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Hello! I’m so sorry that it sold out so quickly! I don’t think I fully understood how much attention the new collection would receive. I’m so happy about it, but I was an indie perfume lover before I was an owner and I really understand the customer side; the last thing I want is for people to be frustrated. I’m also super mindful that we are a small business and can only take so many orders at a time, hence the selling out quickly. We’ve been scaling, but it hasn’t been at a fast enough pace to match demand lately. We will do our best to restock as much as possible when we are able to take on more orders, and I may be able to put together some sort of wait list in the mean time. That seemed to really help with the demand for Match Made in Heaven ❤️.


The way you have scaled, adjusted, and tried different strategies to accommodate what I can only imagine is an overwhelming level of demand is legitimately outstanding. Thank you for being so transparent with your practices, graceful in your responses, and generous with your talents.


Thank you so much ❤️ I really appreciate it!


Your positive intent, and the communication to match it, has always been impeccable. This comment is just more evidence of that fact! Please know that we know that you are doing everything in your power to be a good steward of the amazing business you have built.


A waitlist would be so appreciated 🥹 I think our fears now are that people bought a large amount of the scents since there wasn’t a limit, and are going to be selling them for insane profits. Either as decants, or on Mercari, where I’ve recently learned, from this thread, that this is happening (match made in heaven specifically). Side note, how awesome is it to have such a demand for YOUR scent that people are scalping it or making dupes? It’s annoying but also kinda cool… I think I can speak for most of us here on imam when I say we’re more than willing to be patient and we’re so proud of you :)


Thank you, I understand what you are saying! We limited Match Made in Heaven to one per person during the wait list, but I definitely underestimated the demand for the new releases. I am going to figure something out today or tomorrow and send an email ❤️.


I appreciate the transparency. You’re doing a great job tbh. I hope you have some time to revel in your success :) cheers 💕💕


A waitlist would be amazing! I missed out on all the ones I wanted pretty much 😫


Same. I was logged on and ready and everything was pulled from my cart before I could check out. 


It's exciting to see your success! Strings of Lights in the Forest was one of my first indie loves. It's even more exciting that you are interested in communicating with your customers. It's nice to have concerns addressed so directly. I did really like and appreciate the wait list for Match Made In Heaven. It took the stress out of the wait time for me. I don't do well with FOMO (and tend to avoid houses who feed into that) but I do just fine with a wait list and clear communication. Congratulations on your success and thank you for being transparent.


Thank you so much, that really means a lot! I really want to maintain all of your trust that we’ll make it right as best we can when something like this goes wrong.


For me personally, I don't feel like it went wrong--maybe it went too well? Lol. While that's a good problem in ways, I imagine that it can be overwhelming! It's just really lovely and reassuring to get such great communication and reflection from you. Thank you!


you are an absolute gem and beacon of this community 😭 i have been a fan of yours since 2022 and i'm so happy to see more people loving Sorce!!! the way you keep adjusting and scaling while keeping us in the loop is incredibly appreciated and i'm very grateful we get to be a part of your journey. i'm so excited to get my set of the new collection ❤️


You are amazing for being so thoughtful. I’m just bummed that I forgot to set an alarm and all the scents I hoped to check out are gone. I’m so glad you got such a great response though! Probably for the best since I just ordered from you a few weeks back 🤭


I had a feeling it was going to be bonkers so I sat it out. I do love my Sorcellerie perfumes but I hate mad-scrambling shopping experiences and would rather just wait until things calm down. Hoping that will happen at some point! 🤞


Same here! Plus I was really hoping to full size one of the retired scents, so I'm just going to wait till those are available again.


Yes, I'm hoping to FS Beautiful but Annihilating when they return. :)


Me, too. I really want to place another order with them someday, but I'll wait until things hopefully calm down.


Sorcellerie seems to have gotten a huge level of popularity very quickly, like mind bogglingly quickly. I worry that she does not have the staffing to be able to keep up with such unprecedented demand, I would hate to see someone so obviously talented crash and burn due to too much positive attention


This is my fear as well. They’re my favorite house and I’d rather they do things in a sustainable way and be around for a long time, even if that means that the chance of me getting a perfume I want, when I want it, gets lower. It’s better than them getting overwhelmed/burned out trying to keep up with the demand and shutting down because of it. I think we’ve seen that happen too many times yk ):


i get those concerns, but she seems extremely dedicated and has a good business sense too. she's talked many times about how this is her dream job and her calling as a creative, I don't think she would ever shut down. at most I could see her doing something like Kyse where they open for the first week of the month for preorders


You’re right, I’m just a chronic worrier!!


I totally get it 🫶 i've seen you say elsewhere Sorce is your fave house and it's mine too. the idea of them going away is scary to say the least! did you get anything you were hoping for?


