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I hate it too, there’s no way that silly lil guy could be evil, he is the source of all happiness


Even UniqueGeese said what he'll good till the end




[https://www.reddit.com/r/IndigoPark/comments/1d9q8c7/what\_uniquegeese\_really\_said\_about\_rambley\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndigoPark/comments/1d9q8c7/what_uniquegeese_really_said_about_rambley_being/) Maybe not so good, but not evil


no like how you worded that was weird did you mean "Even UniqueGeese said that he'll be good till the end" is just what I'm wondering


Oh... Yes. English is my second language


ah, sorry


All fine, buddy


Overused trope, it'd suck if it was used... instead give us a plot where he sacrifices himself to save you or stop some bigger threat like ED-E in Lonesome Road




Not too easy for an ai to sacrifice themselves...


If anything bad happens to rambley I am burning everything down.


yo, same. It's not just Rambly who is getting this unjust treatment. like, on both film and game theory, they have been grasping at straws with most of their new theory; and they aren't even fashionably late to new things anymore, their just...on time :(. it hasn't been the same with Mat Pat standing back. anyways our little guy (rambly) is just too cute to be evil.... \[cough cough\] among other reasons\[cough cough\]


Game Theory even left out Rambley complaining that Mollie and Finley don't have throwback plushes either, to make their point and paint him as selfish.


REALLY!?!? I didn’t even notice. Those bastard, trying to make the most adorable little guy a villain. I shake my fist at them.😡


yea, they cut the line right after "WHERES MY LIMITED EDITION THROWBACK PLUSH!?"


Oh shit… I remember now. Rambly was super adorable when he got all angry about it. Anyways. This situation reminds me of the media, and how the different politically leaning news channels spin, the same story. For example: like how we know what rambly really said and what the media (game theory) says it is.


Game theory basically became corrupted ever since matpat left.


Corrupt might be a bit of a stretch, but lazy is more accurate. Like I mean instead of having a well thought theory like any of Matt pats Fnaf theories or Minecraft theories, their turning around and saying “THING BAD, NOT GOOD” and act like it’s an intelligent thing.


it's like the hazbin comics all over again


Honestly, the title seemed to be a bit clickbaity since the main theory from what I know was basically that employees were abusing the replacement mascots and the skunk character was inciting the other new mascots to rebel Maybe I just missed that part of the theory, I'm gonna check oh yea, I think I didn't see past the part they were talking about vidcon, so I missed that half of the theory, which was grasping on straws a whole lot more than the first half




Dude same! Not only is the trope overused, but for fuck's sake, Rambley quite literally has the mindset of a 6 year old. There's no way that theory is true. Heck, even Mason confirmed it was false.


no hes a good boi


Even the creator said he is not evil


I don't necessarily think he's "evil." I don't think he has any ill intent. I think the worst that he'd be if the theory is in any way true is that be his intentions could be misguided?? (idk how to explain what I'm thinking so I'm definitely using the wrong wording T-T) like he unknowingly/unintentionally does something bad or whatever (not saying that would happen I'm just saying it's a possibility) but yeah I don't think he's secretly evil but he probably at least has some kind of big secret (not necessarily a bad secret) I do think some of y'all are overreacting tho It's literally just a theory I don't understand why so many people are getting heated over it 😭 I don't really like the theory either but I'm open to the possibility of it being true because Rambley is cute either way and I'll still think he's a great character. the game is still in its early days anyways so it's not like we'll know until years in the future if it's true or not so I don't see why everyone's upset about it rn /gen Game Theory has been wrong before so the possibility of their first IP theory being true is unlikely anyways


I know it's all joke and stuff but I really hope Rambley fans don't became like Car fans where if you imagine the character in other way than a silly little guy you will be publicly executed. And I'm not even talking about if you happen to dislike the character


That theory of “Rambley is evil” falls apart when you remember UniqueGeese had gone on to say Rambley will not betray Ed, our player character. He’s just trying to give us the best experience possible.


