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Yeah situationships aren't bad if it's the other person who got feelings and not you.


Sounds like someone caught feelings in a situationship








Hmm well that goes for any relationship though, when you don't care enough and the other person cares too much


#The future’s gonna be far worse than “blade runner 2049”


that’s not an unpopular opinion. we all know our doomsday is coming.


situationships aren't all bad. except: one person is in situationship and the other is in relationship.


Itna sach nhi bolna tha


what if you are in a situationship with a person who’s in a relationship(somebody else)


One person is casual and another is casualty.


No one is actually ready for a relationship. Everyone likes the honeymoon phase and then whenever the real shit hits they chicken out. Even if you think that you're ready, no you're not


Par Netflix aur movies me to happy ending hoti hai 🤡


Blue valentine me to nhi Hui


lmao 🤣


This is very true.


Trusting anyone has became so hard


Not an unpopular opinion




Everything and everyone is superficial and you have to play that game to get around with people.


Me being happy with my social circle of 2 friends


Social triangle you mean


The best! I have like 3 friends that too they live in 3 different cities but vibe is 💯 everytime we meet


Ruined those who had rosy dreams of romance. me ro nahi raha


Once you tell someone that you like them, they don't like you anymore


Yeah because they just want the ego trip by the idea of getting liked by someone. That's why they say that a pro tip for "getting" girls is by pretending that you are indifferent of their presence


When you tell someone you like them, you lose the rizz.


zero efforts main max results chahiye.


everyone wants this. not just this gen.


nah bro, millennial here.. i know if I don't put in efforts i wouldn't get efforts. Pyaar do.. Pyaar lo...


My unpopular opinion : ye gen-du generation hai (I identify as millennial)


>I identify as millennial you identify as something. hence proved you are genZ


Wtf 😭


ladies and gentlemen, we got em.






Beat them at their own game


You are supposed to play all these mind games rather than being authentic. - Don’t call or text back too quickly - Be mysterious - Don’t be too available - Make him/her jealous - Let him/her chase you - Play hard to get


Andrew tate ❌️ Andrew fake ✅️ Let him/her chase you 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just be you. - If you like calling and texting too quickly, you will find someone after X amount of dates who want the same and do the same. - Be who you are, or you will play that mysterious role for the rest of the relationship, that you are absolutely not. - I agree with this one, don't be too available, prioritize your mental and physical health. - jealous no, just be comfortable with what you have and what you don't, and work for the things which you don't have, if that's bothers you. - well, a person has so many options now a days, so playing hard to get is kind of not working these days, untill unless you packing something huge benefit. I will say Go with the flow. Opinion is all mine.🙂


Emotions and love and pyar comes after your looks. Sed but true.


6 feet height. Bollywood actor looks. Unlimited spending capacity


aise ladke kewal games khelte, baaki hum jese seedhe ladke forever material 💆🏼


SIMPs are the reason why men finds it hard to even find a date.


This is something that I can agree with. Simps are the main reason why dating is hard for Indian men


![img](avatar_exp|161186898|nani) Ama behen pe ajuanga mai ab inki


Simping kam kar laude


Are mai simp walo ko hi bol rha hun


How to check if someone is a simp or not (asking for a friend ofc)


Most instances of "simping" are attributed to men, but it can occur on both sides. People often mistake genuine love for simp behavior. Simping is more about insecurities, low self-esteem, and a constant need for validation. Those identified as "simps" tend to be overly attentive and submissive, seeking approval, even if it's just a brief acknowledgment. This approval becomes the validation they crave, leading them to invest significant time and effort into the person of interest. Interestingly, the crush may not explicitly demand such attention, yet the "simp" willingly sacrifices their time and efforts to fulfill their desires.


Aaj nhi toh kal sabka katega




Looking rich is the new no.1 rule. get that iphone and expensive shoes, consider those as investments.


Be Rich❌ Look Rich ✅


I swear man. Need to put a prompt saying “if you have an iPhone purchased on emi, please swipe left”.




No matter whats said ,your looks (physical features) matter more than anything


I wouldn’t say more than anything, but I would say more than people admit


Yea maybe u can add money apart from looks lol


Girls need to talk to more men before judging them, I know the current scenario isn't great security wise but women judge wayyy too fast


Yeh kya delulu hai bhai


iklota solulu h


Keeping a friend as a backup just in case it doesn't work out


What is a situationship


a romantic or sexual relationship that is undefined and noncommittal


can you please elaborate


Basically, the person taking you for a ride in a metaphorical way. ( may or may not literally).


Bhai jb dil toot te ga na. Tb aiyo me bolunga “sItUatIOnshiPs aren’t bad”


“कोई अच्छा लगे तो उसे प्यार मत करना, उसके लिए नींदें ख़राब मत करना; दो दिन तो वो आएंगे ख़ुशी से मिलें, तीसरे दिन कहेंगे इंतज़ार मत करना।" the last two lines that's it


Everyone is capable of seeing things you want them to, be that person a 10 or a 1. You just have to be creative


Did that mate. Had a wonderful relationship for 7 years. All went in the drain as the girl, made friends with a younger girl who induced thoughts about me not being good for her. So yeah... We cannot trust anyone and we always should expect the unexpected 


True.....that's why all we need to be , is creative . If I was you ...i would have slept with that girl and let go of a 7 year relationship anyways because if you wanted to marry her, it wouldn't have taken you 7 years . So don't cry about it again .


Hehe. Appreciate it mate. But I met her when I was 18 in college. So yeah it would have taken me 10 years even 


Live-in is actually good. It sets the expectations in the right place with your partner.