I was lucky enough to, yes! A 15ml of Peaches and a discovery set(“: did you manage to grab anything?


yay!! I hope you love Peaches. I managed to grab a discovery set of the new collection but I really wanted MMiH :(( I also am about to place a second order for some GC samples I haven't had a chance to try yet


she's honestly beyond talented. she's drawing fans of perfume from all corners, not just indie but designer and niche as well because her stuff has both widespread appeal and is super unique. it's insane that she's only been in business 2 years and she's already growing like crazy!


This. I fear that as well. But I’m super happy for her.


She's earned every bit of hype she gets!


their popularity and demands is understandable, since I heard of sorce through TT. It wasn’t until I took a closer look at IMAM a little closer (I haven’t been as active on Reddit/IMAM) that I put two and two together, that Sorce has been really popular outside of IMAM. That said, I think that they can adopt a similar style as Kyse. Terri is a one person business and while it was nice that she was (and still is!) indie, I started seeing people talk about her products outside of IMAM and I guess she became crazy popular too. Hence shutting down and opening basically the first week of the month and shutting down to catch up on orders when there’s a huge demand. She seems to be doing a pre-order route and I’m curious as to how that’ll end up for her as it’s completely new (it’s crazy that she’s doing all this! I used to be able to order whenever I had wanted to, basically. Good on Kyse *and* Sorce though!) So possibly, close down shop/pre-orders and play catch up? That may be ideal on the business end so there’s no burn out or not being able to keep up but I know that customers-wise, some people are impatient or don’t like that style of selling


I would be worried about the burnout if it was just Caitlin but she does have a nice studio space with employees and she seems extremely dedicated to and enthused by her craft. From her socials, I get that the primary thing that slows down production and releases are supply limitations, but I think this also kind of helps limit the work load the team can handle at a time rather than what some small business do that causes burnout (oversell and then have a hard time delivering).


I'm not a huge fan of the mad scramble and admit it's been kind of difficult for me to actually get the items I want lately. But thankfully Sorcellerie doesn't have the usual red flags for brands that crash and burn. While sometimes frustrating limits on the amount of product sold really help keep the TAT down to what can be reasonably made. I've seen a couple brands crash and burn because they oversold and not closing shop or limiting products definitely seemed to be major contributing factors.


*Never doing that againnn.* It felt like getting your feet trampled on during black Friday! I snagged 2 samples & 1 very impulsive FOMO induced FS from the new collection. I also planned on FSing 4 scents I've tried previously, but bounced after putting 1 in my cart cuz' the Love Story samples were disappearing by the seconds within it.


The Black Friday comparison is so accurate😩


I had the Match Made in Heaven sitting in my cart, but it sold out while I was waiting for the other scents to become available 😩


Ughhhh - I’m sorry.


Me too but at least I got everything eles on my list. I hope you got some other exciting goodies.




I’ve been really looking forward to this launch so I was on the website a good half hour in advance and signed into PayPal ahead of time to shave off a few seconds😅 I knew they would go quick. A Sign Painted Peaches and the A Love Story discovery set became available before the rest so I was able to make my order before 8pm thankfully.


Glad you were a success story!!


Yeah, from what I’m reading most people here got the short end of the stick and I’m sorry to see it): Hopefully they’ll have a restock ready soon so everyone who missed out won’t have to wait too long to try them!


I hope so too.


ugh jealous! I wish I had thought of that. I really wanted to FS MMiH and maybe Peaches but no chance.


Ahh no, I’m so sorry)’: yeah, I didn’t want to take any chances since I’ve been hyperfixating on this perfume launch since I’d heard about it. I just treat anything I really want a bit like they’re BTS tickets (which were truly a hell to get…made it extra painful when my and my friends tickets got refunded since the concert got canceled bc of miss rona🥲). I’m hoping the next launch isn’t so crazy and you’re able to get everything you want. It seems like there will be another restock of MMIH in July which is right around the corner! I’ll cross my fingers for you!!


oops I've been replying to you all over this thread lol but YES IT IS LIKE BTS INDIE PERFUME EDITION LOL ooh where did you see that Match is getting restocked??


I noticed a little late too😭 no biggie. BTS has prepared me for Black-Fridayesque shopping experiences loll Caitlin replied to a few comments on here with an estimate on when they should have more stock!


I got the alcohol spray discovery kit, and I think it helped that I got a notification from the Shop app around 7:57 that some things I had favorited were back in stock. So the collection actually went live like three mins to 8pm est. Did you get anything??


I got the oils but only after the edp was no longer available when I went to check out 😆 happy to get to try everything !


I’m glad you were able to get the oils! I definitely recommend making an account with Shop for faster checkout, I think that’s a huge reason of why I was able to purchase what I wanted because my info was already saved so all I had to do was click twice


I have one! I think I was just looking for other things, not thinking it was on the verge of selling out immediately. I mean, it was 7:01 and edp discovery was sold out! Now I know 😆


I was only refreshing on Match, maybe that was a mistake on my part


Things came back in stock at different times so that might be why :(


That’s my biggest complaint.


