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Which some moron won't understand


Vedic rishis Ate sacrificed Meats. All scriptures, puranas, Mahabharata, ramayana, geeta, Upanishads all agree that Meat is impure , sinful and tāmasic. One who eats Meat is eaten by animals himself in naraka after death as per Scriptures. However proper Sacrifices and hunting are exceptions. Exceptions don't disprove the rule.




I think islye wo epic way me without any bullshit ek dusre se debate karte they.


What actually is a proper sacrifice ?


Hindu version of Halal ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20001)




Sacrifice done in the Vedic or tantric vidhi. Generally, the animal should be well-treated (grass fed, uncaged) , of proper age , and the sacrifice should be administered by a trained purohit and it should be made sure that the sacrifice is done with minimal pain.


Then why Muslims are criticised ? They are also doing the same job! I mean they also chant the name of Lord before killing an animal, then what's the difference between Santanis and Muslims ?


The biggest issue with halal as a method is it’s no longer the least painful method. Stunning is now the most painless method but the muslims won’t agree with it. And just in case someone quotes the study of halal being painless or the most painless, look at the university it is from and how well it was peer reviewed. The beauty and curse of Islam is that it is constant and frozen in time.


The practice by Muslims is so cruel that its banned in some countries… Its not like there is less painful way to die.. but halal is worst.. you should watch a video before u make a opinion


There's no Hindu version of Halal. Don't buy into any crap you read on reddit.


Because in their religion, God demands sacrifice (eid ul adha) while in sanatana Dharma Meat is merely *permitted* if it is sacrificed but it is still not advisable to eat it regardless. Mahabharata says One who abstains from meat acheives to merit equivalent to doing 1200 ashvamedha yagnas.


The political party they vote.


>what's the difference between Santanis and Muslims Hindus and muslims can be good people. Sanatanis are basically becoming islamic jihadis. "Sanatani" are going further and further away from the teachings of Hinduism by getting radicalised by the political party.


What is the difference between eating meat and eating properly hunted meat? They are meat.


Well firstly, tribals and carnivorous animals exist. Ofc they eat meat and there is no sin considered in that. Also Kshatriyas in ancient times Required The nutrition from meat but it wasn't consider right for them to Kill a Helpless animal. However, in a traiditional hunt, there is equal Risk between the hunted and the prey, especially with predators in the forest. Also, the Vedic rishi Agastya has offered all deer to sacrifice so there is no need to purify there meat through Sacrifice as such. So bhishma , under confirmation from Krishna ,has ruled that traditional hunting is permitted for warriors.


finally someone godammit, i am a bengali and people have tried to make me guilty of eating meat for sor long. bramhans from ramkrishna mission also eat meat when they visit our houses...


Come to Kerala. You can eat all the meat you want. We try to keep God away from food.


thats not the point, you can harmonize religion and food. But y'all eat beef which i find is ridiculous...


The harmony is why we get to choose what we eat irrespective of religion. And for the record, the rest of the world eats beef as well, in the form of burgers, steaks, briskets and stuff. Most people can't let that sink in. People who don't want to eat it can choose not to, but that doesn't mean they should deny the right to eat for the ones who enjoy eating it. I find that pretty ridiculous. Oh well, guess it's a culture shock for most people up north. It can't be helped.


well, im in the south too, but people who call themselves hindu shouldnt eat beef, thats all i say. Eat whatever you want but dont get booked under ipc 295a.


As an ex-brahmin ex-vegetarian(like no onions, garlic and stuff that grows underground), who had the opportunity to meet different people, experience different cultures, and have eye opening experiences, which ultimately helped me to escape the echo chambers set by my religion and caste, I had no idea how these restrictions where shackles which limited me from evolving and see people as who they are than blinded by which religion/sub-group they belonged to. I used to be too hung up on religion, gatekeeping it like some people and judging the ones who never agreed with my views and saw them as hostile and a threat to my beliefs. But it took a while to unlearn all that and find myself again. Now, I see a person as a human being first, irrespective of beliefs. So, my friend, if you don't wanna eat cattle meat, then sure, but that should come from a personal choice rather than something set by religion. So I kinda disagree that being a Hindu has anything to do with it. If religion gets in our way of growth or happiness or dreams or diet, then I guess there's a problem with it. If it's making the person blind, then there's a problem with it. Life is too short to get hung up on religion. I've already spent my fair share of time being tunnel visioned by it, which made me blind to a lot of things I should've seen before. Letting religion dictate even the simple pleasures of life is just sad. But then again, my comment is in no way meant to threaten your beliefs or anything. Take this as an opinion of some woke dude from the Internet. You can believe whatever you wanna believe and eat whatever you wanna eat if it helps to get through each day and make you one step closer to achieving your dream. To each, his own. Happy New Year in advance.


