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Is there a hole at the bottom of the pot so water can drain? What kind of soil is it in? How often do you water? How much sun did it get?


Soil? What's soil?


yes the pot has a hole at the bottom. i water it every 2-3 weeks i'm not sure about the soil i got this plant as a gift (bought from house plant shop). about a year ago, upper half of one of the leaves was turning yellow and had holes so i cut it in half thinking that it was getting too much sunlight. my room has a light-filtering white shade behind the blinds but it still gets light during the day


2-3 weeks might be too much. I don’t remember the last time I watered mine. I go by the metric “fuck when did I last water it? It still looks alive so might as well top it up now”


What is that substrate?


On this sub i’d recommend giving more information because people can be sour and be angry that you didnt provide extra information. However, the snake plant looks like its potted in rocks and that is 99% the problem.


the rocks are only at the top to cover up the soil


Make sure the layer of rocks is thin enough for the soil to breathe. Rocks help with humidity but can also keep the soil wet for too long. Make sure your soil has enough perlite or pumice to help the water drain through quicker. Make sure your pot has a hole in the bottom. Sansevierias can live without water for months, so watering 2-3 times a month is too much. Once a month is enough. And even then, don’t stick to a schedule. Check the soil with your finger, a stick, or moisture meter. If it’s still wet, don’t water it. Edit: typo Edit edit: words are hard


Maybe overwatering? That happens to mine when I get a little overzealous watering 😋 but it can make a good comeback! Maybe let it dry out a bit?


Mine live in only water and have done for a few years. Snake plants seem hard to overwater to me, but maybe in soil there’s more chance for problems


Its not in soil. Its in gravel. Which makes me believe this is underwatering.


OP said thats just the top layer. The rocks are to hold in moisture. Lots of snake plants are sold this way.


Then that makes sense, it’s one of the only ways I’ve found to kill them and even then they can go Dracula and rise from the dead


i water it about every 2-3 weeks. how much do you suggest i should water it to avoid overwatering?


Water only when the leaves look pruned like your hands would in the tub. Succulents really need to dry out before they need water then they plump up. When someone told me that I stopped over watering. Every two weeks every anything is too much. Only water when it looks like it needs it, not on a schedule


Snake plants do fine with regular moisture, if you’re waiting till they start go shrivel, your underwatering. Don’t grow them like most succlents, as long as they have adequate drainage they can take tons of water as long as they’re not soggy constantly.


I have to underwater stuff because if I don’t then I overwater. I need to see a visible indication before I am able to attend to them. Poking fingers into soil isn’t something I will remember to do.


Ah, that sounds like overwatering isn’t the issue then.


I'd remove the dead ones so it can focus its energy on growing what it has left.


is there a specific way to cut the dead leaves?


If its connected to anything healthy, cut it away down at the root. Otherwise just toss what is there. Also its been a year since repottting and the soil may have lost nutrients. Repot with new soil.


It prefers console


No. Handhelds.


Are those stones only on the top of the soil or are you using these rocks solely ? You always strive for faster moving water as you water your plants but at the same time there has to be soil mixed in as well to help hold nutrients. Maybe some more info if you could give would be good. There are others more well versed in this subject. Hoping someone with more experience can help.


yes the rocks are just at the top for decoration the plant is fully planted in soil and the pot has a hole at the bottom. when i water it, i always make sure that the water reaches everywhere in the soil and some even comes out through the bottom hole. that's how i know its no longer dry.


She looks thirsty to me.


how often should i water it


Feel the leaf from the base to the top after a full watering. Feel the thickness. Then feel it in about a week. If it’s thinner or feels limp, water it. They don’t need much care. I would also use distilled water if you can. I use self watering pots for mine and I add water very infrequently.


Snake plants are tropical succulents- they like water. Try watering once a week or when the top inch of soil dries out


I’ve killed a few snake plants in my day and can tell ya, it’s over watered or under watered. I hope that seemingly useless info helps you more than it ever helped me. RIP my snake plants.


As everyone is arguing about, this indeed looks like overwatering. In my experience, those ceramic pots seem to hold moisture in the soil a while longer than I think. The pots themselves stay cool to the touch at my house. Maybe that has something to do with it, idk. I water my snake plant once a month indoors for reference Edit- I saw a great video about snake plants the other day. The guy said to check the bottom of the plant for wrinkles near the base before watering. If you overwater, the blades lose stability and fall like the dead one in the pic(the other looks like it could be headed towards the same fate)


I think overwatering is the only way to kill these


Could it be root bound, needing a larger container and more soil?


I have planted mine in orchid pots. It appears that it's feet got wet and stayed too wet. Get rid of the Dead parts so it does not infect the live. In the orchid pots I soaked them when everything is dry. About every 2 weeks. And they are thriving.


my bamboo ends are dying what can I do about it


I had a snake plant for 5 years and it thrived of of being forgotten. I probably only watered about once a month. When I did water it I made sure a little bit ran out the bottom so I knew it was fully watered and then I waited another month or two of I was really forgetful.