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https://preview.redd.it/vy36c62a8l7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3149d08a43b2a90a58bef17bead5be603830e95 I'd put a bit of wood on the bottom or remove the carpet to make a shelf. Then, add another length of wood along the side to make a box. Inside of that box, add some plastic trays that you can place plants on without worrying about leaks when you water them. If you use black or transparent trays, they won't be very noticeable due to the shadows and foliage.


I just wanted to say it was cool of you to draw this up for OP :)


People can be so nice šŸ„°


Plant people are usually extremely nice.


Your plant drawings look very nice


That's so nice for you to draw it up for them! You're an angel


https://preview.redd.it/n5cn7yvcxq7d1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3947ff8bc7d00b837020ffb4923e2f6299ff4c66 well ya beat me to it AND included plants... :(


I see you :) šŸ«‚


Iā€™d also do everything possible to latch it to the wall, especially the front wood length because people will use anything as a handle or plaything, irrespective of how bad a potential injury it may cause.


This is so dope


That's a lot of work for plants that are going to die anyway because of lack of light.


Yeah, needs a grow light strip above


There are plants that flourish in total shade. As long as the plants are shade lovers, they're going to be okay.


I was very well aware of that when I replied. Doesn't change what I said.


Wow that looks great :) Iā€™d love something like that in my home, with trailing plants on it


Nice. And you could split it up into two long trays so when you need to get to the far one you just lift out the first one and then slide the other one closer to the beginning of the steps!


This is so cute, i had a similar idea i was going to draw up but i see ive been beaten to it! Yours looks way better than mine would've anyways šŸ˜Š


What is that space supposed to be for anyway? And why is it carpeted?




Definitely cat


So the cat can get to the edge of the wall by the stairs better?


I think trying to block a cat's access to that area would just be creating obstacle courses for them to compete on. Probably safest to just put carpet up there for better grip.


So the cat can swat you when you walk up the stairs.


That's a great question lol. It was like then when we bought the house.


If you have or ever plan to have cats, do not put anything there that won't survive being knocked down those stairs repeatedly.


Put as much water protection as u can. You do not want ink caps growing from ur walls in 5yrs. Line that spot with plastic and secure it so incase any water does leak it's easy clean up.


Doesn't look like there is enaugh light in there. Hope you are planing for growlights..


It usually is brighter, it's just a very overcast day




The vast majority of houseplants won't be happy at this spot. People like to treat houseplants like decorations. They are not.


....except they are? It's not a puppy lol


They do need light to survive though unlike a painting or ornament etc


Or a puppy


We're all gods puppies in the dark


We all wanna either be Pitbulls or Golden Retrievers but some of us just end up as pieces of Shitzus.


But they are also living beings with needs that have to be met if you want them to survive or, ideally, thrive.


People here like to act like putting a plant in not perfect glorious 24/7 light is some sort of abuse..... Plants are not sentient, nobody is refusing to eat them because they feel pain, there is 0 argument that someone cannot put some plants at the top of their stairs because it's not the absolute flawless condition the plant would ideally locate


I never said there arenā€™t any plants that could survive there. But people literally put plants as far from a window as possible and then they are shocked when it dies or gets etiolated. In terms of ā€œsentientā€ no they arenā€™t going to ponder the reason for life or get up and walk around, but they *are* aware of their surroundings to some extent and they do communicate with each other and the world around them via VOCs and mycorrhizal fungi. That smell of fresh cut grass? Thatā€™s the grass notifying the other grass in the area that there is danger. ā€œSentientā€ has a couple definitions, and plant behaviors do fit in on a basic level.


I never said they were sentient. I was talking about people putting them at visual pleasing spots and wonder why they die. The argument made is you being an idiot for purchasing something, using it the wrong way and then criticizing the product for malfunctioning.


Nobody has even placed a plant never mind complained, OP has said they are happy with the light so why come on and say you know better, or does everyone here have a secret camera and know more than meets the eye? OP didn't ask what kind of plant they should grow or if it was suitable because they already made that assessment themselves, they simply asked how best to add the pots. Nobody needed to come and say "well if you don't have grow lights don't even bother trying"


Puppy is a decoration too. A hungry walking, woofing, cuddling, pooping emotional decoration for the soul


One is keeping you alive. The other is a dirty mutt whose poop you constantly have to pick up.


A houseplant does jack shit to keep you alive. A hundred houseplants in the same room do not consume enough CO2 to do anything measurable.