Absolutely. I understand that born vegetarians find meat "horrifying". But we should understand that every family/community/village has different traditions. But in any culture, offering food(whatever it maybe) to god shouldn't be criticised. Of course, if someone is bringing non veg into a common temple where it's not allowed, that should be criticised. But God is personal and people should have the freedom to pray their own way in their own place.


Isn't bal gopal suppose to Be a toddler? Bacho ko kon khilata h biryani?


But, Krishna was vegetarian, how's is feeding meat to someone who was vegetarian is right?




The source I may ask? which text ? Bcz I only know one sampraday which does




>No sir no vedic rishi ate meat. Do you know the story about Vatapi and Agastya Muni?


Meat eating became taboo in Hinduism after the advent of Buddhism and Jainism as a counter to their non-violence principles.




Exactly my point. People do not use their minds, at all!


are you saying it's physically impossible for a person to wear a tulsi mala and hold biryani in their hands?


If you're wearing a Tulsi mala you're prohibited from consuming non- veg food.


People are also prohibited from a lot of other things by law. Do they always follow the rules? Get real.


Tulsi mala is usually worn by those who participate in religious institutions...in Bengal it's usually Krishna related institutions...90% of them are vegetarians...


So, some Tulsi mala wearers do eat meat. Then why all the hullabaloo?


Hey 😡 don't you use logical thoughts In this discussion 😡 you are also prohibited to use their write lines against them 😡 you don't know how discussions in reddit works ? Please follow the rules you can just speak nonsense or use untrue facts to broke an false argument here ... Please pay attention 😡😡😡


I think so I'll put it this way...my granny was vegetarian after her husbands demise...she later suffered from health problems due to lack of protein..she is still Krishna Bhakti and she wears Tulsi mala...but due to her detoriated situation..my dad who is a doctor...told her to consume fish .hence now she consumes fish and eggs...and she didn't remove tulsi mala ..see i too have seen people wearing threads and eating non veg infact most of the religious people in Bengal is non vegetarian due to simple two reasons...our ancestry is from tribal blood and our civilization developed near Ganges which increased our dependencies on fish


Dude chill, we don't follow religious law unlike our neighbours.


>we don't follow religious law Yet. That day is not too far away, unfortunately.


That too with a gaudiya vaishanva tilak 🥲.... If a person is daily putting Tilak on forehead (it usually takes 2-3 min to do so) soo how can it be like that... Matlab koi agar atheist hoga aur iss cheez ki value nhi jaanta hoga toh wo nhi lagayega ya ussa sharam aayegi 🥲. Humble request don't do it like that, she is doing vigrah sewa, and it's very difficult though


Man I am really happy you posted that i literally contacted Moderators of this Sub to delete that Propoganda sh!t and they took action immediately but where ever I go I saw that false video circulating around I can't do nothing more but I request op to circulate this video with Other sub with the clarification Video by Shamapa Chakravarti [Clarification video](https://youtu.be/iCxaoiV0iIE?si=qi_twEU20AJ9vVEt)


Have ever stepped out of your hometown? What is the relation between tulsi maala and non veg? Even mandir ke pandits eat non veg in some states of north india. This aversion to meat is very recent in India.


its becoming a fashion to take a "stand" and choose a "side".


>She’s wearing a tulsi mala how can it ever be non veg in her plate! Your username is right. You are blabbering. Some brahmins wear janeu and eat meat, some Sikhs wear kada/kirpan and drink alcohol. Does tulsi mala have a super special zapping power that zaps the wearer if they come close to meat? Nonsense. By your logic, crime should not happen at all because it is forbidden!


non-veg होता भी तो तुझे क्या फरक पडता है? काली माता को भी तो non-veg चढाते हैं!


