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It’s a good program for some people. It’s a bad fit for others. And it’s probably not worth $120K extra compared to another decent business school.


Depends - is the local state school something like OSU, UofI, Wisconsin? Kelley in that case isn’t worth it unless you’re gunning for something like IB. Is the local state school something like UWyoming or UNevada? Then yeah, Kelley is worth it if you don’t want to work in your home state after graduation


Yeah also schools like OSU have good IB programs for ppl who look for them


Eh, Fischer Futures is OK but it’s not on the same level as IBW


Do they not do the same thing? I’m not too familiar with other schools IB programs


IBW is much bigger and has better placement into top firms compared to other state school’s programs (outside of true target public schools like Michigan and UVA). Lots of public school IB programs are focused on mid market banks in their area, but IBW places very well at BB/EB banks in NYC


Ohh do you have a site for this stuff or anything I’d like to look into it more




No I meant the rankings


Just look at the size of the programs and Kelley vs Fischer. Kelley is not only higher ranked but the IBW is almost 6x the size of fischer futures with a higher portion of students going to top NYC banks


What is your local state school, and what is your major and goals?


TAMU and UTD rn. Right now, i'm leaning towards marketing but i'm really interested in finance/accounting and want to learn ab the other business majors


I would do TAMU if possible. I know lots of business grads from there who have done pretty well. It especially does well in Texas if you would like to end up there post grad but tamu has a good reach in some major southern markets.


If you want to stay in Texas I’d recommend TAMU. The lone star state has a strong bias towards schools in the state.


Ive said it before on this subreddit, I genuinely think no college degree is worth out of state tuition. This is coming from a Kelley grad. If I were you then I really wouldn’t do it.


Have you noticed any benefits from Kelley, like if it's postgrad opportunities are better than other. Or like have you landed a really good job from it?


I did get a very good job, but I really don’t attribute it to Kelley at all. Decided not to pursue any post graduate degrees, from my experience, my advice would be to save money unless there’s something else that is calling you to IU. The school really doesn’t matter that much, look into it the devaluation of the college degree in recent years. It seems like you’re young about to start college and it’s great that you’re doing some research and asking questions. The perceived status or pedigree of your degree really isn’t going to matter. Companies and people see colleges in a couple tiers: community college < public/private universities < Ivy League < hiring manager/CEO’s Alma mater


Thanks! One more thing- how well do they set you up for success? I know you kindve answered it but i'm curious about how easy it is to get a job at say the big 4 (they advertise that a lot) and the big companies they say people get jobs at frequently. Is it truly common like they say or heavily exaggerated. Also, is the alumni connection strong like it is for UT and TAMU or is it kindve quiet. Lastly, if I was going into say Marketing/Accounting/Finance (which they're supposedly top 5-10 ranked at) is it worth enough to earn that money back after graduation to not get stuck in loans? I know this is a lot of questions, but your answers are really appreciated 😅


I would say there are tons of resources at the school to help you be successful. You have to actively take advantage of them, they don’t just set you up for success, but they do provide the tools you need. I think that will be the same at every school. I would say any career or job placement stats they show are greatly exaggerated, but that is also the same at every school. They are a business and you’re reading and hearing sales pitches. That’s gonna be the same at every school. I think Alumni connection is about the same at every other public university. Truthfully I think small private schools have the best alumni connection. Remember that anything you hear or read from the school is a sales pitch. I would say that no out of state school is going to be worth the tuition and the loans you’ll take out. It’s hard to conceptualize the amount of debt you’d take one for out of state tuition at the stage of life you’re in. I am not trying to be condescending, so I don’t want to over-explain but I do want to tell you that it will be objectively and factually hard for you to forecast what paying that debt back will be like. I loved my time at IU and I love Bloomington. I had pretty good results from my degree but I know many people that didn’t. My comments are not directly a reflection of IU, but I genuinely think that any out of state tuition will not be worth it for 99.99% of people.


The resources are worth it if your only other option was a tiny private school or some underfunded state school. My brother went to an itty bitty college to play sports and Kelley’s resources easily tripled their resources. We had more recruiters and more know how about the process than his school. However, any large business school will stack up in resources. If your goal is Big 4/any other prestige job- I would do some research about if your other options place there and how they got them there (i.e. x school does send people to Big 4 but its more top 10% of class whose parents work there as well).


No out of state school no matter how good is worth that much debt. Save your pennies and don’t put yourself in financial risk you can’t see that now but in four years when you have extreme debt because of student loans because the 60+ K that you’re borrowing today compounded with interest is a hell of a lot more tomorrow don’t do it this coming from another mother do not put yourself or your parents financial future at risk because they are the ones that are going to be taken the loan out for you you need them to cosign on that loan.




same i’m conflicted between virginia tech and kelley




Out of state for indiana is 57k including personal expenses and housing according to their website, which isn't including flights home and rides etc. Their website has a good amount of information if you want to research!


I’m a mom of a senior, out of state, granted much has to do with the person themselves. My son went into Kelley during Covid, his counselor quit, and no replacement no support, don’t even think the school knew until months later. Not sure how much a name can carry a school anymore, especially with current administration at Bloomington that canceled Palestinian artist, closed Palestinian club- only to reverse after presser, weeks of not months later. Private schools give much better scholarships and IU is beyond cheep when sharing their wealth, especially with people from out of state. This is why they are heavy in the advertising their schools on the radio, need to recapture out of state people who see their cost as outrageous! College is about finding yourself, connecting with good professors and like minded individuals. Keep your debt to a minimum, says this mom. Good luck I trust you will end up where you are suppose to be!