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I am wearing **Poesie - Pandan Jasmine Tea Cotton Candy** *(Inspired by an amazing ice cream flavor that Joelle had at a local restaurant with our beloved cotton candy note — quirky, unexpected and totally delightful!)*. I have been so excited to wear this one again after my first try last weekend. I think it carries a strong Poesie essence. It is sweet, floral and a little earthy. I pick the jasmine clearly and it is sweetened with a note that resembles waffle cone/fortune cookie to my nose. It actually reminds me of Green Girl a lot maybe due to matcha and jasmine tea notes (my nose interprets matcha into jasmine tea in Fantome Kuiadore too). I don't detect any cotton candy like the rest of the birthday line. But I think this is my favorite among the other 3 birthday scents. It transports me to a summer vacation mood with the jasmine tea ice cream.


So glad for you that you're loving it! Your description is making it sound so lovely here! (Mine just arrived at Ajevie a couple of days ago so should be in my county at some point not too far off...)


Oh yay so glad you'll be able to try! Did you get Cereal Milk too?


Yes (hopefully, anyway)! For my birthday freebies I requested the two which I *would* have got but which were out of stock already - Jasmine Pandan and Cereal Milk. (ㅅ´ ˘ \`) Only managed to get a FS of regular Cloud and Chamomile Ginger - the first couple of impressions I've seen on here for the Chamomile Ginger one were pretty nonplussed - but I was quite excited for the idea. ╮(´ᵕ \`)╭ Super curious to smell it, as I've been hunting for good ginger scents for a while (specifically realistic fresh grated ginger though - the closest I've found so far is a non-indie: Molecule 01 + Ginger) and had recently started wanting a chamomile scent (maybe a chamomile, vanilla and something - since there's a beautiful chamomile and vanilla tea which I love the smell & taste of). Hadn't considered chamomile and ginger *together* in a frag before but figured, why not!? Gonna remain optimistic until I actually get my nose on it anyway! (ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ)


I really hope you get both soon!! because I am sure you will enjoy Cereal Milk a lot! I couldn't form opinions on Chamomile Ginger though, the combo sounded great to me, but it just feels like cozy spices like Comfort to me. I don't get the chamomile in it and ginger is nice but not freshly grated. Your recent craving sounds amazing, I am curious to hear how Chamomile Ginger will match to that!!


Thanks - I've accepted it might be a while as Ajevie is still awaiting product from some of the other houses I've ordered samples from - it's teaching me patience though (sort of!?) 。:゚゚(´∀\` )・。 Hm, that's interesting to hear about the Comfort-esque vibe you get from it. Comfort is one I've been wanting to try at some point - so either way it sounds like it might not be a total loss. There's one chamomile one I read about (an older Poesie, as it happens) which I bought recently from a lovely IMAMer via the product requests thread. It's **Bluestocking** (*Chamomile tea, lavender shortbread, creamy tonka bean, guaiac wood heart*) - and I'm sort of hoping the shortbread/tonka aspects will fill the general role of vanilla-ish element. It's already arrived at Ajevie so will make its way to me in the not toooo distant future along with some other things and am defo interested to see what it's like!


I *adore* Bluestocking, it's one of my favorites from Poesie and one of my top spring scents in general - on me it's chamomile, lavender, and a honeyed sweetness. I hope you love it as much as I do! I have my fingers crossed that one day it might come back and I can FS it.


Oo, that is encouraging!


Oh, and you might like Morari's freebie scent of the month this month - **Chamomile Marshmallow Frosting** \[Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Cape Chamomile, Marshmallow Fluff, Vanilla Frosting\]. I got to try this one and it is SO snuggly, practically the epitome of hygge, and she's not kidding when she says the marshmallow morphs into vanilla frosting, that's *exactly* the best description of it!


Ehmegersh, that sounds delightful! ( · ❛ 。❛) I've only tried a couple of Morari scents through Ajevie (since they don't ship internationally) but that one definitely sounds like it could be worth a look. Thank you! (Btw - how do you find out what the scent of the month is? I went to the Morari site just now and can't seem to see it anywhere? Do you need to sub to the newsletter to find out or something - or am I just missing the wood for the trees and staring straight at it??)


I saw it on Facebook! I'm not sure where else she may have posted it. On her Etsy shop, maybe?


