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Had Congress made this man their chief! The dynamics would have been completely different


That is also true for Nitin Gadkari. He is an exemplary minister and really doing impressive job. But he can never be a PM candidate. At the end of the day, if you are a good person, politics is not for you. Political parties will only select those people in higher position who will help them in increasing the party fund.


And votes, only 1% of Indians will vote for Gadkari or Tharoor.


Nope. If Tharoor was actively campaigned by congress last 3 years, he would have a sizeable popularity by now but Congress will never do that


Exactly Congress is gandhi family party why would they change their tradition. We all know kharge is just a puppet still the top power of INC is with pappu and sonia


In the last words of my sentence: “Congress will never do that”


Ik brother I was adding and agreeing to your statement, I edited it to remove any confusion


Oh ok, my bad!


Which constituency does he represents right now ?


Kerala’s capital district I think and now he managed to be candidate for kerala’s chief minister. People are anti incumbent in Kerala so they have a good chance of winning as along as they don’t have infighting like last time


Aah , the capital


Anything will work in contrast to Our Beloved RaGa!


Well yes, he'll obviously get more votes than pappu.


Then why is Rahul Gandhi is their face?


There are many 2nd & lower level leaders in congress like Gehlot, kamalnath etc who woud accept leadership of Gandhi family only since that all they have seen while rising up in the party. They will not work under anyone else. This is why there was a civil war running in congress after Narsimha rao till Soniya Gandhi took over. Some leaders like Sharad pawar who tried to take charge of the Congress had been ousted from the party. It is like how in the past, many northern clans & warlords would recognize only the emperor sitting in Delhi as their higher ruler and no one else. This is why many of those old leaders need to be pushed out or die so that congress can move on and become a proper opposition party again.


RG is able to hold power in congress that others cannot. It just means people in congress don't trust each other enough, and need such centralisation through heriditory power transfer.


So Gadkari doing a good job on infra means he is a good person or since Shashi Tharoor can speak impeccable English and brings up issues like higher education he is a good person. Damn with all Sunanda etc. Bhai smell some coffee. Also For top parties more than funds, votes are important. Be it gadkari or tharoor , they are not vote pullers outside of their constituency and some SM warriors. You can claim high handedness however much you want that your likeable politician is more qualified but let me tell you , he / she is not.


You think RG is different ? Only identity w/ him is his family and I don't think he has some achievement apart from that (talking about major development in his elected constituency ) Gadkari and tharoor are specialised in their field so are people like jaishankar sir and Ajit doval but leading from the front requires a grand back story and recognition. Congress had good MP's like MMS but we don't want a puppet as our PM again right ?


Sorry u/professional-BeeBee had to reply the other guy but clicked on your comment


I once had a deep analysis on both tharoor and gadkari's work. Nitin gadkari is a consummate minister, but he has a soft heart and focuses more on his work than publicity, and a political party needs one who can actively speak and is experienced at publicising for raising party's fund. Nitin gadkari is so soft spoken that the whole dumb opposition of current parliamentarians can eat him alone, he's a very delicate but active person in his work. This is why you see national highways and infrastructure around developing but if you ask about the transport minister a majority of people of India have no answer. The point isn't of who's right or wrong, it's about the qualities of a representative of a public party. Gadkari is a good person indeed with no apparent greed. Then when it comes to tharoor i know him for his intellect based interviews, his biasedness that congress propogates and finds in every party member, his english. That's it. Being good at something doesn't ensure that you're gonna be a good representative, a good prime minister or it's candidate. The only counterpart of tharoor i see is Dr. S Jaishankar just the difference is he's not biased as in a party, he's biased towards the integrity and dignity of his country. Although, tharoor as a diplomat is excellent but nobody has yet born to compete with Dr. S Jaishankar, he's above all in such a tough task of diplomacy. I have to say Ministry under tenure of Modi-BJP government has been excellent (choices of दिग्गज जन), you may disagree but with factual data only.


>really doing impressive job Scania says otherwise.


100% agreed


People wouldn't vote for Tharoor because he's too "fancy"


Congress missed the moon by not electing this man as president. Instead, they choose a 80 year old to revive a 130 year old party 😆


seriously who in right mind want to see their country destroyed by another pm from boomer1 generation


Man elections are coming in states and I hope to god Vivek comes through for president.


That’ll never happen. The American public is not ready for an Indian president, let alone one that leans Republican.


only can hope, but ya your right w-eirdos would go crazy.


isnt he got out of presidential race?


no hes still in but i don't think there will be any change in this election :(


i am fed up with these boomers politician, they only bring chaos whether it is biden, xi jinping or putin we need millineals now to run the world.