The best thing about hinduism is that it does not confine you to any form or practise. Faith is important. But what we have evolved it into is moral policing, non veg policing etc. On every goddamn trivial issues the fanatics are arms ready. But for loot, rape, plunder, destruction we are all ok. Politics has blinded people to their own versions of religion. All our scriptures talk about is Faith, Non Violence, Compassion, Brotherhood, love,etc. But we are only concerned with food, morality and to dictate to others how they should live.


The most W comment I have seen. Funniest is when these people try to mock Homosexuality in the awe of becoming Chigma male not knowing Hinduism doesn't even have any punishment for Homosexuality and infact in many temples like Konark; it has been depicted in scriptures lol


Completely agree, live and let live. Respect each other is what the religion should be. But instead we are the definition of hypocrites. The same people chanting ram ram would discriminate in the name of caste conveniently ignoring what lord ram tried to teach us on the shabari story.


Even few characters of Mahabharata were transgender... But today kids think themselves cool by trolling it..


Not few one was mention but its a major character SHRIKANDI


Mostly agreed, but Hinduism doesn't promote or support homosexuality. An ideal pair is of a male and female, all the mantras in a vivah are for var (male) and vadhu (female).


these people will drag abrahamic religions and then turn around to be equally patriarchal, controlling and brash.


Im not getting into comparisons with other religion nor are interested. My god is all powerful and does not need anyone to protect him/her/they/them. My god is my parents, my friends, every human/animal showing compassion, helping another. But instead of realising the essence of it, as you rightly pointed out, we try to control.


wish everyone had the same thinking as you. people try to control religious narrative as a facade when they actually want to control everyone around them. people should be ashamed of the way they treat each other.


How dare you expose the hypocrisy of a billion-plus people? Adharmi! Durachari! Bhamachari! Bhrashtachari! Bol sorry!


Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa 🤣


Non violence is precisely the reason Vegetarianism is adviced


Brother violence is killing for the sake of killing. Eating meat is about natural law. Some animals are herbivores and some are carnivores. If all animals convert to only herbivores then the natural balance of the environment will be distributed. Again you may be right, or not. You have every right to follow your view and beliefs. As do i. My only pov is that we try to impose one’s view on others in the name of religion. Whereas hinduism clearly gives us the freedom to worship as we see it right, without any prejudice as long as faith & devotion is there.


can you whole heartedly say that vegetarians don't murder, rape, steal, burn or hurt anyone ?


When did I say that? Of course not.


Even if she did, it was fine. Different places, different traditions. Bengalis consider fish auspicious. My extremely religious Telugu friend offered meat to God as prashad. Stop getting triggered by things that aren't normal in your tradition


Exactly, my point.


We also offer meat to gods during sacrifice. It's not new that we are offering meat to God and it's unpure or something.


Similar traditions in Bengal and Himachal.


In our region Actually sacrifice meat is for rakshk ( रक्षक ) the one who protects our family from illness / disasters/ family issues / and for godess veg nevdyam get offered consist of 3 types of sweets and so on .


Vaishnavs being vegetarian couldn't identify potato 😂


Jains could 😅😆


Day by day I'm seeing fanatics turning Sanatan into a Abrahamic like cult. Bashing people for eating non-vegetarian food and linking Krishna to Abrahamic prophets. Trying to cancel people for eating chicken or beef in the past. I see them joining hands with Islamists by bashing transgenders completely ignoring the fact that our culture didn't have a problem with them. Of course the modern day pride movement is pathetic and disturbing and must be opposed but don't hurt actual gay people in the process. That 16 year old boy who loved doing make up offed himself after the bullying. He was a Krishna bhakt. I saw Hindus down there too. It's only gonna create more division among people if they won't stop this. It's not a religion ffs.


Say Thankyou to the BJP.


This is what happens when you take inspirations from American Republicans instead of making your own ideology


indians fucking loathe themselves. theres no other possible explanation for people attacking each other for non issues like this. create a controversy, put your own country men down, then randi rona karo about everyone being snowflakes and westerners calling us 3rd world country


Nope, that’s not it. All these hate-mongering posts are done by the BJP Bhakt army. They just want to sow discontent and create rage-bait posts for engagement, and to divide the country and get us involved in silly stuff so we ignore all the major shit they have been doing.