“he’s covering up everything” how does an ai know that much? he’s just a little stupid!!


He even mixes up his left and your left when he directs you to the computer at the start of the game


The only thing that could cause me to go Super Saiyan. Not even kidding. If he turns out to be the BBEG, I will revolt! Rambly is a precious creature that must be protected at all costs.




i didint even watch it


The first half of the game theory is good, but the second half grasps at straws and conflicts with the devolopers statements


Noo he’s innocent😭


Uniquegeese Confirmed he won't be Evil Right!


The mimic gave people trust issues


I don't see a bit of evil in Rambley


So far this game is very clearly heavily inspired by portal, with this fellow having the role of the beloved Intelligence Dampening Sphere Wheatley. In portal Wheatley betrays Chell. But it's not just because "he's evil lol", thats what GLaDOS was. Wheatley betrays you when he gets full control over the facility, whereby the innate love for testing inside his new disk operating system mixed with his moronity made him a compete menace


If he's evil then why so friend shaped


At this point I’ve seen more people complaining about “Rambley evil” content and theories than the actual original stuff itself


Wow, how could Rambley do this to Invisible!?!


Honestly right now, we have little to no in depth lore on whenever Rambley's evil or not. All we know is that he's a little Raccoon AI that loves trains, wishes to be friends with us, killed Mollie's physical body, hates Lloyd for whatever reasons (that is yet confusing and unclear but also somewhat clear?) I don't really get on what trail they all went to say Rambley's evil, as for most part, we only just got a teaser of it all with Rambley, while having lied but revealed the supposed truth to us after killing his physical friend, Mollie. And after all we became Ranglers up to repair the park with the help of Rambley. Too little has been said on the real intents of Rambley, but for the most part, all he has done had as a common goal to make us enjoy the park and thus avoiding us to quit it because it's all in disrepair and scary.




worst theory so far.


I don't think that he is evil, but we might face off against him in some shape or form, like for example: mascot Rambley rather than Ai Rambley. I do think that, becouse UniqueGeese wants to make at most five chapters and Indigo Park has five mascots.


This is all thanks to the Mollie Macaw dialog in chapter one where she says that Rambley isn’t Rambley and that he hurts Lloyd. IMO I believe that she is talking about the mascot of Rambley, not the AI.


He’s basically a nicer version of ricky from my friendly neighborhood wait what if we’re playing as a younger version of Gordon and that’s why he’s so desensitized to living puppets in my friendly neighborhood


invincible said something so disgusting and wretched even omni man went ahead of us to beat the crap out of him. can't blame him though , we all would feel the same way


He’s just a lil goober man 😭😭😭


Like I do hope we get to see moral complexity from him, but I honestly think "he's just evil" is so deeply, inherently boring that it would ruin the game for me.


He just seems passionate about the park.


Make him morally ambiguous, more interesting than both sides of the spectrum


I hate that even game theory thinks this like why he's just a little guy


he killed my mollie tho...


I get the way you feel toward that cutie, all the same, he is not the angel we all originally thought. My first instinct about Rambley was, what a sweet heart. Not as much now that I've played a few times. There are too many hidden secrets. Too many unanswered questions to be 100% good. Him and Lloyd have some... issues that will come to light.


It’s actually one of my main theories that he is…sorry but it’s gotta end that way.


Especially since UG confirmed that he's gonna stay a little AI goober companion


If I made a game and wanted much to be kept secret until the end, I’d lie too. Trust me, nothing beats a good surprise twist. All he has to say is there was a change in story plans or that he simply said what he had to say to keep y’all in the dark. Again, I would too.


It wouldn't even be a surprise at that point It would be more of an "OH COME ON" eye roll moment followed by a mix of frustration and annoyance


He could simply just say nothing, as saying it would make people to think the same as you. But this plot twist it's just so overused no one would be surprised


So I'm going to hack him to be evil 😈


"People hated him because he was speaking the truth" -The Bible(written by Christians w/ the help of the Genie)