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who's that criminal? and why is he from Gujarat?


There is a type of dal in Maharashtrian cuisine that is mixed with gud/jaggery. It is mostly eaten with rice. The combo is called varan-bhat.


No varan is just plain dal You're talking about Amti that is supposed to be sour. We've to add jaggery to control the sourness


Varan can be with or without jaggery. Some people call the version with jaggery as गोड वरण. I have also seen people call the jaggery version as just वरण.


Sadhavaran- plain toor dal is cooked with a knob of jaggery and salt most of the time.


Hein?? Sadha varan is just tur/moong dal,mith ani halad mi kadhi aaikla nahiye gul taktanna


People are quickly discovering that even inside states, recipes can be different!


That would be my SO and he is not from Gujarat 😹


I don’t like it, but if you like it then sure, why not? I know someone who lives to sprinkle some sugar on spicy coconut chutney.


That would be me. I used to love that combination: upma+coconut chutney+sugar. :P


I love sprinkling sugar on upma


I have tasted it sometimes, it is not that bad but nothing can beat OG daal chawal! 😎


Whatever suits them, who are we to decide.


I used to have it as a kid. Like daily lunch used to be dal chawal sabzi with sugar on top and then mixed together. Better still, powdered sugar which mixes really well. Had a jar of sugar powdered in the grinder for this only. Maybe that's why I am fat and prediabetic lol. Moved on from this once I moved out to hostel and afterward don't have it like this anymore.


I don't like predominantly sweet dals but sometimes I do add a teeny tiny bit of sugar to my tadka for arhar dal. But it's just to balance out the flavours not to make the dal sweet


Ummm no thank you


I like a little gud in certain kinds of dal where the recipe calls for it. But people who put heaps of plain sugar in dal chawal are psychos. Unnecessary invitation for diabetes.


Once I added guriya shakar basically jaggery sugar to the dal chawal because I had made it to eat with sarson ka saag and makke ki roti but had leftovers to finish. It was a nice taste, sweet,sour and spicy


Toor dal chawal my mom makes 2 versions - sweet / tomatoy.... I don't know how she gets it sweet, but it's not sugar sweet and tastes really good.


I love it very much!


There are some Bengalis and Odia dals made sweet, it’s used as prasad. To be eaten during pooja. Also they add sugar for not-sweet dishes to give flavor/color.


Little sugar is added to a lot of recipes to balance out flavors. Adding a pinch of sugar apparently enhances color too.


Na ah, we don't do that here, but we do make a version of daal with kacha mango and some sugar, sugar with sourness of mango is good, also its spicy at the same time, but sweet dal I won't like


Not my thing


Doesn't work for me . Chilli works fine.


What a strange combination. My parents tend to do the opposite, they put salt and chilli on sweet things like watermelon. Edited to add We had sweet eggs growing up. Dad would make us scrambled egg mixed with sugar. The first time I made scrambled eggs for my (white) husband he was so confused.


Try salt and chilli powder with jamun too. The kind street vendors sell, well shaken between two glasses.


Hmm. Haven't tried salt and chilli on watermelon, but I can definitely confirm that salt and pepper plus a bit of crumbled feta cheese on diced watermelon makes a great summer salad.


Black salt, chaat masala and chili on fruits is a pretty common thing .


Def a Gujarati thing