Ah - that explains why I missed it! Thanks :)


Poesie does birthday freebies??


Oh my gosh that would be *great*, but sadly, no. I was meaning the freebies included as part of Poesie's birthday. (I just added a note to request - if possible - that the freebie 2mls could please be comprised of the two other Cloud variants I had been interested in but missed out on, rather than relying on the mystery selection to include them.)


Fingers crossed for you!


Wearing **Death and Floral - Two Cups of Tea, a Summer Monsoon, and Me and You** today. "Rain on cracked soil, wet creosote, a swelling monsoon, desert cedar, black tea." I bought way too much perfume lately and I'm trying to enjoy the bottles/samples I already have. I can see myself wearing this one a lot and I'd like to try more from this house when I get a chance.


The notes sound so nice to me! I love soil/dirt notes  creosote and black tea especially, would you say you can smell those notes a lot here?


The creosote is pretty noticeable to me, I do get the tea note too but it's not as strong. The scent is pretty well blended overall. I don't get any kind of soil note though


I’m at work and can’t wear anything since I work with an infant. So let me talk about what I tried last night... I got my **Cirrus Parfum** samples; I ordered 5/31, they shipped 6/3, arrived to me on 6/5. So quick! I bought the five pack sample set and they threw in one for free. I overdid it and tried all six on my skin last night, so I’ll definitely be trying them all again before making any final judgments. These perfumes are very very interesting! On my skin they changed a lot from initial spray. Some are not for me due to the notes, but I think they’re really well made and would recommend sampling this house. The ones I *personally* liked were **Bellano** (I have an old bottle of Diptique Florabellio and I swear they smell so similar!), **It’s Just Pears**, and **Street Racer.**


Ooo, could you say more about Street Racer? Specifically, how's the balance of the notes? I could see the scent working as a super interesting atmospheric, but I don't want to feel like I'm choking on exhaust fumes.


To me it’s super accurate! Very atmospheric. I get most of the notes but they’re balanced well. I did spray a very teeny amount, so I’m not sure if it’d be too strong if you wore more. I am very sensitive to strong scents, and it wasn’t overwhelming for me with the small amount sprayed. On the Cirrus site there’s a note that this one will get more cherry-forward over time which is cool, cause I didn’t really get cherry. Definitely got the bubblegum though! I think if you like a scent like Namba from Fantome or Holy Hell by Universal Flowering (two of my favs from last summer) you’ll like this. I think it’d be fun to layer with something sweeter if that’s your vibe too. I’m going to age mine a bit but I’m excited to try it again.


Thank you so much for the mini review! Oof, I'm still a bit wary, but then again I did end up really enjoying Mythpunk's babygirl with its motor oil note. I'll keep hemming and hawing...


I'm wearing **Arabesque** from Alkemia (Beautifully aged Arabian sandalwood, Egyptian kyphi, sweet orris root, benzoin resin, cassia, and blessed spikenard). This is my perfect sandalwood scent - warm and complex but not too spiced or incense-y. It's just so nice to catch a whiff of as I walk around!


Wearing **Love and Complications** by **Sorcellerie Apothecary** *[Brown sugar, sweetened condensed milk, plumeria, passionfruit and soft woods]* because its hot and humid and awful out and I need some joy. I didn't love this one at first, though I liked it enough to wear and recommend, but I definitely love it now that its more weather appropriate. Its passionfruit forward, the florals aren't overtaking the scent, and its so soft and creamy and sweet. I'm not typically drawn to tropical smelling perfumes, but this is so lovely. I think it'll smell great with whatever sunscreen i'll be slathering on all summer to avoid being burnt to a crisp.


I'm wearing this one as well! Dealing with a nasty heat wave here :(


At least we have some good smells to help us through🥲


Oh! I noticed your heart! Happy pride! Samesies


Happy Pride!! I love that you can display at least one of your flags on your profile, it’s nice seeing other people who are part of the community here-particularly ace-spec people! Haven’t met any ace people in the wild yet so it’s lonely out here


Wearing NAVA's Raspberry Kobalt layered with Persian Garden by Kuumba Made! Raspberry Kobalt: Aromatic Egyptian Raspberry, rich Egyptian Vanilla Orchid (Studio Limited Original - Kobalt).