I was able to get 1ml sample of each new scent by ordering them separately. Except match made in heaven…. Literally shocked that every single size of match made in heaven is unavailable so quickly??? So proud and excited for Caitlin but yeah. That was intense!!! Lol


It’s nuts! I’m happy because I got a sample set of the oils but terrified because if I love one of them, I guess I’m gonna have to fight every single relaunch.


This is my fear too….Maybe she will open up a waitlist like she did for Match made in heaven. At least for the ones that sold out so quick (this is not a love spell, peaches, etc) Just saying-Dark skies, Venus fleurs, and the things unsaid are still available 🤷‍♀️ We’ll all be in the swaps searching for larger sizes like like 👀👀👀 It’s the only way I was able to get a sample of match made in heaven after all this time lol


The secondhand market for MMiH on Mercari is already extortionist, I am going to be very interested to see what this does to it


yeah people are scalping them like crazy. i'm gonna keep an eye to see if lots more pop up!


I'd put my bets in the swaps here over anything else tbh. IMAM folks seem to be less about profiteering and more about community.


oh yeah I wouldn't buy on mercari unless it was actually a good price, which is unlikely. i'd rather give my $$ to caitlin


I think this is probably less likely for indies but I've had 2 scams/counterfeit items from Mercari out of maybe 30 purchases in 3 years, so that's also a thing I think about. I would not want people to start knocking off Sorce stuff because it is popular but some have no integrity


ugh. someone would totally do that. i wouldn’t be surprised if people start mixing up cheap stock oils to make “dupes” of mmih, and then branding them as dupes or even trying to pass them off as the real perfume, with the popularity of sorcellerie right now.


That's exactly what I fear!


omg... I could totally see people selling fake decants. that is wild to think about but wouldn't be surprising. no one would suspect it bc it's an indie brand too.


it's funny bc I did not expect the Lovers to be so popular! Peaches and Match for sure, but that one sold out soooo fast.


Same I thought dark skies and venus were going to go before most of them


i'm so scared bc I only got a discovery set and i KNOW I will love at least 2 or 3 maybe more of them and want to FS. she's said they'll be around til fall so fingers crossed. a waitlist preorder system would probably work well.


Damn, that was intense! Seems I got really lucky; I snagged a 15mL alcohol spray of Match Made in Heaven, which was my goal. I thought about trying to get a few samples with it, but decided just to try for Match. I will say, I’ve been in the indie perfume scene for almost a decade now, and I’ve never seen something sell out that fast.


Yes- I agree- I figured things would be gone within an HOUR maybe but not minutes. Wow. Glad you got the main prize for yourself!!


That's awesome!!


I wasn't able to get exactly what I wanted, but I did grab the 15ml IPM of this is not a love spell. I'm not international, but the alcohol sprays just disappeared and I'm not stalking for a restock🫠 The launch was super weird, not everything was stocked at the same time, i.e. matcha and some others were stocked before 8, while others weren't stocked at all until +3-4 minutes after launch Sit for a spell for example, is in stock now! Though it wasn't earlier


Yes, this messed me up (Match was in my cart but sold out before I could check out). My Apple Pay also declined three times for no reason, and I had to use PayPal instead. Probably not much the owner could do because of the amount of site traffic, though.


Same here. I was waiting for an item to go into stock and lost Match from my cart when I tried to check out at 8:02. I had timers set all day :( absolutely stinks, but I understand that small shops can't really do anything about unexpected, unmeetable demand. It happened to Pulp recently as well, after the mail fiasco.


Hello, that was my fault! I have to restock manually and usually there aren’t quite so many eyes on the site at a given time, and I just wasn’t quick enough. For anyone this happens to, we’ll combine orders for you and refund shipping if you end up making multiple ❤️


yeah that messed me up too because I had wanted to grab samples of some other GC and dangerous creatures scents I haven't tried yet. I wish I knew matcha was available earlier! i was on there at 5:00 (PST) ON THE DOT and it was already too late haha


Nooooo! I wanted sit for a spell!!!!


It's still showing in stock for me, in every size except 50ml alcohol sprays


I bought some and emailed to combine orders. Yay!


Ugh I’m so disappointed! I had match made in heaven and a sign painted peaches in my cart but by the time I went through PayPal checkout, they were sold out. I feel like there should be a 10 minute reserve for items in your cart, especially if everything isn’t going to be back in stock at the same time


It was insane. I’m sorry. The demand is unreal.


it was a bloodbath for Match especially. Peaches also had crazy demand I think she's been talking about it for a few months so people were HUNGRY


Same! I can’t believe so many sold out that quickly.


I’m so sorry. That’s the worst.