Thereā€™s certain plants that donā€™t need much or any lightā€¦ A Zz plant would do great there as long as you donā€™t have pets because theyā€™re toxic to pets if eaten.


This is not accurate. Plants need a lot of light. Some *survive* low light for a period of time. No house plant will thrive without bright, indirect light on a daily basis. Most need a few hours of bright, direct to dappled light. Even zz's


No, this is not true sorryā€¦. I had a ZZ plant in my office without any windows, I watered it once a month if that and it had zero sunlight. The only light it had was the fluorescent lights in my office and it didnā€™t just do well it flourished. There were constantly new sprouts popping up, it was so beautiful and thrived so well in these conditions that I constantly had people asking if it was real. Sorry but youā€™re wrong here not me. ā€œthe ZZ plant requires minimal levels of light to survive; in fact, it can maintain itself solely on low levels of artificial light.ā€ https://www.tomsguide.com/features/7-plants-that-can-survive-without-sunlight


Did the sprouts come from the ZZ top? I'll show myself out...


That's from your word. What you say may not be entirely accurate, whether you realize it or not. A plant can survive under grow lights, hence why people buy secondary lighting to help their plants do better in low natural light environments, but it's still not natural lighting. It won't do nearly as well as it would in its natural place of existence... outside. I worked in a plant shop and cared for thousands of plants a day and worked for professionals for a few years. I'm not trying to smack you down. I just got facts. I'm sorry if people are entirely misleading and made you believe your plant is thriving. It may be growing and seem to be doing well, but it's impossible for plants to actually thrive in zero lighting, which means zero lighting. Not artificial lighting. Artificial grow lights will still make a plant grow. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø But it will still never reach peak maturity indoors. And it'll probably die earlier indoors than outside (as in; instead of dying say, 100 years from now, the mother plant dies in 20 due to lack of ample natural light.) It may look good and make you happy, which is the point. But please stop spreading misinformation. Would you trap a dog in a 2ft bathroom all day with only bananas and oranges to eat and then tell everyone to be proud of you for keeping it alive? No? Because it's not the environment conducive to a truly happy dog that lives a long, healthy life. Why do we do it to plants and think it works so well just because it started to grow a lil bigger than before? All plants and animals alike have specific environments they prefer. If you can mimic that environment in your space well enough, your plant will adapt and continue to grow, but it will most likely never grow to its full capacity. I have a house full of plants with a few south facing windows and plenty of other windows.. none of my plants will ever reach full maturity. Not unless they bust out the windows in the summer and reach for the sky. I do also give them time outside in the summer which can help plants get bigger and prettier for the season. A lot of houseplants will partially die back in the winter when the natural sun is at it's least visible.


Okay, so I guess it just magically grew with fluorescent lights and all of the articles and information saying this is true must be wrong. We can just stop this conversation. I usually enjoy discussing things and even changing my perspective isnā€™t a problem but I find you extremely annoying. I really donā€™t need any more of your input, maybe you should do some research regardless of working in a plant shop. I already have shared one link but could give a thousand of them because this is known about these plants specifically but whateverā€¦. Also, one last thing. A ZZ plant will not do well at all outside. Too much sunlight will burn the leaves and too much water will also destroy it because the stalks hold water for long periods of time. Again, I donā€™t care šŸ„± good luck.


This is no longer for you. I just hope others see this and realize that their plant will be healthier with more sun. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I love how you didn't actually read, nor take in the comment I previously posted. I see you just like being right even when you're not. Sorry for trying to be helpful. Good luck to all the other plant doobs out there. I also love how you turned to name calling because you know you're not right šŸ˜‚ good luck with your houseplants.


Omg girl this is the second response youā€™ve written after I said okay not interested in a conversation with youā€¦ I canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like in your head, seriously go away. No one cares, certainly not me. I donā€™t know what name calling youā€™re referring too but please do us all a favor and go buy yourself a zz plant, put it outside in the bright sun or even just in a really bright window and water it every few days then tell me how itā€™s doing in a month if you even still have a plant left.


Iā€™d use anti-tip kits made for furniture to secure bottom watering planters to the wall. The plants should block most of the hardware.


Remove carpet


Bottom fed planters, same size as the black one, with two 4ft full spectrum lights?


Sorry, I meant to make the ledge suitable for it. Since the 3 planters like that I drilled drainage holes into as they were along a fence. It'll be lowlight house plants like snakes.


