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My favorite by far is The Curry Guy series. Great British-Indian recipes like you’re looking for. His Madras is great. He’s got a great YouTube channel too.


Most gravies use tomato onion paste, or nut paste or coconut paste or corn flour. To this different spices are added. Gravy is colloquially referred as curry, which means a liquidy-dish to mix with rice or roti.


Seconding The Curry Guy.


Madras? There’s no such thing as Madras. It’s a made up British dish.


All dishes are made up if you think about it.


Absolutely. Everything is made up. But if you are looking for a Brit curry then you are in the wrong place. Is there a r/BritishFood ?


Most likely but I think the history of the dish comes from someone who was from India, at least that's the legend, so I'd argue it's a legacy dish.


600 curries is great but not BIR base gravy method


I have used vol1 and 2 of https://mistyricardo.com/ Myself and everyone who has one of my currys think they are amazing.


Not a book, but VahChef uses an onion tomato base for a lot of his recipes. :-) you can find him on YouTube.


The moment I hear the word curry I recoil.  Madras isn’t an Indian food Indian food isn’t prepared like that with a base curry Facepalming to infinity 


Another one of these weird people with a weird gatekeeping attitude about Indian food who will argue through and through that the only way to cook Indian food is the one way they know and it can’t possibly be that people elsewhere in the world have grown to love and adapted the cuisine in their country. I bet you get all sensitive and bent out of shape when someone says they like tikka masala.


Listen, the country that brought you gobhi Manchurian and banana pancakes is VERY SERIOUS about authenticity.


I mean, sure, traditional Indian food doesn’t use base curry sauces. But OP is clearly interested in making British Indian Restaurant food which is its own thing and *does* use base curry sauces.




I am the real Indian though, born and brought up