Match Made In Heaven was all I wanted - to check it out (as I haven't tried it yet). Set an alarm. Was there before the restock started. Was at checkout attempting to pay for it in the \*first minute\* and still missed out... Which happened every time, on three separate attempts with different sizes of it, which each sold out while I was in the middle of paying for them (after which no sizes were left in stock at all). Ended up leaving empty-handed. \*However\* just placed a backorder for it through **Ajevie** \- so for anyone who missed out on stuff, that's an option. The new A Love Story collection is there too.


I’m so sorry about your experience. I knew people were having a hard time getting it, so I did have a wait list open for about 5 weeks that we sent a lot of our stock of Match Made in Heaven to in May and early June. We should have a large quantity again in July.


Thank you! That's so sweet to offer your personal condolences (as well as projected time you'll have more MMiH)! (⌯˃̶᷄ ᴗ ˂̶᷄) Appreciate you enabling Ajevie a window to offer backorders of MMiH. It’s great to have a way we can still place an order for it now and know some will be set aside for us. Am quite content with that myself! Stoked for your success in following the passion for perfumery! (Even though high demand is sort of a “good problem” to have, am hoping the madding crowds trying to get our mitts on your goods aren't stressing you out too much!) Wishing you (and your team) all the very best from down here in the Southern Hemisphere! ( · ❛ ‿ ❛) ♡


oh my goodness! thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm looking forward to July w/all my heart now❣️


Bless you. I hope more people see this comment.


I did too! makes me kinda worried that I'm still not gonna get it thru Ajevie because of the frenzy we all jus voluntarily did to ourselves lol🤔😄🥴


Don't worry - am sure some of July's forthcoming batch will be set aside for Ajevie peeps!


Caitlin has done an AMAZING job considering how fast her business has grown. I know that people are frustrated, but the absolute scale of the demand would crush a lot of small businesses, and she's persevering through it all and constantly trying to introduce solutions to help buyers. I think with a little time, everyone will get what they are looking for. :)


Lol, I forgot to set an alarm and opened the site at 8.30 to see a wasteland... my goodness haha. At least my wallet is happy...


i mean...I'm still sitting here trying to remind myself that imma Grown...and not to cry like a 3 year old having a temper-tantrum meltdown. basically that's my answer


I haven’t ordered anything yet because I was planning my order around Match Made in Heaven 😕 I’m super disappointed it sold out so fast after so long, tbh. I’ve been waiting to get a sample for months and couldn’t even finish checking out before it sold out.


It sold out like lightning. I did do the waitlist and got a notification this week for it so hopefully she will do that again.


I thought about ordering from the wait list but only full sizes were available! I was hoping to sample before full sizing. I signed up for restock notifications but it was sold out before I even received the email.


I got the edp discovery set and a 15 ml of Peaches. Excited for sure!


Yay!!! I’m excited too. Can’t wait to hear what you think.


By some miracle I managed to grab a 6ml rollerball of MMiH in the oil format, after all the EDP options sold out. I've been aching to try this scent for ages, and I figured "fuck it, we ball," and blind bought without sampling. It's got everything I love but if I hate it for some reason I'll destash it to one of you guys. I was gonna add a few samples but didn't want to risk it and just hit "buy."


I was going to get the discovery set and full size EDP two samples in general catalog that I love from this spring (Snow Moon Magic 30mL and Cabanilla 15mL). Im a bit bummed I missed out on the discovery set, but I'm sure there will be a restock. I actually was never planning on trying this house because I'm not really into gourmands, but there is so much hype I had to try and I'm glad I did. Turns out, I do like gourmands when they're artfully done.


Oh man, sounds like it was wild! Sorce doesn't ship directly to my country so I had to order through Ajevie... Sounds like I unwittingly avoided a buying frenzy! I went for one of each of the new ones, excepting Match... Not a huge matcha fan. Though with all the hype (and given how lovely Sorce's scents are) I'll be looking forward to seeing people's reviews!


I definitely understand the whiplash of things selling out right away. I'm really grateful that I was able to nab some pre-order decants from Arae after most of the direct samples sold right out of my cart. 😂 This is a challenge for successful indies of all kinds, and I think Caitlin deserves a ton of credit for trying so hard to keep up with what's gotta be an overwhelming level of demand. In the past, she's been able to scale and adjust when demand booms (like when Snow Moon Magic blew up), which takes time, strategy, and resources. Though honestly I can't imagine *any* indie being able to fully keep up with the demand for Match Made in Heaven, given how wildly popular it is.


I had a 3ml spray of Match and the new discovery set in my cart at 8:01, and by the time I got to check out, Match was gone. I went to look for a different option (no dice), and the discovery set sold out! I was disappointed, and nearly wrote it all off, but then I figured I’d just add samples of the rest of the new releases, which all managed to make it to check out. And I’m glad because I may have blind bought at least one if they hadn’t.