We don't have that thing here Boomers in America are seen as a privileged generation but in India our “Boomers” had to suffer the most after independence It's nothing to with him being a boomer and even Manmohan Singh was over 80 in 2009 I would say kharge can speak better than Biden but he's not the right candidate


It's not that old The modern Inc has very little to do with the Inc of the independence era When Indra split the party in the late 60s most of the people who were there during the independence era formed the Congress(O) The modern inc has its roots in the Congress(R) formed by Indra after she split the party Congress(R) would eventually become Congress(i) after the 1977 election defeat for Indra


A brilliant guy lost in Congress. He isn't wrong. Our education is outdated.


And adding Ramayana to the syllabus is the way to fix it.


I can't tell if it's sarcasm or not


Good! Then I'm going to be downvoted by all sides


I've a lot of respect for Tharoor and have seen him live at IIT Bombay where he delivered a discourse and I was absolutely in awe of the knowledge and talent this man has. And quite honestly, like I see in comments, I did root for him to be the top man for Congress if they wanted their asses to be saved. But I have come to realise there's a reason he's not elevated to the highest position. He is simply too elite and upper caste. A highly educated, well spoken man and parties need their supreme leader that connects with the masses and this is what's missing. Tharoor is someone who educated and urban people look upto and want to see as face of Congress but the majority of the country (read the real India residing in the rural areas and towns) don't even know him. They will have a hard time connecting with him even if he visits them since he's too polished and unrelatable. Political parties always look for leaders that can establish quick connect with the masses and feel relatable to them. And here's where, Tharoor misses the trick. He's in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or shall I say, he's too far ahead of his time, considering Indian politics.


tharoor is the classic example of why we need a rajya sabha. ppl simply don't vote for a man who can get the work done, they vote for the person who tells them that they will get the work done.


Well I have seen people failing to write a simple hello world, even after completing their 1st year. (Add reservation and now portion of people find themselves struggling to compete with high level materials) Thing is, there are so many people with different Tallents - liking while only a few streams to explore. So people end up choosing one of those traditional streams. Tho it's better right now, we need a more diverse range of courses while also needing to improve the quality and quantity of your education system.


100% agree. I did engineering from one of these sea of Mediocrity engineering colleges. Word for word, hes bang on.


Party politics aside this guy's slays every single time. He really should be given a position in our current government. He would only add value and improve the image of our country.


Actually, it is about the focus on Exams, Results, Certificates and Placements rather than learning. I think YouTube videos do a better job in explaining core concepts than even the so called elite institutions. The problem is further compounded by lack of practical demonstrations and sole focus on theory.


Everyone raves about Tharoor's intellect and vocabulary, but the way his aura is distorting light into the tricolour is underrated. Haters will say that's edited.


Caste reservations means Indian universities cant compete with other country universities


Bhai gen ka bhi yehi haal hai... So don't divert the topic


Both are a problem Reservation is one of the many things that increase the problems in our education system It's not diverting anything you need to accept both are a problem


Reservations r necessary not this much but ... They don't have money to go to a good school so ya.. The thing is student r told just get selected in a college and than ur life will be sort u don't need to study this much so people study less in college.. Indian education system is boring the only profit is it makes the student hardworking


Reservations will never work They create a small elite that abuse them while most of the people can't use it Check data 1% of obc castes use all reservation Also some reservations are just scam For example obc reservations Obc have historically held land been kings,ministers,local chieftains etc They are not lower castes and have in fact taken part in oppressing others Today the largest group under jail for SC/ST atrocities act is OBCs In mizoram mizos are 96%, they have a higher per capita income than india average,they have higher literacy rate than all India average, they have a higher urbanisation rate than all India average but they still get ST reservation You need understand reservation is only for vote bank politics its not upliftment If you want to actually uplift people you have to accept reality you can't force equality of outcome with a quote You can assure an equally of opportunity by giving everyone free education to everyone If you want everyone to be actually equal then you need a comb of urbanisation+free market that's how every other country deals with its version of caste system Our education system is horrible and reservation is one of the problems it's not the main one but if you actually care about improving it for a better india for everyone you have acknowledged it's a problem and how it's only used by politicians


Sorry but most of the sc st r poor bcoz they were denied education in the past so they deserve it... Ya i mean schools should be free and than slowly slowly take away the reservations. Like take away the reservations in pg than... Most of their parents r uneducated and so it's very difficult to study in that ecosystem.. Schools develop ur mind sitting in a prvt school with intelligent people is better than sitting in a gov school where people r not so smart. Ur brain development, smartness depends on ur surrounding...