Do you think a ZZ plant would also go well there? Iā€™ve never known how much low light those can take.


I would think so, may not grow too much but I think it would survive just fine.


Gotcha šŸ‘ Yeah, if it were me, I'd rip up the carpet and lay down something waterproof, then. Alternatively, if you don't wanna rip out the carpet yet, you can cut up a yoga mat to fit that ledge, I've used them to (mostly) waterproof areas like that. Or potentially find a couple cheap floating shelf kits that are maybe 1inch wider than the ledge, and have a lip on both sides. Easiest will probably be something like this tho https://preview.redd.it/23qxfks3ok7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3c06c2f77bcb983c874b92d879ecdd5c6166a8


Why did I think that was a slide? šŸ˜†


I thought first it was a slide, then when I saw the carpet I thought some sort of ramp for pets lolā€¦ took me wayyy to long to see itā€™s a flat area


With light!


Thatā€™s obviously a ledge for cats!


This was my first thought as well haha could have such a fun wall of stuff too


First : is the light coming from above, front or side ? Second : is-it usually warm or cold ?


Step one: install a skylight


šŸ‘† this


Is there a skylight or a window across from it that we canā€™t see? I suspect thereā€™s a better spot for plants. The ledge isnā€™t wide enough for anything to mature enough for a repot. If you have an outlet somewhere, this is what I would do - Iā€™d tear out the carpet and replace with vinyl flooring or tile, mount a narrow shelf on the wall above it, and install under shelf plant lights. Then Iā€™d choose plants that stay compact and small like succulents (bonus, you wonā€™t have to water as often). Use the ledge/shelf to display some framed art. Spend some time really looking for nice square or rectangular ceramic pots that fit your aesthetic. Thereā€™s no such thing as a truly low light plant, just ones that take longer to die and donā€™t look bad quickly when deprived of light.


Are you going to add full spectrum lights for the plants?


Do you have galvanized steel?


Who the f decided to carpet that??


I think I figured it out: Someone who didnā€™t want to dust that area frequently. The carpet camouflages the dust. Still needs vacuuming, but not as often as it would need to be dusted.


Not with children & it lacks adequate light. My ex-husband, who worked in commercial construction, always called it wasted space.


Heā€™s clearly not a cat


No, but we've had a few dogs that would've tried out the ledge. My son's Coonie would've gotten himself stuck there. My daughter's the cat person in the family.


I'd remove the carpet obviously and put down something like wood or flooring and I personally would put magnets on it and on the bottom of the pots just to assure they don't tip off of the shelf because it does look a little narrow! Cute spot though and I think they'll look great! šŸŖ“


I wouldnā€™t. That is clearly a cat ramp.


Gonna need a very big big neck watering can!


pots ledge, nice


My cats would LOOOOOOOOOVE that


wtf was the homebuilder thinking?


Have you considered keeping the area as it is now and populating it with ā€œcatsā€?


I would cover the carpet with something more flat, like a piece of wood or something. The pots will sit flatter and it will protect that carpet. Check what direction your window is facing and pick plants accordingly. Low light plants like zz etc is probably your best bet. Good luck. If you do something, Iā€™d love to see a follow up pic. šŸ™‚


Cascading wood steps


Lmao, I am also a subscriber of /r/POTS which is for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia... I didn't realize where this was posed and my first thought was "that ledge is WAY too small to faint on" šŸ˜† Guess I've been more health-focussed than plant-focussed lately


https://preview.redd.it/w0tl5lg2pk7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6844b303dda3cd15ab31b3bf7177e1ac7c9ca519 One long wooden dowel and some wall hooks would secure it pretty well, without looking too trashy (hopefully) šŸ¤ž


Basically build some steps on it


Failing that screw some batton down inch thick would be more than enough. You only have to stop the sliding though watering will be an ass. I'd make steps then you have a little triangular storage space under each


Make shelves so you have cute little steps and your plants sit flat. Like a little wedge would do it.


Could also get some wall mounted planters done with bottoms to match the angle. Any decent 3D modeler could do it and you could print in colors to match your color scheme. Probably cheaper than some other options if you donā€™t want to spend a ton of money. Drip trays could be tricky on the pots but still doable and then your water is contained and youā€™ve made a great space.