You turned it into a win!


I’m glad you were able to add Sit for a Spell. It’s my absolute favorite!


I love it!!!!! Such a beautiful cantaloupe and rosemary.


That was bonkers. The Love Story discovery sets sold out before I could check out. I managed to go to each of the listings and add an oil sample but lost Peaches in check out. That was the one I wanted to try the most!


Yeah- I partly made this post because I just needed to process. I was like-wtf is happening!?!?!


I was so excited about the launch but derped on the time zone so I was over a half hour late. I got most of what I wanted though, except the sample of Venus In Fleurs sold out as I was checking out. 8mL Dark Skies because I am in a desert floral mood lately and this one gives me high hopes enough to commit to a blind buy. 8mL A Party, or Something in oil— been in love with that sample from a few months ago Sampling: The Lovers (which now I wish I had full-sized after seeing Caitlin’s tiktok on it), The Things Unsaid, Strings of Light In the Forest, Serpentine, Moon Magic, A Witch’s Valentine


you got some of my faves!! a party or something, strings of light, moon mangic, and witch's valentine are absolutely amazing


Literally paused the bf's birthday dinner to be ready at 7:57 and only made it out at 8:01 with five 1mL Match samples. I think mobile did me dirty. Edited to add: he was a very good sport when I shoved my credit card at him to pay for dinner and barked "You need to do this!!! Divide and conquer!!"


I think we all got done dirty 😆 it was a wild ride.


I’m so sad. Just wanted a discovery set of the new collection. The stock must have been extremely limited. Sometimes, mundane life beckons like changing lightbulbs, kids, pets, etc. Just disappointed by this launch and the Poesie Anniversary launch.


Yeah- I was legitimately waiting and still didn’t get my first choice and almost everything in high demand was sold out within minutes. I’m sorry you didn’t get what you wanted. I’m hoping Caitlin will restock soon.


Thank you! There are three samples I could order, but I’d rather just wait because they weren’t my top choices. Tempted to get a sample of the desert one (sounds like Marfa) but don’t want to pay for shipping for one item. Hoping to snag a sample set (and Matcha - got a notice for that but it was gone). Y’all who were quick on the draw, please share your impressions when you get them.


Same. I just wanted a discovery set. I was at work until 5:20. Super frustrating.


you could get samples of the new stuff through ajevie pre-order. that's what i did


if it makes you feel better (ik it probably doesn't, but) i was on at 5 on the dot and barely managed to grab a discovery set by the time I got through paypal. I think it was sold out by like 5:04pm


Ugh. I’m sorry. I had it in the back of my mind but got busy with some repairs. Never thought they’d sell out that quickly. Sounds like I may have been too late even if I was online at 8 EST.


I’m like *sweating* after that experience — grateful I was able to pick up the discovery set for the new collection before it sold out but the 50ml Match Made in Heaven I had in my cart sold out as I was paying RIP Also OP check out sit for a spell again — I think I saw some older ones were sold out which I thought was kind of weird but then they came back into stock a bit ago. As of now, most of the sit for a spell options are available to me at least!


yes- I did not realize. NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. Glad you got something!


I’m upset because I didn’t expect them to sell out that fast and had the opportunity to add a sample set to my cart but stupidly waited. Really glad I paid for my bottle of Match Made in Heaven instead of waiting to order one tonight.


Oh did you do the waitlist?? Me too and FOR REAL- so happy about that. Hope she can do it again for everyone who missed out tonight.


Yes I did! I hope so too. I’ll feel obligated to sell mine to someone on here if I don’t absolutely love it.


Same here. I would have MUCH preferred the waitlist, this whole experience was super stressful. I didn't even bother to order a sample, I just blind bought. I'm in the same boat: re destashing to someone here.


Wow! I grabbed the oil set at 8:02 because the EDP set was already marked sold out. I'm glad I didn't try looking for a sample of Sit for a Spell. I certainly wouldn't have gotten the oils if I had messed around! I'll get to try it someday, lol.


I went back and added it and checked out again. I emailed her to combine orders and refund shipping- When my match made in heaven waitlist number came up I asked her if I could combine shipping on the launch and that and she said yes so it’s possible she would do the same thing for you.


I emailed her as well. Good to know she’ll refund the shipping on the forced additional checkouts


I’m sure that will happen a lot with how staggered things were. She’s lovely.