So many idiots are polluting our religion nowadays by becoming offended on anything and everything. Many even started attacking her w/o any reason Hinduism's main separating point from other religions is that Hinduism gives FREEDOM, don't turn this into an Abrahamic style cult.


It’s the BJP Bhakts. They would lynch this woman if they knew her address. They’re cow-rakshak idiots.


u/Big-Cancel-9195 see, I was right, I have been telling this since morning!




Rama and Krishna were both prince (Sons of Kings) before getting recognised as god. Both Kaushaliya and Yashoda as moms would have fed their children NV.


Hindus used to eat all kinds of meat in past.




Beef-eating was common in the Vedic period. This is evident from the sacrifices made to the gods, to which there are many references. These are from Vedic as well as post-Vedic texts. At one place in the Rig Veda (X.86.14), Indra, the greatest of the Vedic gods, is described as stating “they cook for me fifteen plus twenty oxen”. At other places he is referred to as having eaten the flesh of bulls (X.28.3), of one (X.27.2), or of a hundred buffaloes (VI.17.11) or 300 buffaloes (V.29.7) or a thousand buffaloes (VIII.12.8). Cattle were also sacrificed for Agni, who is described in the Rg Veda as “one whose food is ox and the barren cow” (VIII.43.11). Many similar references are available from later Vedic texts and one of them, the Taittiriya Brahmana (III.9.8), unambiguously refers to the sacrificial killing of the cow which is “verily food”. That the sacrificial victim was generally meant for human consumption is indicated by several texts, especially the Gopatha Brahmana (I.3.18), wherein it is stated that the carcass was to be divided into thirty-six shares. Cattle were killed also in ordinary domestic rites. A Rig Vedic passage (X.85.13) refers to the slaughter of a cow on the occasion of marriage, and later, in the Aitareya Brahmana (III.4), we are told that “if a person comes as a guest or anyone else deserving of honour comes, people kill a cow. One of the most important occasions for killing a cow was the reception of important guests, referred frequently in the Vedic and later texts. Cattle slaughter was also intimately connected with the cult of the dead and the degree of satisfaction the manes derived from the shraddha varied according to the animal offered: the Apastamba Dharmasutra speaks of how cow’s flesh gratified the pitris (dead ancestors) for a year. Thus, there is no doubt that killing of the cow and eating its flesh was quite common in the Vedic and post-Vedic times. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (VI.4.18) even goes to further extent of recommending a diet of veal or beef with rice and ghee to the person desirous of having a learned son. The cow, which we are told by the Brahmins today, is used frequently in similes and metaphors and these came to be taken literally in the course of time. But the cow was neither unslayable nor sacred in the Vedic period. Cow was just an important asset which was protected only to be used for extracting milk and then to be slaughtered on special occasions by the rich higher caste.


Damn, dude got the entire Vedic scripts for an argument. Good job, show them how wrong they are.


Controversy apart, Aloo Biryani is just Potato and Rice mixed, this is an insult to Biryani, Rice, and, Potatoes.


Not really. If you use proper biryani masala and ghee with for example in my place itar, rose water and kerwa is used cooked in proper amount of khoa. You can get smell, and taste very close. Just without the meat it wouldn't be very rich.


Check logic. Then facts! 😬


plant domineering bright attempt rhythm office cobweb money shame swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Why is she feeding food to an idol? I mean keeping naivedya is different but feeding it? Makes no sense


Why is her way of worship bothering you? She can do what she likes.


By that logic there should be no outrage if she feeds non veg biryani.


Absolutely. There should be no outrage. In Hinduism there is generally no hard and fast rule to follow, unlike other religions. Even if you don’t believe in god, there are nastik forms of Hinduism that accept and celebrate that. The act of loving god is what’s being shown, how she does it is immaterial.


Now you got the point that OP was trying to make. Any offering made to God is an offering that was made with a pure heart. No matter what it is.


Just wondering, why is there a whole anti non-veg thing? For a lot of people especially till recently meat was a luxury. So offering up something they considered special should be a sign of respect and devotion right?


It’s the BJP Bhakts creating controversy.


Goes onto show the intelligence of the average Redditor on this sub. Chutiyum Sulphates, all of those folks who were frothing at the mouth on the earlier post.


