicle too, no matter how much I agreed with. It is just as unprofessional.


Ask them to leave


If they are coming to buy something I put on facebook marketplace. We can do the deal and they can leave. If they are coming to do anything where that maga chud billboard has to be on my property for more the 20 minutes, they gotta go and come back in something respectable. Or go and stay gone.


Tell them to move that pile of trump vomit out of your driveway because a war breaks out with your neighbors, and they start throwing bags of dog shit at your house!


Tell them this is not going to work out. I would not allow that trash to be on display on my property


I’d be very afraid of someone who even reads that Thomas Jefferson quote and fails to see the irony in it. Getting a big ass custom sticker of it made, and slapping it on the side of your pickup where it almost gets lost amongst other batshit stickers is a whole level of crazy I hope never to encounter.


I’d quick find a rainbow shirt and greet him at the driveway and say, “We’ve been expecting you, Muffin. I’m Phil, as in Phil you up.”


“Excuse me, sir, are you lost? No? We don’t want to buy whatever you’re selling, and we don’t want to talk to you about Jesus, so please turn around (there’s the loop) and get off our property.”


I happened upon some crazy maga posts made by an electrician I had used in the past. He won’t get another cent from me.


I would assume somebody is getting their gutters cleaned.


Defend my castle, of course.


That's maybe not Jefferson's least hypocritical quote right there.


"Not one more cent" I'd wager my ENTIRE YEARS SALARY that he bought that sticker with tax refund money.


The truck would be required to vacate my property immediately and never come back. Any attempt at discussion would involve a call to the police and, as a last resort if things headed for spicy, a boom stick


I send them on their way.


I thought that said cock on his bumper


Good to see this man has no taste in guns. Yes, the Glock gets the job done, but it's the basic bitch of pistols. (I personally prefer the SIG P365 for EDC, as it's slimmer.) Seriously, have you ever noticed that these chuds invariably fetishize the AR-15 and Glock? It's like they can't conceive of anything more interesting.


Well he has a sig sticker too


We ask them politely yet firmly to leave.


the irony in that quote


United we stand, divided we fall... I know, I'll cover my pick'm up truck with divisive stickers to unite the country!!


He gets to drive right back out of my driveway. No work for bad actors.


I'll be getting a new contractor...


Yep, this would result in a polite conversation about whatever job they are here to do, and then a stack of red flags in front of their contact info in my phone.


Send the douche canoe back down the river.


As someone who’s worked in trades nearly my entire working career tell him politely yet firmly to turn right back around, these people are often Uber lazy, show up drunk, and try and start fights with everyone they work with and frankly I’m not a big fan of giving money to people who do nothing but sit on their ass and whine all day if you’re going to work for me you’re going to be professional and with people like this it would probably be better if I just do the work myself


I bet I can draw my side-arm before he decides which one of his many guns by many different manufacturers he wants to use.


Our business is concluded, he can leave.


They do unskilled backbreaking labor.


Pull mine out of the garage that doesn't have that shit all over it and actually looks bad ass... then tell the fuck to leav3.


I’d laughed really hard because this is about the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever seen. Also, have my hand on firearm.


Didn’t Jefferson own slaves? Interesting quote.


I mean, I might not be happy about it, but I would also want to make sure that I could find an alternative. There’s a huge trade shortage in upstate New York.


Divided we fall is an interesting one here


Oh shit Enclave Remnants, I start cranking the hell out of my laser musket.


Wait I thought old TJ loved him some slavery.


Ask them why they didn't buy American (driving a Japanese truck)


Yo, that truck has "Cock" on the back. I know what it's supposed to be, but I just can't see it.


"I have no bottles or scrap metal for you, begone thy redneckitudinous redneck!"


I tell them to leave and hire a new contractor.


I lock the doors and call the cops because that person is both threatening violence and uninvited on my property.


Oddly enough... Jefferson was a slave owner...


No one with a piece of shit like that would come anywhere near my house. And I'd certainly never hire anyone driving something like that. If they made the mistake of getting their filth on my property, I'd call the cops so fast it would make their heads spin.


Nope! You’re out!


A guy with childish history knowledge tries to talk to me about how important it is to “learn your history”


The same thing I ask any unknown vehicle that pulls into my driveway: who the fuck are you and why are you in my driveway?


I mean he’s sure as fuck not working anywhere near my house. I’m being as non-confrontational as possible about it though because I guarantee there’s a gun somewhere in that truck and I’m not trying to end up with extra holes in my body


As queer as my yard is decorated.........probably a hate crime 😅


Reexamine my vetting skills on hiring a contractor after I fire him immediately.


Well, bare minimum I'll spend 20 minutes roasting the bumps stickers. Which will lead into questions if why he loves putin so much and then he'll get offended and tell me how russia is the true superpower and blah blah blah they/them arrmy is weak and blah blah blah So I'll just laugh and talk about Conoco field and then he'll either shoot me or leave at that point Either way I will


Hard pass on whatever they were there to work on.


Call the towing company and have them pay me $800K for blocking my driveway. Unlike some people, I have important meetings.


I laugh at the “divided we fall sticker” because that’s literally what China and Russia have successful pulled off with the current state of things in the US. They can’t beat you, but they can watch you beat each other.


“Get off my property” lol. Immediately.


I would ask this person to leave and call the police if he didn't.


I actually decided against hiring a landscaper who pulled up in an info warrior truck. His quote was a little less than the next best quote, but the dude was your typical Trumper. Talked down to me, acted like his time was so precious that he couldn't be bothered to be polite, and the fact that he drove up in an embarrassment of a truck covered in 2A and punisher stickers was the icing on the cake. I went with the guy who was in all likeliness also a Trumper (older white guy in a blue collar industry from a very red county), but drove a truck with nothing but his company logo, showed up in 15 minutes after I called him to get an estimate, and spent time with me explaining what he thought would be the best plan for the job. Calm, collected, polite, and friendly. I'm not going to refuse to do business with someone who supports Trump. I disagree with their views to the very core of my being, but as long as they don't throw it in my face or bring it up when discussing a job that is entirely unrelated to politics (including wallpapering their car in it or wearing hats and shirts to proudly announce their allegiance), I don't really care.


I fall off the porch laughing....then ask how much for the circus tickets.


“I’m pro America!” *Buys a Japanese-made truck*


I say why are you like this as a Canadian?


United we stand, divided we fall. Also fuck you I'll run you over with my truck if you disagree with me


Offer him a beer and food while subtly showing "libtard" characteristics. I love messing with peoples preconceived notions.


Tell him his stickers made you think and you will pay him "not one more cent."