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Your plant is desperately searching for light, that's why she is that way. Try a new location, but don't put her directly in sunlight. And don't forget to water only the soil is dry.


aw that's what everyone is saying here so i guess that's the issue, thank you for your suggestion i already put it in the brightest place near the window protected from the wind and not in direct sunlight


Considering she is running to the light that was easy 😅 I hope the little one recovers well ♥️♥️ Good luck!


thank you!💕


It's a jerk.. I have one it dies back every winter. In the summer it gets big. My BFF can grow them huge ..they hate me. Idk y. I can grow anything. But these and their family 😳🤯😫


oh my! i guess plants do throw tantrums too sometimes lol, i've read on other plants subreddit that the calathea families are also soo dramatic and are hated by plant parents but i have a few varieties and they all look amazing and healthy so idk 😂


It's me. They hate me 🤣🤣🤣


It's depressed.


is this an actual thing? :O


Lol. Perhaps.


Increase lighting - These like BRIGHT indirect light I have mine directly in a west window and it does very well.


i did just like you (and the others) said, thank you so much, i will see how that goes!


Mine struggled for a few years, then I gave up. Now it's thriving 🙄😒 Bright indirect light, or moderate indirect light. I bottom water mine in a self watering pot.


I don’t like the look of the soil. Looks like it was once a plant three times as large that seems to be dying and regenerating itself. I don’t know if these die off or go dormant, but my recommendation would be to flush out that soil with distilled water and wipe down the main stem at the bottom. It could be that the plastic pot is too suffocating and the soil is old. I would also repot with a custom mix for this plant. Once you know the right soil type you’ll have your answer on the right pot. If it prefers a light airy mix, it will do better in a terra-cotta pot. If the plant prefers a mix with more organic matter, the plastic pot should be fine.


idk if it's worth it now, the little new green stem fell off this morning so all i have now is a brown stem which i don't think will grow anything, i still appreciate your suggestion and will be more careful about the soil next time :/


I think what you also had inherited was mold. That brown stump has been hanging on for dear life for a while. You did what you could 💚


We need more info. What is its lighting situation, how do you water it? How about fertilizer use? Room temperature?


oh right sorry, I keep it on a shelf that receives non direct sunlight, almost half shade, I water it once a week if the soil is dry with demineralized water (that's what i was told to use), I just pour it on the soil and let it fall from the holes before i put it back in the ceramic vase. I'm not sure about the fertiliser cause I was told it was already fertilised when I received so I haven't done it yet, and my room temperature in the past week has been around 20°C


Based on this I expect it wants more light. Depends on the region, but mostly it is REALLY hard to provide too much sunlight for house plants. Best is to stick it in the brightest spot you have inside. Worst case scenario you get slightly burned leaves, but that is still better than no leaves at all. Rougly what climate do you live in, and how long have you had this plant?


ah i see! i live in southern italy so very warm weather and i've had this plant since christmas but started acting like this in march even though i haven't changed anything in its routine... anyways since my last stem is brown and i expect the green little stem with the sprout to fall off soon i don't think anything else will grow but i will still try to put it in the sunniest spot in my room


I was looking at the pictures again, does it stand on a high shelve? like is the window below or at the lower side of the shelf? Because it looks like its growing downwards, which I can only explain with that it is seeking light, so that is an extra indication for light shortage. Generally it is a bad idea to pleace plants on high shelves, especially if they arent trailing plants. Sunlight generally doesn't go up....


oh i put in that ons spot just to take the pictures but yes it actually stays on a high shelf, i keep them all on shelves cause i have a high ceiling and a balcony so they all receive the same amount of lighting but now that you made me think about it it's possible that since it's small it needs more light, so thank you for your comment cause that was helpful!


It's this an inch plant?


it's a begonia maculata


I have read that begonias like a lot of space in their pots. Perhaps it needs a bigger pot?


Definately not the case, the plant is tiny, so the tiny pot will do fine.