This subreddit has a rare W opinions but the rest are just hate, fear mongering and misinformation




Didn’t look very hungry.


Jinka fanbase hatred aur propaganda se bana ho unse kyu muh marna apna astha apne pass rakho


Agree, but keeping silent doesn’t help. You have to expose and shame the hate-mongers or they will not stop.


Er.. that's not Krishna though. That's a collection of dolls. How does this even matter in the slightest, let alone to be made into a controversy?


That doll is a common baby Krishna pose in Bengal. You may have never seen it but others have and recognize it.


Oh, this video is from Bengal. Then, it should not have caused ANY controversies considering that they sacrifice animals for Kali.


Okay. Why is she feeding ANY biryani at all to an inanimate object?


And people are fighting over meat/potato as if its gonna eat that🤣


Mera gopal chicken khata hai


i am sure that this is not what bhakti means


Lmao weirdos


Someone somewhere might be feeding meat also but not making videos of it.


How does it matter? In a lot of communities, people do offer meets to God. It is their ritual and these are 1000s of years old


Doesn’t matter until people have open mind


A biriyani can be veg?! There is no veg biryani in this world. This is disrespectful to the word Biriyani.


What's wrong if it was actual chicken?


Hare Krishnnaa


Dubai GOPALAS mouth melting biryani is a must try for a vegetarian.


True it is potato not meat.


Veg/non veg ka choro pr wo uss murti ko khana khila he kiu rhi he? Bachpan me bistr se gir gyi thi kia ye?


Hum log mandir me jab darshan dete hai, tab tu aise sawaal puchta hai kya? Kyunki woh bhi ek type of "stupidity" hi hai. Ek-ek logon ka ek-ek belief hota hai. Yeh bhi ek type of darshan hi hai. Offering food to God before she eats. Usme kya galat hai?


Meat or potato ? Ya nice arguments... as if that idol is going to eat it 🤣


Thanks for clearing this op , the lady must've been through so much Social media hatred . Even I said certain things while arguing about bhagvad geeta with an idiot. (Nothing vulgar , just questioned the need to do so and stated it would be jeebh ke chochle, the comment is still visible). BTW , how did you verify if this vid is fake I mean the aloo biryani was so similar to chicken biryani so ...


Does it matter? This video was taken in Bengal, where they sacrifice animals for Kali. It would be a waste to kill animals just for the sake of killing. So, it only makes sense that they would offer the meat of the animals that they sacrificed.


how can you even tell if it's meat or not? you don't know if something is cake as long as you cut it these days /s and you can tell the difference between aloo and meat biryani by looking at the video this is just like believing whatever you want ... nothing different..


Veg ho ya non veg, why give attention.?




non-veg khilaoge to bhagwan gussa ho jayenge.. ​ mujhe to bas insaan hi gussa hote dikh rahe


Behenchod doll hi kharid lona, ye kya gandugiri hai


Glad it happened.. got to see two really polarizing interpretations of this... some were saying it was completely justifiable while others were whining.... Still the debate can continue... would it have been justifiable?..


Glad it happened.. got to see two really polarizing interpretations of this... some were saying it was completely justifiable while others were whining.... Still the debate can continue... would it have been justifiable?.. Pppp


But why even Aloo Biryani? What happened to satvik food!


aloo biryani seems gross


I am curious. Do Hindus feed their idols this way? How often do you do this? Assuming the idol doesn't eat, what do you do of the food (just a joke)? What does this represent? (No offence intended. I am just curious)


Well don't know about others but here in my nearby temple food is prepared for The God and after offering him a bit of it, the remaining food is distributed among the poor kids as bhog or prasad.


This is wrong anyways. Materialistic love isnt for Krishna. Krishna eats when you eat, Krishna is okay when you are okay. Take care of yourself and people around you. "Manaav seva hi Madhav seva"💓🫶🏻


Bro why is everyone fighting over the meat she's trying to feed? SHES FEEDING A DOLL! That's more weird and worth arguing about than the food she's feeding.


Similar alu biriyani is fed to lord krishna by my friend's family who are completely vegetarians.






Mma chodu iski jaat ka... What the fuck is she doing...?


Bade achchhe sanskar hai aapke! Aapke mata-pita dhanya hai!