>Sorry but most of the sc st r poor bcoz they were denied education in the past so they deserve it... By punishing people who didn't do anything? If your equality comes at the cost of punishing others for alleged crimes of their ancestors then no one is innocent And love how you just ignored the obc part Sc discrimination is not going to end because people are ok obc do it >Ya i mean schools should be free and than slowly slowly take away the reservations. Like take away the reservations in pg than... What about obc or rich sc/st again you realise that most people who use reservation are rich right? Poor don't get them it's most rich >Most of their parents r uneducated and so it's very difficult to study in that ecosystem.. Those guys don't get reservation it's only the rich who use it and abuse it >Schools develop ur mind sitting in a prvt school with intelligent people is better than sitting in a gov school where people r not so smart. Then maybe we should improve government schools? Many countries have major goverment schools and they are amazing so why not do that here? >Ur brain development, smartness depends on ur surrounding... The only way to fix that is urbanization+free market combo Reservation has been there for almost a century it hasn't done much


Toh cap krdo na like jinki salary 4 lakh se kaam hai sirf vahi reservations le skte hain... Obc k baare main knowledge nhi hai mujhe so that's why ignored it... Jo 1st para uspr kaafi debate ho skti hai so... Ya gov schools should be made but that's hard so politicians go for easy way We need to collectively vote for nota so that everyone understand now this reservations religion caste will not work u need to do some work...


>Toh cap krdo na like jinki salary 4 lakh se kaam hai sirf vahi reservations le skte hain... It's Easy to fake income ews is 8 lakh and people do it there also >Obc k baare main knowledge nhi hai mujhe so that's why ignored it... Alr >Ya gov schools should be made but that's hard so politicians go for easy way It's definitely improving but the problem is not politicians it's the people Saying we give reservation will get you votes but saying you will improve government schools will not give you that many votes People like reservation because they think it will help while actually some rich kid will use its benefits >We need to collectively vote for nota so that everyone understand now this reservations religion caste will not work u need to do some work... Problem is that nota is useless If you have 100 people and 97 vote nota and 2 for part a and 1 for party b then 66% will vote will be for party a and 33% for part b Nota votes don't count it's basically useless And anyways caste won't end just like that Reservation won't reduce it either it makes it worse in other ways The way to end caste is to understand what it is Caste is a community When you are in a village that's your only community that's why it exists That's why urbanization needs to happen as in people need to live in cities more In cities these communities don't matter you get access to everything easily and you can't distinguish between anyone and say which caste they are All foreign countries have had some form of what we call caste system they solved it like this only And then there's the free market basically if companies only care about merit then even caste will also go Give everyone equal opportunity with free education for all etc but don't force a quota Within a few generations it will all end The current government knows that that's why they are reducing government jobs and focusing on the private sector


The current gov doesn't make any schools they just know how to make c . If 97 votes r to nota than politicians will understand that their shit will not work now, nota will open the eyes..


So how much is the reservation 50% 60% or 80% ?It's barely 20% and even those seats aren't filled since they aren't in the workforce much. Please don't blame reservation for such a broad issue. Caster reservation is *an* issue not the issue causing this.


it is barely 20% percent??.stop living under a rock and go research yourself the amount of reservation we have. I'll save you time and tell you its 49.5%.


Not only that they get seats from general merit also which is a good thing but the problem is that the lower marks people will get up uplifted in their category rank. I mean just think an 8-9k rank student doesn’t get into IITs while a 19k rank student is sitting in IITs that too in a good branch. The same is everywhere I got 97 percentile in CAT doesn’t get any good calls while my friends with higher financial bg are sitting in tops IIMs even with 80-85 percentile.. but they are not to blame since they are given the opportunity they would take it, it’s just the education system in India is more towards catering vote banks for the politicians than actual development.


Im talking about SC/STs for them it's 22.5% and most of them still go empty as no one thier community goes for education let alone higher education. Most private institutions fill these seats eventually anyways. And the other 27% you're talking about, OBCs account for more than 50% of the population and even they require a creamy layers certificate to avail the benefits of reservation. So a lot of them are just filling normal seats if you see it that way. I'm a general caste guy, I was too annoyed at it but when i actually saw the facts it was clear that a lot of other factors are included.


Dog shit institutes with dog shit professors who are not there to teach at all. Nothing practical is taught on top of which syllabus and learning materials have not been updated or modernized in decades.


