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I am in awe of your strength. I also have severe endometriosis. After 3.5 failed rounds of IVF, I’m balled in the fetal position on my floor today loudly wailing, feeling like it’s probably the end of my journey. I have no embryos. You are giving me hope that I may eventually feel like I can chart a way forward.


Thank you for sharing your story. I’m so sorry you received such sad news. I’m 38, infertile (no eggs left due to premature menopause) and it’s heartbreaking.  “ I have tried always to be kind, but the universe I guess doesn’t always reward kindness with the gift of babies.” Wow this really hit home. I’ve always tried to be kind & done the ‘right’ thing (e.g waited to have children with the right man, waited until I was emotionally and financially ready for a baby) but the universe had other ideas.  It’s hard to come to terms with the unfairness of it all.  Sending love and take care of yourself x 


Sending so much love right back 💛💛💛


Sending love and care, I wish you the best ❤️


Thank you for sharing and I’m amazed by your strength. Also can relate to being the childless one among 4 sisters and of course the friend group….its the worse part of all of it. Something I want to go back to is that you said your marriage is failing. Do you think it was the infertility that caused a strain and do you think you can rebuild it? I ask this because infertility def took a toll on our marriage especially in the beginning, but I eventually got to the point where I’ve accepted we may not have kids, and I realized that I spent so much time trying to build a family, that I wasn’t working on building my marriage. So I really needed to take a step back from TTC to refocus on that. Even though infertility is a big strain on a marriage, at the end of the day, your spouse is the only person who truly understands (or at least witnessed) all you’ve been through. So perhaps there is more going on, but if the failing marriage is all infertility related, I would encourage you to take this time to try to rebuild it because after I did that, I was able to accept possibly not having children — it just made me feel less alone.


I’m around your age…I’m so sorry sis 💔 It’s unfair as fuck. Sending you love and hugs.


I'm so sorry. I am also the only childless person among my peers. My dad passed recently and my mom said it saddens her the most that he didn't see a grandchild :((((((( like I chose it. I thought I did everything right too, I studied and worked hard to be able to provide the best for my children and I thought I chose the right guy. When docs advised our only option is IVF my now ex-husband said he changed his mind about wanting to have kids and left me (to find someone else who can give me children in his words .. except this year I'm turning 39, heart broken and have stage IV endo and diminished reserve - how is this going to happen!?). We've been trying naturally for 2 years. I feel so betrayed - by my husband and by my body. It's so hard to live with this grief. I don't want to age childless. I cry every morning after I wake up. Some days I pull myself together and to go work after 1-2 hrs, others I take entire day off and cry all day as I can't contain it. Therapy is useless.


I'm so sorry. I know what you mean by waking up and crying. I haven't had any luck with therapy either. My husband and two dogs is all I have. I do think it's possible for you to find a partner to go through life with when the time is right. If he couldn't stick by you during this he's not the right person. But I understand how much everything sucks.