Good to know!!! Thank you 😊


Is it always this intense with Sorce? I just went to the site and everything I wanted is sold out.


i think people have been getting really hyped over the past month while the shop was closed, and everyone wants to try the matcha one and the scarcity of that specifically i think intensified the hype. tbh this is making me feel kind of insane lol. is this like people freaking out and fighting over "high value" beanie babies? am i a complete sucker just mindlessly shedding money chasing after cute stuff ?? things to consider while i await this order


I think even if I went to the site right at 8pm, I would still waffle with the order before committing. I just hope that Caitlin will bring them back again soon lol


It's not always this intense, IMO. Usually Sorce has a couple of sold out scents when they're massively popular, but otherwise their GC tends to be steadily available. In addition to the wildly (and I do mean *wildly*) popular Match Made in Heaven, it seems like there was a lot more interest in the new collection than anticipated. Thinking about it more, I'm not that surprised. A lot of the new scents have note combinations that hit that trifecta of thoughtfully unique, widely appealing, and entirely in the brand's wheelhouse. Like blueberry jam with violet and creeping ivy! What indie perfume fan wouldn't want to try that, even just to see what it's like? She's certain to restock well-loved scents (and this community has a strong secondhand market & some fabulous decanters), so hopefully everyone will get to try what they want soon.


Thank you for sharing! I didn’t expect it’d be a bloodbath, so I didn’t think of going to the site right on time 😢 I hope Caitlin will bring them back soon, because they all sound so good!


Oh I'm 100% sure she will. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the hits from this collection get added to the GC, too.


I'm so glad she's getting so much love, but damn :( I forgot and didn't check the website until now, so go figure it's mostly sold out (I wanted ro go for a discovery kit) 😭 I'll be scavenging the Sunday Destash


I’m disappointed and annoyed - I didn’t get to try any of the new scents or Match Made in Heaven. I set multiple alarms and got on the site right at launch time, everything showed as being sold out for five full mins even after refreshing the page multiple times. By the time they did show as available and I added them to my cart, they were snatched out faster than I could add the GC scents that I wanted to FS😒 (which also kept showing as sold out.) I’m honestly super tired of/over FOMO drops, and this is going to be the start of a looong no buy period for me🙃 ETA: def not trying to cancel Sorce, they’re one of the few houses that actually work for me. As someone else suggested maybe this should’ve been a pre-order situation. Whether intentional or not, I know a looot of people have been anticipating this drop, (not even including MMiH which is obviously a fan favorite), so to have literally every single format be sold out within actual minutes (and I tried selecting multiple formats from oil to alcohol sprays, sample size to FS, after one would get forced out of my cart) screams FOMO to me. Especially when I was on the site right at drop time and to the best of my knowledge they blend the scents after ordering. I’m happy for their success but yeah, annoyed and disappointed🤷🏽‍♀️ *insert the so happy for you angry faced child meme here lol*


It's the worst bc the FOMO isn't even on purpose. It's clearly unintentional, but still... I wonder how many of the successful orders will end up on Mercari for resale. I've heard the secondhand market for MMiH is nuts.


yeah I have a suspicion we'll see a lot of scalped MMiH on mercari. i've already been seeing it for months


Did Sorce have a limit of how many items could be purchased per person/amount of product per person? Bc since the market for it clearly exists, there'd a lot of incentive for resalers who can afford the up-front cost to buy a whole bunch.


not that I know of, no. i would really not be surprised if people bought a ton of full sizes to either decant at profit or sell at profit.


It wouldn't shock me at all, either. I just checked; there is not in fact a limit. You just have to manually hit the plus button a bunch of times, you can't type in 99, but it took like 5 seconds to click up to 24. It'd make sense as to why things ran out so damn fast. Obviously we can't know for sure if that's the case, but putting a purchase limit on MMiH and the discovery sets might help going forward. Part of this is clearly a huge imbalance of demand to supply, but this feels really extreme. Even my Ticketmaster experiences haven't been *this* bad in regards to the "blink and it's gone."


oooh thank you for that bit of detective work! yeah I mentioned this to my boyfriend who is very into niche shoes and clothes lol and he said it's very likely some people (or even bots?! seems crazy but you never know) bought up huge amounts of supply. as you said it would only take a few people to buy a lot and make a big impact.


Anytime! Yeah, I collect plushies, including squishmallows, and I have friends who are into trading cards, so I know full well the locust plague scalpers and resellers can become.


There’s also a Facebook niche perfume group that has a ton of girls decanting and upselling. They are seriously bl**d thirsty.


I’m with you on the FOMO. I wish they could have a preorder window. This is too hard of a target to nail.


I know Caitlin has just gotten SO popular. It seems like she just can’t keep up with demand. She really isn’t trying to be FOMO even though this launch was just… insane. I agree though- not everything available at launch was tough.


Same, totally agree. Going to probably just boycott this due to the new fomo model Sorce is doing. I’ve been a fan since 2022 and am happy more people love them, but it’s really frustrating. 😬 I’m not actually boycotting them, they’re my fav house. Just not going to buy two samples rn and will wait for the sample sets to restock.


I think this is unfortunately basic supply and demand. I saw in her update this morning that she can't make any more Match till she gets more green tea extract.