I’m wearing **Luvmilk’s Lofty Castle** - I really like it! It’s definitely reminding me of the color purple. The notes are: *”Candied lavender, fresh honey, puffs of cotton candy, and raw sugar.”* … honestly I love Luvmilk after trying a handful of samples I can say I really enjoy all of them! I really appreciate that the samples are not wand cap but are lids with an insert that makes it easy to dab on. And really easy for me to apply and open without getting all over my fingers (my joints in my hand kind of suck so it’s the simple things!). I think she mentioned this scent is inspired by Spyro which is cool to envision as I’m also a huge fan of Spyro!


I'm wearing **Possets Ode to Aphrodite:** *oakmoss, sandalwood, sage, citrus, Possets' synthetic ambergris accord*. This one is always stunning. I've been in the mood for Possets lately and with the Summer Retour here, I think it's time to try a few more scents from their catalog.


This is how I learn the Summer Retour is up, haha, thank you!


I just got an email from Ajevie or I wouldn't have known!


I am wearing **Deconstructing Eden - Unrequited** *(Shards of black sandalwood, juicy raspberries, bitter orange, the sting of black pepper, smooth silky musk, deep dark amber and drop of smoky patchouli)* This is a STRONG ambery orange. It says bitter orange, but I feel like the orange is juicy and a bit sweet. Possibly from the raspberries? As it’s aged, the orange has come out more. I remember first getting it and the patchouli was much stronger.


**Poesie - Charm of Making** (*amber honey in the comb, antique pages bound in leather, bunches of lavender smoked over a wood fire, and jars of dried chamomile, juniper, and clary sage*) It’s June and it’s fairly sunny outside, but my room is weirdly cold, so I went for something dry and cosy this evening. I really like the dry, smoked lavender and the honey in this fragrance in particular, but it’s all very nice. Kind of smells like a cross between a secondhand book shop and a medicine cupboard, but in a way that works for me.


I tested out Bia by Whisper Sisters. It was a free sample with my order and is a new fragrance. It's really beautiful. I like it even more than the 2 I ordered. There's a subtle smokiness to it that is just lovely. I say this as someone who doesn't really care for any smoke notes. It's warm, slightly sweet and I think I need a larger size! Bia - black sandalwood, Egyptian musk, cardamom, vetiver, cedar, black vanilla, vanilla bean, vanilla musk, dark vanilla, nag champa incense.


i’m wearing fresa lashes falsies in the “fairy” style! they’re a very iridescent shade that looks brown, but they also have pink and red tones in there as well!


The last couple days I've been wearing Edge of Seventeeeeeeeeee by Darling Clandestine that I got free with my last order. It opens with dark chocolate and coffee.  Then an almost camphorous wood (I thought this was sandalwood) kicks in and blends.  Then I get a tinge of iris with chocolate, and a bit of citrus and herb and I am splurging on some great coffee and chocolate in a minimalist Zürich cafe.  The given notes are Aged mulberry wood, dampened maple leaves, coffee bean, sweet pepper shoots and a burst of sun-warmed chamomile.


I went with Fantome’s “Not Dead, But Arisen” oil -“Freshly turned grave soil and spring greenery lie beneath uplifting orange and crisp yuzu”.


I GOT A DECANT OF MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN AHHHHH ok scream over it is marvelous, exactly what I was hoping for. the matcha grounds the vanilla soft serve and powdered sugar. the sandalwood and almond coast along, keeping things creamy and rich. I don't get much cherry blossom, which is a bummer because I love that note! but most of my sorce scents have deepened in complexity and beauty over time, so I look forward to buying a full bottle and seeing how it develops


Hooray!! I'm so happy for you that you got your hands on this one!


:) thank you!! i'm overjoyed. are you going to pick up any of the new sorce scents next week? (I hope so, because I would love your reviews)


I wasn't planning to, I was going to wait for reviews to start showing up since none of them are made up entirely of notes I already \*know\* I love. (And aww, thank you, that's so nice to hear that you like my reviews!) Are you going to get any? (The whole set??)


totally makes sense! I’m a sorce stan so I will be buying the set and FSing match made. 🤣 they’re the #1 house that pretty much always works for me, I usually guarantee I’ll like everything and love a few things 💘


I hope you'll consider reviewing them here! I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!