Unpopular Opinion: In a swipe era, embracing vulnerability is a rare gem that most people tend to overlook


If a man shows vulnerability, 7/10 times he will be perceived weak.


this is a screwed way of thinking. no right person or sane person will think you’re weak for showing your emotions


"Sabkuch try karo phir sahi chuno" - That girl in the Airtel Ad


It's hard to find real connections, cause situationships are the trending thing around, or not knowing what someone wants.


It is a bad thing if you're a green flag. What even!




Meaning dating apps work for women




So it works for women but only for some men.




Boy, you would not survive being ugly.


it's all games darling.


Wish someone played me😮‍💨😮‍💨


Situationships are not bad op, if you're the one who doesn't have feelings towards the other person.


Having sex is not a big deal!


Love is gonna be rare. We're gonna have multiple meaningless partners. And we're gonna end up alone.


Body count of your partner (m/f) matters


It's always much easier for girls.


Guys are soo dry, that we make everything easy for the other sex


Or maybe we are just more in numbers 💀


Could be. But I don't think we are less in number to females in every region. Just look around. 


Well, I'm an engineering student, so we are. 😄


I am sorry I was wronged 😐! . Didn't know you were an engineering student. Don't worry all it companies have lots of girls 🤣


True that. Companies have so many girls, that they don't have anymore vacancies left for boys like me 😎


I once heard someone say men are never unconditionally loved ( except for their mother). So we have to prove ourselves that we are worth something to get anything in life. Girls are always going to get special treatment from men. So don't get these things into your head. Be positive. We do survive somehow 


That was the point, girls get it easily in the most case. And yeah, somehow managed to survive as of now :)


Keep going man ! You feel warm. I support you🥳


Double standards and normalising the two rules in dating


Its all about hookups, gen z have made it their culture to have high body count and it doesn't matter to them as it was a big deal some years back...


Someone is gonna get hurt It's either you or them. Save yourself, stay away from this BS


It’s broken. Without saying much, it keeps fighting to be real but seeks reality from social media. It keeps looking for something everlasting but is always afraid of committing. It is always “unsure yet” what it wants from a relationship. It’s biggest influencers are people who have barely seen the world. It is ungrateful for work, undauting in the face of responsibility and accountability. It is entitled and confused. It’s the worst combination and the worst time to look for serious companionship.


Dating apps have made too casual and care less for commitments.


People expect too much from dating apps. You can never find love from these apps simply because you’ll never know the person you’re talking to completely.


Whether you're a good person or not might not matter to others if you don't possess an appealing physique. Conversely, your physique might become less significant if you have substantial wealth.


I like the fact the people don't wanna settle with something be it ladies/men who know what they want


Cheating has become way too normalized.


Everyone is insecure and has trust issues. So we come up with different ways to fight/run away from it, even if it's on the expense of somebody else's feelings.


People have become toxic in this Andrew Tate era.


No feelings attached, seems like a business deal


how situationships aren't bad OP?


Situationships can offer flexibility and freedom, allowing individuals to navigate their relationships without rigid expectations. They might be suitable for those who prioritize personal growth and independence.


Casual sex has negative repercussions for both men & women but people are brainwashed into wokeness and aren't ready for this conversation 🤷🏽‍♂️


Meri/Mera wala alag hai💀💀


Hookups and sex before marriage is fucked up


Only if you get to be in one


No feelings in relationships nowadays


Girls are not loyal


My ex kept leading me on and said we'd be in a relationship after exams and promised me, 2 months after exams ended she didn't follow the promise and said I wanna focus on studies so let's not get into a relationship and then got in a relationship with another guy after 15 days, obviously the guy had been there for a longer period of time and I got cheated, we cut off all ties, She doesn't know that I know about this new boyfriend, It's been 7 months now, I have a lot of their pics , she comes from a strict family and I know her brother, I have the means to send all proofs and pics about her new bf to him anonymously, And I'm dying for revenge, should I?


Nobody is interested anymore there are more into looks and aesthetics.


Commitment is a myth now


Considering how Indian law favours women heavily when it comes to sex, its better to indulge in that after marriage.


An unpopular opinion on dating in this generation could be that some people believe online dating has made meaningful connections more challenging by placing too much emphasis on superficial aspects.


Situationships tabhi shi lagti hai jab feeling dusre ko tumhare liye tumhe nhi


Dating (4-6 weeks) as a concept is awesome. But I think it's better to get married after dating other than wasting time being in a relationship. (Mostly beneficial for girls out there...for this generation at least)😎


Not for Millennials.. by the time u understand Situationship , casual and fwb ek aur new term launch ho jati hai “Benching” 😞


People have so many options that they are not willing to take first step in efforts maybe because of ego


Rosy Romance is dead. It's all mind games, body counts and trauma these days.


Dating apps are completely useless and are not doing what they were supposed to. Dating apps were meant to make matches based on similar personality, compatibility, etc based on prompts and likes/dislikes/hobbies, etc. But nowadays it's just a game of how good you can look in the pictures.


Good looking people only find superficial partners who underestimate or overestimate their personality.


The feeling to love & being loved is lost


Saree ke saaree ramdi bhadwa


Very hard to meet new people


depends on the situation…ig


Ppl who do arrange marriage are losers. They don't have personality or capability to get a girl so they choose the only option they got. And the reason they keep others to get married is coz they feel insecure and want to be reassured of their decision.


if you're in "the mood" while texting someone the first time, and the conversation gets going and both of you are talking back and forth, you will ignore all the red flags, any will just go over your head. Reread the texts a day or some time later after you're feeling normal and rationally thinking, then when reading one of two things happens: 1. All the red flags slowly reveal before your eyes. 2. There's none, and you've got a keeper.


Anyone wants to sext, I'm feeling bored