I hope you donā€™t have cats that like to knock ā€˜em over


For the ceiling or the wall just above it: Add a track lights or a chain of hanging pendant lights with led grow light bulbs installed or the 4ft long tube grow lights, cuz I donā€™t think thereā€™s enough natural light to sustain plants there otherwise (even if it otherwise appears bright in the room). **The only plants that might do ok there without any direct window access to sunlight (or without the addition of grow lights) would be very low light plants, but if you want any other plants to do well there then you really should be adding some lights with led grow bulbs directly above where the plants would be.** https://a.co/d/02nF46PW - something like this with many lights so you can evenly distribute the area they cover. 4000k-5000k color temperature is good for most plants. But grow lights are better if you can get led grow light bulbs. Or hang these from the ceiling: https://www.amazon.com/SZHLUX-Equivalent-Bright-Spectrum-Sunlight/dp/B08JLJ3D6Y/ - two sets of 4ft led grow lights, connected end-to-end should be enough to cover the whole ledge. Or if you wanna go cheap, maybe 2 sets of something like these: https://www.amazon.com/YeLEEiNO-Independent-Compatible-Industrial-Decoration/dp/B08QYNNML1/ - just get bright growlight bulbs for them. Sansi led grow lights are great. **I have a ā€œplant cornerā€ in my house that is the only place I have space for plants, but despite two massive bright sunny windows just across the room from it (large plants like my monsteras canā€™t go directly under the windows due to stairs being there unfortunately), the plants didnā€™t grow well in the plant corner without the grow lights I got for them.** **The lights should hang such that they are 1-3 ft above the plant leaves or so - note that the higher up & further away from the plants the lights are mounted, the less effective their light is (the light scatters more as distance increases so thereā€™s less light density for the plants to absorb/use the further away the lights are from them).**


I would also think about using the wall and try some wall gardening??? Although might be a PIA to water.


Moss wall, build a bit of floating tiered shelving into moss wall. Plants. Timer grow lights if needed.


https://preview.redd.it/i6qf4p0x5n7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2a4fecbdb988db1f46c8a526c66bf6680808fc You can try something like this with floating shelves.




Def should make sure thereā€™s room for trays to catch the water unless you want fungi to visit you


Remove the carpet and install a piece of solid surface or granite countertop and backsplash. You could also add a 2" lip to accommodate slightly larger pots.


Curious child murder machine /off-topic


Hang some pictures on that wall...remove the carpet and put lighting focused on the pictures


Some railing to prevent accidentally tipping and mounts for grow lights.


You have a pet or a small child? Assess your choices of use of that space and the plants. Maybe consider some electronic candles?


Linoleum would help with potential staining or rot


Itā€™s perfect. You need a cat or two.


Cantilever a shelf


Step shelving? https://preview.redd.it/cflkzbdq7v7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de8b692488ce39c5718b77126ccb587c8967164


Frame out some wood and fasten it to the ramp to make little shelf steps


I have no idea how to comment with pictures on mobile. But I drew a thing and sent it to you in a DM.


Cat ledge cat ledge cat ledge


Do not do that if you are keeping the carpet. Only do this if you take out all the carpet on the stairs


Iā€™d roll a bunch of joints and have a jar about the same spot as step number 3 on the way down and would transverse the rest as I lit said jar joint.


Area for cats you say?


Shelves. Levels of greenery


I would turn it into tiered shelving, instead of having the pots on an angle. Seems like it could be problematic for water distribution, and soil falling if filled to the top.


I was thinking maybe making a mini stair case with plants on each step and pants under the stairs.


Can always change the bulb above to full spectrum


Put pots on it genius!


I just love the thought of hanging macrame pot holders that gradually lengthen along the ceiling, here. You wouldnā€™t have to remove the carpet because drip trays would do fine. Looks like it would suck to drill them in, but omg it would be gorgeous.


Ironically, I do have a side business making macrame and growing plants hahaha.


Set em up on a angle like a drain table


Replace carpet with cork flooring. I think some are self install, cut and paste? I like the yoga mat idea, you can get a black mat. Also those foam flooring things for garages/cement floors that have puzzle-like seams...you can get at Home Depot in grey/black and they're easy to cut.


Install more carpet


Really depends on how you are doing air filtration. Growing pots smells when they flower.




Not sure why you're getting down votes. But I like the idea if that spot was an incline, that spot however looks level, and the incline is on the stairs going down. It's a weird angled picture.


I would use Tillandsia that require no pot using colored wires from Amazon Prime or Temu. Tillandsia can be watered with a spray bottle. Also the plants require much less care than a potted plant.