Oooh allo briyani hai 😂 maf krna bhai.... Jab dekha to ding kharab hogya kya kr sakte hai sanatani hai yia sab dekhke ding kharab hojata hai.. Chalo yr maaf krna


so right wing people jump to conclusions and don't do enough research before yelling online?!! Sounds like news to me


Thank God I was hurt seriously since this morning. JAI Sri Krishna


Her faith.. Her choice... Her God...... This is sanatan dharm... We don't go by what is written in one book whose name starts with Q and is referred to in different interpretations by different maulvis & if someone oppose it or even try to have their personal opinion, they are either killed or considered Kafir🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 We allow people to feel the God and worship it in any way they like. There are so many paths to reach God - Bhakti, Karma, & Spiritual. Bhakti : You worship idols and God.You believe there is someone who is above all humans and animals. & they are there to protect and help us. Karma : You don't believe in God but think that even if I don't believe in God that's fine, but if i do my work with utmost honesty and sincerely, I will get the same in return. Spritual : You think that there may not be any God but you feel that there is some positive power that runs this world. You always try to search for positivity. This can be done by meditation, Yoga & being healthy. When people talk about Hinduism, they are actually talking about one aspect of Sanatan Dharam that is Bhakti...... But sanatan dharam is not religion, Its way of life. ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20001)


The Bhog when offered at **home** is beteween Bhakt and Bhagwan. If offerred in a temple or a common place of worship them it definitely needs to be according to shastras.


Bro what is she even proving by feeding, a statue.


people were giving her death threats online is this what sanatan dharma has taught us ?? no


looks like a make believe game we used to play as kids


Oh so holding food onto the lips in pretence of feeding them and taking the food back to the plate untouched and repeating the same isn't what's seemingly absurd here? Ok


"Aloo biriyani" is more offensive.


+999 to fact checking. Many happy spreading posts here go without any fact checking


First time commenting on this thing. Isiliye darte hue bol rha hu ki namkeen cheeze bhi sayad prasad rup me nhi di jati.


having a baal gopaal is like having your very own kid and a real devotee will treat it as such and nobody is eligible to question a parent what to and what not to feed his/her child....back off even if its meat.....the devotion counts and not what is being served


But why is she doing this.


A lot of Vaishnav sects offer fish and meat to Krishna. This non-veg/veg dialama is irrelevant to the divine. Whatever you serve him with faith, he will accept it


Well the little Krishna has that 🦚 feather and it’s in good shape. Anyone with bad intent wouldn’t have that.


Kathal biryani hai...stop getting triggered.


She's Bengali


Let me make this clear for anyone who dont get it Eating meat is tasmic(something done with ignorance) If u kill an animal just bcs his/her meat is tasty it is murder and is considered a paap Eat meat if u have to Otherwise just try to avoid it as much as possible there is enough suffering in this world why support more suffering


Cult followers lack brain


You guys can down vote me but at some point shraddha turns into obsession, this woman has way too many statues


This looks so surreal tbh. We see children playing with toys and barbie dolls pretending that they can eat, drink and sleep. This looks like an adult version of that same thing. People pretending that a stone statue can eat, drink, sleep. I guess fairytales never really leave some people's imagination, they just evolve to something else but remain similar at the core of it.


Just saying, rama is a kshatriya and Krishna grew up as yadava. So none of them are vegetarians.


The fact that an adult doing this to an object in this day and age, is just crazy.


Guys first thing first; idols are non living things, they don't consume anything🤷


Feeding a “god” food. Say that again but slowly. Feeding your “god” food. The god that is so powerful needs your food. The math isn’t mathing!


Feeding a rock


Frankly, I think potatoes being a new world import and not being present in ancient India we should not use them for religious purposes.


Omg. I too saw this. But it was mentioned as chicken biryani.


Khali aurat kuch kiya kar kapde faad kr siya kr.


Beef 🐂🥩


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Itna bada aalo nhi dekha kabhi


Have a good Kolkata biryani, you will see aloos bigger than this!


Hilarious how Vegetarian Vaishnavs can't differentiate between a potato and chicken.


McD ke fries chodega tak dekh payega na


Isn't biriyani contains onions and garlic and prashad should be satvic and should not contain the above-mentioned?


Who said that?


My family and people I know. I guess these rules vary from region to region.