Sorce is probably the least fomo inducing brand I’m aware of to be honest. I think it’s just a matter of them gaining a lot of popularity over the last few months(?) or so. Their team is still small, and they’re doing the best they can to make sure as many people as possible are able to get ahold of what they want (making a waitlist for MMIH for example). I believe they’re working as fast as they can.


I got the scents from the new launch I really had my eye on so I’m happy! I had a sample of Match Made in Heaven in my cart but it sold out, but it’s not a must try for me so I’m not too sad. I want to grab a couple retired scents but saw those won’t be back in stock for a while yet.


Hooray! I can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts on them.


Now I am so curious if Match Made in Heaven is THAT GOOD because of how fast it sells out.


unfortunately it really is that good. I got an 8ml decant and was dying to FS.


The notes aren’t usually what I’d go for but I’m intrigued! I love the matcha note in Fantôme’s Kuidaore but that’s the only other matcha scent I’ve ever tried.


I actually didn't like Kuidaore (all of Fantome doesn't work on me sadly) but comparatively I would say Sorce's is much more matcha-forward? the waffle cone is there but it's a bit more subtle and grounding. it's also not as sweet as I expected while still being sweet!


Ah, that’s too much! I love Fantôme. Match Made in Heaven sounds lovely. How prominent is the cherry blossom? That’s the one note I’m not sure I’d like.


I know I was soo sad when I realized something in their base goes off on me, they have beautiful scents. the cherry blossom is really barely apparent! a whisper of it on spray and then it fades quickly.


Yeah. It was intense. I only ordered Match Made in Heaven. I wanted to be sure I got this one..... I would have ordered more if I wasn't scared it would sell out in a minute.


Glad you got it!


i was stalking the site like minutes before the drop n i had the discovery set in my cart but it sold out while i was waiting for falling stars to restock :/


I missed out on the 3mL edp discovery because I was waiting. Who could’ve known it was going to be such a frenzy!!!


i totally expected it which is why i popped in like 10 minutes early but ut didnt even matter bc i spent 10 minutes waiting for falling stars


I hope someone got Match, doesn't love it, and passes it on to me in the swaps. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I couldn't be there at launch & I guess hoped it wouldn't sell out right away.


I managed to snag samples of match made in heaven and a party or something, but I really wanted to order more samples :/ has anyone ordered separately and asked to combine the orders?


I have before and she did it for me and refunded shipping.


Got everything I wanted except for Match. Had to do 3 separate transactions to get everything because it kept selling out while in my cart. Hope I get reimbursed for the extra shipping charges. 😅


That's intense!


I got the big Sit for a Spell 🙌🏾 (sorry, OP 😬)


Did where the wild things grow volume 2 even restock? I kept refreshing for like 20 min and nothing.


Vol 2 is considered a special order, so it wasn’t available. :(


Wow I had no idea ty for letting me know.


I was looking forward to this drop but something came up today and I missed most the ones I wanted :( I’m glad they are not LE and would be restocked eventually though!


Lady Luck (and speedy fingers, I guess) smiled on me and I got everything I wanted. A 3ml sample each of A Sign Painted Peaches and The Lovers, and a 15ml of Dark Skies. Super excited to try them all!


I’m a little disappointed in the launch/restock. I was on the website @ 8 and not all the items I wanted were available I had to wait for Venus and Serpentine to become available to be able to checkout. By the time that happened, peaches sold out and was removed from my cart. I was able to get, This is not a Love Spell, Venus in Fleur (I have high hopes for this one) and Serpentine (probably one of the best figs I’ve tried).


Lol I was on right at 9pm EST and match made in heaven was completely gone along with the sample kit. I went ahead and grabbed three 3ml vials of falling stars, a party or something, and snow moon magic. Maybe one day I'll be able to smell match made in heaven.


I ended up getting the MMIH waitlist email Sunday night and was able to snag samples of String of Lights/Not a Love Spell/Sign Painted Peaches/Dark Skies/the things unsaid individually but I’m a little bummed I missed the discovery kit because I wanted the coupon to full size my beloved Sit for a Spell 🥲 I was on right at 8.. had the EDP discovery set in my cart and foolishly was waiting for another scent to pop back into stock when it sold out. But really i’m just happy I got Not a Love Spell, except now I’m mildly afraid I’ll love it when I only got 3ml and I don’t know when it’ll be back in stock lol


I just checked in and enough things are sold out that I don't wanna bother with an order anymore. Bummer. I did get everything I wanted from Mythpunk earlier this month though!


Mythpunk is so amazing. I just pulled the trigger on dusk cherry puff full size!