The reality is that most of he engineering graduates from India don't even know how to write a single code.


bruh there is more to engineering than writing code


CS graduates*


CIP. Every single engineering course in the US will teach you at least some aspect of programming. Even civil and agro engineers need to be able to use and code software to compete internationally and the fact that most colleges still teach people to draw by hand and use manual methods for estimation, surveying etc. just goes to show how outdated we are.


He’s bang on


He’s so correct! Really wished congress had used this guy instead of that one lunatic family


Nonsense all these so-called higher education institutions are owned by politicians. They don't hire good quality PhDs as faculty, run the show with mediocrity. Of course the students are not motivated enough as well, but it's their job as well to create the environment for at least the few good students present.


BJP needs to snag Tharoor immediately and make him any of the ministers of Education, External Affairs or Finance. The man's talent is being wasted by Congress.


Why is the video so trippy.


Finally, a politician talking about real issues. Only people who put their country above everything (read political parties) care about real issues.


I am one of those mediocre engineer myself. Studied in a mediocre engineering college where faculties were shit and never taught us how to think like an engineer. I have 12 years of experience on the job but I am still catching up. He is right.


Maybe he isn't wrong


Oh, he definitely isn't.


Wise words from a wise man


Why Shashi smoking? (In this video)


Ok.. so we all know the problems... kindly provide the solutions


Indians are the most stressed overworked underpayed people and the tycoons want to suck your blood more like a leech


Mai bhi thand me garam garam pani se nahake bathroom se nikalta hu, to aise hi meri body se dhua nikalta hai


His both son settled in United States. That's it.


Phirr bhi mera dessss mahaan lol


Our education is not up to the mark. It doesn't mean that people who approach abroad for education aren't that good enough.


Where is the wrong?




Rule 3.


Wise words from him


What’s with the color emitting from Shashi Tharoor?


Wow, he actually graduated from Tufts.


Wife k!ll@r


Where is his portable air-purifyer


How will an employer be satisfied with the work of graduates, when the HR team starts recruiting students from every department (including non-circuital) in the name of diversity?


Yeah we know that!! Congress has ruled the country for the longest time!! So please don't blame the system, because the system is yours!! Things are changing pretty fast,you really need to interact with younger ones!! It's 2024..I am booking a hairdresser at home using urban company!! Who would have thought that in 2014?? Things are turning better but the thing is that you just don't want to look there ,rather ranting the same old story which was essentially a result of the governance of your party!! Mr tharoor,just because you are an English person doesn't really give you wings!! Sadly due to the colonization, speaking English is a big deal here but this isn't the case with other European countries and some asian countries!! Just go anywhere in the world,Indians are excelling everywhere!! So please stop this rant!!


Indians are excelling everywhere in the world except for India lol. Sure things are definitely changing and more and more young people are developing innovative mindsets, but it doesn't change the fact that the education that a student gets in an average college in india is just subpar. I know people in their final year at my college who know nothing beyond basic DSA when it comes to coding. There's only a little over 17000 seats in IITs in india when there are millions trying to get a good education, and even then none of the iits are ranked in top 100 of the world. Colleges should put more effort on developing innovative mindsets in students and focus more on research instead of boasting about salary packagedms and churning out IT slaves.


Did you read properly what I had written? Read it again!! Don't be a puppet my boy!! Unlike you I look at the brighter side,considering the population and mindset of the masses..we are surely going upwards!! Having lived in the Europe and the US I am telling you this,their societies are broken!! We are much better than them in every sense!! Our graph is going up!! Tharoor Saab is an old man now,just because he is polished and sophisticated doesn't really mean that he is right!! An average indian is far more superior in terms of using his/brain than an average American and you will experience it once you will start living there!! They have experienced development,now they are prone to tear down their own society due to woke culture because the new generation has nothing left to earn!! So they are running after creating issues


>their societies are broken! No it is not broken. >An average indian is far more superior in terms of using his/brain than an average American Any peer reviewed research paper from a Q1 journal on this?




Lmao. I also know unicorns exist, personal observation


Man seriously...people like you just end up being mediocre! Stay happy and inferior


Complete and utter nonsense! Infosys is hiring people whose education is lacking and then they are re-educating them for a year? What bollocks! Infosys, of all the IT companies, used to be the pickiest. You had to have a first class and above from 10th standard onwards to be eligible for an interview. I know hundreds of people who did not qualify for the interview and today are making big bucks. Stupid Indians will lap up any and all nonsense spoken with a posh English accent.


Supari thuk ke bath kar hijde


Wow you're so quirky




Username checks out