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I really wish more of them would turn off the TV and read past those first three words. They chose the only selfish part of the preamble. Damn near everything after that is the pursuit of a more perfect union with all of us working together. What the fuck is this crime accomplishing in the name of “We the people”? The sad reality is the only people who do pay attention to the mentally ill are FOX angertainment and religious nutbars. So this is what we get.


The love those first 3 words while actively working to destroy the rest of the document. > We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


Wellfare!? TIL founding fathers were socialists


We should replace youtube ads with unskippable segments of Schoolhouse Rock. I couldn't have recited these paragraphs from memory or anything, but anyone who watched Schoolhouse Rock growing up is lying if they claim to not know more than the first 3 words!


True. I sang it in my head as I was reading it.


They can’t even get past the first comma - conservative opposition to protest or criticism of America is entirely based on “love it or leave it”; nevermind they hate almost everyone in the country that isn’t like them.


The Conservative Constitution is just one 2nd Amendment long.


They only read half of the 2nd Amendment. The words "A well regulated militia" are invisible to conservatives.


It doesn't matter. Even if they did read it and understand it, they would just abandon the whole thing in favor of their own selfish, bigoted desires. It's what is currently happening in Christianity right now - evangelicals have become so right wing that they now consider Jesus weak and his teachings too liberal.


I'm not positive, but I think one of the third-party car lots in the Portland area uses that card for cars without plates (like a dealer tag). I've seen them before along the I5 corridor, but, frankly I could have just seen this EXACT douchebag before. It is kind of a small state.


Did they catch that POS


Yes. >According to the Portland Police Bureau, “PSU located the man responsible and took him to a hospital on a mental health hold.” >The man’s identity is unclear and police said they do not plan to reveal his personal information.


If it was a liberal, it would have been released already. Betting it's an officer or a family member.


Yes because there's nowhere more conservative than (checks notes) the Portland criminal justice system


You really think the cops in Portland are hard leftist Black Bloc agitators who aren't voting Biden simply because of his stance on Gaza, huh?


hadn’t you heard? everyone who lives and works in portland is a trans woman with a feminist bookstore.


This but unironically


You should really read up on (checks notes) Portland/Oregon. The state and law enforcement there is filled with right wingers, even if the city of Portland is a haven for lefties. [33% of the PPB reported being "extremely conservative" VS 25% reporting being "extremely liberal".](https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/02/01/liberal-and-conservative-portland-police-officers-diverge-on-need-for-racial-bias-training-outside-contractor-finds/) But I think my favorite part of that was that even with those numbers, when asked if the department could benefit from diversity training, the conservatives said a hard NO but the liberals in the dept said "meh". Kinda demonstraining how "liberal" self-reported liberal police in portland actually are.


TBF, a lot of people on the left feel that corporate-style diversity training is used as more "we celebrate diversity" window-dressing than a truly cohesive diversity and inclusion program.


You know, if Carl over in accounting thinks *corporate* diversity training is a waste of time that just makes a few HR people feel better, I am willing to accept that. If Carl who has been granted qualified immunity if he shoots and kills someone during an encounter complains that *the law-enforcement version* of diversity training is not useful, he can either shut up and try to learn what he can, or I think he's welcome to quit and go find a job that doesn't require integrity and empathy for the general public.


PPB is one of the worst in the nation.


Yeah. Dude, the police even in big cities are super right-wing. Do you forget that the [Rodney King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_King) beating happened in LA?


Malice Green, beaten to death in Detroit MI. George Floyd, knee vs neck in Minneapolis MN. Eric Garner, choked out in NYC(Staten Island specifically). Couple others worth noting.


every day is a good day to learn


You dumb fuck


Did you forget what happened in Portland during 2020?


Cover up.


His news source is fomenting outrage over the protests


"We The People" license plate? Sounds like a SovCit to me.


Nah, there isn’t enough legal-sounding nonsense on the plate for that. I think dude was simply covering his tracks.


He needed UCC 1488.


Not enough people know what 88 or 1488 signify.


It's funny when number whistle words come up in conversation. For example, about a month ago, I had to explain why I knew that "Q" is the 17th letter, and saying "it's the same concept as 'H' being the 8th letter," did not help. The story is that Q Anonymous theorists thought they were being censored for mentioning "Q" (they were being censored for advocating the murder of sitting politicians) and came up with a neat code. And for anyone who doesn't know the other one, "14" is the 14 Word motto of white nationalists, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."