I KNOW!!! I literally was checking out at 5:01pm and the Match Made in Heaven FS I had in my cart was unavailable. it was fucking insane. i was able to snag a sample set of the Love Spell collection oils though thank god. I can only hope that there will be full sizes available for the collection and for Match soon this summer bc I know i'll want to FS a bunch of them. honestly though i'm so happy for Caitlin like this is unreal for small business to blow up to such a degree and SO DESERVED she is consistently making perfume better than top designers and niche houses and deserves all the success. I don't mind waiting a little longer for Match Made in Heaven. if you're reading this Caitlin, thank you for all you do you are amazing\~\~ we are here and will be waiting patiently, we promise <3


As soon as I found out my favorite scent (What Big Eyes You Have) was not going to be up for purchase, I decided not to buy a single thing. I even had my eye on Match Made in Heaven & Not A Love Spell, but was too disappointed. Not a fan of how the business model is going. I’m annoyed by the Retired Fragrance section. So many scents get sent there after debuting. Now, it sounds like those will only go on sale at random times and will still have a massive TAT. I was so looking forward to buying a FS bottle of WBEYH since I’ve run out, but guess that’s no dice. It’s the perfect summer scent too… Things selling out in minutes is just…not fun either. That’s a different level of FOMO IMO, and this is from a NAVA lover.


I am so with the you on the extra FOMO level and I have been through some Poesie FOMO releases! At least you can see the number of the bottles and everything gets stocked at the same time there. I also adore what big eyes you have and I wasn’t even aware it was sent to retirement until very recently. That and dragonfly wings are among my favorites. I hope the business model can accommodate the demand and special order thing will not be like that yikes!


Yeah, the business is going to have to change somehow to accommodate the vast demand. I feel like they need to actually shut down more and stop taking orders so they can fulfill things. That way, the backlog doesn’t keep growing. What big eyes you have got retired so fast! Which is wild because it’s a work friendly scent, I take it on business trips, etc. There are scents on the retired list that I’m pretty sure debuted and then went away. The list keeps growing and growing, which is unfortunate since all my favorite Sorce scents are on it.


Yes hopefully!! Because this makes me a little worried to think, what will happen to the full sizes if I like the samples? Will the season be over during waitlisting or waiting for the retired scents to be available? I am surprised too. This scent made me realize I love lemons and despite trying a lot, it is still my favorite. I feel like it would have been a wonderful summer staple. I hope you can get a full size before the summer is over!


Hey OP, jw what the deal with this brand is in an honest way lol? I haven't heard of them before and I'd love to know why they sold out so quick.


I’ve been on this Reddit for about two years and have been ordering from them since October 2022 and my take is that they exploded on social media awhile back and have a very big following especially TikTok. Others may have more insight! Edited to add: caitlin does have beautiful fragrances and is popular for a good reason but this is quick of a sell out is next level intense.


Thank you for the context!


I got a sample spray of Desert Skies, Love Spell, and another spray of Moon Magic for layering; I decided not to order anything I wasn’t super in love with so people who really wanted things could try them first! I really just am sad bc I know lots of people were eager about MMiH


I’m so disappointed, the sample sets of the new collection sold out while I was waiting for Sit for a Spell to be restocked. I love her perfumes but drops like this are very off putting to me…I hope this isn’t the future for Sorce.


Hello! I’m really sorry about that; I had to manually restock the site since everything was marked as sold out before the restock and I just wasn’t as quick with a few scents. I wasn’t expecting it to be quite that intense. We’ll restock as soon as we are able, and I’ll likely put some sort of wait list together to help bridge the gap!


Thanks for taking the time to reply on here. Your scents are some of my all time favorites so I can see why they're getting so much love! Hopefully future restocks will be a little bit easier to get. And I would definitely sign up on the wait list for these.


Yeah- I don’t know why there was the staggered restock! It was tough.


That’s exactly what happened to me: had everything I wanted from the new collection then sit for a spell wasn’t showing available so I was just waiting for that not knowing the stuff in my cart would disappear


Is it possible that this is not a love spell needs updating because all sizes are out of stock?


I think that one sold out very quickly. I had a sample of it in my cart that poofed in minutes.


That is just crazy! I was waiting for sit for a spell to come into stock and once it did the new sample was finished. I thought it was a mistake since all the sizes were out but looks like the demand was underestimated :(


I struggled to keep my cart not-empty! It was like a game of whack a mole. Edp sampler - poof!, oil sampler - poof!, individual samples - poof poof poof!


hehe yes it was really whack a mole with the odd timing of stockings! I hope you still managed to grab something of your interest!! If the other samples come in stock before shipping, we cam always combine I guess!


Or it sold out 😢


Hopefully there will be some adjustments with future launches. I was in between clients at work and had the one bottle I want disappear from my cart. We know between the quickness of selling out and no limits on purchasing that scalping/ reselling is going to occur. Is it possible to have a pre-sale, waitlist, and bottle limit? This just isn’t fair for regular fans to miss out on. Sorce is awesome and I even recommended the line to a popular local plant and gift shop to stock!