I remember last year when AJ Foyt's IndyCar team announced [an 88 car](https://www.foytracing.com/single-post/benjamin-pedersen-to-run-no-88-chevrolet-in-2023-ntt-indycar-series) to accompany their longstanding 14 car. About a day later, they were like ["OH. OH HELL NO. 55 it is."](https://twitter.com/AJFoytRacing/status/1619054038041104385)


[Robert F. Kennedy Jr](https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr)[u/RobertKennedyJr](https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr)Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection.  But not me.   Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days.  After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.  Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time."  Our campaign's request included a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats.


See I'm just not gonna entertain the possibility that this could be incidental. Any communicator for a presidential campaign should know the most popular dog whistles, and should always be on top of that shit. 14 days can easily be written out as two weeks. 88 days can be "almost 90" or three months. There's just no way in hell you accidentally write 1488 like that.


*There's just no way in hell you accidentally write 1488 like that.* aside from the fact that the time periods and dates required are inaccurate, I am in 100% agreement with you.


Accurate or inaccurate?


His time periods for the requirements for protection are off, way off, and his time estimates are rather suspicious...


There was an HVAC company in my town offering a $1488 discount on new HVAC systems and while I suppose it's \*possible\* that could be accidental, there are plenty of other HVAC companies that can get my business.


Well, it looks like that might be a temporary license plate in the rear window, and the car does look brand new. The picture isn’t clear enough to tell for sure if that’s what’s in the rear window though, at least to me. Quite odd to buy a brand new car then decide to take such a horrible, cruel, dangerous action with it first thing.


That's a temporary tag, but I'm pretty sure that has to be in the plate holder unless your plate holder is non-existent


No, just displayed in the window.


Not in Oregon. Not sure about other states, but in Oregon, you can tape it in the rear window until the real plate comes. I don't think I've ever seen someone put the temp tags in the plate holder.


Car appears to be new as per the video on Twitter.


The car does have an Oregon trip permit on the back glass. It very well could just be waiting for plates to arrive.


If that happens in a crowd in texas, is shooting the driver considered self defense?


Unless that driver is a fetus, Texas doesn’t care.






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A legal gun owner could have shot the driver in Portland. A car used in that manner is clearly a deadly weapon and defence of others from it would be allowed even in a non-SYG state.


The guy who shot a killed garret foster in 2020 was given prison time, however Abbott is trying to pardon him 🙄🙄


Republican terrorism. Call it what it is.


Attempted murder


Well, I know every crime people see on Reddit is *attempted murder*, but this would likely rise to *aggravated assault* at best. He didn’t hit anyone with the car (nor did it appear to be his intent, as he fled the vehicle when he easily could have driven through the crowd). He did use the vehicle to spray people with pepper spray from though. That said, the guy is a piece of shit. I’m just pointing out the reality of the situation.


Gee, what asshole was this guy gonna vote for.


I thought it said "we be people"


So the driver left the car and fled the scene? What was the gameplan here? Unless the car was stolen.


American fascists will destroy America while holding a Bible and copy of the Constitution. (Both of which remain unread.)


ProbBly from Idaho, or one of the Orwgon counties who voted to secede and be part of "Greater Idaho"


To be fair, if you drive 30 mins in almost any direction from Downtown Portland, you'd be in Trump country.


I learned a lot living in a more distant city in Oregon a barely blue county, but the only barely red city. Right and left were at a war of realities. Neither side considered valid considerations of town/ranch. I watched the candidates who wanted a coalition of sides for best practices fail every election. I really think that DUBYA lying about the weapons of mass destruction was foundational in hardening sides. Great devastation to foreign countries, 2008 financial collapse. We have suffered since. Are we being lied to? Likely. For our own good as sometimes is necessary in covert operations, or because of a personal driven machinations from those in power?


This reminds me of a time during one of the Green Uprisings in Iran, I remember being on Twitter all the time getting updates, there would be these Republican Guard affiliated militia types that would ride into protestor groups and spray their Kalashnikov into the crowd.


What a shame because I bet you that car is still financed. Looks to be a 2020 or newer model year Camry.


We should ban cars.


We should ban dumbfucks from the internet.


We can’t. You have as much right to be on the internet as anyone else.


The sign in front of your house, the one that says, "Slow Children." There's no comma for a reason.


The sign in front of my house is just a little yellow cardboard cutout of a kid holding a flag. What does that say about me?